Giornata oncologia pediatrica, il convegno Fiagop sulla Rete nazionale

  • 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - In occasione della Giornata mondiale contro il cancro pediatrico, si è svolto nella Sala Regina di Montecitorio il convegno 'Rete nazionale tumori rari: criticità e prospettive per l'oncoematologia pediatrica' organizzato da Fiagop (Federazione italiana associazioni genitori e guariti oncoematologia pediatrica), a cui ha partecipato anche Aieop (Associazione italiana di ematologia e oncologia pediatrica). Numerose le presenze istituzionali: oltre al vicepresidente della Camera dei deputati Giorgio Mulè, che ha aperto i lavori, sono infatti intervenuti Orazio Schillaci, ministro della Salute, Maria Teresa Bellucci, viceministro del lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali e Alessandra Locatelli, ministro per le disabilità.


00:00 On the occasion of the 23rd World Cancer Day, which is celebrated on February 15, the Queen's
00:10 Hall of the House of Representatives hosted the National Network of Rare Tumors Convention
00:16 "Criticism and Prospects for Pediatric Oncomatology", organized by the Italian Federation of Associations
00:22 of Parents and Cured Children of Pediatric Oncomatology.
00:25 Many institutional presences, in addition to the Vice President of the House of Representatives
00:30 Giorgio Mullè, who has opened the works, the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci and
00:35 the Minister for Disabilities Alessandro Alocatelli intervened.
00:38 In Italy there are 50,000 people who are already cured, 80% of the diagnosed tumors, luckily
00:44 it goes well, but there is a lot to do, there is to solicit the regions because they actively
00:50 support the network established by the Ministry of Health. For this reason we are today in
00:55 the House of Representatives with the FIAGOP, which is the Federation of Parents of Oncological
01:00 Pediatric Diseases, and it is the association that more than any other brings together all
01:05 those who fight in the trench with doctors and structures to defeat pediatric cancer.
01:11 The convention was the opportunity to emphasize the great value of the network, which allows
01:16 the first-level centers to collaborate with the territorial centers to help and cure
01:21 children as best as possible.
01:22 We need this network of connection between the important centers, which can be those
01:29 seven or eight first-level centers, such as Gaslini, Bambin Gesù, Milan, Pavia, Florence,
01:37 Maia, with these smaller structures that are in the territory, let's say, less equipped,
01:46 obviously, they have less resources, less space, less management capacity. So the problem
01:53 is that through the network we consider that the important center can collaborate with
01:59 the peripheral centers, which we call SPOC, so that this can help children.
02:06 These journeys of hope, that is, people who maybe start from the deep south to go to
02:11 these centers of excellence, then maybe they remain for a period that is too long.
02:16 And so here we completely break the family. Since we are the Federation of Parents, we
02:21 have the phenomenon of the family, of its interest, of its ability to be together very much at heart.
02:27 So for us this is fundamental, very important that this thing works.
02:31 funzioni.
