• l’année dernière
Bishop Tudor Bismark -- Power In The Blood (The Blood of Jesus)


00:03 Well, good evening, Ulife Covenant Church.
00:17 And again, a happy New Year to everybody.
00:21 We are back to our midweek service presentation.
00:25 And the team took a little bit of a break
00:30 during the festive season.
00:31 But we resumed.
00:32 And the teachings in the next few weeks
00:36 are going to be on the subject, "There's Power in the Blood,"
00:42 and subtitle, "The Blood of Jesus."
00:46 And so we want to go through a Bible teaching,
00:50 basically, on the significance and the need
00:56 for the application of the blood of Jesus,
00:59 how the blood is applied, and then also benefits,
01:03 and so on and so forth.
01:04 So we'll work through that very systematically.
01:08 I would encourage all the listeners
01:10 to not just watch this one in a strop, or get in the middle
01:19 without reviewing, so that you've
01:21 got context, a pretext with reference
01:25 to the subject itself.
01:28 Because even though the lessons are kind of designed
01:30 to be standalone, one lesson leads into another.
01:35 And the lesson that is being ministered
01:37 depends upon the previous.
01:40 And so we'll pray.
01:41 Father, we thank you for Ulife Covenant Church.
01:45 We thank you for our midweek Bible study.
01:47 We thank you for all those watching around the world.
01:51 But also, we thank you for those that are
01:53 serving to make this possible.
01:56 We pray, God, that there'd be no demonic mischief,
02:01 and that if there's any pushback from the subject,
02:05 that the blood of Jesus will definitely
02:08 stand as a standard against the enemy.
02:11 Satan, the blood of Jesus Christ is against you.
02:14 We pray for the release of that power in Jesus' name.
02:17 Amen.
02:18 So let's go to the book of Hebrews chapter number 10
02:21 and start reading from verse 1.
02:25 And we'll then filter into other scriptures as we go along.
02:30 A fairly lengthy reading, but it is important.
02:33 The book of Hebrews, as you are aware,
02:37 was written possibly by the apostle Paul.
02:41 Some say Timothy.
02:42 Some say James.
02:43 We're just grateful that the book was written.
02:46 But the book was written to the children of Israel
02:50 and generally basically converted Christians of Israel
02:58 and also to the general body of Christ.
03:03 The book starts by saying, "God, who at sundry times
03:06 spoke to the fathers by the prophets,
03:08 and in these last days spoken unto us through his son."
03:14 And also he goes on to say in chapter number 2
03:19 that, "If the word of God was steadfast spoken by angels,
03:23 how much more should we observe the word spoken
03:27 by Jesus his son?"
03:29 And he goes on to say that there is a salvation that
03:34 comes through the work, the function, and the body,
03:39 and life of the Lord Jesus Christ.
03:42 And so the theme of the book of Hebrews is better.
03:46 It's a better book.
03:47 It's a better covenant.
03:49 It's a better testament.
03:51 It's a better agreement.
03:53 And it's speaking of better things to come.
03:56 And so everything in comparison to the Old Testament
04:01 in the New is better.
04:04 And so in chapter number 10, verse 1,
04:07 "For the law, having a shadow of good things to come,
04:12 and not the very image of the things,
04:15 can never with the same sacrifice which they offer
04:19 continually year by year make those who approach perfect.
04:26 For then would they not have ceased to be offered.
04:30 For the worshipers, once purified,
04:34 would have had no more consciousness of sins.
04:39 But in those sacrifice, there is a reminder of sins every year."
04:47 So what he's saying that every year, the same individuals
04:51 had to come and make a sacrifice for their sins.
04:56 Verse number 11, "So the priest, every priest
05:01 that stands and ministers daily, offering repeatedly
05:04 the same sacrifices, which can never take away the sins,
05:08 but this man, after he was offered once,
05:13 offered one sacrifice for sins forever,
05:17 and sat down at the right hand of God,
05:20 from that time," verse 13, "waiting till his enemies
05:24 are made his footstool.
05:26 For by one offering, he has perfected forever
05:33 those who are being sanctified," verse 15.
05:40 "But the Holy Spirit also witnesses to us,
05:43 for after he had said before, this
05:46 is the covenant that I will make with them after those days,"
05:50 says the Lord, "I will put my laws on their hearts,
05:55 and in their minds, I will write them."
05:58 Verse 18, "Now, where there is remission of these,
06:04 there is no longer a sin offering.
06:07 Therefore, brethren, having boldness
06:09 to enter into the holiest of holies,
06:11 by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way,
06:17 which he consecrated for us through the veil that
06:21 is his flesh," verse 21, "and even a high priest who
06:25 serves over the house of God."
06:27 So chapter number 7, 8, and slightly into chapter 9
06:35 of Hebrews deals with the priesthoodship,
06:38 saying that the order of the priesthood, which
06:42 is two, the priesthood of Aaron, the priesthood of Melchizedek--
06:48 and we've dealt with that in 2023--
06:52 he said the priesthood of Aaron was limited,
06:55 because it was a priesthood that ministered only
06:59 to the children of Israel for the sins of Israel.
07:03 However, the priesthood of Melchizedek,
07:06 who was pre-Israel, he appeared to Abraham in Genesis 14.
07:13 That is a type of Christ, which is a priesthood forever.
07:17 And so Hebrews 7, 8, and into chapter number 9,
07:22 the writer of that book is making a comparison
07:25 between the two priesthoods, saying
07:28 that he is a priesthood forever after the order of Melchizedek,
07:33 because Aaron offered once a year on the Day of Atonement--
07:38 the Jews call it the Feast of Yom Kippur--
07:42 where the priest would go with two basins of blood,
07:45 one for himself to make atonement for his sins
07:49 and one for the nation of Israel to make atonement
07:52 for their sins.
07:54 But he would apply the blood on every piece of furniture,
07:58 seven of them, seven times with his index finger.
08:02 The index finger is the prophetic expression.
08:06 His five-fold ministry, the thumb
08:09 is the apostle, because he touches all four.
08:12 Apostle, prophet, the longest finger
08:14 is the evangelist, because it reaches far.
08:17 This finger, the left finger, is the pastor,
08:20 because the pastor has love for his sheep.
08:23 And this finger is the pinky, the small finger,
08:27 because he can reach into the ear.
08:29 It's the teacher.
08:30 It clears the ear for a person to hear what
08:33 the spirit says to the church.
08:36 And so teaching, then, builds faith,
08:39 because faith comes by hearing, and hearing
08:41 comes by the word of God.
08:43 So with the prophetic finger, the index finger,
08:46 the priest would apply seven times a day,
08:51 once for a day of the week, once for the seven dimensions,
08:55 and so on.
08:56 We've dealt with that in 23.3.
08:57 But he would apply seven times, calling
09:00 on the seven primary names of Jehovah
09:03 and the seven major names of El, like Elohim, El Elyon,
09:10 and so on, El Shaddai.
09:13 He would call those names as he went
09:16 through the pieces of furniture, the door, the altar, the lever,
09:20 candlesticks, showbread, altar of incense, veil,
09:24 and then the Ark of the Covenant,
09:26 on which the angels looked on the mercy seat, where
09:30 he would apply the blood.
09:31 When the blood was applied, the wrath of God
09:35 would come to judge Israel for their sins.
09:38 The wrath of God would strike that blood.
09:41 And then God would repent for putting his wrath
09:45 on an innocent life, which was a lamb that
09:49 committed no sin, because an animal cannot sin.
09:53 And so in God's repentance, in my own words,
09:57 God would then have an act to reward
10:04 an entity for his anger.
10:07 And that reward would go to Israel,
10:09 where he'd roll their sins away for one year.
10:14 He would kick the sins down the line for a year.
10:19 Until it got to Calvary, where Jesus then
10:23 became the atonement for all sin.
10:27 And so that blood that was shed by an animal each year
10:33 on the Feast of Atonement was for the nation's sins.
10:38 But if an individual committed sins,
10:41 they were required to come on a daily basis
10:45 with some sort of an animal.
10:48 It was either a bull, a lamb, a ram, a bullock, a turtle dove,
10:58 or a pigeon, based on their economic wealth,
11:05 also based on the level of their violation.
11:10 And then Aaron would offer that animal, spill the blood,
11:16 and then burn the animal on the altar,
11:20 unlike the Day of Atonement.
11:22 And so when Aaron would come back out
11:25 of the Holiest of Holies after presenting the blood,
11:29 and after God receiving that sacrifice,
11:32 he would come back through the tabernacle,
11:35 and he would come to the remaining animal.
11:38 He would lay his hands on that animal
11:40 and pronounce the sins of Israel on that animal.
11:45 And he would say to the people, behold the Lamb of God
11:49 that takes away the sin of the world.
11:52 And then a junior priest would lead that animal.
11:56 It was a scapegoat, or it was a ram chosen
12:01 that would be led into the wilderness,
12:03 into a place that was nameless.
12:06 And it would be left there to die in the wilderness,
12:11 to perish through dehydration in the hot sands of the wilderness.
12:16 And its flesh, and its entrails, and its entire body
12:24 would be consumed by the heat of the sun,
12:26 and also the dry earth.
12:29 And that animal would be remembered no more.
12:32 To fulfill what God had said, I will remember your sins
12:37 no more, as the east is from the west,
12:41 I will remember your sins no more.
12:44 So the principle then is no blood, no atonement.
12:49 No blood, no forgiveness.
12:52 And so then it is the blood that brings forgiveness.
12:57 And so Jesus then is the better way.
13:00 His sacrifice is the better sacrifice.
13:04 The church that he birthed through his death
13:08 is a better entity than the Old Testament temple.
13:14 The word that he taught, which he was in the beginning,
13:18 was the word.
13:19 The word was with God, and the word was God, John 1, verse 1.
13:23 And the word was made flesh, verse 14 of John chapter 1.
13:28 His word was a better word than the Old Testament.
13:32 He said, I've not come to do away with that word.
13:34 I've come to fulfill it.
13:36 He said, because I've come to fulfill
13:38 the law, that's Moses, and the prophets,
13:41 beginning with Samuel, Elijah, and Elijah.
13:47 And so he fulfills that word.
13:49 And so Jesus then brings a better hope.
13:53 And so he is better than the angels,
13:56 Hebrews chapter number 1, verse 7.
13:59 He is a better hope, Hebrews chapter number 7,
14:02 and verse 19.
14:05 He is a better testament, Hebrews chapter 7, and verse 22.
14:11 He has better promises, Hebrews chapter number 8, and verse 6.
14:16 And he is a better sacrifice, Hebrews chapter number 9,
14:20 and verse 23.
14:22 And of course, as I said earlier,
14:24 he is a better priest.
14:26 And so he was then saying that, in Hebrews chapter 10, verse 34,
14:33 even though you were living in a wilderness,
14:37 and God was providing all of your needs,
14:40 you were having a heaven on earth.
14:43 But he says, when Jesus came, he brought a better thing,
14:47 opening the heavens above so that we
14:50 have access to a better heaven.
14:53 In Hebrews chapter number 11, verse 16,
14:56 he said, we desire a better country,
14:59 because the country we are in, this country,
15:03 or a physical country in the earth,
15:05 or even living as a believer on the earth, in the church,
15:11 there is a better one, which is the place--
15:15 John chapter 14--
15:16 I've gone to prepare a place for you.
15:19 It is a better place.
15:21 And then also, there is a better resurrection,
15:25 because the resurrection was subliminal.
15:29 The resurrection was suggestive, that even though the priest
15:34 brought the blood of a lamb, and you are now saved,
15:37 there's no death, and you are experiencing resurrection power,
15:41 because you are not going to be destroyed because of sin.
15:44 You will be destroyed because of the aging of your body
15:48 and the deterioration of a molecular system, which
15:51 is natural, brought on by Eve.
15:54 There is a better resurrection, that the blood of Jesus
15:57 then gives us access to being raised from a death that
16:03 was caused by sin.
16:05 And then in Hebrews chapter number 11 and verse 40,
16:10 he says, God has provided some better thing for us.
16:14 So it's always better.
16:16 In Hebrews chapter number 12 and verse 24,
16:19 Jesus is the mediator of a new covenant,
16:23 and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things
16:28 than the blood that Abel had shed with his sacrifice,
16:34 and also the blood of righteous Abel.
16:37 And so it's always better.
16:40 So let's talk about the blood in the last few minutes
16:42 of this presentation.
16:44 We start with the essence of why God wants blood,
16:50 and that's Leviticus chapter 17, verse 11.
16:54 The book of Leviticus, designed to the children of Israel,
16:57 Levitical, has to do with laws pertaining to life,
17:04 both spiritual and physical, also based
17:09 on heavenly and domestic.
17:12 And so there were a number of things
17:13 that God forbid Israel to do.
17:17 And so in chapter number 20 of the book of Exodus,
17:21 we have what is called the Ten Commandments.
17:25 And then there are other laws that
17:27 come after the Ten Commandments, such as washing laws,
17:33 dressing laws, eating laws.
17:36 And they were told it is forbidden for anyone
17:41 to eat blood, because Hebrews 17, verse 11 says,
17:46 "For life, all the life of an entity is in the blood."
17:52 And so all life is in the blood.
17:57 And the point that he's making here
17:58 is that when God breathed into Adam the breath of life
18:04 in Genesis 2 and verse 8, Adam became a living soul.
18:10 So he was a body on the ground with no life.
18:16 When God breathed into Adam, the breath of God
18:20 caused blood circulation.
18:23 And it is blood that distributes life.
18:27 And so every human being has a heart.
18:30 And so when that physical heart begins to pump,
18:33 it's pumping blood with oxygen and food or energy
18:39 into the body.
18:41 And then it also transports all waste
18:45 that comes back into the system and is processed out
18:49 of the body into what Jesus calls the dearth.
18:54 And so without the blood, you cannot live.
18:56 Without a heart, the blood cannot circulate.
19:00 And so then the blood of anything,
19:05 whether it's an animal from a fish in the water
19:09 to a bird in the air to ground animals, all of them have blood.
19:16 So God used a substitution blood and not
19:21 human blood for sacrifice.
19:24 The blood he chose was not the blood of a fish.
19:28 The blood he chose was not the blood of a bird for atonement.
19:33 He chose the blood of a lamb, a sheep,
19:36 which is an innocent animal, not that others are not.
19:41 A sheep is an animal that was the easiest to domesticate
19:46 because sheep, other than cattle or goats or any other animal,
19:51 are more difficult to domesticate.
19:54 And generally, sheep in their diet don't eat rubbish like goats.
20:00 Sheep generally eat grass.
20:04 They won't even eat the roots of grass.
20:06 And that's a different teaching altogether.
20:09 And so their diet is purer.
20:12 Their lifestyle is purer.
20:16 They have to be led because they don't have adequate intelligence
20:21 to lead themselves.
20:23 And so if you look at raising sheep, whether it's Australia
20:27 or whether it's in Scotland or England in particular,
20:31 you can actually have a dog called a sheep dog leading
20:35 sheep.
20:36 And so the Bible says in Isaiah 53, all we like sheep
20:41 have gone astray.
20:43 And the Lord has laid all of our iniquities on him.
20:48 The Bible says in chapter number--
20:50 in Psalm 100, we are the sheep of his pasture.
20:55 Psalm 23 says, the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
20:59 And so we are sheep of his pasture.
21:04 And he leads his sheep into his pasture.
21:09 And so when a sacrifice was needed,
21:13 God wanted a sheep out of a pasture for sacrifice.
21:19 So if you go back now in the study of sheepfolds and sheep
21:25 being chosen, it starts with Abel.
21:29 Both boys, Cain and Abel, learned their trade
21:34 from their father.
21:36 Cain was a tiller of the ground, as was his father, Adam.
21:42 Abel was a raiser of sheep.
21:44 He had herds.
21:46 And so the reason God accepted his sacrifice
21:50 is because when Adam rebelled against God, all of creation
21:57 rebelled against Adam.
21:59 Thorns and curses came into the earth.
22:02 And so by the sweat of a person's brow,
22:06 they had to earn their living.
22:08 So for Cain, it was generally easier
22:12 to raise fruit from the ground, because each fruit
22:16 whether it's a vegetable or whether it's fruit,
22:19 had seed within itself.
22:22 So all he had to do was find seed and plant the seed,
22:27 and it would grow.
22:28 And so from that produce, based on a genetic process,
22:33 he would be able to present a sacrifice.
22:36 But with Abel, he had to then domesticate
22:40 animals that had rebelled.
22:43 And it's so difficult to domesticate something
22:46 that is in rebellion.
22:48 And once something is brought from rebellion
22:51 and is brought into a place of order,
22:54 and you bring that sacrifice, God accepts it.
22:58 That's why the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 13,
23:01 we bring the sacrifice of praise.
23:04 That is the fruit of our lips giving praise and thanks
23:07 unto God.
23:08 Because James tells us in James chapter number three
23:12 that the tongue is the most difficult organ in the body
23:16 to domesticate and to control.
23:19 It is rebellious.
23:20 It is a fire that can set the whole world on fire.
23:24 He compares it to a rudder on a ship or a boat
23:27 and a bit in a horse's mouth.
23:29 It can turn the whole body.
23:32 A person that can't control their tongue
23:34 cannot control their body.
23:36 And so in a similar way, what you bring out
23:40 of rebellion into domesticated order,
23:44 God will accept it as a sacrifice.
23:47 Therefore, from his sheepfold, Abel brought a lamb.
23:53 And his sacrifice was more excellent than Cain's.
23:58 Not that Cain's wasn't a sacrifice,
24:01 but God wanted the more excellent sacrifice.
24:05 It was Noah who offered lambs after
24:09 and various clean animals after he came out of the ark,
24:13 a sacrifice.
24:14 Abraham did the same thing.
24:16 Isaac, Jacob, all his boys all did the same thing.
24:22 But where the lamb and the blood became required,
24:25 where we close this session, is in chapter number 12
24:28 of the book of Exodus, where the children of Israel
24:32 after years of slavery in Egypt--
24:35 Egypt is a place of the world of sin.
24:38 It's the place of bondage.
24:41 Pharaoh is a type of Lucifer with Luciferian rule
24:48 to keep people bound, no decisions, no choices,
24:53 working as slaves for 430 years.
24:59 And so to have them released, there
25:03 was the last requirement, which was each household
25:08 prepare a lamb, separate that lamb for two weeks,
25:13 inspect it for any spot or blemish.
25:16 Couldn't be blind, couldn't be lame, couldn't be maimed.
25:20 It had to be the best lamb of a flock.
25:23 So even though the children of Israel were slaves,
25:28 they had animals.
25:31 Because after one of the plagues and the hailstone
25:35 that had fire in them destroyed the Egyptian flocks,
25:40 all the flocks of the Jews were saved.
25:44 And so Pharaoh said, you guys go and worship.
25:47 Leave your flocks and herds with us.
25:48 And they were like, no way.
25:50 This belongs to us.
25:51 They were rich in flocks and herds.
25:54 And so when they offered the Passover lamb,
26:00 when you do the calculation of the numbers of the children
26:03 of Israel in slavery, as many as almost 3 million,
26:07 the writers and the commentators say
26:10 there were at least 600,000 households.
26:16 So if there's 600,000 households,
26:19 it meant that there were at least a half a million lambs.
26:23 Because a small household would have to join together
26:27 so that there was no waste.
26:31 And so it's estimated that at least a half a million lambs
26:35 were slain that night.
26:37 And if you do the math of a half a million lambs,
26:40 there had to be a ram and a hew to produce that lamb.
26:44 And generally, sheep produced too.
26:47 So they had millions of sheep.
26:50 And the best of a half a million lambs were slain.
26:54 If you calculate the kinds of blood,
26:59 the millions of gallons of blood that were shed and spilled,
27:04 that blood had to be applied on the doorposts
27:08 and the upper posts.
27:10 And the blood had to be sprinkled.
27:12 And the Lord said to them, when I see this blood,
27:16 I will pass over you.
27:18 The first Passover where blood became an official atonement.
27:25 And as you are aware, the word atonement
27:29 is to be at one with God, to reconcile.
27:34 And so the Passover was, when I see the blood,
27:38 I will pass over you.
27:40 And so when we fast forward to the New Testament
27:43 in 1 verse 29 of John, when John the Baptist, the older priest,
27:49 saw Jesus, the younger priest, John the Baptist,
27:53 the Aaronic order, recognizing Jesus, the order of Melchizedek,
27:59 John the Baptist had to fulfill all righteousness
28:01 by submitting the priesthood of Aaron
28:08 to the priesthood of Melchizedek.
28:10 The way he had to do that was by submersion of baptism
28:15 to fulfill all righteousness.
28:17 And he named Jesus as the lamb of God.
28:19 The minute he did that, Jesus then
28:22 was sentenced to the death of a lamb whose blood would
28:27 be shed for the sins or the sin of the world,
28:32 because life is in the blood.
28:35 Jesus had to shed his blood to save the world.
28:40 Without the remission, without the shedding of blood,
28:44 there is no remission of sins.
28:47 Without the shedding of blood, there
28:50 is no forgiveness of sins.
28:53 Without the shedding of blood, there is no deliverance.
28:57 There's no healing.
28:59 There's no blessing.
29:00 And so it is needful, as Caiaphas said to the Sanhedrin,
29:06 it is needful that one man die for the nation.
29:10 It was this Jesus, Jesus the Christ, born in Bethlehem,
29:15 went into Egypt in exile, came back and lived in Nazareth,
29:20 was baptized of John in Jordan, started his ministry
29:24 and functioned in Capernaum around Galilee,
29:28 marched into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday,
29:31 was betrayed after his last supper with disciples.
29:35 He was scourged and beaten, mocked, beard plucked out,
29:39 abused by the Jews who denied him,
29:42 and beaten and assaulted by the Romans who crucified him.
29:47 He hung between two thieves.
29:49 He shed every drop of blood.
29:51 And when every drop was shed, he said, it is finished.
29:55 Not just the task, not just God's will,
29:59 not just the fulfillment of his destiny, it is finished.
30:03 The last drop has been shed.
30:06 And when the soldier pierced him in his side
30:09 and blood and water came out, it was blood preceded
30:13 by fresh water because that fresh water came
30:16 from a pure heart.
30:18 When that was done, the blood was applied.
30:21 The first one to receive the blood and the atonement
30:24 of that blood was the thief on the cross, who was told,
30:27 today you'll be with me in paradise.
30:29 Jesus went into the lower parts of the earth, Ephesians 4,
30:33 preached to all of those from righteous able,
30:36 all the way to the last Jew that died the day before he died
30:40 and preached to them salvation, presenting his blood.
30:44 And when he did that, and they accepted him
30:47 as God's way of salvation, the Lamb of God,
30:51 he then defeated Satan when he presented his blood.
30:54 Revelation 12, verse seven, we overcome the devil
30:58 by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.
31:02 Sisters and brothers, there is power in the blood.
31:05 Apply the blood of Jesus on your life.
31:07 Your sins will be forgiven.
31:09 Your life will be made whole.
31:11 Thank you for being with us on this inaugural teaching
31:14 on the blood.
31:15 Father, we thank you for the blood.
31:17 We apply the blood of Jesus and we overcome the devil
31:20 by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.
31:23 In Jesus' name, amen.
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