The only solution to Climate Change || AP Neem Candies

  • 7 months ago
Video Information: Vishranti Shivir, 06.10.2019, Mumbai, India


~ What is really good?
~ Why is environmentalism not enough?
~ How do we stop climate change?

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 Climate catastrophe is a spiritual problem and it can only have a spiritual solution.
00:13 All else that you see happening around you in the name of climate activism is just tamasha.
00:19 It will not help.
00:20 Haan, it will boost up a lot of egos.
00:23 It will give fame and limelight to a lot of young people.
00:27 They will become climate warriors, they will become saviors of the world.
00:30 Tomorrow one of them might even get the Nobel Prize.
00:35 So much of limelight is there, you know.
00:37 This young man, he has really brought this issue to popular consciousness.
00:44 Let's bestow upon him the Nobel Prize for peace.
00:49 All that can happen.
00:50 But all that will be just symbolic.
00:53 Not helpful at all.
00:54 Or even if it helps, it will help only to a very marginal degree.
01:03 Do you get the real solution?
01:06 From 8 billion, take it back to 2 billion.
01:10 And you don't have to kill people for that.
01:12 You just have to educate and encourage people to not to reproduce.
01:18 Even if they want to have kids, let them have at max one kid.
01:24 And second thing is, this 2 or 3 billion that finally remains must be deeply spiritual from
01:30 the heart so that it does not have a tendency to feast upon the world.
01:38 Are you getting it?
01:40 But the way climate activism is going, it is going in a very blind direction.
01:49 People are trying to get governments to intervene by way of legislation.
01:56 What can the governments do?
01:59 It's a democratic world.
02:01 The governments will only do what the people want them to do.
02:05 And the people want only cosmetic steps to be taken.
02:10 So the governments will take cosmetic steps.
02:16 In fact chances are, as far as this tree plantation exercise is concerned, chances are we have
02:21 already crossed the threshold where tree plantation can reverse the effects of climate change.
02:32 That threshold has already been crossed.
02:35 Now we need stricter action.
02:37 Now we need more meaningful action.
02:39 Now we need real action.
02:43 Planting trees might have been a useful step 20 years back, but that threshold has been
02:48 long since crossed.
02:50 You need to do more concrete action today.
02:53 And more concrete action is not about Friday demonstrations and all those stuff and Friday
02:58 strikes.
03:01 All that is just a show.
03:03 Real action needs to be taken.
03:05 [Music]
