Video: स्कूल बस संचालक कर रहे यह गलती, एसपी ने बताई पूरी बात

  • 7 months ago
स्कूल बस संचालक कर रहे यह गलती, एसपी ने बताई पूरी बात
00:00 In the Chilwada district, Yatayar police have tried to check vehicles that transport children to school
00:10 and see if they have the necessary documents
00:13 The check that took place today, has brought a lot of regret to the people
00:17 Last month, we called all the school officials and transport workers in the name of traffic awareness
00:22 and made them aware that they should operate the vehicle only after all the documents and security checks
00:27 But today, many vehicles have been found to have many shortcomings
00:30 Some have a lack of insurance, some have no fire extinguisher, some have no driving uniform
00:35 There are many problems that have come up, on which we have filed a complaint of Rs. 10,000 on many buses
00:40 We have also called all the school officials again and again
00:44 and have sat down with them and are giving them a message that we are going to have a zero tolerance policy on this
00:48 because this is a matter of children's safety and it is not right to play with it
00:52 I would also like to say that many private vehicles take commercial children
00:58 and in such vehicles, children often travel in large numbers, which is highly unsafe
01:03 There have been many issues of overloading of auto vehicles and magic vehicles
01:07 So, as the SP of Chilwada police, I appeal to all parents
01:12 Please do not send your children to such dangerous places
01:15 The purpose is not to stop and cut the traffic of such vehicles
01:18 The purpose is that our children should be safe
01:20 But until this thought is not able to come down, we are going to keep a lot of strictness on it
01:25 And in such vehicles, where overloading is found, especially of children, we will also take action against their license cancellation
01:31 And we would encourage all parents to take care of this personally and ensure that their children can go to school safely
