FTS 18:30 15-02: Venezuelan National Assembly rejects seizure of EMTRASUR airplane in Argentina

  • 7 months ago
Israeli attack on Nasser hospital leaves 1 dead. // Venezuelan National Assembly rejects seizure of EMTRASUR airplane in Argentina. // Top election authority overturns delay of February 25 Presidential Elections in Senegal. teleSUR

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00:03 In Venezuela, deputies of the National Assembly
00:11 rejected the seizure of the Venezuelan plane,
00:15 Emtrasur, in Argentina.
00:16 In Palestine, the Israeli regime continues
00:22 committing war crimes with impunity.
00:24 Occupation forces attacked the Nasser hospital in Kanjunis.
00:27 And Senegal's top election authority
00:33 ruled as unconstitutional the postponement
00:36 of a presidential election scheduled for February 25.
00:39 Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:45 I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telesur studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:48 We begin with the news.
00:50 In Venezuela, deputies of the National Assembly
00:52 rejected the seizure of the Venezuelan airplane,
00:55 Emtrasur, in Argentina.
00:57 During Thursday's ordinary session,
00:59 Congressman Pedro Infante indicated
01:02 that the seizure of the aircraft represents a value of at least
01:05 $83 million, in addition to being
01:08 an attack on the operational capacity of the Bolivarian
01:11 Republic of Venezuela.
01:13 The deputy also stated that the seizure of the aircraft
01:16 by the United States was carried out in complicity
01:19 with the government of Argentina.
01:21 At the same time, he affirmed that a debate was proposed
01:25 in the parliament to condemn and reject the seizure
01:28 of the Venezuelan aircraft.
01:29 The Venezuelan government announced the suspension
01:38 of the activities of the United Nations High Commissioner
01:41 for Human Rights in the country.
01:43 Foreign Minister Ivan Gil assured
01:45 that said office has shown on multiple occasions
01:49 its bias against Venezuelan government policies,
01:52 failing to comply with its mission
01:54 to ensure respect for the human rights of the Venezuelan
01:57 people.
01:58 Therefore, Gil asserted that the personnel of said office
02:02 must leave the country within a period of no more than 72
02:06 hours.
02:06 The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
02:16 announced its decision to suspend
02:19 the activities of the Technical Advisory
02:21 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
02:24 Rights in Venezuela and to carry out
02:27 a comprehensive review of the terms of technical cooperation
02:31 described in the letter of the understanding signed
02:33 with said office in the next 30 days, for which reason
02:39 it requests that the personnel assigned to this office
02:42 leave the country within the next 72 hours,
02:45 until such time as they publicly rectify
02:48 before the international community their colonialist,
02:51 abusive, and violating attitude of the United Nations Charter.
02:57 In Argentina, workers and social movements
02:59 march to demand increases in accordance with inflation.
03:03 This, in connection with the meeting of the negotiating
03:06 table designated to establish the minimum wage for workers
03:10 without collective bargaining agreements,
03:13 in addition to defining the unemployment benefits.
03:16 Workers warn that the accumulated inflation
03:19 in recent months, especially in foodstuffs,
03:22 has been weakening the income of workers in general,
03:26 hitting hardest those who were already in poverty.
03:29 They also demand the adjustment of wages
03:31 according to the accumulated inflation since December 2023,
03:35 which, according to the calculations of labor
03:38 organizations, represents an increase of about 85%
03:42 of labor income.
03:44 Haiti's government announced Wednesday
03:46 that it is working on a formal agreement with Kenyan officials
03:50 to secure the long-awaited deployment of police force
03:53 from the East African country to combat the rising
03:56 wave of violence in the Caribbean nation.
03:59 The Ariel Henry government indicated
04:01 that it is working on a memorandum of understanding
04:05 to set a deadline for the arrival of Kenyan police
04:07 forces on Haitian territory.
04:10 The deployment was requested in October 2022
04:13 and approved by the United Nations Security Council
04:16 a year later.
04:17 President William Ruto processed in leading the security mission
04:21 in Haiti despite the judicial block issued by a court
04:26 in Nairobi.
04:27 The court at the time was stressing
04:29 that it would be unconstitutional to deploy
04:32 officers abroad unless there was a reciprocal agreement
04:36 between the United Nations and the United Nations Security
04:38 Council in place with the host government.
04:42 In Cuba was held the second international meeting
04:49 of theoretical publications of the leftist parties
04:52 and movements where a declaration in support
04:55 of Palestine was approved.
04:56 The third and last day of this meeting
04:59 began on Wednesday morning, where
05:01 a call was made for the unity of action of the left of the world
05:05 in the face of the attempts of cultural colonization
05:08 and the media offensive of the great centers of power
05:11 against the emancipatory efforts of the peoples.
05:14 Besides, the participants condemned the clear violations
05:18 of international humanitarian law in Gaza,
05:20 rejected the genocide and the forced displacement
05:23 of the Palestinian people.
05:24 In view of this, the Spanish deputy Manu Pineda
05:27 declared that this conflict leads to uncovering masks
05:31 since some people are willing to defend Israel in spite
05:35 of its obvious terrorist actions.
05:36 We are against Zionism, not against the Jews.
05:47 And we are against Zionism for the same reason
05:49 we are against the Nazis, and for the same reason
05:52 we are against fascism.
05:55 Because Zionism is an ideology, supremacist, racist,
05:58 that persecutes the different, the same as the Nazis,
06:01 who persecuted those who were not of the Arab race.
06:05 Let's take a short break, but remember
06:06 you can join us on TikTok at @TELUSURIENGLISH,
06:09 where you will find news in different formats, news
06:11 updates, and more.
06:12 Other stories coming up.
06:13 Stay with us.
06:45 Welcome back.
06:46 In another war crime committed by the Israeli army
06:49 against Palestine, at least one person was killed,
07:02 and many others were injured during an attack by Israeli
07:04 forces on Nasser Hospital in Gaza's southern city
07:09 of Kanjenis.
07:11 [AUDIO OUT]
07:18 On Thursday, a civilian was killed,
07:21 and at least six patients were wounded.
07:23 After Israeli forces bombed the hospital's orthopedic
07:32 department, the Wafaa News Agency
07:35 reported that after entering the facility,
07:37 the military opened fire in different sections,
07:40 and then forced the evacuation of doctors, patients,
07:43 and displaced Palestinians.
07:45 The hospital that housed around 300 health personnel, 450
07:49 wounded, and more than 10,000 displaced people
07:53 had been under siege for 25 days,
07:56 with snipers targeting those inside or in its courtyards.
08:00 [AUDIO OUT]
08:06 There's a lot of talk about evacuation, evacuation
08:10 of people and military intervention.
08:13 That would be a complete catastrophe,
08:17 a complete catastrophe.
08:18 First of all, there's no way where people can go.
08:24 There's no room for any evacuation.
08:28 The population of Wafaa has multiplied by five.
08:31 The city of Wafaa now has 1.5 million residents.
08:34 Therefore, the hospital of the martyrs, Mohamed, Yusuf,
08:37 and Najaf, cannot keep up with the number of individuals
08:39 I can serve, primarily due to the shortage of medical staff,
08:43 essential supplies, medication, and medical equipment.
08:47 Within the hospital, there is no ICU, no CCU, no CT scan,
08:52 and no MRI scanner.
08:55 In Gaza, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry,
08:58 some 87 people were killed in the last 20 hours
09:02 by the Israeli army, bringing the death toll to 28,664.
09:08 However, shortly after this statement was made,
09:11 Israel carried out more massacres,
09:13 our correspondent Noor Harassan with the details.
09:17 The Palestinian Health Ministry said in a joint statement
09:20 with the Palestinian governmental office
09:23 here in Gaza that during the past 24 hours,
09:27 87 Palestinians were killed.
09:29 And this brought up the death toll here in Gaza
09:32 since the 7th of October, up to 28,664 Palestinians.
09:39 But shortly after that statement,
09:41 the Israeli side committed two more massacres here in Gaza.
09:44 One of them targeted the Rayyan family
09:47 in Anusayrat refugee camp, where 12 people were killed.
09:50 Seven of them are actually children.
09:53 The footage that was published on social media
09:56 was really disturbing, as most of the children
10:00 are under 6 years old,
10:02 and most of the injuries are actually in the head.
10:06 At the same time, there were another Israeli attack
10:09 in northern Gaza, specifically on a series of Israeli strikes,
10:15 actually targeted several homes,
10:20 killing 28 persons from the same family,
10:24 the Suleiman family.
10:26 Nine of them are women, and nine of them are children.
10:30 This is what is actually happening here on the ground,
10:33 and this is what we are actually witnessing
10:36 that is happening here in Gaza.
10:38 If we want to talk about the humanitarian aid,
10:40 unfortunately, what is happening is the total opposite
10:43 of the orders from the international court.
10:47 As the international court ordered the allowance
10:50 of more aid into the Gaza Strip,
10:52 however, this is not what is happening now
10:55 on the ground in Gaza.
10:56 Less humanitarian aid trucks are entering the Gaza Strip
11:00 compared to previous months like November and December.
11:04 Nurharazine Tiresur, Gaza.
11:08 The United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees
11:11 warned of a financial crisis if funding suspended
11:14 by several countries is not resumed.
11:16 The United Nations Agency detailed that 16 states
11:20 suspended their contributions after Israel accused
11:23 12 employees of belonging to the Palestinian Resistance
11:26 Movement's Hamas.
11:27 The head of the agency, Filipe Lazzarini,
11:30 assured that they will have a negative cash flow starting
11:34 in March and will accelerate in April
11:36 unless the frozen contributions are released.
11:39 On the other hand, the High Representative
11:41 of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security
11:44 Policy, Joseph Borrell, stated that the block of funding
11:48 to the organization is dangerous as it is widely
11:51 known that UNRWA is an irrepressible provider
11:55 of vital aid to Palestinians.
11:57 Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
12:05 met his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Cairo
12:09 on Thursday for talks over the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.
12:13 During the talks, Lula expressed his government's position
12:16 regarding the war, condemned terrorism,
12:18 and accused the Israeli occupation forces of carrying
12:21 out a genocidal war on Gaza.
12:23 Brazil has strongly condemned the attack carried out
12:28 by Hamas against Israel and the act of taking hostages.
12:34 We condemned and spoke out against the terrorist attack.
12:43 But there is no justification for the Israeli response
12:46 to defeat the Hamas movement.
12:47 Unfortunately, it is killing women and children,
12:55 which is something that we have never seen in any war,
12:57 you know, that I have knowledge of.
13:01 Lebanon will submit a new complaint against Israel
13:04 to the United Nations Security Council
13:06 following the aggressions against civilians
13:08 in the south of Gaza.
13:10 This is what Acting Prime Minister Najib Mitaki
13:13 confirmed on Thursday.
13:15 According to the ex-account of the Lebanese government,
13:18 the chief executive asked for a minister, Abdullah Bouhabib,
13:22 to urgently condemn before the United Nations
13:24 the persistent Israeli attacks, the killing of citizens,
13:28 and the massive destruction, in particular what happened
13:31 on Wednesday in Abatea.
13:33 It is also underlined that the Speaker of the Lebanese
13:36 Parliament, Nabib Berri, and the head of the Lebanese
13:39 Resistance Loyalty bloc in the Lebanese Parliament,
13:43 Mohamed Raad, pointed out that the racist character
13:46 and the impossibility of Israel to coexist with human beings.
13:50 On Thursday, Syrian army units fought violent clashes
13:58 with terrorist forces of the Islamic State
14:01 north of Damascus.
14:03 According to military sources, the fighting occurred
14:05 in the Douissens desert, where several terrorists
14:08 were killed while eight Syrian army servicemen
14:11 lost their lives.
14:13 State security forces intensified their patrolling
14:16 operations in Al-Abdiyeh region, while fighters-bombers
14:20 launched raids on terrorist headquarters in Sugna
14:23 and Palmira areas.
14:25 Damascus denounced that the Islamic State intensified
14:28 its attacks following the recent U.S. aggression
14:31 against military points of the Syrian army
14:33 and its allies east of the country.
14:36 We are going to take a final short break now,
14:39 but first, let's listen to a poem read by British actor
14:42 Brian Cox.
14:44 The poem was written by beloved Palestinian poet,
14:47 teacher, and martyr, Refat Al-Ari.
14:50 Refat was killed on December 7th by an Israeli
14:53 airstrike.
14:54 This was the last poem he published.
14:56 Let's listen.
14:57 If I must die by Refat Al-Ari,
15:02 November 1st, 2023.
15:07 If I must die, you must live to tell my story,
15:12 to sell my things, to buy a piece of cloth
15:16 and some strings.
15:19 Make it white with a long tail,
15:22 so that a child somewhere in Gaza,
15:24 while looking heaven in the eye,
15:26 can see the light of the sun.
15:29 A child somewhere in Gaza, while looking heaven in the eye,
15:32 awaiting his dad, who left in a blaze
15:35 and bid no one farewell,
15:37 not even to his flesh,
15:39 not even to himself.
15:42 Seize the kite, my kite you made,
15:45 flying up above,
15:47 and thinks for a moment,
15:49 an angel is there, bringing back love.
15:54 If I must die, let it bring hope,
15:58 let it be a tale.
16:02 [Music]
16:09 Welcome back to From the South.
16:11 In Australia, Prime Minister Antony Albanese
16:13 and 85 lawmakers supported a motion
16:16 calling for the release of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
16:20 In a parliamentary session held on Wednesday,
16:22 the motion received 86 votes in favour and 42 against.
16:26 The initiative calls on the United States
16:28 and the United Kingdom to end the legal process against Assange
16:32 and allow him to return to Australia.
16:35 The 52-year-old cyber activist faces more than 18 criminal charges
16:40 for offences against the U.S. Espionage Act
16:43 and risks up to 175 years in prison
16:46 if he is extradited to the United States.
16:49 Next, February 20th and 21st,
16:51 the London High Court will hold the last trial
16:54 to analyse Assange's final appeal against his extradition.
16:59 If he's extradited next...
17:06 Potentially could be extradited next week after this hearing
17:10 if his appeal is rejected,
17:13 that means all his ties to his family,
17:16 his lifeline that are keeping him alive inside that prison,
17:19 will be cut off and he'll be lost
17:22 and put into a horrific prison system in the United States,
17:27 which this show of support from the Parliament is at a crucial time
17:32 and now gives the government a real mandate
17:35 to advocate very, very strongly for a political solution
17:40 to bring Julian Assange home.
17:42 On Thursday, Stella Assange, wife of Julian Assange,
17:45 warned that her husband's health is deteriorated
17:48 and reiterated her rejection of the British legal system.
17:52 In terms of optimism, I've learned not to be optimistic.
17:57 It's gone this far.
18:01 The courts have turned a blind eye to each and every of the violations,
18:06 beginning with the absurdity of the case in the first place,
18:10 this bogus extradition request from the United States,
18:14 that if it had come from any other country
18:16 it never even had reached the courts.
18:18 The UK executive would have thrown it out.
18:21 His health is in decline, mentally and physically.
18:26 His life is at risk.
18:28 Every single day he stays in prison.
18:31 And if he is extradited, he will die.
18:36 But it's not just about him being extradited.
18:40 Julian should never have been put in prison in the first place.
18:45 The government of Hungary rejected the new package
18:48 of European Union sanctions against the Russian Federation and other countries.
18:52 During the meeting of the ambassadors of the European bloc,
18:56 the representative of Hungary rejected a new set of sanctions
19:00 targeting almost 200 Russian, Chinese and other countries' individuals and organisations.
19:05 The European Union in early January began discussions
19:09 for what would be the 13th set of sanctions against the Russian giant.
19:14 Budapest confirmed that the European Union will seek to introduce sanctions
19:18 against the Russian Federation before the second anniversary
19:22 of the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine.
19:26 Senegal's top election authority ruled as unconstitutional
19:33 the postponement of a presidential election scheduled for February 25th.
19:37 The nation's constitutional council cancelled President Mikey Solt's decree
19:43 through a judgment approved by seven members of the electorate body.
19:48 The ruling also stated that the National Assembly's move on February 5th
19:53 to reschedule the vote for December 14th also was contrary to the constitution.
19:59 Opposition presidential candidates and lawmakers had filed a number of legal challenges
20:05 to last week's parliamentary bill, which also extended President Mikey Solt's mandate
20:10 in what critics said amounted to an institutional cop.
20:14 Solt, who has been in power since 2012, sparked uproar on February 3rd
20:20 when he called off the elections over disputes about the disqualification of potential candidates
20:25 and concern about a repeat of the unrest seen in 2021 and 2023.
20:31 From Thursday, African leaders will gather in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa,
20:39 home of the African Union, for the Continental Body's annual summit,
20:43 where regional integration is on the top of the agenda.
20:46 The annual meeting of African leaders will question the progress made
20:50 in the face of alarming security situation and conflicts in some of its member states,
20:55 and offer recommendations on innovative ways to sustainably address crisis in a bid to return to peace.
21:03 In the encounter also will be discussed the working division
21:07 between the African political organization and the regional economic community.
21:12 During the meeting, the president of the African Union Commission, Mosa Faki Mahamad,
21:17 called to evaluate the Union to be more efficient
21:20 and warn against the risk of resolving conflicts through barbarism.
21:24 In the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
21:31 two members of the South African National Defence Forces deployed in the country
21:35 were killed in an attack by insurgent groups.
21:38 South African forces aimed to support the government in its efforts
21:42 to establish peace, security and stability in the eastern part of the country.
21:46 During these efforts in the town of Goma,
21:49 two soldiers were killed and three others seriously wounded by a projectile
21:53 fired by irregular groups operating in the area.
21:57 South Africa deployed some 900 troops throughout the country
22:01 as a contribution to the Southern African Development Community's mission
22:05 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
22:08 We have come to the end of this news brief,
22:14 but you can find this and many other stories on our website at telesurlinglish.net
22:18 and join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
22:23 For TELUS Ur English, I'm Alejandra Garcia. Thank you for watching.
22:26 watching.
22:26 (upbeat music)
