• 7 months ago
Episod 448 My #QuranTime 2.0 Selasa 5 Mac 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 15-18) Halaman 129

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-An'am ayat 15-18 halaman 129 ini adalah:
* Seruan kepada kaum Musyrik yang berpaling daripada tauhid (15-16)
* Peringatan bahawa kemudaratan dan kemanfaatan daripada-Nya (17)
* Penegasan sifat uluhiyyah Allah SWT (18)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 15-18 halaman 129:
* Sentiasa rasa takut akan azab dan kemurkaan Allah SWT (15)
* Hanya bergantung harap kepada Allah, bukan kepada makhluk (17)
* Mengagungkan dan membesarkan Allah dalam hati dan jiwa (18)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:21 What is the effect of the Tauhid in the Makkiah surahs?
00:26 Of course, it brings fear to Allah SWT
00:32 and this fear is highly appreciated in the Surah Al-An'am.
00:37 Let's follow the discussion in this episode.
00:40 [Music]
01:03 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
01:12 [Music]
01:38 [Prayer]
01:51 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:53 We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Unfaq today.
01:56 Together we will go through the verses 15 to 18 from Surah Al-Imran, Surah Al-An'am, the sixth surah.
02:04 Surah Bukhar 129 with Ustaz Tim Rizi Ali.
02:09 How are you?
02:10 I am fine, Alhamdulillah. How are you?
02:11 Alhamdulillah, we are in Surah Al-An'am, not Al-Imran.
02:14 Today we are in a hurry.
02:16 Alhamdulillah, we will continue today with many guests.
02:21 Who are they?
02:22 Alhamdulillah, we welcome, Masha'Allah,
02:26 [Prayer]
02:36 Welcome everyone. How are you?
02:38 Alhamdulillah.
02:40 We will take our time now.
02:42 It is 12.30pm, right?
02:43 Yes, Masha'Allah.
02:44 A little late.
02:45 When we start reciting, Masha'Allah.
02:47 We will be more enthusiastic, Masha'Allah.
02:49 We will continue with the group of guests.
02:51 Welcome.
02:52 We ask Allah to grant us knowledge, full of wisdom today.
02:57 With the prayer,
02:58 [Prayer]
03:06 We will see what are the summary of the four verses today.
03:09 In the verses 15 to 16, we will see the call to the Mushrik people,
03:14 who turn from Tawheed to Allah.
03:18 In the 17th verse, we will see that
03:21 humbleness and benefit are the source of Allah.
03:26 And we will see the affirmation of Allah's divinity in the 18th verse.
03:32 Let's read Surah Al-An'am, the sixth surah,
03:37 with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmizi.
03:39 Alhamdulillah, thank you Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tawafazrul.
03:42 The audience, the friends who have been given the opportunity,
03:44 Alhamdulillah.
03:45 Let's focus together today,
03:48 from the 15th verse to the 18th surah,
03:51 which is the 129th surah, Surah Al-An'am.
03:55 Hopefully, we will be facilitated today.
03:58 Together, we will learn Al-Quran,
04:01 understand the verses of Allah SWT.
04:03 These are among the actions,
04:05 which are very noble.
04:07 Hopefully, we will be facilitated for the knowledge of Al-Quran.
04:11 Let's read together.
04:13 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:17 Say, "I fear, if I disobey my Lord,
04:28 the punishment of a great Day."
04:44 "If I am turned away from Him that Day,
04:53 He has already shown mercy to him,
04:57 and that is the triumph of the clear."
05:08 "And if the Fire should touch you with harm,
05:22 none can remove it except He.
05:30 And if He should touch you with good,
05:37 He is able to do all things."
05:51 "And He is the All-Powerful over His servants,
06:00 and He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware."
06:11 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
06:13 We have read from the 15th to the 18th verse.
06:17 The connection from the previous episode.
06:19 When Allah said,
06:21 "Allah is the One who owns the Kingdom of Heaven and the Earth,
06:25 and all things, including the hands and eyes of all that are in our lives."
06:30 We realize that the Absolute Owner is Allah.
06:33 So, when we know that we are Allah's,
06:36 if we have a friend,
06:37 we lend him a pen.
06:39 This is his pen, we take good care of it.
06:42 If we lose it, we will feel guilty.
06:45 That is when a person who has a pen,
06:49 or if we know that the Absolute Owner of all things on this earth
06:54 is Allah's,
06:56 we will feel guilty when we do not take care of the trust
07:01 that is given by Allah.
07:04 And the effect when we go deeper into the Tauhid that was conveyed in the previous verses.
07:09 Prophet Muhammad SAW was taught in the 15th verse,
07:13 "I am afraid that if I am a sinner,
07:23 I will be punished by my Lord."
07:30 So, in this 15th verse,
07:32 we see how the Prophet's approach was taught.
07:37 That is, compared to,
07:39 "If you are a sinner, you will be punished."
07:42 For example, "If you are a sinner, you will be in hell."
07:45 No. What is used in this 15th verse,
07:47 "I am afraid that I will be punished if I am a sinner,
07:56 with a grudge against Allah SWT."
07:59 So, the way of speaking in this 15th verse is an important thing.
08:03 If we look at Surah Yasin,
08:05 where there is a young man from the outskirts of the city,
08:08 Habib Ad-Najjar,
08:09 the way he conveyed the message of truth is the same.
08:12 That is, when the message is about the things that are not okay,
08:16 he will relate it to himself,
08:17 compared to him,
08:19 showing it to the listeners at that time.
08:22 Why?
08:23 Because when we convey the message of Tauhid, Da'wah,
08:26 we cannot say,
08:28 "Wa la tuzakku anfusakum."
08:29 "Don't we wash ourselves."
08:31 Like the speaker,
08:32 who is the most,
08:34 what is the term,
08:35 "pure and not sinful."
08:36 And the person in front of him is the only one who is sinful.
08:40 That is not the principle that Allah taught
08:43 through the 15th verse that we read a while ago.
08:47 And more than that,
08:48 what is the content?
08:49 The content is,
08:50 "I am afraid of a great punishment
08:56 if I am a sinner against Allah SWT."
09:00 So, here,
09:01 the role of Tauhid is to create fear,
09:04 to create injustice,
09:06 to create injustice to ourselves.
09:07 That is the effect of learning Tauhid.
09:08 It is not that learning Tauhid,
09:10 learning the 20 attributes,
09:11 will make us more and more
09:13 want to argue,
09:15 or want to show that I am more right than others.
09:18 But the more we realize
09:21 the Tauhid that Allah SWT taught in the Quran,
09:25 the more we feel afraid.
09:26 And if we go to Surah Ar-Rahman,
09:28 verse 46,
09:29 there is a story about,
09:30 "Wa liman khawfa maqama rabbihi jannatan."
09:33 For those who feel afraid,
09:35 their condition,
09:36 their status in front of Allah SWT,
09:39 what is the meaning?
09:40 Two heavens,
09:41 which are given because,
09:43 because fear is a thing that is highly appreciated
09:47 in the Quran,
09:48 specifically in the 15th verse.
09:51 So, this is what the Prophet was taught,
09:54 the way the Prophet taught,
09:56 in a form that is not showing off,
09:58 not teaching,
09:59 but in the form of a statement,
10:00 "I am afraid if I am punished,
10:03 if I am forced to do the things of Shirk,
10:07 as stated in the previous verse,
10:09 which is the 14th verse.
10:11 We will continue in a moment.
10:13 What is the sign if someone is given mercy by Allah SWT?
10:18 But we will take a short break.
10:20 Like Quran Time, Quran Salah, Bi'ifrah, Inshallah.
10:22 [Music]
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12:51 [Music]
13:01 [Music]
13:11 [Music]
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13:43 [Music]
13:46 Welcome back to Quran Time, Quran Salah, Infaq.
13:48 We are together to see in verses 15-18,
13:50 Surah Al-An'am,
13:51 the surah that teaches about Tawheed,
13:53 and how the companions see Tawheed,
13:56 not only as a personal knowledge,
13:58 but it is a struggle.
14:00 Until it is repeated many times in this surah,
14:03 the word "Kul"
14:05 shows, "Say it, say it."
14:07 The word is not only for oneself,
14:09 but it must be conveyed in the community.
14:12 The Prophet Muhammad must make a da'wah,
14:14 convey the contents that Allah has taught in Surah Al-An'am,
14:19 a surah that descends from the group of Makkiyah,
14:23 accompanied by 70,000 angels,
14:26 showing the greatness of Surah Al-An'am
14:28 that we must pay attention to.
14:30 And a while ago, we have discussed the 15th verse,
14:34 and continued with the 16th verse
14:36 that Ustaz Chirmizi read earlier.
14:38 When it is stated,
14:39 the contents of the da'wah that is conveyed in relation to Tawheed
14:42 is continued with the 16th verse,
14:44 "Mayyusraf 'anhu yaumma idhin faqad rahimah."
14:48 "Whoever is avoided from the great torment in the hereafter,
14:53 this is the one who is given mercy by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala."
14:57 So this is another content that we need to convey to the community.
15:03 If we say that Allah is the most loving,
15:05 if Allah is the most loving,
15:07 why doesn't Allah allow me to be rich,
15:09 I can have a lot of cars, etc.
15:11 We can bring in the 16th verse,
15:13 "The sign of Allah's love is one of the great ones
15:16 when we are avoided from the great torment."
15:21 That is the definition of the sign of Allah's love.
15:24 It is not that you get a big car, a big house,
15:27 but it turns out that in the hereafter, Allah will punish you.
15:30 If you get a big car here,
15:31 but there is a bigger house there,
15:33 that is okay.
15:35 How?
15:36 People who have a big car,
15:37 continue to spend, continue to fight,
15:39 fight for Tawheed,
15:40 like Abu Bakar,
15:42 like Osman bin Affan, for example.
15:44 Rich people who are willing to sacrifice their wealth
15:48 to fight for Tawheed.
15:51 But if we say rich like who?
15:53 Like Qorun, for example.
15:54 He is indeed rich.
15:55 But because of that richness,
15:57 it causes him to be further away from Al-Fa'tir,
16:00 which is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
16:02 That will cause him to be a muflis,
16:04 and not achieve what is called
16:07 "Wa thalikal fawzul mubin",
16:09 not achieving the real success.
16:13 And when we talk about real,
16:15 people can imagine, for example,
16:17 people want to ask for a loan or a gift.
16:21 If I get a gift, I want, if possible,
16:24 I want 10,000 ringgit.
16:26 But the person who wants to give the gift says,
16:29 "Now I can give 10,000,
16:31 but if you wait a little,
16:33 in a year, I'll give you 2 billion."
16:36 For example, right?
16:37 If there is someone who offers that,
16:39 it is certain, gentlemen, that from the source,
16:41 choose 10,000 or choose 2 billion?
16:44 10,000 you get now,
16:46 2 billion you have to wait a little,
16:48 maybe two months or a year.
16:50 Which one do we want?
16:51 2 billion, right?
16:53 Because if we don't,
16:55 we can hold on for a while,
16:56 that 10,000,
16:57 finally get 2 billion.
16:59 And from this 16th verse,
17:01 it is not just 2 billion.
17:02 Allah says,
17:03 "Avoid great torment."
17:06 And when you avoid great torment,
17:08 you will be welcomed with mercy from Allah SWT
17:12 to heaven,
17:14 whose value is not, not to be hurt.
17:17 So, when we talk about
17:18 conveying this message
17:20 to the people in Mecca,
17:23 the Prophet SAW is always threatened.
17:25 Why?
17:26 When we talk about
17:27 "I don't want to be a hypocrite to Allah,
17:31 to give a clue to the people of Mecca,
17:33 I don't want to be involved in oppression.
17:36 I don't want to be involved in the sins that exist
17:38 because Allah is the Creator.
17:40 Allah is the one who protects me,
17:41 who gives me the source of sustenance,
17:42 not you."
17:44 When we say, "not you,"
17:46 the bosses cannot be lenient to their son
17:49 at that time in Mecca,
17:51 so they continue to threaten
17:53 the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
17:56 Allah brings the 17th verse
17:58 as a reason to the Prophet,
18:00 a reason to us,
18:02 in bringing the message of Tawheed,
18:04 there is a threat.
18:06 But we know,
18:08 our Tawheed will cause us
18:10 to continue to convey the truth
18:13 even if it is threatened.
18:15 Let's read the 17th verse together with Dr. Tim Bizi.
18:18 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
18:22 And if Allah should cause you to be in distress,
18:31 then no one can relieve it except Him.
18:43 And if Allah should cause you to be in distress,
18:55 then no one can relieve it except Him.
19:04 And if He should touch you with good,
19:11 then He is Able to do all things.
19:28 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
19:29 And if Allah should cause you to be in distress,
19:31 then no one can relieve it except Him.
19:36 What does it mean here?
19:38 From the word 'massah',
19:40 'massah' means 'to be touched',
19:43 not just 'to be laid'.
19:44 'To be laid' is like 'heavy'.
19:45 'Massah' means 'to be touched'.
19:47 So when we get 'dhur',
19:50 which means 'sickness',
19:52 'poverty',
19:54 all of that, Allah says,
19:55 is not 'to be laid',
19:57 but 'to be touched'.
19:59 Why?
20:00 'Hebat' means 'to be sick'.
20:02 Actually, 'hebat' means 'to be laid',
20:04 even though it is 'to be tested'.
20:05 But if we say 'to be laid for 5 to 10 years',
20:08 Allah uses the term 'mass',
20:10 'to be touched',
20:11 because it is not the same as what happens
20:14 when it comes to the hereafter,
20:15 when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala punishes us.
20:17 So that is just a little.
20:19 Just a little.
20:20 And the one who can cure,
20:22 remove that thing,
20:23 is only Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
20:25 Because we will continue to promote,
20:28 to teach people to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
20:31 and we will always be committed to Allah.
20:33 Why?
20:34 Because Allah will heal,
20:36 remove all the 'mudarat'
20:39 that happens to us.
20:42 'Wa in yamsas kabi khair'
20:44 If you are 'laid' or 'touched' with kindness,
20:47 maybe you get 'kaya' right now,
20:49 'kaya' which is a lot like 'karun'
20:51 is also termed as 'mass',
20:53 which is only a touch from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
20:56 Why?
20:57 Because it is very little.
20:58 The term now is 'ciput'
21:00 compared to what goodness Allah will give
21:04 to the people who are in the studio,
21:06 who are at home,
21:07 when we are committed to
21:09 'tawhid' to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
21:11 'Kaya' like how people in this world,
21:13 like 'karun'
21:14 it turns out that it is just
21:16 not more than in the hadith of the Prophet,
21:18 'sebelah kepak nyamuk' he said.
21:20 Meaning, if this world is very precious
21:24 like 'sebelah kepak nyamuk',
21:25 then it will not be given to people who are 'kufur',
21:29 the disbelievers.
21:30 To show that this world is very low value,
21:35 the name in Arabic is 'ad-dunya'
21:37 'ad-dunya' from the word 'dana'
21:39 is something low.
21:40 But when we reach the hereafter,
21:42 that is 'wa abqa'
21:44 which is more firm,
21:45 which is better.
21:46 And Allah said,
21:47 if Allah wants to give goodness in this world,
21:50 to give health, wealth, status and so on,
21:53 all of that is easy and easy for Allah.
21:56 Why?
21:57 'Fahua ala kulli syai'in qadir'
22:00 Because Allah is the Most Powerful.
22:02 Allah can just change there,
22:04 change here.
22:05 And the effect of this verse 17
22:07 adds confidence to the Prophet,
22:09 confidence to the companions,
22:11 confidence to us.
22:12 Meaning, even though we have said,
22:15 I have just learnt the Quran,
22:17 and we want to promote it,
22:18 let's read the Quran.
22:19 Some say,
22:20 I have just returned from my Quran time,
22:23 and I want to be a 'ustajjah' (intercessor)
22:25 for example.
22:26 If there are people who curse like that,
22:28 we know that,
22:29 O Allah,
22:30 there is no one who can make it up.
22:32 Even if I have a heartache,
22:35 You are 'falakashifallah'
22:37 There is no one who can lift it
22:39 except You, O Allah.
22:41 So it causes,
22:42 it gives us confidence,
22:44 when we hold on to the 17th verse,
22:46 because the One who is truly powerful,
22:49 is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
22:51 Let's continue with the words of choice today.
22:53 Let's see.
22:54 The words,
22:55 'falakashifallahu illa hu'
22:58 The word 'kashifa'
22:59 is from the word 'akar kashafa'
23:01 'to remove, to open'.
23:03 It is repeated 20 times in the Quran.
23:05 It appears in Surah Yunus,
23:07 Surah An-Nahl,
23:08 and Surah Ad-Dukhan,
23:09 as a guidance to us,
23:12 that whatever the problem is,
23:14 Allah will touch it.
23:15 Allah will not put pressure on us.
23:18 And the second,
23:20 anytime,
23:21 whenever Allah can lift it,
23:23 and our role is,
23:25 before Allah lifts it,
23:27 we pray,
23:28 after Allah lifts it,
23:30 we know that,
23:31 all the success in our lives,
23:34 is a blessing from Allah,
23:37 and we ask Allah to continue to give His mercy,
23:40 until the hereafter.
23:42 We take a short break.
23:43 Baikuran time.
23:44 Quran Salat Infaq.
23:45 Inshallah.
23:46 [Music]
23:57 [Music]
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25:08 [Music]
25:18 We mentioned earlier,
25:21 that some people say,
25:23 that the night happened in one time.
25:25 This is incorrect.
25:26 It is not based on the hadith,
25:28 and not based on the Quran.
25:30 The second,
25:31 that people say,
25:33 is the sign of the sujood tree.
25:36 The tree of sujood.
25:37 There are many.
25:38 The mosque was overturned.
25:40 It fell over.
25:41 It fell over the ground.
25:42 These are all signs that are not in the hadith.
25:45 Maybe it is based on experience.
25:48 That is what I said.
25:49 The experiences of people,
25:50 they tell their experiences,
25:51 but we don't know.
25:52 Actually, their experiences are based on,
25:53 the trees that fell down.
25:54 It is complicated.
25:56 Someone said,
25:57 I put a piece of cloth in the field,
26:00 and tomorrow morning,
26:01 I look at the top.
26:02 Maybe it was a complicated night.
26:03 We don't know.
26:04 He thought it was the same cloth.
26:06 He looked at the top.
26:08 That is one of the beliefs that people believe,
26:11 that is the sign of the sujood tree.
26:13 But it is not.
26:14 It is not the sign of the sujood tree.
26:15 Maybe it is based on different experiences.
26:18 That is the sign.
26:19 (Music)
26:44 (Reciting)
27:13 (Reciting)
27:14 (Reciting)
27:15 (Reciting)
27:17 (Reciting)
27:19 (Reciting)
27:20 (Reciting)
27:49 (Reciting)
27:53 Alhamdulillah,
27:54 we are back with Quran Time,
27:55 Quran Salat and Infaq.
27:57 We have heard the recitation and the recitation of Tadabur,
28:01 from Fadhil Sattafazroh,
28:03 a while ago.
28:04 Alhamdulillah,
28:05 hopefully, we can get something,
28:07 to bring ourselves closer,
28:09 to the mercy of Allah SWT.
28:13 We always recite,
28:14 (Reciting)
28:18 (Reciting)
28:19 Alright,
28:20 we give Fadhil Sattafazroh a break.
28:22 We want to see,
28:23 what are the rules,
28:25 that we can take into consideration,
28:27 in the 15th verse.
28:30 We focus on the first verse,
28:32 that we have read several times.
28:34 And also,
28:35 the recitation of Tadabur.
28:37 Alhamdulillah.
28:38 Alright,
28:39 I, as usual,
28:40 want to stand,
28:41 insyaAllah,
28:42 in the 15th verse.
28:43 Alright,
28:44 in the framework,
28:45 we want to summarize,
28:46 the mention of the letters of the Quran,
28:47 so that we can read,
28:48 the Quran,
28:49 with,
28:50 because,
28:51 it is among the meanings,
28:52 of the Tadjweed law,
28:53 or the meaning,
28:54 of the word Tadjweed itself.
28:56 There are many definitions,
28:57 that have been made,
28:58 by the scholars,
28:59 about what is meant,
29:00 by the Tadjweed.
29:01 However,
29:02 I am also impressed,
29:03 with the definition,
29:04 from Sheikh Husni,
29:05 in his book,
29:06 if I am not mistaken,
29:07 his book,
29:08 Fanu Tila,
29:09 or the book,
29:10 Tilaw,
29:11 about the Quran.
29:12 He said,
29:13 Tadjweed,
29:14 is a reading,
29:15 that,
29:16 is a reading,
29:17 that is easy,
29:18 or a reading,
29:19 that is easy,
29:20 or a reading,
29:21 that is easy,
29:22 or a reading,
29:23 that is easy,
29:24 so that,
29:25 when we study,
29:26 the Tadjweed,
29:27 we will get,
29:28 a reading,
29:29 that is easy,
29:30 or a reading,
29:31 that is easy,
29:32 or a reading,
29:33 that is easy,
29:34 or a reading,
29:35 that is easy,
29:36 or a reading,
29:37 that is easy,
29:38 or a reading,
29:39 that is easy,
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51:34 [Music]
51:48 [Music]
