Grève à la SNCF : est-il possible d’interdire le droit de grève dans les transports en commun ?

  • il y a 7 mois
00:00 Is it possible to ban strikes for SNCF agents?
00:03 Here's what you need to know.
00:04 A bill aims to limit strikes during the sensitive periods,
00:08 such as school holidays or holidays.
00:10 But this could be unconstitutional.
00:13 More precisely, it is about making strikes impossible
00:15 the first two and the last two days of each holiday period,
00:19 as well as the day before, the next day and the day of a holiday.
00:22 However, this raises debates about the preservation of the right to strike.
00:25 Indeed, if the right to strike is a constitutional principle
00:28 inscribed in the preamble of the Constitution of 1946
00:32 and taken up in that of the Fifth Republic,
00:34 some public agents do not have it.
00:36 This is the case of penitentiary agents,
00:38 police officers, magistrates and military,
00:40 in order to ensure the continuity of public service.
00:44 As for public agents of public transport,
00:46 such as SNCF agents,
00:47 they can exercise their right to strike,
00:49 but it is already limited and limited.
00:51 Agents must permanently provide a minimum service.
00:54 According to an interrogated lawyer,
00:56 limiting the exercise of the right to strike is a disproportionate violation of the right to strike.
01:00 To legislate on the right to strike,
01:02 no need for a constitutional reform,
01:04 a law is enough.
01:05 But if it is voted,
01:07 it will still have to go through the constitutional council.
01:10 [MUSIC]
