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Episod 662 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 5 Oktober 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji Surah Al-Taubah (9: 14-26) Halaman 189-190 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan

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Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Al-Taubah ayat 14-26, halaman 189 hingga halaman 190. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah Timbalan Pengarah Hal Ehwal Pelajar Pusat Bahasa, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia, Ustaz Abdullah Bukhari Abdul Rahim.

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:16Ummah burbudi dan penyayang itulah
00:20Samangat yang kita bawa dalam siri-siri pengajian kita dalam my Quran time dan tentunya saudara hari ini kita telah memasuki episode
00:30Tentunya kita akan sama-sama mengulangkaji terdapur surah at-taubah bermula ayat nombor 14 sehingga ayat
00:37Nombor 26 seperti yang disebut oleh tuan guru kita sebelum ini dalam surat at-taubah
00:43sebanyak 17 kali perkataan taubat diulang diulang dan diulang
00:48Dalam surah at-taubah tentu ada perkara yang menarik yang perlu kita fahami bersama
01:15Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh alhamdulillah rabbil alamin wassalat wassalamu alaih sayyidil mursalin wa ala alihi
01:22Wasallahu bihi ajma'in
01:24Terus kita bergabung tentunya dalam sesi ulangkaji
01:27My Quran time Quran salat infaq bersama saya siarawan anda muhammad zarifi bin muhammad dhawd
01:32baik saudara sekalian
01:34kali ini alhamdulillah seperti biasa
01:37Juru bahasa isyarat kita puan azlina muhammad isah sentiasa setia
01:43Membantu kita khususnya sahabat-sahabat oku kita untuk juga turut memahami al-quran al-karim
01:49Dan tentunya saudara seperti yang saya ulang tadi hari ini kita akan mulai kaji pada muka surat al-quran
01:56muka surat 189
01:58Dan juga muka surat 190 lebih tepat lagi
02:02Pada surah at-taubah ayat nombor 14 sehingga ayat nombor 26 tentunya bersama
02:08Tuan guru kita yang selalu memberikan pembimbingan untuk kita memahami al-quran mengikut
02:15Metodologi dan disiplinnya saya perkenalkan guru kita tuan al-fadil ustaz abdullah bukhari bin abdul rahim
02:22Assalamualaikum Ustaz
02:26Alhamdulillah terima kasih
02:27Terima kasih Ustaz karena sentiasa memberi ilmu kepada kami semua
02:31Ilmu pinjaman Tuhan kita sepakat-sepakat sebar insyaAllah
02:35Alhamdulillah untuk makluman saudara sekalian
02:37Al-fadil Ustaz Abdullah Bukhari merupakan guru kami ketika kami belajar di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia
02:44Alhamdulillah dan tentunya saudara kari indikator kita seperti biasa
02:48Lantunan suara beliau begitu menusuk kalbu
02:52Alhamdulillah Ustaz Tirmizi bin Haji Ali
02:55Assalamualaikum Ustaz
02:57Apa khabar Ustaz?
02:58Baik Alhamdulillah Ustaz
02:59Alhamdulillah Ustaz saya tumpang aura Ustaz
03:02Allahu Akbar
03:03Baik Al-fadil Ustaz kita terus sahaja untuk kita mentadabur ataupun kita mengulangkaji ayat nombor 14
03:12Saya persilahkan terlebih dahulu Ustaz Tirmizi untuk menggemakan siaran kita dengan ayat nombor 14 surah Al-Taubah
03:42Surah Al-Taubah
03:59Baik saudara ayat nombor 14 surah Al-Taubah bermaksud
04:02Dan dia akan menghinakan mereka dan menolong kamu dengan kemenangan atas mereka serta melegakan hati orang-orang yang beriman
04:20Baik saudara Ustaz dalam ayat ini seperti kalau sebelum ini kita selalu mengatakan Islam bukan agama keganasan Islam bukan teroris
04:32Tapi ayat ini seperti ada arahan daripada Allah supaya memerangi orang ataupun kita sebagai musuh kita
04:39Jadi mungkin Ustaz boleh memberikan faham yang sebenar apa maksud ayat nombor 14 ini
04:47Terima kasih Ustaz Zarifi Ustaz Tir kita dan juga sedang menonton di studio dan juga di kaca TV
04:54Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
04:57Dan ayat ini memang kalau sekiranya kita baca cuma ayat ini sahaja tanpa melihat pada konteks yang lebih luas
05:03Merujuk pada ayat sebelum dan merujuk kepada surah bagaimana surah ini diturunkan kita mungkin akan berfahaman sebegitu
05:11Mula-mula sekali lepas ini ingat-ingat kalau kita jumpa dalam Quran saja ayat yang Allah Ta'ala arahkan supaya orang beriman
05:17Orang Islam memerangi membunuh orang kafir
05:19Kalau pertama kita kena faham yang diarah itu adalah kafir harbi dan kafir ini kalau buka surah Mumtahana ayat 8 dan juga 9
05:27Yang Allah Ta'ala sebut orang kafir bukan Islam ada dua kategori satunya kafir harbi satu lagi kafir dhimmi
05:34Jadi kafir dhimmi dilindungi oleh kita kata Allah dalam Al-Quran dan juga Hadis Nabi
05:39Yang diarah untuk memerangi adalah kafir harbi
05:41Kafir harbi ini dia akan ada usaha pelbagai cara untuk memerangi ataupun memusuhi umat Islam
05:49Jadi ayat sebegini refer kepada ataupun tuju kepada golongan kafir harbi
05:53Dan untuk lebih memahami ayat-ayat macam ini dia mesti ada penjelasan ayat sebelum dan sebagainya
05:58Dan secara nikasnya surah at-taubah ini antara surah terakhir Allah Ta'ala menerangkan kepada Nabi
06:03Dan dia berada pada kemuncak perjuangan Nabi
06:05Kenapa golongan kafir harbi dikeliling tanah harab Mekah terutama sekali tak habis-habis menyerang
06:12Melakukan penindasan pada umat Islam
06:14Lalu Allah Ta'ala kata sekarang sampai masa untuk kamu perangi mereka balik dan kamu hina mereka
06:21Dan dengan cara memerangi balik mereka ini akan melegakan hati-hati orang beriman yang sudah sekian lama ditindas di Mekah
06:33Jadi kita kena faham ringkasnya kalau saya kata ayat ini dia ada konteksnya dan dia refer kepada zamannya
06:39Dan ini adalah satu arahan kepada Allah untuk memerangi orang kafir yang memang kerja dia nak memusnahkan, nak memusuhi umat Islam
06:47Masya Allah terima kasih
06:48Ustaz yang memberikan penerangan kepada kita
06:50Apabila kita membaca ayat-ayat Quran tentang arahan Allah supaya kita memerangi mereka itu maksudnya seperti yang Ustaz sebut tadi
06:57Ialah memerangi kafir harbi yang mana mereka itu memang memusuhi umat Islam
07:02Ustaz, kalau kita fikir logika kita sebagai manusia
07:07Allah Maha Berkuasa
07:09Tentu sekali Allah boleh memenangkan umat Islam
07:12Khususnya kalau dalam konteks Rasulullah dan para sahabah boleh memenangkan secara begitu sajalah
07:17Tak perlu angkat senjata, tak perlu bermusyuarat, tak perlu buat persediaan
07:21Tapi kenapa untuk menang itu, seperti Ustaz sebut tadi, siri-siri peperangan itu bukan benda yang mudah untuk Rasulullah dan sahabat hadapi
07:30Satunya Allah Ta'ala nak mendidik kita supaya lebih realistik
07:35Sebab kita hidup di dunia, kalau saya boleh bagi persentage
07:38Kita hidup di dunia ini, saya boleh kata 99% dia berkait rapat dengan sebab-musabak
07:43Ataupun dikatakan sunnatullah
07:46Manakala 1% lagi dipanggil khawarikul adah, benda yang ajaib
07:51Dan berada di bawah khawarikul adah contohnya seperti doa dan sebagainya
07:54Oleh karena kita hidup di dunia realiti, kita perlu hidup secara realistik
07:59Sebab itu Allah Ta'ala beri akal kepada kita, Allah Ta'ala beri ilmu untuk kita mengkaji sesuatu
08:04Kita ada pilihan, kita boleh mengelakkan benda ini berlaku dengan ilmu
08:08Dan kita boleh terjebak ke dalam satu perkara pun kerana ilmu
08:12Jadi secara logiknya untuk mendapat kemenangan, Allah Ta'ala buka seluas-luasnya peluang kepada umat Islam
08:19Untuk berusaha ke arah kemenangan dengan ilmu perang dan sebagainya
08:22Jadi walaupun Allah Ta'ala boleh beri kemenangan
08:25Dan kemenangan itu seperti saya kata 1%, khawarikul adah itu diberikan kepada orang tertentu
08:30Kalau sekiranya Nabi zaman baginda, setiap kali berlaku perang, tak payah angkat senjata, duduk lepok
08:35Nabi keluar, baca doa, makbul doa, musuh kalah
08:39Itu zaman Nabi, kalau zaman berikutnya macam mana?
08:42Tak ada orang yang makbul doanya seperti Rasulullah atau kita kata para sahabat ini
08:46Jadi dari awal lagi Allah Ta'ala nak mendidik umat Islam
08:49Kita hidup di dunia, ada sebab musabab
08:52Dan untuk mendapat kemenangan, kejayaan, ada sebab musabab
08:56Lalu Allah Ta'ala jalankan proses kehidupan ini dengan cara sebegitu
09:00Untuk mengajar kita supaya lebih realistik
09:03Tanpa kita nafikan aspek khawarikul adah, keajaiban, doa itu perlu juga digandingkan sekali
09:10Untuk melengkapkan aspek sunnatullah dari itu
09:12MasyaAllah, jelas kepada kita Ustaz, maknanya ikhtiar, tawakkal dan doa bergerak secara serentak
09:20Baik mungkin Ustaz dalam konteks kehidupan kita hari ini
09:23Mungkin setelah, bila Ustaz sebut tadi kan, kena ada ikhtiar
09:26Tapi mungkin dalam proses berikhtiar itu dia makan masa yang panjang Ustaz
09:31Macam-macam lah, letih, kos habis
09:33Jadi kita menyebabkan, kita jadi putus hasil dan kadang-kadang putus harap pun ada juga
09:37Jadi macam mana Ustaz, Al-Quran memberikan penawar kepada kita bila kita berdepan dengan situasi seperti itu
09:44Kita kena ingat, kita berusaha, tetapi keputusan akhir itu terletak pada Allah Ta'ala
09:50Sebab itu kita yang beriman ini, dia ada perkara yang dia perlu yakini
09:54Seperti takdir, qadr, qadr
09:56Katakanlah kita berusaha sedaya mampu, keputusan itu tidak dapat terus
09:59Tak apa, belum sampai masa ini
10:01Sebab Allah Ta'ala ini diberi kepada kita pada waktu yang sesuai ketika kita benar-benar memerlukan perkara itu
10:08Dan kalau kita buka dalam Al-Quran banyaklah ayat-ayat yang Allah Ta'ala sebut dalam menyatakan perkara ini
10:14Sebab itu penting, umat Islam ini dia ada rukun iman
10:18Rukun iman yang ke-6 itu percaya pada qadr dan qadr
10:20Bukan kata duduk tidak berusaha tunggu
10:22Usaha, sedaya mampu, kita ambil aspek sunnatullah tadi itu, kita berdoa
10:28InsyaAllah kalau betul caranya dihujung Allah Ta'ala akan berikan keputusan, lambat ataupun banget
10:33Tiba-tiba kita dah usaha semua sekali dihujung, Allah Ta'ala beri keputusan yang sebaliknya
10:38Orang beriman, dia yakin, mesti ada hikmah yang sebalik perkara ini
10:41Mungkin ada kesilapan aku yang tidak cukup berusaha
10:44Lalu orang beriman, dia akan improve
10:47Dan tidak ada istilah putus asa
10:49Sebab orang beriman melihat dunia, melihat kehidupan dengan cara yang cukup berbeza
10:53Sebab itu kita, orang beriman kena dalami semua rukun iman yang 6 terutama sekali
10:58Dan aspek kehidupan yang saya katakan rukun iman yang ke-6 itu qadr dan qadr
11:02InsyaAllah teman-teman sekalian, begitulah ya
11:04Damainya jiwa kita apabila kita memahami konteks ini
11:08Tentunya bersendikan Al-Quran, sunnah dan tentunya rukun iman dan rukun Islam
11:12Sedara, seketika nanti kita akan bicara tentang apakah peranan
11:16Ataupun keterlibatan pihak-pihak tertentu dengan masjid selepas ini
11:43Al-Quran, pelajari dan dalami kesempurnaan bacaan
11:47Mengikut hukumnya,
11:49Kau akan menjadi seorang yang terbaik
11:52Kau akan menjadi seorang yang terbaik
11:55Kau akan menjadi seorang yang terbaik
11:58Kau akan menjadi seorang yang terbaik
12:01Kau akan menjadi seorang yang terbaik
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13:31Ya Allah
13:34Ya Allah
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16:01Ya Allah
16:04Ya Allah
16:07Ya Allah
16:10Ya Allah
16:13Ya Allah
16:16Ya Allah
16:19Ya Allah
16:30Yaa Allah
16:33Yaa Allah
16:36Okay, it's certain that if we go back to the time of the Prophet, the mosque is very welcoming to the people.
16:42Going back to the question, logically, if it's not Islam, they can enter the mosque.
16:49And sometimes they enter the mosque and see the buildings, the useful fillings, it can attract their interest to Islam.
16:56We don't deny it.
16:57Even in the time of the Prophet, there was a companion named Uthathah bin Uthal.
17:03He was from Bani Hanifah.
17:05He went out of his village to perform umrah.
17:08This was during the time of Jahiliyyah.
17:10He was detained by the companions of the Prophet.
17:12He was brought back to Madinah.
17:14He was buried in the mosque.
17:17He was buried in the mosque.
17:18The Prophet came to him and said,
17:19Uthathah, how are you?
17:21He said, Muhammad, if you want to kill me, kill me.
17:24But if you want my wealth, I have the wealth to make a living.
17:28The Prophet buried him in the mosque for three days.
17:32And we assume that in those three days, he saw the worship of the Muslims,
17:37the teachings of the scholars that the Prophet conveyed.
17:41On the third day, the Prophet asked him,
17:43how are you, Uthathah?
17:45He said, the answer is the same as mine.
17:47The Prophet said, okay.
17:48Untie him and set him free.
17:50After that, he got up, he left the mosque,
17:53went to the farm in front of the mosque of Nabawi,
17:56he took a bath,
17:57he entered the mosque,
17:58he said the shahadah.
18:00He said, Muhammad, before this,
18:02the land of Madinah was the land I hated the most.
18:04Now, the land of Madinah is the one I love the most.
18:07Your face is the one I hate the most.
18:09Now, your face is the one I love the most.
18:11What's more interesting,
18:13he continued his efforts,
18:15went to Mecca, did umrah,
18:16became a Muslim cleric.
18:18At that time, the people of Mecca tried to do something to him.
18:21The Prophet gave him a warning.
18:22He said, Bani Harithah,
18:23my place has a special commodity that you usually need.
18:28After that, he said,
18:29that commodity cannot reach Mecca.
18:31He said, this is like a boycott issue.
18:34After that, the Muslim cleric was forced to send a representative
18:38to negotiate with the Prophet
18:39so that the commodity can be sent back to Mecca.
18:42This is one of the examples.
18:44But this verse,
18:45when I first read the details of this verse,
18:49it was strange.
18:50The 17th verse, Allah SWT said,
18:53the polytheists are not qualified
18:56to build the mosque of Allah.
18:58In our time,
18:59were there any Hindus or Buddhists
19:01who built the mosque of Allah?
19:03This is illogical.
19:05To understand this verse,
19:07as I always say,
19:08we need to understand the context of the revelation.
19:10Because this verse,
19:11when the Prophet was in Mecca,
19:12the polytheists of Quraish were proud,
19:14the mosque of Haram,
19:15we guard it.
19:16Even though they polytheized Allah,
19:20but because they inherited the mosque of Haram
19:22from the previous generation,
19:24and polytheism was widespread in the mosque of Haram.
19:28But they were proud,
19:29we are the custodians of the mosque of Haram.
19:32That is the story.
19:33So, Allah SWT,
19:34in the following verse,
19:35Allah SWT said,
19:36the qualified ones to build the mosque of Haram
19:39are not you polytheists,
19:41because you inherited from the previous generation.
19:44But the qualified ones to build the mosque of Haram
19:48are those who believe in Allah,
19:50the people of Islam.
19:51But at that time,
19:52due to political power,
19:53not from the hands of the people of Islam,
19:55the people of Islam were oppressed.
19:57Even if we read in Surah Al-Baqarah,
19:59verse 217,
20:00it is told how they used their power
20:04to force the people of Islam
20:06not to be allowed to enter the mosque of Haram.
20:08So, during the opening of the city of Mecca,
20:11the Prophet entered.
20:12Among the main activities the Prophet did,
20:14the Prophet broke all the barhala,
20:17a total of 360 pieces,
20:19in the mosque of Haram.
20:20The Prophet broke the barhala
20:22to make sure that the mosque of Haram
20:24is truly pure and clean from the spread of polytheism.
20:26That is why in this verse, Allah said,
20:28the polytheists are not qualified to preach.
20:30So, to understand this verse,
20:31do not follow our times.
20:32We say,
20:33appoint an AJK among the Hindus.
20:35That is not true.
20:36This is the context of this time.
20:37When they were in power in Mecca,
20:39they really controlled,
20:40they did as they wanted.
20:42They broke the barhala in the mosque of Safar.
20:44They did not break the barhala
20:46in the mosques of Haram.
20:47They did not allow the people of Mecca
20:49to enter the mosque of Haram.
20:50In fact,
20:51the Arabs came to Mecca
20:53to circumambulate the mosque of Bougainvillea.
20:56In the day,
20:57it was the men of Bougainvillea.
20:58In the night,
20:59it was the women of Bougainvillea.
21:00They were allowed to do it.
21:01Why did they do it
21:02from time to time?
21:03Even though it was illegal.
21:04So, Allah said,
21:05you are not qualified.
21:07Those who are qualified
21:08are those who believe in Allah.
21:10When the Prophet entered,
21:11the Prophet cleaned the mosque of Haram.
21:13The Prophet went to the mosque of Haram
21:15as he wished.
21:17Allah SWT.
21:20It is clear to us,
21:21the context of the verse that was read,
21:23the verse number 17,
21:25that is the context that
21:27Sahibul Fadlullah Ustaz explained to us.
21:29In today's context,
21:31as Ustaz explained earlier,
21:33the involvement with non-Muslims,
21:35especially to glorify
21:37the beauty of the mosque institutions,
21:39of course,
21:41each state's Islamic religion
21:43has a guideline
21:45for us to refer to,
21:47especially for those in charge of the mosque.
21:49Ustaz, I think the verse number 18
21:51is needed for
21:53the Muslims to really
21:55give their spirit
21:57so that we can become mosque experts.
21:59Not just on Friday morning,
22:01but every time,
22:03we want to pray like that.
22:05Okay, it should be like that.
22:07I had an experience.
22:09The AJK before the mosque had a fight.
22:11Because of what?
22:13The old AJK shook hands with the new AJK.
22:15So, the new AJK,
22:17the young people,
22:19they don't accept the feelings of the old people.
22:21They also wrote a notice
22:23to invite everyone to the mosque.
22:25Then, they entered this verse.
22:27And they made a mistake.
22:29They took the translation without understanding
22:31the word innamah.
22:33Innamah, in Arabic,
22:35it means to limit something.
22:37So, when we look at the content of this verse,
22:39the old AJK said,
22:41we are the ones who take care of the haram mosque.
22:43Then, Allah said,
22:45the one who deserves to build the haram mosque
22:47is not you,
22:49but the one who believes in Allah and the hereafter.
22:51So, the young AJK,
22:53he made a notice and sent this verse.
22:55He said,
22:57only those who build the haram mosque,
22:59he didn't say only those who deserve it.
23:01He said, only those who build the haram mosque
23:03are the ones who believe in Allah.
23:05He sent it to the old AJK.
23:07The old AJK was upset.
23:09He said,
23:11we are the ones who didn't go to the mosque,
23:13we don't believe in Allah.
23:15Because this verse said,
23:17only those who build the haram mosque.
23:19That became a polemic.
23:21Then, they referred to me.
23:23I said, actually, our mistake.
23:25The translation is not beautiful.
23:27Actually, innamah is the translation
23:29of Tafsir Ibn Ar-Rahman.
23:31So, the haram mosque is the one who believes in Allah.
23:33Not to say that the old people
23:35don't believe in Allah.
23:37So, that's the polemic that happened.
23:39So, the conclusion is,
23:41when we build the haram mosque,
23:43we don't just go to the mosque,
23:45but we are included in the group.
23:47At the end of the verse, Allah said,
23:49only those who get guidance.
23:51Why? Because the goodness
23:53that usually accumulates in the mosque.
23:55The goodness that usually accumulates in the mosque.
23:57So, if I have students who want to travel,
23:59I say,
24:01first of all,
24:03look for the mosque.
24:05Look for the mosque.
24:07Look for the mosque.
24:09That's a reminder to all of us.
24:11That's a reminder to all of us.
24:13First, as I said,
24:15the sign of those who believe
24:17is that they are always
24:19in company with the mosque
24:21and they are always building the mosque.
24:23Interesting is,
24:25in verse 19,
24:27there's a difference
24:29between those who build the mosque
24:31and those who do jihad
24:33on the path of Allah.
24:35This is something
24:37that we can discuss later.
24:39Al-Fadhil, our Ustaz,
24:41will help us to understand
24:43verse 18 and verse 19 later.
24:57O Lord of the worlds!
25:27Al-Fadhil, our Ustaz
25:37Al-Fadhil, our Ustaz
25:47Al-Fadhil, our Ustaz
25:53Al-Fadhil, our Ustaz
26:06Al-Fadhil, our Ustaz
26:18This hadith is categorized as a false hadith
26:21because it has the characteristics
26:23of a false hadith,
26:25which is a simple practice.
26:27It's a practice, but its meaning
26:29is like the meaning of Prophet Ibrahim.
26:31MashaAllah, that's how it is, Ustaz Hussain.
26:33MashaAllah, that's how it is, Ustaz Hussain.
26:35On the 8th night of Terawih prayer,
26:37he received the rewards of Prophet Ibrahim.
26:39What's interesting, doctor,
26:41is that I once had this book.
26:43I once had this book,
26:45and it said,
26:47on the first night,
26:49the rewards of Prophet Ibrahim.
26:51But at that time,
26:53we didn't really want to study it.
26:55So, we knew about the hadith
26:57that was viral,
26:59but it wasn't authentic.
27:01We are used to hearing it in our society,
27:03but we are worried that these hadiths
27:05are not authentic.
27:07And one of the characteristics
27:09of a false hadith
27:11is that
27:13it has a very serious
27:15impact on a practice.
27:31Surah Al-Fatihah
28:01Surah Al-Fatihah
28:23Alright, everyone.
28:25The 18th and 19th verses
28:27seem to have two differences.
28:31the people who were
28:33in charge of the mosque,
28:35and the people who did jihad
28:37on the path of Allah.
28:41on the 18th and 19th verses,
28:43at the end,
28:45it says,
28:47the people who were given a sign.
28:49On the 19th verse,
28:51it says,
28:53Allah will not give a sign
28:55to the oppressors.
28:57Ustaz, please explain.
29:01This verse is a bit confusing.
29:03When it's confusing,
29:05it doesn't mean that the verse is wrong.
29:07It's us who are confused.
29:09Let me explain.
29:11The 19th verse
29:15Allah will not give a sign
29:17to the oppressors.
29:19On the 19th verse,
29:21Allah will not give a sign
29:23to the oppressors.
29:25For example,
29:27the people who were in charge of the mosque,
29:29or the people who did jihad,
29:31should be considered as worshippers.
29:33But on the 16th verse,
29:35there are two differences.
29:37It's easy to explain.
29:39This surah is after Surah Al-Anfal.
29:41Surah Al-Anfal talks about the battle of Badar.
29:43One of the issues raised
29:45by Surah Al-Anfal,
29:47in the previous surah,
29:49is how Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib,
29:51the uncle of the Prophet,
29:53was on the side of the polytheists.
29:55When it was revealed,
29:57his family,
29:59when they were in charge of Abbas,
30:01their management was a bit rough.
30:03Abbas wanted to warn Ali.
30:05He said,
30:07you say all kinds of things to me,
30:09but you have to remember,
30:11I am in charge of the maintenance
30:13of the Masjid al-Haram.
30:15Because Abbas's family,
30:17when he was in Mecca,
30:19he was in charge of the drinking water
30:21which was a gift from Abbas's family.
30:23So he said,
30:25don't treat me badly.
30:27I am in charge of the maintenance
30:29of the Masjid al-Haram.
30:31Then he said,
30:33we are the first ones to fight
30:35the religion of Allah.
30:37So in the following,
30:39Allah explained to Abbas,
30:41you do good,
30:43but you don't tawhid Allah.
30:45So Ali,
30:47or the teacher of the believers,
30:49even though they don't maintain
30:51the Masjid al-Haram,
30:53but they believe in Allah,
30:55even if they are willing to sacrifice,
30:57they have to leave for Mecca and emigrate
30:59for the sake of the religion of Allah.
31:01So it is definitely not the same
31:03between you and them.
31:05And those who are busy
31:07with maintaining the Masjid al-Haram
31:09but don't believe in Allah,
31:11these are the wrongdoers.
31:13Then at the end of the 19th verse,
31:15Allah said,
31:17Allah will not show mercy to the wrongdoers.
31:19What does it mean by wrongdoers?
31:21It means that you put something
31:23that is not in its place.
31:25You should put Allah above you as God.
31:27But you put things
31:29that belong to Allah
31:31in the place of God,
31:33then you are wrongdoers.
31:35Even though you do good,
31:37maintain the Masjid al-Haram,
31:39but you don't believe in Allah,
31:41you are considered wrongdoers.
31:43So this verse is like a slap
31:45to the wrongdoers.
31:47That is why Abbas converted to Islam.
31:51It is very clear.
31:53When we explain the context of this verse,
31:55then we understand
31:57and appreciate
31:59the faith and tawhid
32:01that we have now.
32:05I want to continue
32:07to verse 24.
32:09Verse 24 is a bit long.
32:11Allah says,
32:13for us,
32:15as believers,
32:17there are certain obstacles
32:19for us to get
32:21the love of Allah.
32:23So maybe Ustaz,
32:25can you elucidate
32:27what are the obstacles
32:29that we can learn from?
32:31Thank you, Ustaz Zarifi, Ustaz Tir,
32:33and the audience.
32:35The 24th verse is indeed long.
32:37It was difficult for us,
32:39as we don't have wakaf.
32:41So we read it in one breath.
32:45In short, there are 8 obstacles
32:47that humans have to face
32:49in order to prove
32:51their true faith in Allah.
32:53Allah says,
32:55tell Muhammad,
32:57if your father,
32:59your son,
33:01your relatives,
33:03your wife,
33:05your family,
33:07this is the first group,
33:09your business,
33:11and the place of residence
33:13that you like,
33:15if you love this more
33:17than fighting for Allah,
33:19Rasulullah, and Jihad,
33:21you haven't reached your true faith.
33:23So this verse
33:25is indeed a challenge
33:27faced by the companions of the Prophet
33:29when they were in Mecca.
33:31Many said, they left their family,
33:35house, moved to Madinah,
33:37in order to ensure
33:39their freedom of worship
33:41or religion to Allah.
33:43Why? Because there was a point
33:45when the Muslims in Mecca
33:47were unwilling to sacrifice all of this.
33:49So they didn't emigrate.
33:51So Allah gave them a chance
33:53and taught them
33:55in general.
33:57Now, if you are proven to love Allah
33:59and Rasulullah,
34:01and Jihad to Allah,
34:03and you have no other choice,
34:05whether it's because of Allah
34:07or these 8 things,
34:09if you are willing to sacrifice
34:11these 8 things,
34:13you haven't reached your true faith.
34:15But if you are willing to ignore
34:17or reject these 8 things
34:19that are a challenge,
34:21only because of Allah and Rasulullah,
34:23you are a true believer.
34:25And the companions of the Prophet
34:27who emigrated and left these 8 things
34:29that are mentioned in this verse,
34:31they were proven to be true believers.
34:33And they were recorded in the Quran
34:35as a reminder
34:37and a guidance to us
34:39until the end of times.
34:41That's why those who didn't emigrate
34:43were given permission by Allah.
34:45They were involved in the battle of Badr
34:47on the side of the polytheists.
34:49They died on the side of the polytheists
34:51and were brought back to Mecca.
34:53There's a verse in Surah An-Nisa
34:55that states that.
34:57These 8 things
34:59became a challenge for us
35:01to love and be pleased with Allah.
35:03Glory be to Allah.
35:05Okay, Sahibul Fadlul Ustaz.
35:07One of these
35:09are children.
35:11Maybe there's another aspect
35:13that we want to relate to
35:15the current situation.
35:17There's a half of the people
35:19on Facebook and Twitter
35:21who are talking and promoting childfree.
35:23Getting married.
35:25Husband and wife.
35:27But originally,
35:29they just wanted to get married.
35:31They didn't want their children to be circumcised.
35:33Maybe there's an aspect, Ustaz.
35:35What is Islam's perspective
35:37on the issue of childfree?
35:41on the 28th of June,
35:43I wrote a plan.
35:45The title of the plan was
35:47Childfree Warisan Jahiliyyah.
35:49That's a good question.
35:51It fits with our topic
35:53in this verse.
35:55Children are an asset.
35:57Asset of this world and the hereafter.
35:59As believers,
36:01we shouldn't think that we only live in this world.
36:03We live until the hereafter.
36:05It's a great loss
36:07if we think that
36:09children are a burden.
36:11When we look at it like that,
36:13in the early stages of marriage,
36:15we've made a mistake.
36:19why not have children?
36:21It'll cost a lot.
36:23To send them to kindergarten,
36:25school, and so on.
36:27Why did I write this plan?
36:29It's about
36:31Childfree Warisan Jahiliyyah.
36:33Because the people of Jahiliyyah have this.
36:35Allah said in two surahs.
36:37Surah Al-An'am,
36:39Allah said,
36:43Surah Al-Israq,
36:45Allah said,
36:47Allah said,
36:50Because they're worried about poverty.
36:52So, the people
36:54who practice
36:56Childfree Warisan,
36:58they've practiced
37:00the culture of the people of Jahiliyyah.
37:02The difference is, the people of Jahiliyyah
37:04don't want their children to live.
37:06This is their plan.
37:08They've put themselves
37:10in a great loss.
37:14When we're old,
37:16we expect our children
37:18to take care of us.
37:20That's a worldly aspect.
37:22But when we talk about rewards,
37:24and the hereafter,
37:26if we have children,
37:28our children will be devoted to us
37:30after we die.
37:32If we go to heaven tomorrow,
37:34our heaven is low.
37:36Our children's heaven is high.
37:38There's a hadith in Ibn Majah.
37:40Allah can raise our rank
37:42to a higher level
37:44because our children are pious.
37:46When we pass away,
37:48we don't have
37:50an asset
37:52that can raise our rank
37:54in this world and in the hereafter.
37:56So, for those who understand about Childfree,
37:58I suggest them
38:00to learn about religion.
38:02Because sometimes,
38:04human mathematics
38:06looks logical.
38:08If you get married and have children, you're lucky.
38:10If you spend money, you don't need children.
38:12Whereas Allah's mathematics is more advanced and accurate.
38:14If you get married and have children,
38:16you're lucky.
38:18And I believe,
38:20there are children
38:22and every child is blessed.
38:24This is my own experience.
38:26I got a great blessing
38:28from my cousin's child.
38:30I had a long-term kidney disease
38:32from 2001 to 2008.
38:34I was in the toilet for two years.
38:36When my child was born in 2010,
38:38I got a new kidney.
38:40It was donated by my aunt.
38:44I'm using it now.
38:46It's healthy.
38:48It's a blessing.
38:50The new kidney,
38:52in those days,
38:54if you go to China,
38:56it's 300,000.
38:58It's expensive.
39:00It's not guaranteed
39:02that you'll get it back.
39:04But I got it for free
39:06because Allah blessed me with it.
39:08If my child wasn't born,
39:10children are a blessing.
39:12You need to understand that.
39:16the enlightenment
39:18given by Sahibul Fadhilah Ustaz Abdullah Hita,
39:20gives us peace.
39:22It's true,
39:24if there's a problem,
39:26we go back to Al-Quran,
39:28to the hadith,
39:30with the right methodology and discipline,
39:32it will give enlightenment
39:34and peace of mind.
39:36Most importantly,
39:38our children are our wealth,
39:40in this world and in the hereafter.
39:42We'll come back to verse 25,
39:44and verse 26,
39:46the last verse in this session.
43:46Peace be upon you.
43:48We'll continue our discussion
43:50in the re-reading session of My Quran Time
43:52with our star of knowledge,
43:54Al-Fadhil Ustaz Abdullah Bukhari bin Abdul Rahim.
43:56We're in the last two verses,
43:58verse 25 and verse 26,
44:00surah Al-Tawbah.
44:02Ustaz, verse 25,
44:04is specific to the battle of Hunayn,
44:06and there was a rebuke
44:08from Allah SWT
44:10to the Muslims at that time.
44:12Can you explain
44:14why Allah rebuked the Muslims at that time?
44:16Thank you, Ustaz Zarifi
44:18and Ustaz Tir,
44:20and our viewers.
44:22In the beginning,
44:24we discussed about the sunnah of Allah.
44:26In the sunnah of Allah,
44:28we should make efforts,
44:30and we should pray.
44:32In the verse 25,
44:34we can see how the Muslims
44:36were shocked for a moment.
44:38They saw the sunnah of Allah,
44:40but they forgot about Allah.
44:42So, the rebuke was given.
44:44This is a good practical rebuke.
44:46Sometimes our children are stubborn,
44:48they jump around.
44:50We tell them not to jump,
44:52but they still jump.
44:54We tell them not to jump,
44:56but they still jump.
44:58So, in the story of the battle of Hunayn,
45:00it's the same.
45:02After the opening of Mecca,
45:04the Muslims from Medina,
45:06there were 10,000.
45:08In the history of Muslims,
45:10since the Prophet was appointed as Rasul,
45:12there were 10,000 soldiers.
45:14After Mecca was conquered,
45:16or opened by Rasulullah,
45:18there was a story,
45:20Arab Hawazin,
45:22the second largest tribe after Quraysh,
45:24wanted to surrender Mecca.
45:26So, the Prophet brought 10,000,
45:28mixed with 2,000
45:30who had just converted to Islam in Mecca,
45:32and even some who hadn't converted to Islam.
45:34They went to
45:36conquer the Arab Hawazin tribe.
45:38At that time, there were 12,000.
45:40Among the Muslims,
45:42they were overconfident.
45:44They said,
45:46If Allah wills it,
45:48we will win.
45:50Suddenly, they were attacked by the Handab.
45:52Then, the battle of Hunayn took place.
45:54In the attack of the Handab,
45:56initially, the Muslims were confused
45:58and almost lost.
46:00Then, Allah gave them help.
46:02So, our lesson is, don't be overconfident.
46:04We can make efforts,
46:06we can make various plans,
46:08but don't forget Allah.
46:10In the verse, he accused half of the people
46:12of being too scientific.
46:14Why? Because they were still ignorant.
46:16Because they forgot that they had Allah.
46:18Then, he brought the example of faith.
46:20The faith of Qadariyya.
46:22We determine our destiny.
46:24It's wrong.
46:26The same with Jabariyya.
46:28We make efforts,
46:30we make various plans,
46:32but don't be overconfident.
46:34Allah is the One who determines.
46:36And more beautifully,
46:38we make efforts, we plan,
46:40we submit to Allah.
46:42This is what was done by the Prophet in many battles.
46:44This is like a snap of a finger
46:46to awaken the Muslims.
46:48When you said, plan,
46:50then we submit to Allah,
46:52submit to Allah.
46:54In verse 26,
46:56there is Allah's help
46:58which was not seen by the companions
47:00at that time.
47:02What was the help that was not seen?
47:04Allah said in verse 26,
47:08And He sent down an army
47:10that you, Muhammad,
47:12could not see.
47:14When we say an army that could not be seen,
47:16we notice that in the Quran,
47:18it is mentioned several times.
47:20In the Battle of Badr,
47:22in the Battle of Badr,
47:24the army that could not be seen
47:26referred to the angels.
47:28Because the angels could not be seen by the naked eye.
47:30We want to understand,
47:32when the angels descended,
47:34they fought with Rasulullah.
47:36In most of the battles,
47:38the angels descended to give emotional support.
47:40For example, the Muslims felt calm.
47:42We are with Rasulullah, we can win.
47:44Regulate the strategy.
47:46Because usually, when people are fighting,
47:48they are not calm,
47:50they will be confused.
47:52So, when the angels descended,
47:54someone gave calm,
47:56the Muslims could regulate the strategy.
47:58That is in other battles.
48:00But physically,
48:02according to the scholars,
48:04the angels descended physically
48:06in the Battle of Badr.
48:08Even though the companions could not see the angels
48:10with their swords and weapons,
48:12there were many events that showed
48:14that there was emotional support.
48:16For example,
48:18Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib.
48:20After the Battle of Badr,
48:22he was captured by an Ansar companion.
48:24Abbas was a tall person.
48:26When he was captured,
48:28he did not have any clothes to wear.
48:30The Prophet had to take the clothes of Abdul bin Ubay.
48:32When he was a tall person,
48:34he took the clothes of a short person.
48:36When he met the Prophet,
48:38Abbas asked,
48:40where is the man who accompanied me?
48:42The Ansar companion said,
48:44I was alone.
48:46The Prophet said,
48:48that was the angel.
48:50Abbas said,
48:52the man who accompanied me
48:54had a short face and curly hair.
48:56That was one.
48:58According to the scholars,
49:00the army that helped in the Battle of Badr was physical.
49:02You can take this statement
49:04and put it in the name of our children.
49:06In the Battle of Badr,
49:08a Prophet's companion chased the enemy in front of him.
49:10When he chased him,
49:12the enemy was running away.
49:14Suddenly, he heard from above.
49:16This is a Muslim hadith.
49:18He said,
49:20move forward, O Haizum.
49:22Then he shouted,
49:24the Muslim man in front of him fell down and died.
49:26When he reported to the Prophet,
49:28the Prophet said,
49:32when he read the hadith,
49:34he said, the angel's horse.
49:36Then he had a son,
49:38his name was Muhammad Haizum.
49:42Hai, Ha, Yaza, Wa, Mim.
49:44The angel's horse.
49:46The conclusion is,
49:48Allah's help to the Muslims
49:50with the arrival of the army,
49:52is repeated in the Quran many times.
49:54In the Battle of Badr,
49:56it was physical.
49:58We'll see in the next part,
50:00in the 40th verse,
50:02when the Prophet was in the Cave of Thur,
50:04Allah sent an army
50:06that couldn't be seen.
50:08He explained to the Prophet
50:10and to Abu Bakr.
50:12In the Battle of Hunayn,
50:14in the second round,
50:16the Muslims were surprised
50:18that they got peace.
50:20The angels helped them to calm down
50:22and to regroup.
50:24The army defeated the enemy.
50:26That was one of the verses
50:28that gave us strength.
50:30We should be faithful to Allah.
50:32We should be able.
50:34We should plan.
50:38we should rely on Allah.
50:42there will be help
50:44from Allah
50:46from the unexpected ways and doors.
50:50Ustaz Abdul Bukhari and Ustaz Termizi,
50:52we're at the end of the broadcast.
50:56I invite Ustaz Abdul Bukhari
50:58to lead us in prayer.
51:00Go ahead, Ustaz.
51:24Peace be upon you, O' Lord of the worlds.
51:26Allahumma zirna wa la tanqusna
51:28wa akrimna wa la tuhinna
51:30wa a'tina wa la tahrimna
51:32wa athirna wa la tu'thir alayna
51:34wa arudhina wa rada'anna
51:36sallallahu ala nabiyyina Muhammadin
51:38wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam
51:40alhamdulillahi rabbina alamin
51:42taqabbalallahu minna wa aminkum
51:44minna wa aminkum taqabbalillahi karim
51:46Alhamdulillah, Ustaz,
51:48we've finished the 14th verse
51:50up to the 26th verse.
51:52We've learned a lot from it.
51:54We can use it in our lives,
51:56especially when we're facing
51:58challenges and trials.
52:00We go back to the Quran.
52:02The Quran gives us advice
52:04and guidance
52:06that brings us peace.
52:08Ustaz, there's a message
52:10that you always repeat.
52:12MashaAllah, Ustaz Zarifi
52:14and our star of knowledge,
52:20You can also call me grandson.
52:22That's a nice name.
52:24Is it a horse name?
52:26MashaAllah, Alhamdulillah.
52:28We've gained another piece of knowledge
52:30today, Alhamdulillah.
52:32We'd like to invite all the companions
52:34to listen to the Tadabbur
52:36together in the
52:38Tabung Gerakan Al-Quran.
52:40Let's work together
52:42in the field of Al-Quran
52:44to develop
52:46the knowledge of Al-Quran
52:48for our community
52:50so that we can learn Al-Quran.
52:52Thank you for your attention.
52:54To all the viewers
52:56who are loyal to MyQuranTime,
52:58may we all be blessed
53:00by Allah SWT
53:02with Al-Quran.
53:04See you in the next episode
53:06of MyQuranTime,
53:08Quran, Salat and Infaq.
53:10Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
