• 8 months ago
Viva La Stool | Viva TV
00:00 We are going for 41 straight free throws.
00:03 My prediction is midnight or death.
00:05 It's time to lock in, twin.
00:06 Spoiler alert, I'm not a 100% free throw shooter.
00:08 I am going to miss.
00:09 Wink, wink, Rico.
00:10 Foot in line, Rico.
00:13 Yes!
00:14 [CHEERING]
00:16 Yes!
00:16 Yes!
00:17 Yes!
00:17 Go!
00:18 Go!
00:18 Go!
00:19 [CHEERING]
00:21 We will have liftoff.
00:26 [CHEERING]
00:35 We're back with DraftKings.
00:40 Love DraftKings.
00:40 The Jerry Hole-in-One challenge, it was like,
00:42 we want to do something like that for this DraftKings launch.
00:46 It is Monday afternoon, tonight, 5 o'clock.
00:49 We have to hit 41 free throws in a row.
00:50 Dave and Dan have to hit five total.
00:53 Dave's hitting the 15th, 30th, 41st.
00:56 And then the rest of the other five people
00:58 are going to be a combination, just whoever
01:00 gets hot at the right time.
01:01 Barcelona employees, if it's ringers off the street,
01:04 who knows?
01:05 And we've had quigs running numbers.
01:07 We've done math to actually try and figure out
01:09 how it's possible.
01:10 The one variable that we didn't factor in
01:12 was Dave is like a 10% free throw shooter.
01:17 Oh my god.
01:18 Look up that one.
01:19 I don't think you-- my shoulder.
01:21 OK.
01:22 That was my shoulder, man.
01:24 You just got to bend the knees.
01:26 I know the haters in here.
01:27 You're just going, I don't have a shoulder.
01:31 I don't have a shoulder.
01:32 No shoulder.
01:32 He can't get the ball to the hoop.
01:34 It's going to go bad.
01:34 And I feel like I'm going to be the person that
01:36 gets a lot of blame for it, which is fine.
01:38 But it was his idea.
01:39 I think he wanted to do 100 in a row at one point.
01:41 41 was where we ended up.
01:42 So I don't know.
01:43 I'm curious to see where this ends.
01:46 I have a vacation.
01:47 I'm going to play golf.
01:48 Dan's going to Mexico Wednesday.
01:50 And if it doesn't end before that, I'm going to cry.
01:51 Somebody is going to break.
01:52 It ain't going to be me.
01:53 I'm here for the long haul.
01:54 I'm here for the sleepover.
01:55 I'm with all that.
01:56 After hour five, I'd say people are just
01:59 going to start to be on edge.
02:00 And then by hour eight to 10, you're like, all right,
02:03 let's fucking do this.
02:04 Play is like 9 o'clock.
02:05 We're going to try and do it as just barstool to eight or nine.
02:08 And then start bringing in Pat Babs,
02:10 that he has a game in Milwaukee if we're still going at midnight
02:12 that he'll come.
02:13 We crunch numbers.
02:14 And it's like a one in a million chance.
02:17 How are you?
02:17 But if we have--
02:18 Seven for 10, eight for 10.
02:19 OK, all right.
02:19 Yeah, that's cool.
02:20 I can show.
02:21 You want to bet?
02:22 Yeah.
02:22 Let's do it right now.
02:23 I'll give you 7 and 1/2, and I'll take the under.
02:25 [CHATTER]
02:28 [CHATTER]
02:30 [CHATTER]
02:33 [CHATTER]
02:35 [CHATTER]
02:38 [CHATTER]
02:39 That was better.
02:39 No, I can shoot free throws.
02:40 Free throws are good.
02:41 If we were great shooters, it would be impossible.
02:44 Ty is probably a great shooter.
02:45 Big T's a very good shooter.
02:46 The rest of us are average shooters at best.
02:48 Where am I sleeping tonight?
02:49 That's what's on my mind.
02:51 The actual challenge itself will be fine.
02:54 I think I'm just going to live at this office
02:56 for the next week or something, I guess.
02:59 I don't know.
02:59 [CHATTER]
03:02 [CHATTER]
03:04 That was a tough bounce.
03:06 Oh.
03:08 Nope.
03:09 [CHATTER]
03:12 I'm going to be OK.
03:14 Don't hurt yourself.
03:16 I just got to get in the rhythm of walking to a line.
03:20 This is a problem.
03:21 It would be the funniest divorce ever, being like, yeah,
03:24 you got stuck in a free throw challenge.
03:26 Remember the good moments.
03:27 We had three kids.
03:28 Like, it's beautiful.
03:29 I don't want to say anything, but I'm 2 of 10 right now.
03:32 Stop shooting.
03:33 I'm screwed.
03:34 I mean, my flight's at 9 AM Wednesday.
03:37 The one vacation I'm taking here,
03:38 right after football season.
03:40 We could be here all night.
03:42 Honestly, we could.
03:43 We could.
03:44 Just the boys playing ball.
03:45 It's like, this is good.
03:46 This is great.
03:47 Partnership?
03:48 Am I not supposed to be excited?
03:49 I'm just here to shoot some ball with my pals.
03:52 Partnership.
03:54 We're here a long time.
03:55 It'll be a bonding experience.
03:56 [LAUGHTER]
04:01 The more I shoot, the more pain I'm in.
04:05 Yeah, so stop shooting.
04:06 But I'm 9 out of 10, Dad.
04:08 What's your prediction?
04:09 How long does it take?
04:10 We'll be done by midnight.
04:12 This could be three hours.
04:14 This could be 33 hours.
04:16 So I don't really know what to think.
04:17 Hopefully we all get hot.
04:19 My prediction is midnight or death.
04:21 Forever.
04:22 I will die here.
04:22 I don't think we can do it.
04:24 I think we're going to have to get some outside help.
04:25 We'll put out a bat signal, and someone
04:27 will show up and save us.
04:28 But yeah, we're not getting this done.
04:29 I'm just being realistic.
04:31 This is virtually impossible.
04:32 I don't think--
04:33 I don't know how many people here realize that.
04:35 There's a reason the NBA team's never done it.
04:37 This is not easy.
04:39 This is going to take a while.
04:41 It's not going to be a fun night.
04:42 We won't be done with it.
04:43 We won't be able to do it.
04:44 You don't think at all?
04:46 No, it's impossible.
04:48 But hopefully by 5 o'clock.
04:50 This is fucking-- this is a fucking podcast Jesus.
04:53 This is fucking mortifying.
04:54 I'm the host of the unnamed podcast.
04:56 Who's in charge of this?
04:57 Well, I've been sleazy too busy fucking cutting jokes.
04:59 You can't freaking put a shirt together?
05:01 What's the difference?
05:02 I don't know.
05:04 It's a-- it feels like I'm on the outside.
05:06 I don't know what the difference is.
05:07 Let me see yours.
05:09 Oh, it's the same.
05:09 Oh, what's the difference?
05:11 What's the difference?
05:12 What the fuck?
05:13 That's going to affect my performance.
05:14 I feel slighted.
05:15 That way--
05:15 Well, I don't know.
05:16 Your shirt's going to make it in time, I guess.
05:19 Who's in charge of this?
05:20 That looks exactly the same as ours.
05:21 Let's do your shirt.
05:25 Who runs this fucking operation?
05:27 Let's go.
05:30 [LAUGHTER]
05:33 I don't hate that one.
05:36 I like that one a little bit better.
05:38 Oh, no.
05:39 Rico Rapino.
05:40 Oh, no.
05:41 Brico.
05:41 [LAUGHTER]
05:43 You carry a routine.
05:44 I know.
05:45 I mean, but it's funny when somebody else gets it.
05:47 I get it every week.
05:48 Zico blows, Rico wet.
05:49 Can't happen.
05:50 Weak link, Rico.
05:51 Foot in line, Rico.
05:52 How durable is that screen?
05:54 Not durable.
05:55 Maybe we need a blindfold for you.
05:57 Like a fucking horse.
05:58 [LAUGHTER]
06:00 We should get a blindfold for him.
06:03 Don't fall.
06:03 Don't fall.
06:04 I'll be all right.
06:04 Don't-- don't--
06:05 I'll be all right.
06:06 Micro penis.
06:07 I'll show my fucking cock right now.
06:08 Hey, hey, hey.
06:09 Let's go.
06:09 Hey, do we have a blindfold?
06:11 Do we have a blindfold?
06:12 Can someone get us a blindfold?
06:13 I have a regular white guy average cock.
06:15 Why not-- yeah, no, it makes it a bit funny, though,
06:17 if you're just walking around with a blindfold.
06:19 Nah, this will fuck me up.
06:20 Yo, no, no, no, no.
06:21 Just stay blindfolded for now.
06:23 This will fuck me up.
06:24 Just-- do it.
06:24 Put it on.
06:25 You can sit there and listen.
06:26 You can hear when it goes in.
06:28 I'll show my fucking cock right now.
06:31 Scumbags.
06:32 I really have never seen as confused a population on whether
06:36 this is hard or easy.
06:38 A lot of people are like, it's so easy.
06:39 Other people are like--
06:40 Really?
06:40 Yeah.
06:40 But the thing is, once you, like, get-- someone gets going
06:43 with two, they can go, like, six.
06:45 Yes, there has to be things like, hey, I'm dead.
06:47 I'm feeling it.
06:48 Don't take me off the line.
06:49 Yeah, you're feeling it.
06:52 [APPLAUSE]
06:55 That's it.
07:00 Three.
07:02 [APPLAUSE]
07:06 Fuck!
07:10 [APPLAUSE]
07:10 Suck my dick!
07:11 Suck my fucking dick!
07:16 [APPLAUSE]
07:20 Eight.
07:21 [LAUGHTER]
07:21 No, we can do it.
07:22 That's it.
07:23 That's it.
07:23 This is 30.
07:24 That's it.
07:24 This is 30.
07:25 30, David.
07:26 [THUD]
07:27 Oh!
07:27 Oh!
07:28 [LAUGHTER]
07:28 I like that, though.
07:29 I like you from over there.
07:31 Seeing 30 is huge.
07:32 We're going to just go me, Kirk, Hank, and Che.
07:37 And we're just going to go till we get the first eight.
07:39 That's right.
07:39 That is excellent.
07:40 Like, we're just going to keep going till we get eight.
07:42 And then--
07:42 And then you guys--
07:43 --one, two, seven.
07:44 Yeah.
07:45 Even though we were at 30, we weren't,
07:46 because we still had to have all four of us.
07:48 Mentally, to know that we're touching 30 is--
07:50 Yeah.
07:51 All right, let's go.
07:52 We just have to get to eight.
07:53 They're-- like, it's just like they have high percentage
07:56 chance.
07:57 So the less shots they have to make, the better the chances
08:00 they get.
08:00 You know what I'm saying?
08:01 But we're-- we have a less percent chance of getting 15.
08:05 But the first 15 don't matter.
08:07 Yeah, it's crazy.
08:07 I don't-- like, we're just trying different things.
08:10 I don't know what I'm saying.
08:11 [APPLAUSE]
08:14 Oh!
08:23 Oh!
08:23 Oh, yeah!
08:24 Oh, yeah!
08:24 Oh, yeah!
08:25 Oh, yeah!
08:25 Oh, yeah!
08:26 Every time I miss, it feels like the world is ending.
08:28 Yeah, I literally can't miss or we're fucked,
08:30 which I understand.
08:31 I signed up for it.
08:32 But spoiler alert, I'm not a 100% free throw shooter.
08:35 I am going to miss.
08:36 God, every time I do, it's like a knife to the heart.
08:38 If I was shooting the way I've shot here, like in my backyard,
08:40 I'd be like, holy shit, I'm on fire.
08:42 I'm like, this is the best I've shot free throws my whole life.
08:45 And here I'm just like, failure, failure, failure, failure.
08:47 That's all I'm feeling is failure.
08:49 So let's try this.
08:50 Let's try this.
08:51 Let's try this.
08:55 I'll let him.
08:57 All right.
09:00 Yes!
09:00 Oh!
09:01 [APPLAUSE]
09:01 Here we go!
09:02 [APPLAUSE]
09:04 18, 16, 20.
09:09 We got to check.
09:10 This is the lineup.
09:12 This is the lineup.
09:16 We're right!
09:17 Come on!
09:19 Come on!
09:20 [APPLAUSE]
09:23 [CHEERING]
09:24 Come on!
09:25 Come on!
09:26 Come on!
09:27 Come on!
09:31 Tighten this!
09:32 Tighten this!
09:32 Tighten it!
09:33 Tighten it!
09:39 [CHEERING]
09:40 That's all right!
09:40 That's all right!
09:41 Hey, hey, we got this!
09:43 We got this!
09:44 Hey, we got this!
09:45 This is the way to go!
09:46 I can't shoot 100%.
09:47 No, that was a bad miss.
09:48 I mean, I'm not even going to make excuses, but like,
09:51 I choked, technically.
09:52 Of course I choked.
09:53 You didn't choke.
09:53 But I hit like 15 for 16.
09:56 You could feel everybody's like heartbeat going.
09:58 And it was like, I would have rather--
10:00 I would have rather--
10:01 I would rather have people clap it up for me as I was going.
10:03 If we get back to that spot and you hit five, step off.
10:05 Step off.
10:06 Because you can just take a full break, and then it's like,
10:07 oh, now I only have to hit five.
10:08 I'm at a point where like, I'm not even seeing a rim anymore.
10:11 I'm seeing like an abstract painting that's
10:14 hanging on the wall.
10:15 And I'm just kind of shooting at it.
10:16 Yeah, dude, you're not even-- it's just like objects
10:18 like floating in space.
10:23 Hey, watch the ball.
10:24 It's almost there.
10:27 Oh!
10:29 Oh!
10:30 [APPLAUSE]
10:33 Stop.
10:34 Here we go.
10:35 I shorted 30 blizzards.
10:37 30 blizzards.
10:38 Yes, Dan!
10:39 [APPLAUSE]
10:44 Yeah!
10:44 [APPLAUSE]
10:46 Four a day, four more to you.
10:47 Did you have a dog?
10:48 [LAUGHTER]
10:50 I'm going to take a piss.
10:52 Dan, two more to you.
10:53 You have a shot.
10:55 One fucking piss.
11:01 Stay there, stay there.
11:02 Fuck!
11:08 You fucking son of a--
11:10 Fuck!
11:16 Yeah!
11:16 [APPLAUSE]
11:18 Son of a gun!
11:21 All right, let's go, let's go, let's go.
11:23 Let's stay at it, let's stay at it.
11:24 Are you that good?
11:25 Can you hit like 10 in a row?
11:27 All right, so come on over.
11:28 I'll sign you a one-day, one-day contract.
11:31 All right, bye.
11:32 That four piss!
11:33 [LAUGHTER]
11:34 One-day contract.
11:36 That four piss!
11:37 I believe Tate just got in the car,
11:40 and I think he's five hours and 30 minutes away.
11:43 So that would mean he would get here around 2 in the morning.
11:46 I'll see you guys around 4.
11:48 And if someone has the address, please send it my way.
11:51 And also, to my principal, I quit.
11:54 I also hear rumblings that Patrack
11:56 made me make an appearance.
11:57 Ah, what's up, my man?
11:59 All right, fuck you till you think this is.
12:01 I'm in this bitch.
12:03 You got me?
12:03 No, I don't want no damn mic.
12:05 Don't do me like that.
12:06 Treat me like I'm some type of weirdo.
12:09 Yo!
12:12 Fucking go, lock in.
12:13 Let's go.
12:14 Pat, what up, baby?
12:15 [APPLAUSE]
12:18 We needed this.
12:20 I can show you.
12:21 He's hanging on by a thread.
12:23 By a fucking thread.
12:24 Be coachable today.
12:25 Be coachable.
12:26 I'm trying to be coachable.
12:27 They're fucking turning on me.
12:28 I'm with you.
12:29 I'm with you.
12:32 [APPLAUSE]
12:33 We're on a run.
12:34 We're on a run.
12:35 Take five, Pat.
12:36 Take five.
12:42 [APPLAUSE]
12:45 Come on.
12:46 You in this bitch.
12:47 Let's go.
12:48 Let's fucking go, bro.
12:49 Yes!
12:50 Let's go!
12:51 Let's go!
12:52 Let's go!
12:55 All right, great run.
12:56 Great run.
12:57 All right.
12:58 Great run.
12:58 All right.
12:59 No, no, no, no.
12:59 He don't get-- come on.
13:00 Let's go, Dave.
13:01 Lock in.
13:01 Let's go.
13:02 Come on.
13:02 Positive.
13:03 And here we go.
13:03 Here we go.
13:04 Let's go, boys.
13:05 Right back.
13:06 All right!
13:09 It's time to lock in, twin.
13:10 Bro, this is the most, like, Indiana booty call ever.
13:12 I've seen Indiana kids, like, shoot free throws at 2 AM.
13:14 That's my booty call.
13:15 What's up, slimeball?
13:17 Here we go.
13:22 That was my first shot in, like, two out of the 48 minutes.
13:25 Oh, my boy.
13:29 Are you surprised?
13:30 That's what I do.
13:32 Slimeball.
13:34 You're not watching this shit?
13:37 This shit is wild.
13:39 Kako, only free throws, man.
13:41 He's a goalie.
13:42 He's hailing three.
13:45 Why?
13:47 You guys are fucking wild.
13:49 These people are going first class right now.
13:53 What's your--
13:54 What's your twin?
13:58 They say you can burn it.
14:00 Yeah?
14:01 Yeah.
14:02 I love it.
14:03 You ready for this?
14:04 Hell yeah.
14:05 [CHEERING]
14:13 I told Rachel, I have BDS.
14:15 What's that?
14:16 A thing called big ditch syndrome.
14:17 I surveyed my back, gave out at birth, so I was walking bent.
14:21 I'm sure you might have BDS, too.
14:23 No, I think it's just-- we got our backs made a little different.
14:26 Man.
14:27 It's a blessing in a curse, you know?
14:29 I can't really run that fast with the weight.
14:31 I know I have three flush nuts, man.
14:32 That'd be crazy.
14:33 Nice.
14:34 Don't never tell, twin.
14:36 That's what I've got.
14:37 You ain't wrong.
14:42 Everything he said, I was, yes.
14:44 Don't play tomorrow.
14:45 OK.
14:46 [LAUGHTER]
14:47 I just wanted to make him happy.
14:49 I just wanted to make him happy.
14:53 Yes.
14:55 There you go.
14:56 Slime-o.
14:58 Slime-o.
14:59 Slime-o.
15:00 Hi, my boy.
15:02 Big T, big ass concerns.
15:05 About 12 hours in.
15:07 Looking like we're going to sleep here.
15:09 No signs of hope, and Ohio State is still an hour away.
15:13 Any other NBA players in the area, feel free to come by.
15:16 Let's walk away and talk.
15:17 I just said don't fucking touch me.
15:19 Don't, don't, don't.
15:20 That's twice.
15:21 I told you not to touch me.
15:22 All right, just everyone chill out.
15:23 Can we walk away and talk?
15:24 Don't touch me.
15:25 Can we walk away and talk?
15:26 No, get the fuck away from me.
15:27 I don't know what to do there.
15:29 Just let it go.
15:30 Oh my god.
15:31 [LAUGHTER]
15:33 [CHEERING]
15:36 Perfect touch.
15:37 Hey, we're up 9-7 at the end.
15:40 Great touch.
15:41 We have 11 left.
15:43 Our game is in play.
15:44 Still much to do.
15:45 We need you to--
15:51 Yeah.
15:52 [CHEERING]
15:56 Yeah.
15:57 [CHEERING]
16:00 [APPLAUSE]
16:03 All day.
16:04 All day.
16:05 Oh my god.
16:07 I mean, this is literally bigger than--
16:10 when I say bigger than sports, this is bigger than sports.
16:21 Oh.
16:22 Oh my god.
16:23 [LAUGHTER]
16:24 That was a good shot.
16:26 Oh my god.
16:27 Part of me is like, glad I didn't have to do that last one.
16:33 [APPLAUSE]
16:38 Take a 45 minute cap.
16:45 Here?
16:46 Yeah.
16:47 Go up in the corner.
16:48 Right up there.
16:49 We need your energy.
16:50 And then, like, 645.
16:52 I'm going to go and take my son to school.
16:55 You can keep shooting, but obviously, the game's
16:57 going to try to take a little--
17:00 I've flipped six hours in four days.
17:03 Don't add to date.
17:04 I can't because it's smitty.
17:05 How long have we been doing this for?
17:07 14 hours.
17:08 14 hours.
17:09 My ringer's here.
17:10 This kid better be able to shoot.
17:12 You don't even know this guy?
17:13 No.
17:14 This kid looks like a freak-o-shooter.
17:17 Just looks like it.
17:18 Glasses, white kid.
17:20 He's going to be wet.
17:21 Are you good?
17:22 Yes.
17:23 This kid's good.
17:25 This kid's good.
17:26 [LAUGHTER]
17:46 Come on.
17:47 Find it.
17:48 Find it.
17:50 Come on.
17:51 Get locked.
17:52 Get locked.
17:53 Get locked.
17:54 Get loose.
17:55 Let him work.
17:56 Let him work.
17:57 [CHEERING]
18:00 It's all right.
18:05 We're good.
18:06 We're good.
18:07 We just keep chipping.
18:08 We waited three hours.
18:10 We're in a good spot.
18:11 Trust me.
18:12 All it takes is a couple to go through.
18:15 All right.
18:16 All right.
18:17 Expense.
18:18 It was a good effort.
18:19 It was a good effort.
18:20 [APPLAUSE]
18:23 Scott, he's a former University of New Hampshire Wildcat.
18:29 D1, 70-something percent at the D1 level.
18:33 Nine-in-a-row warm-up, right out of bed.
18:35 [CHEERING]
18:44 We got a roll.
18:45 We got a roll.
18:46 Get it.
18:48 [CHEERING]
18:51 Get in there.
19:04 [CHEERING]
19:08 [APPLAUSE]
19:11 [CHEERING]
19:17 Go, Danny.
19:23 [LAUGHTER]
19:26 [CHEERING]
19:35 [LAUGHTER]
19:38 [CHEERING]
19:53 You're an animal.
19:54 You're an animal.
19:59 [CHEERING]
20:02 [CHEERING]
20:13 [CHEERING]
20:16 Woo!
20:30 Oh, yeah!
20:31 Let's go!
20:32 [APPLAUSE]
20:38 We did it.
20:39 We're going to Disneyland.
20:40 [APPLAUSE]
20:42 Oh, thank God.
20:45 Thank God.
20:46 Oh, I can't believe we could get out of there.
20:50 Fuck.
20:51 Thank God.
20:52 I just was crying at the bottom of that pile.
20:54 [LAUGHTER]
20:55 I was crying.
20:56 I was--
20:57 I can't believe it.
20:58 I was thinking if you missed that, I was like, holy shit.
21:00 We got to get it right here.
21:01 I'll tell you what.
21:02 I went home to get my son.
21:03 I was home for maybe three minutes.
21:05 It wasn't a pretty scene when I walked in the door.
21:07 There was not a lot of happiness to see me.
21:09 So we needed that.
21:10 We got to take a picture of that.
21:11 What do you want?
21:12 You took your time on that last one, too.
21:14 You were thinking about it a little bit.
21:15 I don't even know how it went in, to be honest.
21:17 [APPLAUSE]
21:20 Oh, my God.
21:22 Thank fucking Christ.
21:23 Just a second ago, Big Cat was saying,
21:25 like, I'm done with Jerry After Dark type scene for a while.
21:27 Yeah, I know I am.
21:28 But that's how this works.
21:29 As soon as it ends, you're like, it was the best time ever.
21:32 I had so much fun with you guys.
21:33 Great time.
21:34 Yeah.
21:35 We had a great time.
21:36 So much fun.
21:40 I feel fine now.
21:42 Yesterday, I did not feel good.
21:43 I'm not shooting for two weeks.
21:44 I'm not touching.
21:45 I walked in and heard a basketball bouncing.
21:47 I was like, it has to be somebody that wasn't here.
21:49 And it's fucking Steve.
21:50 I don't know how he's touching a ball.
21:52 I'm not tired of shooting.
21:53 I stopped shooting at, like, 10, 30, 11 o'clock.
21:56 Like, we work here.
21:57 Like, how great is this?
21:58 I made a conscious decision, like, OK, I can maybe
22:01 help some of our best shooters get a fraction better.
22:06 I started asking people, I was like, how do you like it?
22:08 Do you like chess pass, bounce pass?
22:09 Everyone just, like, laughed at me.
22:10 Like, whatever, man.
22:11 I realized it was a big deal.
22:12 7, 30, 8 o'clock, Titus goes, Shady's like, you rebound for me.
22:16 And I was like, OK.
22:17 And then I can tell, OK, he likes the way I get on the ball.
22:19 So at that point, I knew, like, I was helping make the team better.
22:24 So I was like, yeah, I'll do whatever.
22:25 So that was the goal, the team.
22:27 That's what it's all about.
