जीसी में कांग्रेसियों का भाजपा बोर्ड की नाकामियों पर विरोध का एजेंडा !

  • 6 months ago
00:00 "The Nagar Nigam is going to be held on 15th February.
00:07 In that context, we have taken a meeting with our party members in the Congress Committee
00:13 in the form of a pre-GC.
00:16 The development of the city is in a very bad state.
00:26 In that context, we have promised the people of Ajmer
00:31 to work together to solve the problems of the people of Ajmer.
00:42 The Congress Party will keep its word.
00:45 We will keep our partner's word.
00:47 And we will surround the Indian People's Party.
00:50 Development in the city is in a very bad state.
00:53 The promises you have made to the people of Ajmer, you are not fulfilling them.
00:58 And the people of Ajmer are still suffering from that hell.
01:01 To keep our word, all our party members have unitedly decided to keep their word.
01:08 And we will surround the Indian People's Party.
01:11 On what topics have you discussed?
01:13 We have discussed all the topics on the agenda.
01:16 But the main topic is the 4th Congress of the year.
01:20 In the Nagar Nigam, it is necessary to have a 3-month Congress.
01:24 But we have only one Congress in a year.
01:27 If we have only one Congress in a year, how can we discuss these topics?
01:30 So, we get a chance to discuss these topics in this Congress.
01:35 If we have one Congress in a year, if we have these 4 Congresses,
01:39 then we can keep the topic of development in the city at our level.
01:43 We can keep the topic of our area.
01:45 But if we don't have one Congress in a year, then we can keep the topic of our area.
01:51 And we can keep our topic in the hands of the Mahabharat Party, the Indian People's Party Board and the authorities.
