MOST WANTED CRIMINALS - Hollywood Movie - Steven Seagal - Hollywood Action Thriller English Movie

  • 7 months ago
00:00:00 (waves crashing)
00:00:02 When I was a little girl,
00:00:07 my mother used to tell me a story about a princess
00:00:10 who lived on a beautiful island
00:00:12 surrounded by turquoise waters,
00:00:14 where the sky kissed the sea.
00:00:16 When the princess met her prince,
00:00:19 their love grew stronger than the waves
00:00:21 crashing against the shore.
00:00:22 So, when I met Jack one day on the beach,
00:00:28 he was everything I had been searching for.
00:00:30 I thought it was fate,
00:00:32 that I had forgotten something very important.
00:00:37 Every fairy tale has a monster.
00:00:41 In my life story, the monster's name was Gansiran Kiri,
00:00:46 a man whom I later found out was a ruthless crime lord.
00:00:51 Little did I know, our paths were destined to collide.
00:00:56 (soft music)
00:00:58 (soft music)
00:01:01 (waves crashing)
00:01:03 (upbeat music)
00:01:07 (upbeat music)
00:01:10 (upbeat music)
00:01:12 (gunshots firing)
00:01:19 (man grunting)
00:01:22 (speaking in foreign language)
00:01:38 - Now, a little birdie told me you're very bitter
00:01:43 about land deals that happened between our families,
00:01:47 where supposedly my family got land that belongs to you.
00:01:51 You have to understand, that wasn't me.
00:01:56 - I should have squashed you a long time ago,
00:02:00 when I have a chance.
00:02:02 - Let's bury the hatchet.
00:02:03 - No, in Cambodia, there is not enough room
00:02:08 for the both of us.
00:02:10 - That means one of us has to die.
00:02:12 - We will leave it to fate.
00:02:15 - You were always a cheat.
00:02:26 - In matters of life and death, there is no cheating,
00:02:31 just living and dying.
00:02:34 - Whose choice of weapons?
00:02:35 - High sword, winner take all.
00:02:38 - Well, that puts me at a disadvantage
00:02:41 because you're a master of the knives and the swords.
00:02:44 Maybe I'll survive.
00:02:47 Maybe I will get lucky.
00:02:50 Maybe not.
00:02:52 (man grunting)
00:03:02 (dramatic music)
00:03:05 (man grunting)
00:03:07 (man grunting)
00:03:33 (man grunting)
00:03:36 - You're out of practice, my old friend.
00:03:44 I expected more from you.
00:03:46 (man grunting)
00:04:02 - Gentlemen, mysteriously, our competitors are gone.
00:04:06 You all have done a great job.
00:04:09 I just wanna say that violence is the last resort
00:04:14 because it attracts a lot of attention.
00:04:17 But when we have no choice, we're pretty good at it.
00:04:20 (speaking in foreign language)
00:04:31 - Good job.
00:04:32 Celebrate.
00:04:34 (car engine revving)
00:04:54 - Okay, Sam.
00:05:00 The bank's around the corner, man.
00:05:01 You ready?
00:05:02 - I know what time it is, Jack.
00:05:04 - Just try not to shoot me with that thing, okay, pal?
00:05:06 Jesus Christ.
00:05:10 Hold on.
00:05:12 Can we go now?
00:05:14 - Let's go.
00:05:16 - Everybody freeze if you don't speak English.
00:05:18 (gun firing)
00:05:19 - Don't even think about it.
00:05:21 Down, fuck down.
00:05:22 - Okay, stop there and cooperate with us
00:05:24 and nobody gets hurt.
00:05:25 You, man it.
00:05:26 - Nobody gets hurt.
00:05:27 - Yeah, yeah, open it, open it.
00:05:28 - You, you, you, out, out, out.
00:05:29 (car engine revving)
00:05:31 - Keys.
00:05:32 - One minute.
00:05:33 - Come on, man.
00:05:36 - Move your ass.
00:05:37 - Go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:05:38 - Move.
00:05:45 You keep down.
00:05:46 Move.
00:05:52 Out the shit and move.
00:05:54 - Okay, we're good.
00:05:55 Get out of here.
00:05:56 - Minute 45, go.
00:05:59 - You tell him it's a two for that.
00:06:00 - Come on, man.
00:06:02 (dramatic music)
00:06:05 (car engine revving)
00:06:08 (dramatic music)
00:06:12 (car engine revving)
00:06:15 (dramatic music)
00:06:18 (dramatic music)
00:06:21 (dramatic music)
00:06:24 (dramatic music)
00:06:26 (dramatic music)
00:06:29 (dramatic music)
00:06:32 (car engine revving)
00:06:55 (car engine revving)
00:06:58 - Holy shit.
00:07:14 What'd they do with all this US currency?
00:07:16 I mean, this is like a crazy amount of money.
00:07:19 - How much money you think that is?
00:07:20 - I ain't got a clue, I've been busy.
00:07:23 - Why would a small bank in Cambodia have this much cash, man?
00:07:26 - Stop complaining.
00:07:26 We scored, mate, we scored.
00:07:28 - I'm not complaining.
00:07:28 What if they check the bags on the border?
00:07:30 - Trust me, they won't.
00:07:32 - That's a good thing.
00:07:35 I brought this.
00:07:36 - Great.
00:07:38 You expect us to take this amount of cash to our bodies?
00:07:41 - Tough guy like you scared of some tape?
00:07:42 - It's not the taping I'm worried about.
00:07:45 It's taking it off, my son.
00:07:46 Taking it off.
00:07:48 - You're a hairy bastard, man.
00:07:49 It'll do you some good.
00:07:53 - Jesus Christ.
00:07:54 - You're always trying to call that chick.
00:07:59 You need to get a life, mate.
00:08:01 - She is my life, man.
00:08:03 - You're so whipped.
00:08:04 Is that why you're doing this?
00:08:06 - Maybe.
00:08:07 What's it to you?
00:08:08 - It just makes me nervous working with such a pussy.
00:08:11 - Never, man.
00:08:13 Let's get you taped up.
00:08:14 - No, no, no, no.
00:08:15 After you, mate.
00:08:16 Turn around and bend over.
00:08:17 - Get off of me, you fucker.
00:08:19 This is serious.
00:08:20 Just fucking tape me.
00:08:21 (sputtering)
00:08:24 (dramatic music)
00:08:26 - All right, we're set.
00:08:38 - Sir.
00:08:50 - Okay, thank you.
00:08:51 - Thank you.
00:08:53 Okay.
00:09:20 - Thank you.
00:09:21 - Thank you kindly.
00:09:23 (engine revving)
00:09:26 (dramatic music)
00:09:29 (engine revving)
00:09:31 (dramatic music)
00:09:34 (engine revving)
00:09:37 (gentle music)
00:10:02 (gentle music)
00:10:04 - Hey, baby.
00:10:12 - Hey, you.
00:10:13 - Wanna do me a favor and ditch that thing?
00:10:16 - I just started work.
00:10:18 - You just finished work.
00:10:20 Believe me.
00:10:21 (dramatic music)
00:10:25 - My mother died when I was young,
00:10:30 but she taught me not to take shortcuts in life.
00:10:33 When I got older, I didn't go for the quick cash
00:10:36 in go-go bars like some other girls I knew.
00:10:38 Jack and I were working towards our dream
00:10:42 so that someday we can live on that beautiful island
00:10:45 together.
00:10:45 Can I open my eyes yet?
00:10:54 - Oh, no, not yet.
00:10:55 I'll tell you when it's okay.
00:10:57 (gentle music)
00:11:00 - Oh.
00:11:05 - Okay, open 'em.
00:11:14 - It's the one that I saw from the store window last week.
00:11:21 I love it.
00:11:26 Really, I do.
00:11:28 But honey, we can't afford this.
00:11:30 - That's the surprise part.
00:11:32 Come here.
00:11:34 Let me show you something.
00:11:36 Come on, baby.
00:11:38 Come on.
00:11:38 (both laughing)
00:11:41 - Oh my God, what is that?
00:11:45 - That is why you don't have to work
00:11:47 at the club anymore, Avalon.
00:11:48 And it's all yours.
00:11:51 - I don't understand.
00:11:54 Where did you get it?
00:11:55 - Don't ask me where or how or why.
00:11:59 I'll tell you why.
00:12:02 It's 'cause I love you.
00:12:05 I want you to stick around.
00:12:07 - I'm not going anywhere.
00:12:10 I love you.
00:12:12 Don't you know that?
00:12:13 You have to tell me where you got all this money.
00:12:16 - Avalon, honey, I'm serious.
00:12:18 It's better that you just don't know.
00:12:21 - So how do I explain where I got it?
00:12:25 - You can't explain this to anybody, okay?
00:12:28 Now, honey, I'm not telling you what to do,
00:12:30 but we can't spend this money right now, okay?
00:12:33 Now, maybe we can have a little fun,
00:12:35 but I'm gonna put most of it away somewhere safe.
00:12:38 - You're crazy, you know that?
00:12:40 - I'm crazy for you.
00:12:42 - You know what we should do?
00:12:47 - What?
00:12:48 - We should go on holiday.
00:12:49 To an island, like where we met.
00:12:54 Anything you want, baby doll.
00:12:55 I'm gonna go clean up, okay?
00:13:02 I'll be right back.
00:13:04 Don't go anywhere.
00:13:05 (crying)
00:13:08 (laughing)
00:13:10 (water dripping)
00:13:13 (water dripping)
00:13:16 - I think you've been naughty, Jack.
00:13:43 - Oh yeah?
00:13:44 It's a naughty time.
00:13:46 Whoa, whoa, baby, that's not a toy.
00:13:48 - You didn't tell me you had a gun, Jack.
00:13:52 - It slipped my mind.
00:13:53 Now, don't point that.
00:13:54 - Don't worry so much.
00:13:56 The safety's on.
00:13:57 Come here.
00:13:59 Why don't you...
00:14:04 Do me on all of this cash?
00:14:10 - Hmm?
00:14:11 - Don't make me ask you twice, Jack.
00:14:16 - Yes, ma'am.
00:14:23 (laughing)
00:14:30 (laughing)
00:14:33 - What kind of rose is that?
00:14:43 - This is called a rose of belle de l'ombre.
00:14:48 It's known as the rose of compassion.
00:14:50 It's a climbing tea rose, kind of common,
00:14:53 but I've always loved it.
00:14:54 My mama used to grow these in America.
00:14:56 - Do you miss America?
00:14:58 - This is my home.
00:15:00 Came to Asia quite a while back
00:15:02 and fell in love with this place
00:15:04 and just don't think I'll be leaving here.
00:15:07 - The bank with your money was robbed.
00:15:18 They got away with about 200,000 US dollars.
00:15:20 Most of it was yours.
00:15:23 - Can I ask you a question?
00:15:24 Aren't you the motherfucker that told me
00:15:26 that that's the safest place to put my money?
00:15:29 - Yes, sir.
00:15:30 - You said it would be safe.
00:15:33 You know, I took your advice.
00:15:35 So, if I were you, I would get my money back.
00:15:39 - It shouldn't be difficult.
00:15:41 It was marked.
00:15:43 - I don't wanna hear any stories
00:15:44 about how easy it's gonna be.
00:15:46 I wanna hear that we got it back.
00:15:49 I want results or I'll take these fucking rose clippers
00:15:52 and bury them in somebody's motherfucking eye.
00:15:54 - Yes, sir.
00:15:57 (crickets chirping)
00:16:00 (upbeat music)
00:16:07 (upbeat music)
00:16:10 (upbeat music)
00:16:13 (upbeat music)
00:16:15 (birds chirping)
00:16:38 (upbeat music)
00:16:41 - Yeah, yeah.
00:16:46 (scoffs)
00:16:47 If there's a next time,
00:16:49 you can't come in shooting the place up like that, man.
00:16:51 No need, it's too much.
00:16:52 - You thinking about doing it again?
00:16:56 - Thinking about it?
00:16:59 - I'm up for another run across the border.
00:17:01 - Yeah?
00:17:02 We were good, right?
00:17:04 - Fuck yeah.
00:17:06 - Guess all those video games finally paid off.
00:17:08 - I'm all about the money, baby.
00:17:10 - Big time.
00:17:11 Especially after taking so much shit for so long.
00:17:14 It's nice to have some real cash.
00:17:15 - I'm gonna buy myself a new set of wheels.
00:17:18 - Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:17:20 Don't do anything crazy, Sam.
00:17:21 We gotta let that money cool off for a little while.
00:17:23 - A man's gotta have some fun, you know.
00:17:25 - I'm just saying, don't be stupid.
00:17:26 - Be careful who you're calling stupid.
00:17:28 - Just looking out for both of us, man.
00:17:34 All right, go have some fun.
00:17:36 Just don't go crazy.
00:17:37 - All right.
00:17:39 I got lunch.
00:17:41 I gotta split, see ya, pal.
00:17:42 - See ya later.
00:17:43 (somber music)
00:17:48 - Yeah, Sam told me about this place.
00:18:03 It's not too bad, right?
00:18:06 - Oh my gosh, this place is amazing.
00:18:08 - You deserve nothing less, babe.
00:18:09 - Thank you.
00:18:10 - Thank you.
00:18:11 Cheers.
00:18:13 - Cheers.
00:18:13 - Oh wow.
00:18:20 Baby, some of the cash we're gonna have to start
00:18:24 putting into your bank account.
00:18:26 All right, no more than a few thousand dollars at a time.
00:18:28 Okay?
00:18:29 - Well, honey, what about you?
00:18:30 I want you to have some of this money too.
00:18:32 - Don't worry about me.
00:18:34 I took a little off the top for expenses.
00:18:37 Now, if you wanna take me out to dinner a few times
00:18:39 or go on vacation, I won't stop you.
00:18:42 - Jack.
00:18:46 We're not in any danger 'cause of this, are we?
00:18:52 - No, babe.
00:18:55 Avalon, you're safe with me, okay?
00:19:02 I swear to God I'll do anything I have to
00:19:04 to make sure you're taken care of.
00:19:06 Promise.
00:19:08 - I know that Jack only wanted the best for me,
00:19:14 but there are always consequences for our actions.
00:19:18 (whistling)
00:19:24 (engine rumbling)
00:19:27 (whistling)
00:19:43 (thudding)
00:19:52 (Jack grunting)
00:19:55 - Hello, Jack.
00:20:02 One of my two Farangs.
00:20:06 - Who the fuck are you?
00:20:07 - My name is Niran Watana.
00:20:11 I'm your new best friend.
00:20:14 - That's okay, pal.
00:20:17 I don't like the friends I have.
00:20:20 I don't need another one.
00:20:22 - Really?
00:20:23 That's funny.
00:20:27 (Jack grunting)
00:20:32 If that's the way I see it,
00:20:39 you could use one right about now.
00:20:42 - What are you, a cop?
00:20:46 - There you go calling me names.
00:20:50 (Jack grunting)
00:20:53 - Hold on to this.
00:20:57 There was a lot of money you took from the bank in Cambodia,
00:21:06 especially for such a small town, no?
00:21:10 And all of that US currency.
00:21:14 - I don't know what you're talking about.
00:21:19 - Oh, butter.
00:21:20 Is it healthy?
00:21:21 - Yeah, actually, it does help a little bit.
00:21:24 (Jack grunting)
00:21:27 - I'm getting really mad now with this bullshit.
00:21:31 The money?
00:21:34 Asshole.
00:21:38 I found in the closet.
00:21:42 - How'd you find me?
00:21:47 (Jack panting)
00:21:49 - It's all marked.
00:21:50 And you were so eager to exchange it
00:21:53 that it showed up on my radar real quick.
00:21:55 Now, this is how it's gonna work.
00:22:00 I'm gonna give you the names of the banks in Cambodia
00:22:05 that you are gonna rob.
00:22:07 You're gonna do exactly as I tell you.
00:22:12 - Come again?
00:22:15 - The banks will be guaranteed to have just as much,
00:22:19 if not more, than what you took from the first heist.
00:22:22 For my service, I get 50% of everything.
00:22:28 And unfortunately for you, today,
00:22:32 you and your partner have already split the money.
00:22:35 And while you were out, I took my 50%.
00:22:38 That kind of wipes you out.
00:22:40 (Jack coughing)
00:22:42 (Jack retching)
00:22:45 - I'm not doing this.
00:22:49 - Of course.
00:22:52 I knew you were gonna say that.
00:22:54 So here's the other option.
00:22:55 - No.
00:22:59 - You played a dangerous game and the rules have changed.
00:23:02 - No, wait.
00:23:03 Okay, wait. - Wait.
00:23:04 - Wait, okay, wait. - No, no, you know what?
00:23:06 I think I'll just talk to your boyfriend
00:23:08 and maybe he will recognize the generosity of my terms.
00:23:12 (Jack retching)
00:23:15 What?
00:23:16 (Jack retching)
00:23:18 I'm sorry, you wanna say something?
00:23:20 - I'll do it.
00:23:22 I'll do it.
00:23:25 - See, Jack?
00:23:27 Best friends.
00:23:30 I have a little something for you.
00:23:34 Keep it close.
00:23:37 I'll be calling.
00:23:38 (Jack retching)
00:23:41 But just in case, your girlfriend?
00:23:45 Well, I'm sure that she's gonna be somebody
00:23:48 that I will be meeting quite intimately
00:23:52 if you fuck with me.
00:23:53 Take care, buddy.
00:23:58 (door creaking)
00:24:04 (door slamming)
00:24:06 - Jack!
00:24:13 - Hey, baby.
00:24:14 Can you untie me?
00:24:15 - Hang on, hold on, hold still.
00:24:19 Oh my God, Jack, what happened?
00:24:22 - Looks like I stole from some bad guys, babe.
00:24:24 - Are you okay?
00:24:28 - Evelyn, they took all your money, doll.
00:24:32 They took all the money, but it's okay.
00:24:34 I've got it worked out, all right?
00:24:34 We got a deal and I'm gonna get your money back
00:24:36 and I'm gonna get you more money, okay?
00:24:37 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:24:38 Listen to me.
00:24:39 Look, okay?
00:24:41 It's only money, Jack.
00:24:43 I'm worried about you, are you okay?
00:24:46 - Yeah, I'm okay. - Oh my God.
00:24:47 - I'm okay.
00:24:48 - Okay, let's get you up. - Let's go in the bathroom.
00:24:50 (Jack retching)
00:24:53 Oh, I'm sorry, baby.
00:24:55 So fucking sorry.
00:24:57 (somber music)
00:25:01 (rain pattering)
00:25:03 - So you're pissed?
00:25:12 - I think it was crazy and stupid.
00:25:18 But I also think it was kind of romantic
00:25:29 that you robbed a bank just for me.
00:25:31 - I'm glad you feel that way, baby.
00:25:35 'Cause I'm gonna do it again.
00:25:40 - You sure about that, Jack?
00:25:46 - I don't have a real job.
00:25:50 If I don't do what this guy says, I'm gonna be in deep--
00:25:52 - Shh.
00:25:52 Money is not important.
00:25:59 (rain pattering)
00:26:00 Now, let's straighten out the bedroom
00:26:04 so that I can take care of you.
00:26:06 (upbeat music)
00:26:10 (upbeat music continues)
00:26:13 (upbeat music continues)
00:26:17 (upbeat music continues)
00:26:44 (phone ringing)
00:26:46 - Yeah.
00:26:57 - You ready?
00:27:00 - Yeah, we're ready.
00:27:01 - Listen carefully.
00:27:02 There's a bank in the town of Sissapon
00:27:07 next Wednesday, exactly two o'clock.
00:27:14 Not before, not a minute later.
00:27:17 Do you understand?
00:27:19 - Yeah, 2 p.m., highway six.
00:27:21 - On your way back to the border,
00:27:23 there's an old petrol depot just off of Jungle Highway.
00:27:27 You'll see a black BMW.
00:27:30 Go there immediately after the job.
00:27:34 Jack, I know exactly how much money's in the bank,
00:27:38 so don't try and be wise with me.
00:27:41 - Don't worry about it.
00:27:42 (sighs)
00:27:50 (gentle music)
00:28:03 (gentle music continues)
00:28:06 (laughs)
00:28:27 (gentle music continues)
00:28:31 (gentle music continues)
00:28:35 - Yeah.
00:28:36 (gentle music continues)
00:28:40 (gentle music continues)
00:29:06 (phone ringing)
00:29:09 - Yeah.
00:29:21 - Yo, I gotta talk to Greedy Greg.
00:29:24 Tell him it's Jack.
00:29:34 (glass shattering)
00:29:37 (Jack sighs)
00:29:42 (gentle music)
00:29:45 (phone ringing)
00:29:47 (phone ringing)
00:29:51 (dog barking)
00:30:06 (phone ringing)
00:30:09 (phone ringing)
00:30:13 (gentle music)
00:30:16 (dog barking)
00:30:19 - Shut up, Heavy.
00:30:21 This is a courier without a goddamn box.
00:30:23 - Thanks for seeing me like this, Greedy.
00:30:29 Sorry I haven't been around to make no runs.
00:30:31 - Don't say that shit, man.
00:30:32 What you want?
00:30:33 - Well, this may seem kind of strange,
00:30:36 but over the last few years, making runs for you,
00:30:40 I've noticed that, well, the packages,
00:30:43 sometimes, sometimes inside of them, there's a...
00:30:47 - Yo, nigga, get to the point, man.
00:30:48 You see I'm doing some shit, right?
00:30:50 Time for this bullshit.
00:30:53 - I wanna pick something up.
00:30:54 - Pick something up like what?
00:30:56 - I wanna buy some heat.
00:30:57 - Heat?
00:30:58 - Guns, man.
00:31:01 - I know what motherfucking heat is.
00:31:04 What I don't know is who sent your 1989 talking ass
00:31:07 here for guns?
00:31:08 - The packages, Greedy.
00:31:10 I gotta open them sometimes.
00:31:12 - Look, man, you know I've never taken anything
00:31:13 off the top on a job.
00:31:15 And I'm only here tonight because some of your bags,
00:31:18 they got gun parts in them, man.
00:31:21 Rifle rounds, large magazines, machine gun shit.
00:31:24 Now, I've been doing some new work lately,
00:31:26 some work that requires more than a pistol,
00:31:27 and I don't know where to get that kind of shit
00:31:28 this side of the world.
00:31:29 Thought maybe you could help.
00:31:33 Look, man, maybe this is a bad idea.
00:31:38 I can just leave.
00:31:39 - No, no, no, you ain't just leaving.
00:31:40 You ain't going nowhere.
00:31:42 You understand me?
00:31:44 What you're going to do is you're gonna lift that shirt.
00:31:46 I'm serious, man.
00:31:50 I ain't playing with you.
00:31:51 - I ain't wearing a wire, Greedy.
00:31:57 I just got nowhere else to go.
00:32:01 - All right, all right.
00:32:08 All right, I'm not one to turn away business,
00:32:11 you understand?
00:32:12 Let's see what paper you got.
00:32:14 - American.
00:32:19 - Now we talking.
00:32:22 So what kind of heat you looking for this evening?
00:32:26 - AR-15, Brad AM9, AK, submachine gun,
00:32:30 shotguns, anything heavy.
00:32:31 - All right.
00:32:34 Let's take them upstairs, fellas.
00:32:39 Come on.
00:32:40 Bam.
00:32:50 - Yeah.
00:32:52 Yeah.
00:32:54 Yeah, this'll do.
00:32:57 Maybe this.
00:33:03 Definitely that.
00:33:05 - Okay.
00:33:08 Good choice.
00:33:09 - You know, I like you, Jack.
00:33:19 Hope you're not getting it over your head.
00:33:22 - Then the guard went for his gun
00:33:27 and I looked at him real mean.
00:33:29 He knew if he touched this pistol,
00:33:31 I'd take him out just like that.
00:33:33 Nobody moved after that until we were leaving.
00:33:36 And I shot the fucking shit.
00:33:38 All right, Jack, what happened to you?
00:33:40 - You got a voice that carries, you know that, pal?
00:33:42 - I was telling Tracy or Sharon
00:33:43 or whatever her fucking name is
00:33:44 about some TV show, that's all, mate.
00:33:46 - Can I talk to my friend?
00:33:48 - Why'd you do that for?
00:33:51 I was about to tap her fucking ass.
00:33:53 - Let me talk to you outside.
00:33:55 - What's up, Jack?
00:34:02 - What the hell is wrong with you?
00:34:03 Talking about our business in a fucking bar, you stupid?
00:34:05 - Don't call me stupid.
00:34:07 I let you get away with it once.
00:34:09 Don't fucking test me, okay?
00:34:10 That was Cambodia.
00:34:12 The police can't touch us here.
00:34:13 - We don't know that, Sam.
00:34:15 Maybe they can.
00:34:16 Maybe somebody wants their money back.
00:34:17 Do you ever think about that?
00:34:19 - What are you trying to say?
00:34:21 - I'm just saying, use your head.
00:34:23 I'm serious, man.
00:34:25 'Cause we're doing it again.
00:34:26 - Okay.
00:34:28 (birds chirping)
00:34:31 - Everybody down.
00:34:57 Get down.
00:34:58 Everybody down.
00:35:01 This is a robbery.
00:35:01 Nobody fucking move.
00:35:03 On the floor now.
00:35:04 - God damn it, Sam.
00:35:07 Fuck.
00:35:08 - You, get up, man.
00:35:09 It's a goat.
00:35:10 You open the safe.
00:35:11 Open the safe.
00:35:11 Open it.
00:35:12 Go, go, go, go.
00:35:13 - Shut up.
00:35:14 - Keep your mouth shut.
00:35:15 Take down, motherfuckers.
00:35:17 Out, out, out, out.
00:35:18 - Shit.
00:35:22 Shit.
00:35:23 - Shut up.
00:35:35 - All right, we're out.
00:35:41 - Good job, Jack.
00:35:43 You saved 15 seconds of our time.
00:35:45 Good man.
00:35:46 - God damn it.
00:35:47 - Tell him it's the two flanks.
00:35:51 - Stop saying that.
00:35:52 - Little trigger happy back there, don't you think, Sam?
00:36:18 - That's the way it goes down.
00:36:19 No room, no time for nothing else.
00:36:21 I only shot him in the fucking leg.
00:36:23 - That was a cell phone.
00:36:24 - And what if it wasn't?
00:36:25 Who reaches inside that jacket doing a robbery?
00:36:28 You told me to cover your ass, Jack.
00:36:30 And as normal, I'm covering your ass
00:36:31 and mine at the same time.
00:36:33 - Sam, cover us.
00:36:34 Don't shoot a motherfucker just 'cause he moves.
00:36:36 Do you wanna kill somebody?
00:36:37 Is that your gig?
00:36:39 'Cause that's not mine.
00:36:40 All right, we rob banks.
00:36:41 That's it.
00:36:42 - All right.
00:36:44 - Now follow me.
00:36:50 We gotta make a stop.
00:36:51 (engine revving)
00:36:54 (engine revving)
00:36:57 (engine revving)
00:37:00 - What are we doing here, Jack?
00:37:27 - God damn it, Sam.
00:37:28 Not another word 'til we get back to Bangkok.
00:37:30 All right, you're getting paid.
00:37:32 Stay put.
00:37:33 - Who's that in that car?
00:37:34 - Your boyfriend.
00:37:45 He know about us?
00:37:47 - He knows what he needs to know.
00:37:48 Nice feeling, right?
00:37:52 Taking what you want.
00:37:54 Being in control.
00:37:55 - I don't feel much in control right now, Niren.
00:37:57 - No?
00:37:59 All that money.
00:38:00 And Avalon.
00:38:02 How is she?
00:38:04 Is she at that silly Muay Thai aerobics class of hers?
00:38:08 - Niren, I swear to God,
00:38:10 you stay the fuck away from her.
00:38:11 - It must feel good to have enough money
00:38:13 to take care of this young, hot, beautiful,
00:38:15 and sexy girl like you.
00:38:16 - You know what?
00:38:18 You slow, hand boy.
00:38:20 Now you ease off that.
00:38:22 There we go.
00:38:25 We're buddies, right?
00:38:27 Okay.
00:38:30 You guys were lucky last time crossing the border.
00:38:34 And now that I have an interest in you not being caught,
00:38:37 I'm gonna show you the old tunnel
00:38:38 that we used to run shipments through.
00:38:41 Come on.
00:38:42 Follow me.
00:38:43 (upbeat music)
00:38:50 (upbeat music)
00:38:52 (upbeat music)
00:38:55 (upbeat music)
00:38:58 (upbeat music)
00:39:01 (upbeat music)
00:39:17 (upbeat music)
00:39:27 (upbeat music)
00:39:29 (upbeat music)
00:39:44 (upbeat music)
00:39:55 (upbeat music)
00:39:57 (upbeat music)
00:40:00 (upbeat music)
00:40:13 (upbeat music)
00:40:16 - A guard was killed.
00:40:32 - Was that necessary?
00:40:33 - What are you getting soft, Neeran?
00:40:36 - What's the matter to you?
00:40:37 - You're not a killer, Jack.
00:40:42 You tell your partner there to watch his trigger finger,
00:40:44 or he's gonna lose it.
00:40:45 - Understood?
00:40:47 Who are you giving up, Neeran?
00:40:54 For these jobs?
00:40:55 Moving up in the world, huh?
00:40:57 - That I am.
00:41:01 And that's all you need to know.
00:41:04 - No, I need to know when we're gonna be square.
00:41:07 - Square?
00:41:11 Square has nothing to do with it, Jack.
00:41:13 You'll know what I'm through with you.
00:41:15 Later, buddy.
00:41:19 - The way I look at it, it's like this fish.
00:41:37 People saying, "Well, I shouldn't eat the fish
00:41:40 "because the fish is, you know,
00:41:42 "an important sentient being," and that's true.
00:41:46 - Excuse me, sir, I have some news.
00:41:48 - Is it important?
00:41:51 - Please, sir.
00:41:54 I found them already.
00:42:11 - I'll take care of it right now.
00:42:12 - Take care of it. - I will, sir.
00:42:14 - But you know, I'm just thinking
00:42:16 that I'm not really feeling confident.
00:42:18 - So what's this surprise you've been telling me about?
00:42:33 - What do you think?
00:42:34 - This is yours?
00:42:37 - Fucking A.S.
00:42:39 - Goddammit, Sam, you are taking this back, man.
00:42:41 - No way.
00:42:42 - You don't even have a job.
00:42:44 How are you gonna explain this?
00:42:45 - You're spending all your money on Avalon.
00:42:46 No offense, Avalon.
00:42:47 - That is not the same thing, man.
00:42:48 - Fucking sure it is.
00:42:50 I can spend my money on what I like.
00:42:51 Now piss off!
00:42:53 - Fuck.
00:43:08 (sighs)
00:43:10 - You were kind of rough on him, Jack.
00:43:13 - Just stay out of it, Avalon.
00:43:15 - Fuck you, Jack.
00:43:17 Take me home now.
00:43:18 - Baby, I'm sorry, I just-- - Now!
00:43:21 Jack and Sam fought sometimes like a married couple.
00:43:29 The stress was affecting us all in different ways.
00:43:31 Or maybe it was guilt.
00:43:34 Clearly, we were taking shortcuts
00:43:37 to try and make our dreams come true.
00:43:39 But everything was getting too real.
00:43:42 The fairy tales started to crack apart.
00:43:44 - You ready?
00:43:58 - Whatever.
00:44:06 - Cap Chalk, Cap Chalk, everybody down!
00:44:08 This is a robbery, you, down!
00:44:11 - You're making a big mistake.
00:44:12 This is the Seren Carey brothers' money.
00:44:14 - You, big guy, get down, down on the ground!
00:44:19 Last chance.
00:44:27 - You're both dead men.
00:44:31 - Hey, second!
00:44:32 (yells)
00:44:33 All right, manager, you, Sal, keys, keys!
00:44:35 Let's go, let's go!
00:44:37 - Move, J.
00:44:38 You and your men still near Point B?
00:44:40 - Yeah.
00:44:43 - Okay, the foot-arms are making the move right now.
00:44:44 Go do what I would do.
00:44:46 (siren wailing)
00:44:54 (yells)
00:44:57 (yells)
00:45:03 (gunshots)
00:45:05 - Fuck, Sam, I gotta go to the banks!
00:45:15 Cover me!
00:45:15 (tires screeching)
00:45:19 Who the fuck are you, bro?
00:45:23 - How the hell should I know?
00:45:25 Come on, man!
00:45:26 (gunshots)
00:45:28 - Fuck!
00:45:54 - Sam, we have gotta get to the banks, man!
00:45:57 (gunshots)
00:45:59 - Move, move, move!
00:46:00 (gunshots)
00:46:01 Go!
00:46:02 (gunshots)
00:46:04 (tires screeching)
00:46:15 (engines revving)
00:46:19 (dramatic music)
00:46:22 (engines revving)
00:46:37 (tires screeching)
00:46:39 (dramatic music)
00:46:50 (sirens wailing)
00:46:53 (engines revving)
00:47:18 (tires screeching)
00:47:21 (yells)
00:47:38 (grunts)
00:47:47 (grunts)
00:47:49 (gunshots)
00:47:52 - Over half a million dollars, brother.
00:48:08 Somebody just came into my banks
00:48:11 and took that fucking money.
00:48:15 They took the money because someone told them
00:48:19 it was there.
00:48:20 Waiting for them.
00:48:24 These two fronts are dead men.
00:48:30 We can find them and we can kill them.
00:48:32 But what's more important
00:48:35 is to find out who the fucking rat is
00:48:38 on the inside.
00:48:42 'Cause I think we know this is an inside job.
00:48:45 Don't we?
00:48:46 - Looking at the banks,
00:48:48 I'd say these guys are coming from Thailand.
00:48:51 They cross the border,
00:48:52 they do the job,
00:48:54 and they go back.
00:48:55 - Well,
00:48:57 I'll get the money back,
00:49:00 but at this point,
00:49:01 I'm not as concerned about the money
00:49:05 as my feelings.
00:49:06 (heart beating)
00:49:09 I would really hate to kill you now.
00:49:15 It would break my heart to kill you.
00:49:18 - If you think I turned on you,
00:49:21 you do what you got to.
00:49:23 I have nothing to be scared of.
00:49:25 - Unfortunately,
00:49:35 I'm gonna have to wait to do what I do
00:49:38 just a little bit longer.
00:49:40 'Cause I wanna be sure I don't kill anybody innocent.
00:49:44 I'm worried of a million dollars.
00:49:47 If any one of my brothers finds me with this rat,
00:49:50 I want his head,
00:49:56 put it in this fucking tray.
00:49:58 Bye, tomorrow.
00:50:00 (gun firing)
00:50:03 - I don't know what happened.
00:50:07 These jobs are supposed to always be easy pickings.
00:50:10 - Well, maybe your secret connection
00:50:11 ain't that connected after all.
00:50:13 What do you think that crazy bastard meant?
00:50:15 This is here to kill his brother's money.
00:50:16 - These guys are bad news, man.
00:50:18 They're drug lords.
00:50:19 I heard about them on the news.
00:50:21 It's probably their guys who shot the shit out of us.
00:50:23 - Yeah, and that crazy monkey running son of a bitch.
00:50:26 This guy you meet in after every job.
00:50:28 - Bro, you need to tell me who he is.
00:50:30 - I really don't know, Sam.
00:50:32 He might be from a rival gang.
00:50:33 He might be an inside guy.
00:50:34 I just don't know.
00:50:36 - Look, this shit's running deep
00:50:39 and I need to know who's out to kill my ass.
00:50:41 - What do you suggest, man?
00:50:44 I'm lost here.
00:50:45 - Let me have a think about it.
00:50:48 - Hey, Sam.
00:50:53 It's good shooting.
00:50:55 - Cheers.
00:50:57 (dramatic music)
00:51:00 (phone ringing)
00:51:03 (dramatic music)
00:51:05 - Yeah, Niren.
00:51:31 What do you got for me?
00:51:32 - Another bank score.
00:51:33 Biggest one yet.
00:51:35 Next week, a bank in Siem Reap.
00:51:39 - That's good news because it's the last one.
00:51:43 - I'll tell you when it's the last score.
00:51:46 - Hey, fuck face.
00:51:47 The commute, it's not working for me anymore.
00:51:50 All right, and if you don't like it,
00:51:52 maybe I'll tell the Cyr and Kiri brothers
00:51:54 that you're the one that's been feeding me these jobs.
00:51:56 (dramatic music)
00:51:59 - That get your attention, asshole?
00:52:04 - And how are you gonna do that, Jack?
00:52:08 You just hit the walls into their compound,
00:52:10 introduce yourself, what?
00:52:12 I'm the American that's been checking your banks?
00:52:15 You have no fucking idea who these men are.
00:52:18 - That may be the case,
00:52:20 but you really should listen to this.
00:52:22 - Yeah, Niren.
00:52:23 What do you got for me?
00:52:24 - Another bank score.
00:52:26 Biggest one yet.
00:52:27 Next week, a bank in Siem Reap.
00:52:30 - Think they'll recognize that voice, Niren?
00:52:33 How long you think you're gonna be alive
00:52:35 after they hear that?
00:52:36 - Okay, cowboy.
00:52:43 We'll play it your way.
00:52:49 One last score.
00:52:50 Give me my cut, you make some money,
00:52:53 then we'll go happily ever after into the sunset.
00:52:55 And then we'll be, what did you say?
00:53:00 Square.
00:53:02 - Square?
00:53:03 - Yeah, fuck you, square.
00:53:07 I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life
00:53:09 looking over my shoulder, Niren.
00:53:11 And I am not ever gonna let you hurt Avalon.
00:53:14 - Until next time.
00:53:19 (clattering)
00:53:21 - See, I have something I wanna talk to you about, man.
00:53:33 After tomorrow's job, Avalon and I are gonna skip town.
00:53:35 - Where you gonna go?
00:53:37 - Don't know yet.
00:53:38 - Don't know or don't trust me?
00:53:41 - Don't know.
00:53:43 (dramatic music)
00:53:45 - What are we doing?
00:53:50 - Do me a favor, get me another drink.
00:53:56 I'll be back in 10 minutes.
00:53:57 - That Yaba shit's gonna kill you one day, man.
00:54:00 - You've got your vices, I've got mine.
00:54:02 - Oh yeah?
00:54:03 What's mine?
00:54:04 - Avalon snatch.
00:54:05 - Fuck outta here, man.
00:54:07 Hey, man, sweaty cup.
00:54:13 Cigarettes, do you sell cigarettes?
00:54:15 Okay, cool.
00:54:16 Whiskey, bow, whiskey.
00:54:26 And water, plow, smell plow.
00:54:29 - Super writing class, Sammy.
00:54:33 - I don't wanna get wasted, you know?
00:54:35 - Okay, cool, thanks, man.
00:54:36 - Get the fuck out of the car, motherfucker.
00:54:42 - Put your hands down.
00:54:44 (grunting)
00:54:51 - Fuck off, dude.
00:55:09 Hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:55:11 Sam? Sam!
00:55:14 Sam, goddamn it! Sam!
00:55:16 Oh, fuck, man!
00:55:17 Fuck! Hey, buddy, fuck!
00:55:19 I thought I'd figured out my linux still.
00:55:22 Fuck, man, don't worry about that, man.
00:55:24 OK, we're gonna get you some help.
00:55:26 We're gonna get you the fuck out of here, OK?
00:55:27 Breathe, all right.
00:55:29 You said this shit would kill me.
00:55:32 Sam.
00:55:34 Oh, no, no, no, no, Sam, don't--
00:55:36 don't-- don't-- don't, man!
00:55:38 Sam, don't fucking do this, man!
00:55:40 Fuck!
00:55:42 Sam!
00:55:43 Sam?
00:55:45 -Sam? -Fuck!
00:55:47 Fuck!
00:55:49 Goddamn it!
00:55:52 Sam, fucking motherfucker.
00:55:57 Oh, fuck.
00:56:05 (SOBBING)
00:56:06 (SOBBING)
00:56:07 (SIGHS)
00:56:16 (MUSIC FADES)
00:56:18 Oh, Sam.
00:56:46 Yeah.
00:56:47 Yeah, I bet you're real torn up.
00:56:49 Yeah, yeah.
00:56:53 Yeah, I got it.
00:56:56 Fuck, that was fast.
00:56:58 What?
00:57:01 That was my connection.
00:57:03 Yeah, I heard about Sam.
00:57:05 Says I still gotta go through with this next job,
00:57:08 or all bets are off.
00:57:09 Well, what does that mean?
00:57:11 It's not good.
00:57:14 It's not good.
00:57:15 Well, you can't pull it off alone, right?
00:57:21 Nah. No way.
00:57:23 I gotta find a new partner.
00:57:27 Somebody I can trust.
00:57:29 Well...
00:57:31 you're looking at her.
00:57:33 Honey, I wasn't saying that for you.
00:57:37 Who better to watch your back, huh?
00:57:39 Sam was your first choice, I get it.
00:57:41 He was your best friend.
00:57:43 No, Avalon, there's no fucking way.
00:57:45 Come on. I'm perfect.
00:57:47 I've listened to every detail of your other jobs.
00:57:49 I know what to do.
00:57:51 Yeah, I know you're perfect,
00:57:52 but there's a big fucking difference
00:57:53 between hearing about a bank robbery
00:57:55 -and actually robbing a bank. -Yeah?
00:57:56 So, how did you start?
00:57:58 -That's not important. -Why, Jack?
00:58:00 Why won't you let me do this with you?
00:58:01 I don't have to tell you why.
00:58:02 Yes, you do.
00:58:03 No.
00:58:05 Because I don't want you to get hurt.
00:58:06 Now, that's it. End of story.
00:58:12 Check this.
00:58:13 I can handle this gun with my eyes closed, Jack.
00:58:22 And when I was growing up,
00:58:25 my father taught me how to shoot this
00:58:27 not off any predator on Earth.
00:58:29 That may be so, but it's different.
00:58:30 And...
00:58:32 with a body like this...
00:58:35 (CHUCKLES)
00:58:36 you better believe I know how to shoot this.
00:58:39 You better believe I know how to protect myself.
00:58:42 What if you gotta shoot somebody?
00:58:47 'Cause on this job, we might have to.
00:58:49 You ready for that, Avalon?
00:58:52 You ready to kill somebody?
00:58:53 Without hesitation, look at 'em right in the eye?
00:58:56 'Cause that's gonna happen.
00:58:57 I'll do what it takes to protect you out there.
00:59:00 Just like how you've been protecting me
00:59:04 since the first day we met.
00:59:07 (SIGHS)
00:59:08 I don't wanna kill anyone, Jack.
00:59:11 But if it means you'd be safe...
00:59:15 I'd do it.
00:59:18 (SCOFFS)
00:59:21 This is crazy.
00:59:23 (SCOFFS)
00:59:25 You're crazy.
00:59:26 So?
00:59:28 Okay.
00:59:32 -Okay. -Let's go through it.
00:59:35 -Really? -Yeah.
00:59:36 (CHUCKLES)
00:59:37 Yeah, let's do it. Here we go.
00:59:39 Didn't think I'd find a car this fast, did ya?
00:59:51 You got all the moves, baby.
00:59:55 (CHUCKLES)
00:59:59 Now let's go over it again.
01:00:03 Okay. But I know what to do.
01:00:05 (GRUNTS)
01:00:22 (GRUNTS)
01:00:23 (GRUNTS)
01:00:24 (GRUNTS)
01:00:25 -Hey, Lucky, how are you? -Mr. Serenkii.
01:00:32 (RUMBLING)
01:00:33 Looks like your man doesn't play by the rules.
01:00:36 Uh, it's just a little practice for the fight tonight.
01:00:38 You got any big money on the fight?
01:00:41 That's right.
01:00:43 You know it takes big money to make big money.
01:00:45 Well, you got that kind of money.
01:00:47 I could afford that. How you could afford that?
01:00:49 You insinuate Knight's had something to do with that shit?
01:00:53 I'm just asking you a question to see what you have to say.
01:00:55 I can't stand up to you.
01:00:56 You wanna think that of me?
01:00:58 I'm loyal till death.
01:01:01 Got no right to accuse me of anything.
01:01:03 We heard about the bang.
01:01:07 You just let those two felons get away with our money.
01:01:10 Hey, they almost split my fucking head open.
01:01:12 I spent the night in hospital.
01:01:14 He's all right, man.
01:01:19 Look, ever since you guys took over,
01:01:21 I've played by your rules.
01:01:22 Given you your share of the gambling.
01:01:25 I got nothing to hide.
01:01:26 Let him go.
01:01:28 (GRUNTS)
01:01:30 (GRUNTS)
01:01:31 (GRUNTS)
01:01:37 (GRUNTS)
01:01:40 Big money on the fight tonight, huh?
01:01:52 Good luck with that.
01:01:58 Baby, what are you doing?
01:02:19 What?
01:02:23 It's not like I'm ever gonna get a chance to do this again, okay?
01:02:25 You gotta look good.
01:02:26 Baby, do you remember?
01:02:27 We wear these.
01:02:29 They're like protection.
01:02:30 You know, it covers our face.
01:02:32 Fine.
01:02:35 Well, just in case, I wanna look good for my mugshot.
01:02:39 You're ridiculous.
01:02:48 Capt. Shaw! Capt. Shaw!
01:02:59 Get everybody down!
01:03:00 This is a robbery! You!
01:03:01 (GUNSHOT)
01:03:03 (GRUNTS)
01:03:06 You, you, you!
01:03:07 Stop! Stop! Open the fucking door, you!
01:03:09 Hey, get up! Get the fuck out!
01:03:11 You over there, there, there, there!
01:03:13 Don't you open that fucking door!
01:03:14 (GRUNTS)
01:03:15 Keep going. Keep going.
01:03:18 (MUSIC STOPS)
01:03:42 Avalon, go!
01:03:53 (GUNSHOTS)
01:03:55 Jack, start the car!
01:04:07 (GUNSHOT)
01:04:10 (GUNSHOTS)
01:04:11 (GRUNTS)
01:04:18 You know, I must be a dumb motherfucker or something
01:04:35 because I keep putting my money in these bags.
01:04:39 And the only reason why I did that
01:04:41 because one of my most trusted employees told me
01:04:44 that was the safe place to put my motherfucking money.
01:04:48 You know, I'm having trouble believing this shit.
01:04:53 Truffulon's got away with $500,000 US currency.
01:04:58 You know,
01:05:00 you think I'm stupid?
01:05:02 No, Mr. Silkery.
01:05:04 You're the mastermind and
01:05:07 I wouldn't have gotten this far without your leadership, sir.
01:05:10 To add insult to injury, they're telling me
01:05:13 that one of the Farangs is a girl.
01:05:16 I don't know whether to fucking kill them or hire them.
01:05:20 And what do you think, Niran?
01:05:22 I don't think anything of it.
01:05:25 I'm not amused. Not at all.
01:05:29 I want these two Farangs dead, and I want them dead today.
01:05:35 (GUNSHOT)
01:05:36 Can you take the wheel, baby?
01:05:49 Yeah, okay.
01:05:51 Okay, you got it?
01:05:53 Yep.
01:05:54 Oh, my God, Jack!
01:05:58 You've been shot!
01:06:00 Okay, I got it.
01:06:03 I'm going to the hospital.
01:06:04 Are you fucking crazy?
01:06:05 Jack!
01:06:06 Look at us! Do you want to spend the rest of our lives in a Cambodian prison?
01:06:08 Okay. Okay, fine.
01:06:12 The next time we get to, we're going to a pharmacy
01:06:14 and we're going to get some supplies to patch you up, okay?
01:06:16 Okay, that we can do.
01:06:18 Fuck.
01:06:20 Answer it.
01:06:23 Hello?
01:06:26 Avalon.
01:06:28 Is this you, my love?
01:06:32 Where's Jack?
01:06:33 I said, who the fuck is this?
01:06:35 It's Niran.
01:06:37 You know?
01:06:39 His connection.
01:06:40 Now let me fucking talk to him!
01:06:42 Who's Niran?
01:06:44 Give me the phone.
01:06:45 Yeah.
01:06:47 Avalon.
01:06:49 She's quite spicy.
01:06:50 What do you want?
01:06:52 I want my share of the money, you cocksucker.
01:06:54 What do you think?
01:06:55 Nah, in an hour, meet me around--
01:06:57 No can do.
01:06:58 Maybe in a little while later, maybe tomorrow.
01:07:01 You want to run across the border with my money?
01:07:03 I swear to God,
01:07:04 there'd be nothing better for me to do
01:07:06 than to hunt you down and kill you.
01:07:08 And that loudmouth bitch.
01:07:10 Hey, calm down, motherfucker.
01:07:11 I got shot. I'm not going anywhere.
01:07:13 I got to patch up.
01:07:14 Don't you die before paying me, Jack.
01:07:16 Well, you know what will happen to that sweetheart of yours.
01:07:20 You know what? It's enough of the threat, man.
01:07:22 I got some settling out to do.
01:07:23 Just stay close to your fucking phone.
01:07:24 Fuck you, Jack!
01:07:26 (dramatic music)
01:07:27 Honey, I got everything.
01:07:44 Did you get the sling?
01:07:45 Mm-hmm.
01:07:46 Good girl.
01:07:50 (phone ringing)
01:07:55 (phone ringing)
01:07:56 Hello, sir.
01:08:02 No one's seen any sign of them.
01:08:04 I'll wait here at the border until it closes at midnight.
01:08:08 Call you if anything happens.
01:08:10 Okay.
01:08:12 You're going to have to go take care of this.
01:08:17 Be careful.
01:08:22 (footsteps)
01:08:23 Geisha, he's at the border.
01:08:28 Contact all of our hotel connections.
01:08:30 Let me know when you got something.
01:08:32 You ready?
01:08:38 Yeah.
01:08:39 Just like we talked about, all right?
01:08:40 (grunting)
01:08:42 Put some of that vodka on the key.
01:08:50 (panting)
01:08:51 Yeah?
01:08:53 Okay, now pour some right on that wound.
01:08:54 (grunting)
01:08:56 (laughing)
01:08:58 Okay.
01:09:01 You ready?
01:09:02 Yeah.
01:09:03 One, two, three.
01:09:04 (grunting)
01:09:06 Come on, do it.
01:09:10 You can do it.
01:09:11 You can do it.
01:09:12 Do it again.
01:09:13 Come on.
01:09:14 Okay, one, two, three.
01:09:19 One, two, three.
01:09:20 (grunting)
01:09:22 I can't do it.
01:09:24 Baby, you gotta do it.
01:09:27 You gotta do it, Evelyn.
01:09:29 Stick it in there and pull that bullet out.
01:09:31 Okay, okay.
01:09:33 One more time, come on, you can do it.
01:09:34 You can do it.
01:09:35 Yeah?
01:09:36 Okay.
01:09:37 Okay, come on.
01:09:38 Ready?
01:09:39 Two, three.
01:09:40 (grunting)
01:09:41 I'm sorry, I can't do it, I can't do it.
01:09:43 It's okay.
01:09:48 It's okay.
01:09:49 Baby, you have to see a doctor.
01:09:51 Okay.
01:09:54 Yeah, okay.
01:09:56 We'll find a vet in Thailand.
01:09:59 And somebody we can buy off.
01:10:01 Well, it has to be soon.
01:10:05 You've lost so much blood.
01:10:07 It's not that much blood.
01:10:11 Hey, hey.
01:10:12 Hey, we're gonna be okay.
01:10:13 I'm gonna be okay, all right?
01:10:15 You're gonna bandage me up.
01:10:18 And I'm gonna be just fine.
01:10:19 All right?
01:10:21 Okay, okay.
01:10:22 (screaming)
01:10:25 (dramatic music)
01:10:27 (dramatic music)
01:10:29 (dramatic music)
01:10:31 (dramatic music)
01:10:33 (dramatic music)
01:10:35 (dramatic music)
01:10:36 (dramatic music)
01:10:37 (dramatic music)
01:10:38 (dramatic music)
01:10:39 (dramatic music)
01:10:40 (dramatic music)
01:10:41 (dramatic music)
01:10:42 (dramatic music)
01:10:43 (dramatic music)
01:10:44 (dramatic music)
01:10:45 (dramatic music)
01:10:46 (dramatic music)
01:10:47 (dramatic music)
01:10:48 (dramatic music)
01:10:49 (dramatic music)
01:10:50 (dramatic music)
01:10:51 (dramatic music)
01:10:52 (dramatic music)
01:10:53 (dramatic music)
01:10:54 (dramatic music)
01:10:55 (dramatic music)
01:10:56 (dramatic music)
01:10:57 (dramatic music)
01:10:58 (dramatic music)
01:10:59 (dramatic music)
01:11:00 (dramatic music)
01:11:01 (dramatic music)
01:11:02 (gunshots)
01:11:03 (dramatic music)
01:11:04 (dramatic music)
01:11:05 (dramatic music)
01:11:06 (dramatic music)
01:11:07 (dramatic music)
01:11:08 (dramatic music)
01:11:09 (dramatic music)
01:11:10 (dramatic music)
01:11:11 (dramatic music)
01:11:12 (dramatic music)
01:11:13 (dramatic music)
01:11:14 (dramatic music)
01:11:15 (dramatic music)
01:11:16 (dramatic music)
01:11:17 (dramatic music)
01:11:18 (dramatic music)
01:11:19 (dramatic music)
01:11:20 (dramatic music)
01:11:21 (dramatic music)
01:11:22 (dramatic music)
01:11:23 (dramatic music)
01:11:24 (dramatic music)
01:11:25 (dramatic music)
01:11:26 (dramatic music)
01:11:27 (dramatic music)
01:11:28 (dramatic music)
01:11:29 (dramatic music)
01:11:30 (dramatic music)
01:11:31 (dramatic music)
01:11:32 (punches thudding)
01:11:35 (groaning)
01:11:50 I was new, it was you, you fucking snake.
01:11:58 (punches thudding)
01:12:01 Look at me, Neron.
01:12:13 I want you to see this coming.
01:12:18 (glass shattering)
01:12:21 (punches thudding)
01:12:26 (groaning)
01:12:29 I bet you didn't see that coming.
01:12:39 (gun firing)
01:12:44 (crickets chirping)
01:12:50 (ominous music)
01:12:53 Babe, wake up.
01:13:04 Jack?
01:13:08 Jack, wake up.
01:13:11 Jack?
01:13:14 Jack?
01:13:15 (groaning)
01:13:19 (groaning)
01:13:21 Are you okay?
01:13:23 I feel like shit.
01:13:26 Oh babe, we gotta go.
01:13:30 You drive, okay?
01:13:34 I'll load the guns.
01:13:36 Why do you need to load the gun?
01:13:42 We're going home, right?
01:13:43 Yeah, we'll go home.
01:13:47 (groaning)
01:13:49 I just gotta take care of my connection first.
01:13:51 Hey, baby, it's okay.
01:13:57 I promise.
01:13:59 (groaning)
01:14:03 (guns cocking)
01:14:06 (ominous music)
01:14:20 (sirens blaring)
01:14:23 Hello?
01:14:46 Jack?
01:14:47 There's an old temple off the highway
01:14:49 10 kilometers west of Siem Reap.
01:14:51 Be there at one o'clock.
01:14:54 Not one minute before, not one minute after.
01:14:57 Do you understand?
01:14:58 I'll be there.
01:15:00 Son of a bitch.
01:15:18 (ominous music)
01:15:20 (phone ringing)
01:15:25 Yeah?
01:15:28 Mr. Siren Kiri.
01:15:29 Just saw Niren.
01:15:31 Don't let him out of your sight.
01:15:34 Tell me exactly where he goes.
01:15:38 And don't fuck it up.
01:15:41 Yes, sir.
01:15:41 (engine revving)
01:15:45 (engine revving)
01:15:48 What now?
01:16:09 We wait.
01:16:12 (engine revving)
01:16:15 the road.
01:16:16, (engine revving)
01:16:21 (engine revving)
01:16:24 (phone ringing)
01:16:48 Mr. Siren Kiri.
01:16:49 Where's he headed?
01:16:50 Siem Reap Temple.
01:16:51 I'll take it from here.
01:16:52 Old temple outside Siem Reap.
01:16:56 I'll be right back.
01:17:13 Be careful.
01:17:16 (ominous music)
01:17:19 Hey, Jack, you look like shit.
01:17:28 I want my money.
01:17:34 Give me that duffel bag,
01:17:42 or I'll shoot that little bitch.
01:17:44 (gun firing)
01:17:45 (grunting)
01:17:47 (gun firing)
01:17:53 Are you okay?
01:18:00 I'm okay.
01:18:01 He'll never hurt you, baby.
01:18:04 He'll never hurt us.
01:18:08 (breathing heavily)
01:18:11 Jack, we need to switch cars.
01:18:20 Okay, let's go.
01:18:22 (engine revving)
01:18:26 (beeping)
01:18:35 (engine revving)
01:18:38 Jack.
01:18:46 What's up?
01:18:48 Oh, shit.
01:18:51 That's them Indianans' car, turn around.
01:18:58 Just keep driving, baby.
01:19:01 (engine revving)
01:19:03 Faster.
01:19:13 All right, we're after that BMW.
01:19:21 Don't let him get away.
01:19:22 Shit.
01:19:28 Avalon, you give this bitch all she's got, okay?
01:19:31 Keep your eyes on the road and don't look back.
01:19:33 Got it.
01:19:33 Faster, baby.
01:19:40 Just keep driving.
01:19:49 (gun firing)
01:19:55 (gun firing)
01:19:57 Can't you go any faster?
01:20:00 This is it.
01:20:01 (gun firing)
01:20:03 (siren blaring)
01:20:07 (gun firing)
01:20:22 (gasping)
01:20:24 (gun firing)
01:20:29 (tires screeching)
01:20:32 Oh, fuck you, asshole!
01:20:35 (gun firing)
01:20:40 Oh my God.
01:20:43 Jack!
01:20:48 (gun firing)
01:20:51 What now?
01:21:06 I don't know.
01:21:09 Slow down.
01:21:10 What?
01:21:11 Baby, slow down a little bit.
01:21:13 (dramatic music)
01:21:16 (gun firing)
01:21:22 (tires screeching)
01:21:29 (gun firing)
01:21:32 God damn it.
01:21:33 (laughing)
01:21:37 Oh my God.
01:21:38 Did we lose them?
01:21:41 For now.
01:21:42 We should put some distance between us, though.
01:21:45 I think the border's a few miles up.
01:21:47 We'll figure it out there.
01:21:49 (birds chirping)
01:21:56 (birds chirping)
01:21:59 Okay, baby.
01:22:20 We're gonna ditch the car.
01:22:22 We can grab a boat up the river here.
01:22:24 (coughing)
01:22:27 Who were those guys, Jack?
01:22:28 It's a long story, babe.
01:22:31 I thought you were only hitting banks.
01:22:35 Me too.
01:22:36 Turns out these gangsters
01:22:37 launder their money through the banks.
01:22:39 Hey, it's okay.
01:22:45 Looks like we're home free now, huh?
01:22:49 Shit.
01:22:50 Jack, they're here.
01:23:02 Oh, fuck.
01:23:03 Okay, so what's the plan?
01:23:09 Okay, the plan is you're gonna get out of here
01:23:14 and I'm gonna hold them off as long as I can.
01:23:16 No!
01:23:16 Baby. No!
01:23:17 Look, Avalon, I've had a life, okay?
01:23:19 And I spent the best parts of it with you.
01:23:21 Jack!
01:23:21 Baby, back at the safe,
01:23:22 there's almost a million dollars, okay?
01:23:23 Jack, it was never about the money.
01:23:25 Can we just give it back to them?
01:23:26 It's past that, babe.
01:23:30 Okay?
01:23:32 You gotta get on a boat
01:23:34 and you're gonna take that money
01:23:35 and you're gonna get out of here.
01:23:36 You're gonna disappear and get out of the house
01:23:37 on an island like we talked about.
01:23:38 No, Jack, please don't do this.
01:23:40 Okay, you're gonna buy a house--
01:23:41 No, please don't do this.
01:23:42 Please don't do this to me, please.
01:23:44 Jack.
01:23:45 Baby, I love you.
01:23:46 From this life and the next, okay?
01:23:48 Okay?
01:23:51 I love you, too.
01:23:52 I love you.
01:23:53 And you gotta go.
01:23:53 Baby, you gotta go right now.
01:23:56 You gotta go right now.
01:23:57 Go, go, go, go, go!
01:23:58 (gunshots firing)
01:24:08 (gunshots firing)
01:24:15 (grunting)
01:24:17 No!
01:24:20 (gunshots firing)
01:24:25 (gunshots firing)
01:24:33 Fuck!
01:24:39 (gunshots firing)
01:24:43 Oh, fuck!
01:24:44 (gunshots firing)
01:24:47 Fuck!
01:24:57 (gunshots firing)
01:25:04 Baby, go!
01:25:10 (gunshots firing)
01:25:15 Jack, no!
01:25:16 You killed Neron?
01:25:25 Didn't I do you a favor?
01:25:28 Yeah, I'm so grateful for that.
01:25:31 Please don't hurt her.
01:25:32 You don't come into people's yards,
01:25:36 steal their money and shoot at 'em.
01:25:38 'Cause people like me might get lucky and kill you first.
01:25:43 Please.
01:25:43 Just don't hurt her, man.
01:25:47 Jack, no.
01:25:48 Jack, please don't leave me.
01:25:54 Please, please don't.
01:25:56 Hey, baby.
01:25:58 Jack.
01:26:00 Jack?
01:26:03 Jack!
01:26:05 Jack!
01:26:12 You.
01:26:13 Need the money?
01:26:16 Take your knife and go.
01:26:18 Now.
01:26:21 I love you.
01:26:28 (dramatic music)
01:26:35 (dramatic music)
01:26:38 (dramatic music)
01:26:40 (dramatic music)
01:26:43 (dramatic music)
01:26:46 (dramatic music)
01:26:49 (dramatic music)
01:26:51 (dramatic music)
01:26:54 (dramatic music)
01:26:57 (dramatic music)
01:26:59 (dramatic music)
01:27:02 I don't know why Gan Serenguri spared my life that day.
01:27:28 I guess even monsters have a soft spot.
01:27:30 Maybe I reminded him of someone in his life.
01:27:34 Compassion still lived in him somewhere.
01:27:38 I'm grateful I lived the fairytale with Jack,
01:27:44 if only for a short time.
01:27:46 But the price was too high,
01:27:49 and I would give all the money in the world
01:27:52 to see Jack again.
01:27:54 Now Jack lives on.
01:27:58 But only in my heart.
01:28:00 (dramatic music)
01:28:03 (dramatic music)
01:28:06 (dramatic music)
01:28:08 (dramatic music)
01:28:11 (gentle music)
01:28:14 [music]
