00:00 (Vidéo)
00:02 (Vidéo)
00:04 (Vidéo)
00:06 (Vidéo)
00:09 (Vidéo)
00:11 - You talkin' about me, Blue Falcon? Gosh!
00:13 - He's fearless, scareless, a little too careless.
00:16 Dino March!
00:18 He's a go-go dog person!
00:20 - That's me, Dog Wonder!
00:23 (rire)
00:24 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:29 - Ah?
00:31 - He's fearless, scareless, a little too careless.
00:35 Dino March!
00:36 He's a go-go dog person.
00:39 - That's me, Dog Wonder!
00:42 (rire)
00:43 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:47 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:49 - Big City, a glittering metropolis
00:51 where millions of law-abiding citizens work and play.
00:54 But alas, there is a shabby underside to this great city,
00:58 where the parasites of crime plan their vile schemes.
01:02 The lair of Willie the Weasel, a third-rate second-story man
01:06 who may be inventing the greatest threat
01:08 ever faced by Big City.
01:10 - No penny anti-second-story jobs for me, snitch!
01:13 If this works, I'll be the most powerful man in Big City!
01:16 (roar)
01:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:22 To crime and wealth!
01:24 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:27 (rire)
01:32 Success!
01:33 (rire)
01:34 - A fiendish transformation indeed!
01:37 And for what evil purpose?
01:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:42 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:47 - Oh, no! Who are you?
01:49 What do you want?
01:50 - Your gold coins!
01:52 - No, you can't!
01:53 - Stand in my way, and this will be your fate!
01:56 (hiss)
01:58 (roar)
02:00 - No, please, take anything!
02:02 (evil laugh)
02:04 (evil laugh)
02:07 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:10 - And now the antidote!
02:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:13 (rire)
02:16 (applaudissements)
02:18 - Unaware of this dastardly crime,
02:20 the Blue Falcon, as Radley Crown,
02:23 hosts a private exhibition at his Chick Art Gallery.
02:26 - Oh, Mr. Crown, I'm certainly going to buy
02:28 some of these delightful paintings!
02:30 - I knew you'd like them, Mrs. Rockerwealth.
02:32 Oh, assistant, would you please serve the refreshments?
02:35 - Tantalizing, taste-tempting, tummy-teething tidbits!
02:38 Coming up!
02:39 (clic)
02:40 (clochette)
02:42 - OK, folks, Dino's Diner is open for business!
02:46 One tuna on toast, hold the mayo,
02:48 add a medivh on wraps, eggs and toast for you!
02:51 One burger well done, onions relish and a secret sauce!
02:55 Root beer with two stars, chili con carne asias,
02:59 hot dogs, mustard, onions, and whipping cream!
03:02 - Don't wonder, my guests expect something besides junk food.
03:06 - Uh, beg your pardon, B.F., every item is vitamin enriched!
03:09 (sonnerie)
03:11 - It's the Falcon Flash!
03:12 (sonnerie)
03:14 Uh, ladies and gentlemen, something unexpected has come up.
03:17 I'm afraid the art show is over.
03:19 (clochette)
03:20 Quick, Dog Wonder, to the Falcon's Lair!
03:23 - Yeah, off we go! (humming)
03:25 - Into the secret Falcon lift!
03:27 (clochette)
03:29 Into our costumes, Dog Wonder!
03:31 (clochette)
03:32 The Falcon's Lair, a luxurious penthouse
03:34 high above Big City, where Blue Falcon
03:37 is in direct communication with the secret headquarters
03:40 of Focus One.
03:41 There is a new frighteningly ugly face on the criminal scene,
03:44 a Mr. Hyde threatening citizens to turn them into Hyde monsters.
03:48 You must stop this threat to Big City.
03:50 Not a moment to lose, Dog Wonder, to the Falcon Car!
03:54 (humming)
03:56 (clochette)
03:57 Activate the Falcon Car!
03:59 - We activate the Falcon Car, coming up!
04:01 (clochette)
04:04 (clochette)
04:05 - Fasten your seatbelt, Dog Wonder, we're off!
04:08 Blue Falcon!
04:10 - And Dog Wonder!
04:11 - All right!
04:12 (cris)
04:13 (clochette)
04:15 (humming)
04:17 - Now, the question is, where will Mr. Hyde strike next?
04:21 - I think with a face like his, it'll be Jewel's Beauty Shop.
04:24 (laughs)
04:26 - You said jewels, but crown jewels are being exhibited
04:29 at Big City Museum.
04:31 That just might be his next target.
04:33 (clochette)
04:35 (humming)
04:37 (clochette)
04:39 (humming)
04:40 - As usual, Blue Falcon is right.
04:43 But will our stalwart champions of justice arrive in time?
04:47 (humming)
04:49 - All right, Snitch, let's get them!
04:52 (clochette)
04:53 (crash)
04:56 (laughs)
04:57 (laughs)
04:59 (chatter)
05:02 (chatter)
05:03 (crash)
05:05 (laughs)
05:07 (laughs)
05:09 (crash)
05:11 (laughs)
05:13 (laughs)
05:15 (laughs)
05:17 (laughs)
05:19 (laughs)
05:21 (laughs)
05:23 (crash)
05:25 (laughs)
05:27 (laughs)
05:30 (laughs)
05:32 (crachat)
05:34 (crachat)
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07:49 (paroles en anglais)
07:51 (cris)
07:58 (cris),
08:03 (cris),
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