Everywhere & Nowhere: A Sheffield Wednesday Podcast - Come in, Alex

  • 7 months ago
Chris Holt hosts the latest episode of Everywhere & Nowhere with Alex Miller - for a while at least - and Joe Crann as the The Star's Owls writers tallk through yet another newsy week on the Wednesday beat.
Last week we had a fan protest over the ownership of Dejphon Chansiri which was followed up by a good win over Birmingham City but it was back to losing ways - albeit expectedly - against leaders Leicester City in midweek.
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 The blue got the blue, but the foxes were just too cunning for the eyes,
00:27 even if they were giving a little bit of a helping hand.
00:30 It's been another up and down week for Wednesday, fan protests, a decent win,
00:33 another defeat, and a couple of injury blows.
00:37 Week's work for a win.
00:38 I'm Chris Holden, as usual, I have with me Joe Cran and
00:42 Alex Miller to look at the latest goings on at Hillsborough.
00:46 On Everywhere and Nowhere, gentlemen, we find ourselves here once again.
00:51 Similar to last week, Alex stuck in a slightly more salubrious hotel than he was last week.
01:00 Joe, his feet up on the couch in his house.
01:04 I feel like your match day's dragged on a bit longer than everybody else's.
01:11 >> [LAUGH] We always seem to have loads to do.
01:18 And it was a nice change last night, actually.
01:20 We're pretty much always the last to leave, aren't we, Alex?
01:22 Like, we get chased out of stadiums a lot.
01:26 >> Yeah, it says something for the commitment of the Leicester pack.
01:32 [LAUGH] They were still slaving away, but yeah, more salubrious hotel.
01:40 The Wi-Fi, not quite as strong as at the hell hole that was the Britannia Coventry.
01:48 But we'll see how we can- >> Well, we've named them, aye?
01:51 We've named them.
01:52 >> Yeah. >> I'm not confident last week he's named them.
01:55 >> They're yet to respond to my second strongly worded email.
01:59 They're an absolute shambles of a company.
02:01 So to be fair, because last week you did say the hotel chain that will remain unnamed,
02:07 but it sounds like the Britannia.
02:09 So I think their cover was pretty much blown.
02:16 >> Yeah, well, that's the way it goes.
02:22 I have no apologies to make for shoddy service on hotels.
02:29 Anyway, right, we're gonna go back.
02:31 It's been- >> A hotel issue, yeah.
02:33 >> Obviously, it's been another newsy week at Wednesday, as it always is.
02:40 And we're gonna start off with a win on Friday.
02:45 Very good win.
02:47 I won't say they didn't play particularly well.
02:50 They weren't absolutely dominant, but they took their chances,
02:54 which hasn't been the case this year.
02:58 And obviously, with Ike Oku being the man who gets there, and that's a big positive.
03:03 Cuz you always wanna see your new signings hit the ground running as soon as possible.
03:08 It was a good win, but it was probably,
03:15 now I'm gonna say this, I thought it was [INAUDIBLE]
03:20 Cuz why not, that's how it's spelled.
03:22 But I'm since learning that it's Ian Paveda.
03:28 And he was the key man.
03:29 >> Yeah.
03:31 >> Was he not?
03:31 >> Yeah, Paveda was great.
03:33 He just, it started early doors as well, didn't Alex?
03:36 You could see with him, he was gonna have one of those days.
03:40 There was a couple of touches in the first few minutes of the game.
03:43 He thought, yeah, he's up for this one.
03:47 The assist for the goal was brilliant.
03:49 I haven't seen, I don't think I'm being overly dramatic and with recency bias.
03:54 I don't think I've seen a player do that kind of skill with
03:59 an actual end product on the end of it for years.
04:02 The quality of that assist was so good.
04:06 There's a little bit more a few minutes later on the edge of the box as well.
04:10 And there was one touch.
04:11 And again, I realize I'm being very, very dramatic here.
04:15 But there was one touch that he did.
04:16 The ball came now from about 40 foot in the air and
04:18 he just touched it like Ronaldoinho, mate.
04:20 It was unbelievably good.
04:23 But yeah, just a real shining performance from him.
04:26 And I think we can see a few more of those at Ellsboro will be all right.
04:31 It took me a second to learn the don on me there that you just compared with Ronaldinho.
04:38 No, no, don't get me wrong.
04:40 I didn't compare him to Ronaldinho.
04:42 I compared the touch to Ronaldinho.
04:44 And you nearly got me there.
04:47 I was kind of drifted away.
04:51 I didn't know what my next question was going to be.
04:53 And then, didn't he just say he's like Ronaldinho?
04:56 >> Can- >> The quality of Alex's
05:01 Wi-Fi is absolutely dreadful at the minute.
05:09 >> [LAUGH] >> Joe, I'm gonna stick with you.
05:14 What I thought, I'm gonna be a little bit more realistic in my
05:19 comparisons perhaps here than Ronaldinho.
05:24 He does have a little bit of Forestieri about him, doesn't he?
05:29 >> Yeah, in more ways than one.
05:30 Even to the point where there was a picture of him and
05:34 Uke Ugbo after the game that looked very much like Lucas Jao and Fernando Forestieri.
05:40 There's a very similar picture that people brought.
05:43 But yeah, he's got that little tenacity that Forestieri had about him,
05:48 that low center of gravity, quick feet.
05:51 And he strikes the ball nicely as well.
05:54 He was a little bit, obviously we'll go on to the Leicester game,
05:57 he was a little bit quieter there, which you can understand.
06:00 But yeah, against Birmingham, his first game at Hillsborough, and
06:03 he really endeared himself to the crowd.
06:05 I think he's one of those players that can really get people on the edge of the seats.
06:11 And I think Wednesday needed that.
06:13 They needed that little bit of a spark.
06:15 And I think with a team that's been so
06:18 heavily reliant on Barry Bannon as a creative cog in that midfield,
06:24 it's nice to have somebody else there that people can worry about.
06:28 >> And these kind of players are not quite as,
06:37 you know, particularly in the Championship, I would think,
06:40 you don't see too many of them these days, do you?
06:42 Because everything, football these days is very much measured and patient.
06:47 You know, everything, as you say about Bannon,
06:50 Wednesday could pass the ball through the midfield about six times,
06:54 and then just wait for Bannon to find that kind of really cutting pass
06:59 that makes a difference.
07:01 It's rare these days to see a player who can get on the ball and still do the trick.
07:08 >> Yeah.
07:09 >> And does something nice, gets the ball in.
07:13 I would like to see it all the time.
07:15 I think it's, you know,
07:19 because nine times, or probably six or seven times out of ten,
07:22 it probably doesn't work.
07:23 But when it does, there's nothing like it is there.
07:27 >> No, and I think that's what, it's what so many people watch football for,
07:31 that little bit of the spark of the unexpected.
07:34 And yeah, I think you're right.
07:36 Football has become very robotic now.
07:39 There's a lot about the game that is, you know,
07:42 you look back at what we used to see with players like Ronaldinho
07:48 and players who were always looking for that, you know,
07:51 always trying to find that trick, always trying to find that moment.
07:55 And I think there's so much, it feels like there's so much on the line now
07:58 that it's almost been, I think, taught out of people a little bit.
08:03 I was listening, reading a thing with the Argentine manager the other week,
08:07 and he basically said it started at kids' level as well.
08:10 Like, they're almost over-coaching children,
08:13 so they're not being able to have that creative element to the game anymore,
08:18 because even at youth level, it's become so, like, winning has become so important.
08:23 And so, yeah, to see someone doing what he's doing,
08:28 it's just really nice.
08:30 Like you say, there's going to be times when it's frustrating
08:33 because he'll try it and it won't work.
08:35 But as long as every now and again he pulls a few off that do work,
08:41 people will be happy with it, I think.
08:44 One thing about Friday night was they were quite fortunate
08:52 in that Birmingham couldn't score for Toffey.
08:59 And they only said what I think is quite a little flashy Belfast phrase,
09:04 which is they couldn't score a sideboard with a hatchet.
09:08 They had a lot of chances, but it didn't quite take it.
09:12 On another night, Wednesday, they could have quite easily lost that one.
09:17 So there was some element of fortune in it,
09:19 but you don't want to dwell too long on that, because that's what happens.
09:28 However, when you came to last night, Tuesday night,
09:35 you saw the difference between teams who have Jimmy Vardy
09:40 and other players who very much know how to take their chances.
09:43 And that is the issue with Wednesday, really, isn't it?
09:47 They do concede a lot of chances, don't they, in games?
09:52 Yeah, they concede a lot of chances and they don't take their own.
09:57 And I think that was evident last night.
10:00 By the end of the game, Wednesday had had more shots,
10:03 more shots on target than Leicester.
10:05 But Leicester were just so good.
10:08 The first half, I mean, there was points when Mavadidi,
10:14 it literally looked like he was taking a mickey.
10:17 Like he was just drifting past people, sticking it through people's legs.
10:20 And it wasn't like stepovers and tricks and stuff like that.
10:24 It was just like quick feet and just sheer ability.
10:28 But yeah, they were knocking it about so nicely, the first half.
10:31 It did feel, I said this in my match report,
10:34 there was an element of the second half was much better.
10:39 Wednesday changed their shape.
10:40 They went to back three, they changed the players
10:43 and they were a lot better.
10:45 But yeah, I mentioned that in my match report,
10:48 I do wonder how much of that is just down to Leicester
10:51 took the foot off the gas a little bit and they weren't as,
10:55 maybe weren't as driven as the first half.
10:58 But yeah, Wednesday were far better.
11:01 But I think you're right, the gulf in class between the Leicesters
11:07 of the league and where we are with Birmingham and teams like that,
11:11 it's just, it's so vast.
11:13 And I think just going back to the Birmingham game a little bit,
11:19 Wednesday have played a lot better than that and lost under Danny Bale.
11:23 So you've got to take those.
11:26 When you get a game when, you know, first half they weren't at it really.
11:31 They could have gone behind.
11:33 They didn't.
11:34 I think you've just got to take those wins really,
11:37 because we've had enough where it's been the opposite way around.
11:40 So you've got to take the rough with the smooth, I suppose.
11:43 But yeah, the Leicester game, it almost felt like a free hit beforehand.
11:48 And I think if you'd offered a fair few wins the arch 2-0 before the game,
11:55 they probably would have taken it.
11:57 Yeah, I think you're right.
12:03 Matches against Leicester are ongoing, but this has become a cliche in itself.
12:10 We're not going to define your season.
12:11 It's what you do against the teams that are kind of around you.
12:15 You've got 6-7 places above you.
12:19 However, you touched on it there about whether or not Leicester took their foot
12:27 off the pedal a little bit.
12:29 But that change in formation did make it quite difficult,
12:32 and the Leicester manager did say that they found it a lot more difficult
12:38 to break through.
12:40 With that in mind, do you think that this is something that Danny Brown needs
12:46 to think about going forward when you're having to go two places like Leicester
12:50 away?
12:52 When you're going to play really tough games away from home,
12:56 do you try and not be quite as stubborn with the way you play and just go there
13:01 and say, "Let's see if we can scrap out a point here"?
13:04 Or do you stick by it and kind of hope that your creative players
13:14 can do something for you?
13:17 I don't think that's the Danny way.
13:20 I think he's very…
13:22 Whether that changes as he gets a little bit older, I don't know.
13:25 But he just doesn't strike me as the sort of manager who will be ever happy
13:29 to go for a point anywhere.
13:31 I think he wants to be on the front foot all the time.
13:36 I actually asked him that after the game.
13:38 I was like, "You've switched to back five and it's worked.
13:41 Do you think that's something that you could do going forward now?"
13:46 He said, "Well, if you remember, we did that against Southampton,
13:48 and then they scored three against us."
13:50 So I was like, "Oh, yeah. Yeah, fair point.
13:52 That's a valid one."
13:55 So, yeah, I think he will look at it.
13:57 He has looked at it before.
13:59 But Wednesday did look a lot more sturdy.
14:01 There was more praise for Liam Palmer last night from Danny,
14:04 who started the season by saying he's definitely a right-back.
14:07 We see him as a right-back.
14:09 To now, Danny's saying, "He's been great in midfield
14:13 and now at centre-half as well."
14:15 He said, "I think he might be better as a centre-half or as a midfielder."
14:20 And Liam Palmer does this to every single manager
14:22 that comes into Sheffield Wednesday.
14:24 It's like they try and leave him out and then realise,
14:28 "Oh, no, he's actually very useful."
14:30 It's been happening since Liam started playing for Sheffield Wednesday,
14:35 and I think it will continue to happen until he leaves,
14:38 if he ever leaves.
14:40 But, yeah, it was just they looked a lot more solid with a back three.
14:44 They looked a lot more composed.
14:46 And I think it also, because of the...
14:50 Like with someone with Marvin Johnson's ability to cross the ball,
14:53 the back three allows him to get further up the pitch,
14:56 and he can put in balls from further up and more regularly
15:04 because of that formation change.
15:06 And I think that is a good thing for Wednesday
15:08 because Marvin Johnson on that left-hand side
15:10 is one of the biggest threats that Wednesday have actually got.
15:13 I'd just like to point out to everybody that Alex isn't coming back.
15:18 Technical difficulties in Premier League Leicester
15:22 have meant that he is unable to join us for the remainder of this week's podcast.
15:27 So apologies for that.
15:28 You've all been denied the wit and wisdom of Alex Miller this week.
15:33 Positives from last night?
15:38 Were there any, apart from the kind of up...
15:43 the sturdiness, shall we say, that came about in the second half?
15:49 I think the fact that they didn't crumble after the first goal
15:52 was a real positive to take.
15:53 We've seen that in recent weeks where, you know,
15:55 obviously the Huddersfield and the Coventry game,
15:57 the Coventry game, they fought back from the first goal,
16:01 but the second one went in and then they fell apart.
16:03 Obviously Huddersfield was a complete disaster class
16:06 in how to not handle a conceded goal.
16:10 But against Leicester, they stood firm.
16:13 The second goal...
16:15 The first goal was a disaster from Wednesday.
16:18 It was just one of those where I think every single person
16:23 in the away end, when it came back to James Beadle,
16:26 was just going to get rid of it, just lump it,
16:29 get it anywhere up the pitch.
16:30 And obviously he decided to go short.
16:32 Wednesday are playing out the back.
16:33 These mistakes are going to happen.
16:35 But yeah, it was a very...
16:37 It was an irritating goal to concede, especially at the time.
16:39 The second goal is just like...
16:43 I'm sure people will find a way to criticise,
16:45 but the ball over the top was perfect.
16:47 The deuce we all first touched to lay it down to Vardy was perfect
16:50 and his finish was unbelievably good on the first touch.
16:53 It was just pure Leicester being better than Chelsea Wednesday.
16:56 That goal has been scored with different personnel apart from Vardy
17:03 about 100 times.
17:06 That is just something that Leicester do and have been doing consistently
17:13 since Vardy's been playing up front for them.
17:15 So I think any criticism from that respect would be a bit harsh.
17:22 It was just a really good goal.
17:23 Yeah, exactly. A really good goal.
17:26 Really good footballers playing really good football is effectively what it was.
17:29 There's not much you can do about that.
17:32 But yeah, I think there was a few...
17:34 The fact that Wednesday created as much as they did in the second half
17:37 was promising.
17:39 This is a very good Leicester side.
17:42 I think they ended up with 13 or 14 shots,
17:45 which is...
17:47 There'll be a lot of teams in the league that won't have got that against Leicester.
17:50 Yes, it doesn't help the result.
17:52 You're talking about stuff that doesn't really matter
17:55 because ultimately there's only one stat that does count.
17:58 But yeah, I think that with the Birmingham game coming as a win,
18:03 with the Leicester game playing out the way that it did by the second half,
18:07 they can take positives into going against...
18:12 I mean, it's four massive games for Wednesday now with Millwall, Bristol City
18:17 and then obviously Rotherham after that.
18:20 Those three are huge.
18:23 I think another positive that you should probably mention,
18:26 and Danny spoke about it after the game,
18:28 the Wednesdayites were aced last night again.
18:30 They're 2-0 down away at Leicester and they're still going away.
18:35 Danny sort of said afterwards that he felt like their reaction
18:40 after the game showed him what he needed to see,
18:43 that they were still behind what they were trying to do.
18:46 I think the minute the fans turn off and throw in the towel,
18:51 it can be telling.
18:53 So, yeah, Wednesday fans doing what Wednesday fans do still
18:58 is definitely a big positive to take.
19:00 [no audio]
19:10 We'll talk more about a bit of the other front apart from the actual defeat.
19:15 We learned of injuries to Akin Fumihwo.
19:20 I can't say Akin Fumihwo's name properly.
19:25 I think it was called the other week.
19:27 Akin Fumihwo and Christian Pedersen both played last night.
19:32 I just tried to say it really fast there so nobody would notice
19:35 that I didn't say it properly.
19:37 I'd say a big injury blows.
19:42 We don't really know entirely how good Christian is with injuries.
19:47 So that's a big blow in itself.
19:50 Fumihwo has been a key player this season.
19:57 This is just what he didn't want.
20:02 Yeah, it's also just very Sheffield Wednesday, isn't it?
20:07 Christian Pedersen coming in, playing I think 60 or 70 minutes
20:14 against Huddersfield, coming on as a sub the other night.
20:17 We don't know how long it is, but it doesn't sound good.
20:21 When Danny said, I think his exact words were, "Some weeks and more,"
20:27 which considering that we're in February, it does not bode well
20:31 about when they'll be back.
20:33 It also leaves them incredibly short on the left-hand side.
20:36 Aside from obviously the fact that they're both injured
20:39 and it sounds like it could be quite long term, which is bad in itself.
20:42 You've got Akin Fumihwo, who is a left-sided centre-back,
20:49 who has done a job at left-back on many occasions this season.
20:54 And Pedersen, who is a left-back, who can play left-centre-back as well.
20:58 And all of a sudden, you've got Marvin Johnson and Rhys James,
21:02 and that's pretty much it.
21:05 You've got Sam Reid, who's come through the academy,
21:08 that might be looking at this and going,
21:10 "I've got a bit of an opportunity here."
21:14 Whether Wensley are able to sign replacements,
21:16 Danny's spoken a lot about the free agent market and that he's looking in there.
21:21 But the Pedersen one especially, it's like,
21:26 how many times have we seen it over the years
21:28 where Wensley have signed someone and within weeks they're just unusable again?
21:36 They won't be able to do that alone.
21:41 This is the problem with signing players who haven't been playing an awful lot.
21:46 Because when you put them ahead, unfortunately,
21:51 what tends to happen is they pick up injuries
21:53 because the bulk of work that they've been doing
21:57 has increased significantly in the space of a short time.
22:03 Especially with Danny as well.
22:06 The way that Danny plays, the intensity with which he wants his players.
22:12 I think it was like five months since Pedersen had kicked a ball,
22:16 something like that, when he came in for the game against Huddersfield.
22:19 Obviously, he didn't get injured in that game
22:21 because he's gone and played after that.
22:24 But it's just a concern.
22:26 Wensley's squad, we spoke before about them
22:32 coming out of the January transfer window weaker than they went into it.
22:36 Obviously, if those two are injured as well, then you're weaker still.
22:41 It's a concern.
22:46 But I suppose the plus side is that the Birmingham game,
22:52 they managed to see out when Akin had gone off.
22:56 Pedersen only played a bit part role in that game.
22:59 So Wensley have got the players to get through.
23:05 They've shown that.
23:06 Whether they can do that over the next 14 games or whatever it is,
23:09 it remains to be seen.
23:10 Obviously, the more injuries you get, the more concerning that gets.
23:17 Let's just say Wensley don't have the best record for injuries.
23:20 I very much doubt that's the end.
23:23 I don't think that Akin and Christian Pedersen
23:25 are going to be the last injuries that we see.
23:27 On the plus side, Momo Diabe could potentially be back for this weekend.
23:31 He went off against Birmingham, missed last night.
23:35 But Danny says that he's hoping he can be back for Saturday.
23:39 That is a big boost.
23:41 Off the pitch, Friday night, we should really speak about the fans' protest,
23:49 which from the organisers' perspective has to be seen as a positive.
23:59 A positive reaction they got from their fellow supporters in the main.
24:05 They still have a bit of –
24:09 they still have a few people that they still need to win round
24:13 if social media is anything to go by.
24:16 It does feel like the tide has turned.
24:21 The holding up of those yellow fliers on Friday night was significant,
24:27 in my view at least.
24:29 Did that feel to you like there had been a bit of a turn in the tide?
24:36 I mean, without a doubt.
24:38 You think back to the previous protests that have gone on,
24:43 it all felt very small-time.
24:46 It was people trying to do their bit, but the uptake wasn't big.
24:51 It did feel – I was wandering around Ilsebrye before it happened
24:55 and seeing the amount of people speaking to the guys who were handing out the fliers.
25:01 I obviously spoke to some of the lads as well.
25:05 It felt like the viewpoint of a lot of people had changed.
25:11 And look, I saw an uptake in terms of how many people were picking them up,
25:18 but even then it surprised me how many held them up.
25:22 I think it surprised a lot of people.
25:24 I don't know numbers, but I would imagine there was 7,000 or 8,000 people holding them up.
25:36 It's a lot of people.
25:38 And I think that this one felt a lot better than the ones that had done before.
25:43 It was a lot more effective.
25:45 It felt a lot more respectful about the way they went about it.
25:50 This is a real side note, but I was also impressed with how it was handled on the outside as well
25:55 because obviously I left the ground quite late on Friday night,
25:58 and I didn't see any litter around.
26:01 I didn't see – there wasn't yellow fliers strewn all over the floor outside.
26:06 I was a little bit worried about that because it is something that can leave a bit of a downer.
26:12 It damages your reputation when you're trying to get a point.
26:16 Yes.
26:18 But yes, I thought it was done well this time around.
26:23 And I think it was also important that Wednesday won the game as well
26:27 because if they'd lost it could have been used as like,
26:30 "Oh, well, you've put the team off" and all that kind of thing.
26:34 But yes, I just thought it was done –
26:37 Sorry, go on.
26:39 Sorry, go ahead.
26:40 I was just going to say I just thought it was done really respectfully.
26:43 The interesting thing now is where they go next and what happens after this.
26:48 Yes, I think that's the key from their point of view.
26:53 We should add a little bit of context here.
26:55 Essentially, the flier essentially said enough was enough.
27:00 I can't go into detail the reasons or some of the reasons why these supporters want Chancery out of the club.
27:16 The difficulty that they have is that they're the very serious matter of trying to stay in the division.
27:27 And anything that may detract from what's going on on the pitch,
27:36 any distraction that may put players under added pressure,
27:43 is going to make it difficult for the fan group to gain further support.
27:52 Which is why I think Friday night worked.
27:55 It was a kind of silent protest.
27:57 Those people who held up the fliers made their point.
28:02 It was very visual, but there were no distractions.
28:08 They did it as the players walked out, made their point, that was it.
28:12 They want to make significant ground in trying to get the message through to Chancery.
28:24 I guess he probably got the message, but whether or not he cares, a jot is another thing.
28:29 They are probably going to have to up their game.
28:33 That is where the difficulty lies.
28:37 Because upping your game tends to, in this case, mean disruption.
28:44 Yes, and I think you are right. The whole 'support the team, not the regime' message.
28:53 People will struggle to get on board when the next step is something that does affect the team.
29:02 As much as somebody might be on board with protesting and making themselves heard,
29:11 they won't be happy doing it at the expense of the team and going back down to League One.
29:18 They have got to get this next one right.
29:23 I am genuinely interested to see where they go with it.
29:26 It does feel with the 1867 group that there has been a shift.
29:30 They seem to be going about things a bit differently.
29:34 It has worked because the amount of people who are on board with what they are doing has changed significantly over the last couple of months.
29:43 I am really interested to see where they go next.
29:47 Like you say, whether it makes any difference or not, that very much remains to be seen.
29:52 Yes, that is my fear.
29:57 I am trying to offer some balance here, but if they want Chan-Siri out, he will do so very much on his own terms.
30:08 Very quickly before we wrap up, a much bigger match than last night coming up this weekend.
30:17 Obviously, Man Ual aren't too far ahead of Wednesday at the table.
30:22 You need to be looking to be beating those teams.
30:28 As I said at the very start, no-one is going to give you too much stick if you don't beat Leicester.
30:34 But if you are playing against a team who isn't really that far ahead of you at the table, then that is where criticism comes in.
30:41 However, this is going to be very difficult, isn't it?
30:44 Yes, I have been to Man Ual before.
30:48 It is not an easy place to go.
30:50 It has got a bit of an aura about it, Millwall.
30:55 Obviously, with the reputation they have got and all that kind of thing.
30:59 I think if you look at the next four games, you have got to be looking at a minimum of seven points.
31:05 I think if Wednesday want to get out of this, the one point would potentially be this one.
31:12 I think it is Millwall away, Bristol City at home, Rotherham away and then Plymouth at home.
31:20 You are looking at the Bristol City game and the Plymouth game and you are going,
31:24 'We should really be getting something out of those at home.'
31:27 Rotherham are obviously really struggling, so even away, it is not really away, it is just down the road.
31:32 So I think with those three, you would be looking at trying to get something out of those properly.
31:39 I do not think a draw away at Millwall will be the worst thing, but yes, it is one of those games,
31:43 given where they are at, that there will be some sort of expectation to get a result.
31:52 As we mentioned, Wednesday need to be beating the teams around them, the Leicesters and the Southamptons.
31:59 Obviously, after these four games, you have got Leeds, who are just destroying everything in the path at the moment.
32:05 So yes, you do not want to go into that Leeds game with your confidence already knocked.
32:11 We say it a lot, do we not, that we talk about big games and big periods and this game will not define you
32:18 and that game will not define you, but I think the next four games, for me,
32:24 decide whether Wednesday are in the Championship next season or not.
32:31 Thanks Joe, we will leave you there for this week's episode of Everywhere and Nowhere.
32:35 We will be back next week, where Alex might join us for more than a couple of minutes.
32:41 We will talk over that match against Millwall and anything else that may happen between now and then.
32:49 Thanks again Joe, thanks everybody for joining us. We will see you again next week.
32:53 Cheers.
32:54 [END]
