Dars e Quran - Surah e Baqarah Ayat 143 - 21 Feb 2024 - ARY Qtv

  • 7 months ago
Dars e Quran - Surah e Baqarah Ayat 143 - 21 Feb 2024 - ARY Qtv

Tilawat (Recitation): Qari Noman Naeemi

Tafseer (Details): Allama Hafiz Owais

#AllamaHafizOwais #QariNomanNaeemi #DarseQuran

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00:00 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
00:07 In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful
00:27 And thus have We made you a community of the righteous, that you may be witnesses over the people.
00:52 And the Messenger will be a witness over you.
01:17 And thus have We made you a community of the righteous, that you may be witnesses over the people.
01:38 And the Messenger will be a witness over you.
01:58 And the Messenger will be a witness over you.
02:13 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
02:23 We seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
02:32 Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
02:37 In Surah Baqarah, verse number 143.
02:42 We will go to its translation and then present its explanation.
02:47 And thus have We made you a community of the righteous, that you may be witnesses over the people.
02:53 And the Messenger will be a witness over you.
02:57 This is Surah Baqarah, verse number 143.
03:02 In Surah Baqarah, verse number 143.
03:28 Allah Almighty has said in Surah Baqarah, verse number 143.
03:33 And just as we have explained in the previous verse that these people are the foolish people who are stuck in the division of East and West.
03:44 Allah Almighty has made them a community of the righteous, that you may be witnesses over the people.
03:58 And the Messenger will be a witness over you.
04:04 So, first of all, the Ummah of the middle class is mentioned in this verse.
04:08 And second, the Ummah of the middle class and the Prophet (PBUH) being a witness is mentioned in this verse.
04:16 The beginning of this verse is "Wa Qazalika" and "In the same way".
04:21 In the previous verse, verse number 142, Allah Almighty has said that the East and West belong to Allah.
04:30 And the people are stuck in the division of East and West.
04:34 They are not understanding that all the territories belong to Allah and are fighting over it.
04:40 So, Allah Almighty has said in this verse that we have made you a community of the middle class.
04:46 The previous Ummahs were the victims of the division of East and West.
04:50 We have not stuck you in the division of East and West.
04:54 We have made you a community of the middle class.
04:59 Your thoughts and your worries are in the middle.
05:02 And Allah Almighty is sending you by giving you the title of the Ummah of the middle class.
05:07 If you look at the word "Middle" here, the title given to the Ummah of the middle class has many meanings.
05:15 The first basic meaning of the word "Middle" is "Darmiyan".
05:19 The thing that is in the middle of two sides and is in the middle.
05:24 The thing that is not going out of the two sides.
05:28 The thing that is not going out of the two sides and is in the middle.
05:34 That is better.
05:36 That is good.
05:38 That is why the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Khairul Umuri Ausatua"
05:41 The best thing in matters is that which is in the middle.
05:45 So, you can say that the thing that is in the middle is good.
05:53 So, to say that you have been made a community of the middle class, means that you have been made a community of the good.
05:59 Because the thing that is in the middle is good.
06:02 That is why the word "Ummat-e-Wasat" is used here.
06:05 In the Holy Quran, it is said, "Kuntum Khaira Ummatin"
06:08 You are the best of the Ummah.
06:10 So, this is the first meaning of "Wasat".
06:12 That you are the middle of the Ummah, which means that you are the best of the Ummah.
06:16 Allah has made you the best of all the communities.
06:20 Allah has given you the title of the Ummah of Muslims and all the excellences.
06:25 The title that was with the Jews and the Christians in their time.
06:30 Allah had said to them, "Faddaltukum Alal Aalameen"
06:33 Now Allah is saying to you that you are the Ummah of the middle class.
06:37 You are the best of the Ummah.
06:39 You are on the right path.
06:41 You are on the middle path.
06:43 So, Allah has given you the title of excellence.
06:45 So, this is the basic meaning of the term "Wasat".
06:49 That you are the best of the Ummah.
06:50 The second meaning of "Wasat" is "Adal"
06:53 You are the ones who are just.
06:56 Your Prophet is also just.
06:58 You are also the Ummah of justice.
07:01 You are the people who do justice.
07:03 And the third meaning of "Wasat" is that you are the Ummah of the middle class.
07:10 Which means that you are the Ummah of the moderate.
07:14 Being moderate, your temperament is moderate, your education is moderate.
07:20 You don't have any harshness in your mind.
07:23 You are not too soft.
07:27 In fact, the middle path is the moderate path.
07:30 Allah has given you that.
07:33 You see that in the teaching of the Jews,
07:36 if someone slaps you once, you should slap him twice.
07:40 And in the teaching of the Christians,
07:44 if someone slaps you once, you should slap him twice.
07:48 You should slap him twice.
07:50 On one side, you see the harshness and on the other side, you see the softness.
07:55 What is in between?
07:57 "Wa jaza'u sayyi'atin sayyi'atum misluha"
08:01 That the reward for the bad deeds is the same as the bad deeds.
08:07 So, in the teachings of the Jews, in the deeds, in the matters,
08:12 Allah has given the moderate path to the Muslim Ummah.
08:17 And this is the meaning of "Wasat" that Allah has given the moderate path to the Muslim Ummah.
08:23 And as long as we are on the moderate path, we will remain on the right path.
08:28 Even today, you see in your society,
08:32 that if a person is oppressed,
08:36 when he comes to take revenge, he is considered as a tyrant.
08:42 Meaning, he goes beyond the limits.
08:45 Either he is oppressed or he is a tyrant.
08:48 The path that is in between, he does not remain on it.
08:51 Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) said,
08:54 "Al-eemaanu bain al-khawfi wal-rijaa"
08:57 Faith is between fear and hope.
09:01 This is the moderate path.
09:02 That you remain only on fear,
09:04 this is not the case.
09:06 And you remain only on hope,
09:08 this is not the case.
09:10 Fear Allah, hope Allah,
09:13 this is the middle path.
09:15 This is what our beloved Prophet (PBUH) has stated in many places.
09:20 So, we have to remain on this moderate path.
09:23 In our morals, in our attitudes, in our temperament.
09:29 Today, we see that the tendency of extremism,
09:32 we present it in a religious manner.
09:35 That this is within religion,
09:37 and we are putting ourselves in front of people without any reason.
09:40 And who is defamed by this?
09:42 Religion is defamed.
09:44 Quran is defamed.
09:46 Religion is defamed.
09:48 No, the teachings of religion,
09:50 the middle path,
09:52 the path that Allah and His Messenger have stated,
09:54 to remain on it with moderation,
09:56 this is the meaning of the moderate path.
09:58 The third meaning that I have presented to you is the moderate path.
10:01 So, Allah says, "I have made you the middle path,
10:04 so that you may become a witness over people."
10:07 We are a witness over people in this world and in the hereafter.
10:10 What is the testimony that we have to give in this world?
10:13 That the Prophet (PBUH) has told us that
10:15 this is the path of truth,
10:17 this is the path of truth.
10:19 If we do not give testimony of the path of truth,
10:21 then who will?
10:23 If we do not act upon the Quran,
10:27 then who will act upon it?
10:28 If the people of Islam do not present Islam in the right way,
10:33 if they do not give testimony of it,
10:35 then who will?
10:37 It is our responsibility
10:39 that we are made witnesses in this world.
10:41 Our testimony is the testimony.
10:44 In what way?
10:46 As a nation of the Prophet (PBUH),
10:49 as a nation that has been taught by the Prophet (PBUH)
10:54 and secondly, we are witnesses in the hereafter.
10:57 On the Day of Judgment, the Prophets will say
11:01 about their nation that
11:03 we had taught them,
11:05 we had given them the right,
11:07 so they will deny.
11:09 They will say that we do not believe,
11:11 they did not come to us,
11:13 they did not give us the right.
11:15 So Allah will say to the Prophets,
11:17 what is the testimony that you have?
11:20 That you had given us the right.
11:23 So they will say that our witnesses are the Ummah of Islam.
11:27 Ask the last Ummah,
11:29 that we had given the right to our Ummah.
11:36 Then you will be asked about the Ummah of Islam.
11:38 That is, the people of the Ummah of Islam
11:41 who are capable of giving testimony,
11:44 who have not adopted the ways of sin,
11:48 who have adopted the ways of goodness,
11:52 who are righteous people of the Ummah of Islam,
11:54 they will be presented as witnesses of this Ummah.
11:58 And they will say that we give testimony
12:00 that these Prophets had conveyed the message of the truth.
12:06 Then the last Ummah will object
12:09 and say that they came after us,
12:12 they did not even see us,
12:14 how can they give our testimony?
12:17 Then the Ummah of Islam will say,
12:20 we give testimony in this way,
12:22 that you did not give us your last Prophet,
12:26 did you not give us your last book?
12:31 We have read your true stories,
12:35 which had the statement of Hazrat Ibrahim,
12:38 the statement of Hazrat Musa,
12:40 the statement of Hazrat Isa,
12:42 and your book had told us that these Prophets had done their work,
12:46 fulfilled their responsibilities,
12:49 so we give testimony on the basis of the Quran,
12:51 on the basis of our book,
12:54 and we have complete confidence that
12:56 O Allah, these Prophets have conveyed their message.
13:00 So their testimony will be considered.
13:03 Then the Prophet (PBUH) will be the witness of this whole matter.
13:09 Here it is said,
13:11 and the Messenger will also be a witness over you.
13:16 So just like the Ummah of Islam is a witness in this world,
13:19 a witness, a martyr,
13:21 a martyr and a witness will be in the hereafter,
13:24 our beloved Master is also a witness,
13:26 and he is the greatest of all witnesses,
13:29 and the last witness,
13:31 the basis of all witnesses will be on the testimony of the Prophet.
13:36 All the witnesses will depend on the testimony of the Prophet.
13:40 You are a witness in this world,
13:42 you are a witness in the hereafter,
13:45 that is why all the deeds of the Prophet are presented to him in this world.
13:50 What is the duty of the Ummah of Islam,
13:53 what is the duty of which individual,
13:55 this news reaches the Prophet (PBUH).
13:57 You know all the news,
14:01 by the grace of Allah,
14:03 and you are not just a witness of the Ummah of Islam,
14:07 you are a witness of the whole universe,
14:10 you are a witness of all humanity,
14:13 you are a witness of all the Prophets of all humanity,
14:16 you are not just a Prophet,
14:18 you are a Prophet of all Prophets,
14:20 and in the hereafter, your testimony will be about all the Ummahs,
14:23 and about all the Prophets,
14:26 that Allah, the knowledge that you have given me,
14:28 on the basis of that,
14:30 I give this testimony,
14:32 that all the Prophets conveyed their message.
14:34 So, the news of the previous Ummahs were also given to the Prophet,
14:38 the news of this Ummah was also given to the Prophet,
14:42 and the Prophet knows about all of them,
14:43 by the grace of Allah,
14:45 and on the Day of Judgment,
14:47 when the Prophet (PBUH) will give this testimony,
14:49 then this testimony will be complete,
14:51 this testimony will be complete.
14:53 How great is our honour,
14:55 dear listeners,
14:57 in this verse,
14:59 in this half of the verse,
15:01 that Allah the Almighty has made us a witness,
15:03 Allah the Almighty has made us a mediator,
15:05 He has made us the best of the Ummah,
15:07 there are many responsibilities of this,
15:10 and if we are not able to fulfil these responsibilities,
15:11 then this responsibility,
15:13 is given to the Muslims.
15:15 So, today, we should understand our status,
15:17 and at the end, I would like to say that,
15:19 there is another meaning of 'Wasat',
15:21 that is 'Wasita',
15:25 obviously, the whole Ummah is 'Wasita',
15:27 between the Prophet,
15:29 and the people who will come after him,
15:31 but its first origin is the name of the Sahaba,
15:34 they are 'Wasita',
15:36 between the Prophet and the Ummah,
15:39 who brought the teachings of the Prophet to us?
15:42 The Ummah of the middle class,
15:44 'Wasita'
15:46 would not have been able to bring even a single drop of Wahi to us,
15:50 if the Sahaba had not brought it to us,
15:52 the one single point of the Quran,
15:54 would not have reached us,
15:56 if the Sahaba had not brought it to us,
15:58 they are 'Wasita' between the Ummah,
16:01 they are 'Wasita' between the Prophet,
16:03 they are the first link,
16:05 they are the first link,
16:08 they are the first link,
16:09 they are the first link,
16:11 if their status is made doubtful,
16:14 then the Quran will be doubtful,
16:16 the Hadith will be doubtful,
16:18 because they are the first link,
16:20 and the way the Prophet had made them responsible,
16:23 they have made them reach further,
16:26 they have not done any treachery in this,
16:28 they have not done any shortcoming in this,
16:30 they have not hit any stick in this,
16:33 they have not left any defect in this,
16:37 they were the 'Ummat-e-Wasad',
16:38 they were the 'Atam-u-Awwaleen'
16:41 they have made the Prophet's religion reach further,
16:44 and there is another meaning of 'Wasad',
16:47 the meaning of 'Wasad' is that,
16:49 we the 'Ummat-e-Muslima',
16:52 we are the first link between the 'Qiyamah' and all the other 'Ummat',
16:57 there is a 'Ummat' before us,
17:00 and there is no 'Ummat' after us,
17:03 we are right in the middle of it,
17:07 so the news of all the 'Ummat' is reaching us,
17:10 but our news has not reached anyone,
17:14 Allah has hidden our faults,
17:17 Allah has kept a veil over us,
17:19 how Allah has blessed us,
17:22 we can't even imagine how much Allah has blessed us,
17:26 how the Prophet has given us,
17:28 what kind of book has he given us,
17:30 what kind of status has he given us,
17:32 what should we do in return for this?
17:35 There is no need to say this,
17:37 every Muslim should understand his responsibility,
17:41 in the light of the first half of this verse,
17:45 in which Allah has given us 'Wasad',
17:48 and has given us 'Khair',
17:50 and has given us 'Gawah',
17:52 and has mentioned the 'Gawahi' of our Prophet,
17:54 may Allah enable us to fulfill his responsibilities,
17:57 Inshallah, in the next segment,
18:00 we will explain the second part of this verse,
18:04 so stay tuned with us,
18:05 see you after the break.
18:07 Faiqa Ba
18:09 In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
18:33 And We have not made the Qibla that you were upon,
18:45 except that We know who follows the Messenger,
18:57 and who turns to him in his way,
19:17 and We have not made the Qibla that you were upon,
19:29 except that We know who follows the Messenger,
19:38 and who turns to him in his way,
19:50 and We have not made the Qibla that you were upon,
20:00 except that We know who follows the Messenger,
20:07 and who turns to him in his way,
20:17 and we have not made the Qibla that you were upon,
20:34 except that We know who follows the Messenger,
20:55 and Allah would not let you lose your faith,
21:05 Allah is kind to mankind, and Merciful.
21:24 Allah is the Greatest.
21:34 Welcome dear viewers,
21:36 Qari Sahib has recited the second part of Surah Baqarah,
21:40 Ayat number 143, in a beautiful voice,
21:44 we will see its translation,
21:46 and then we will move to its explanation,
21:48 Allah has instructed,
21:50 And O Messenger, the Qibla that you were upon,
21:52 We have made it a Qibla,
21:54 so that We may show who follows the Messenger,
21:59 and who turns to him in his way,
22:03 and we have not made the Qibla that you were upon,
22:11 and we have not made the Qibla that you were upon,
22:16 Allah is kind to mankind, and Merciful.
22:22 Dear viewers,
22:25 in the previous Ayat, Ayat number 142,
22:29 a question was raised,
22:31 or a objection,
22:33 which was raised by foolish people,
22:37 that why has the Qibla been changed,
22:41 why has it been turned from one Qibla to another,
22:45 was the first one right, or is this right,
22:48 so making doubts, and all these things were done there,
22:53 in a way, it was said that,
22:55 East and West are all Allah's,
22:57 now here, in the second part of Ayat number 143,
23:03 Allah has explained the real answer,
23:06 that why do we change the Qibla,
23:09 Allah has explained that,
23:11 first, keep in mind,
23:13 that the Qibla, the Jihad,
23:17 is not God Himself,
23:20 that is, the building, the Jihad,
23:23 which has been done, is not God,
23:25 but it is the one which is appointed by God,
23:28 and God appoints it,
23:31 and determines it,
23:33 so that all people get one Jihad,
23:37 so that all people get one focus,
23:40 so that all people stay on one Jihad,
23:43 and their focus, and their sight,
23:48 and they focus on one Jihad,
23:50 and they create unity within themselves,
23:53 this is the real objective of Qibla,
23:59 and as far as, why does this change take place,
24:03 so here, Allah has given the answer,
24:07 in the second part of Ayat number 143,
24:11 which is a very good answer,
24:15 the answer is, those who object,
24:17 first understand,
24:20 that why does Allah make Qibla,
24:23 when you understand,
24:27 that why does He make Qibla,
24:30 then you will understand,
24:32 why does He change,
24:34 now, why does He make Qibla,
24:39 so the instruction is,
24:42 (Arabic)
24:47 Listen,
24:49 we make Qibla,
24:52 so that we can show people,
24:56 who is following the Prophet,
24:59 yes,
25:01 we make Qibla,
25:03 we determine one Jihad,
25:05 so that it is made clear to people,
25:09 that who is following the Prophet,
25:12 who is going to follow that Jihad,
25:14 so the real focus is,
25:16 Allah's Prophet,
25:18 his followers,
25:20 so that it is understood,
25:22 that we have to follow him,
25:24 we have to follow the Prophet,
25:26 so that it is understood,
25:28 that when the real Prophet is there,
25:30 and he is being followed,
25:32 then what is there in Jihad,
25:34 the direction,
25:37 that he takes,
25:38 that becomes Qibla,
25:40 so your objective is not Jihad and Samta,
25:44 your objective should be the Prophet,
25:48 we want to tell you,
25:50 by making Qibla,
25:52 that who is following the Prophet,
25:55 who is following the Prophet,
25:59 who is following the Prophet,
26:02 and who is turning the wheels,
26:06 who is turning the wheels,
26:07 who is turning the wheels,
26:09 he will say these things,
26:11 this is Jihad, this is Jihad,
26:13 this is Samta, this is Samta,
26:15 this is East and this is West,
26:17 what is the value of these things,
26:19 Qibla is the direction of the Prophet,
26:22 Qibla is the dome of the green,
26:25 Qibla is where the Prophet is,
26:28 so you see,
26:30 when the believers saw the Prophet,
26:32 turning in the prayer,
26:35 that the Prophet's direction was here,
26:36 now it is there,
26:38 in the opposite direction,
26:40 so they did not see,
26:42 which direction is that,
26:44 which direction is that,
26:46 they said, look where is the direction of the Prophet,
26:48 "I am the natural Messenger"
26:51 they were on this parameter,
26:53 that are we following the Prophet or not,
26:56 wherever the Prophet's direction is,
26:59 that becomes Qibla,
27:02 so when you understand,
27:04 why Allah makes Qibla,
27:06 so that you understand the followers of the Prophet,
27:09 then you will understand,
27:11 why he changes,
27:13 he changes so that you understand,
27:15 that with the change of the Prophet,
27:17 who changed,
27:19 the intended Prophet became,
27:22 who stayed with the Prophet,
27:25 and who left the Prophet,
27:28 so these are the foolish people,
27:31 these are the Jews,
27:32 these are the hypocrites,
27:35 these are the critics,
27:37 they saw the direction of the Prophet,
27:39 but not the direction of the Prophet,
27:41 and the companions saw the direction of the Prophet,
27:44 but not the direction of the Prophet,
27:46 Allah is the greatest,
27:48 so our Prophet is the center,
27:50 our Prophet is the origin,
27:53 so whatever the Prophet has to give,
27:56 that is what we have to take,
28:00 whichever direction he goes,
28:01 that is what we have to go,
28:03 whichever direction he goes,
28:05 that is what we have to go,
28:07 if he gives Salat,
28:09 we have to take Salat,
28:11 if he gives fasting,
28:13 we have to fast,
28:15 if he gives morals,
28:17 we have to follow morals,
28:19 and whatever he forbids,
28:21 we have to stop,
28:23 the real ones are those,
28:25 (Arabic)
28:28 whoever the Prophet gives,
28:29 take it,
28:31 whoever he forbids,
28:33 stop,
28:35 those are the ones who do Halal,
28:37 from Allah,
28:39 and those are the ones who do Haram,
28:41 (Arabic)
28:43 (Arabic)
28:45 (Arabic)
28:47 whoever searched for the footsteps of my Prophet,
28:51 and he followed my Prophet,
28:54 and he did not find the directions,
28:57 he found the Prophet,
28:58 Allah says,
29:00 he followed me too,
29:02 whoever followed the Prophet,
29:04 he reached Allah,
29:06 and whoever left the door of the Prophet,
29:08 who followed the mind of the wise,
29:11 and who understood the mind as the standard,
29:14 he became misguided,
29:16 so, O listeners,
29:18 my brothers, my friends,
29:20 do you understand the point from here,
29:22 that how fundamental the point is,
29:24 Allah has stated here,
29:26 (Arabic)
29:27 the reason why we make Qibla,
29:29 so that the reality of the Prophet,
29:31 and the centrality of the Prophet,
29:33 and the followers who follow him,
29:35 become clear,
29:37 and the companions did the same,
29:39 in every matter,
29:41 they said,
29:43 we do not know about profit,
29:45 nor do we know about loss,
29:47 we just have to do,
29:49 what the Prophet did,
29:51 he used to gather people,
29:53 come,
29:55 I will perform ablution for you,
29:56 the ablution that the Prophet did,
29:58 come,
30:00 I will tell you after offering two rak'ahs of prayer,
30:02 the prayer that the Prophet did,
30:04 in every matter,
30:06 they made Qibla for the Prophet,
30:08 and the effort of the Prophet,
30:10 became the Qibla,
30:12 then Allah says,
30:14 (Arabic)
30:16 and
30:18 this is not a burden on the people of guidance,
30:21 Allah says,
30:24 those who do not have guidance,
30:25 this is a burden on them,
30:27 this work,
30:29 why did this happen,
30:31 why did this happen,
30:33 this is a burden for them,
30:35 those whom Allah gives guidance,
30:37 these things are not a burden for them,
30:39 that why did you offer prayer here today,
30:41 and why did you offer prayer there today,
30:43 leave these things,
30:45 is it not enough for such a comfort,
30:47 that you are behind the Prophet,
30:49 is it enough for us,
30:51 we are behind the Prophet,
30:53 it is not difficult for us,
30:54 that where is the Prophet taking us,
30:56 when he is considered as a representative of Allah,
30:58 when he is considered as the messenger of Allah,
31:00 when he is considered as the Prophet of Allah,
31:02 when he is given his hand,
31:04 when he is held in his hand,
31:06 then what is the objection,
31:08 if you do not hold this hand,
31:10 then you will be worried,
31:12 then you will not be satisfied,
31:14 (Arabic)
31:16 and
31:18 (Arabic)
31:21 (Arabic)
31:22 these things are not a burden for those who are given guidance,
31:25 those whose hearts are filled with certainty,
31:27 with conviction,
31:29 with faith,
31:31 those whose hearts are filled with faith,
31:33 those whose hearts are filled with faith,
31:35 those whose hearts are filled with faith,
31:37 these worldly things do not bother them,
31:40 the tree of their hearts,
31:42 and the leaves of their hearts,
31:44 are buried under the love of the Prophet,
31:47 that they do not have to worry about anything,
31:50 and they are so strong that
31:51 they cannot be blown away,
31:53 and then Allah says,
31:55 (Arabic)
31:57 and this is not the glory of Allah,
31:59 that he should waste your faith,
32:01 there are two aspects to this,
32:03 one is the glory of the Prophet,
32:05 that now the Jews have started saying,
32:07 that you have focused on this for 17 months,
32:09 16 months,
32:11 so during this time,
32:13 the people who passed away,
32:15 it means that they were not right,
32:17 their prayers were not done,
32:19 they were not on the right path,
32:20 those are the useless things,
32:22 so Allah said,
32:24 this is not the glory of Allah,
32:26 that he should waste your faith,
32:28 understand this reality,
32:30 that the people who were praying for 16 months,
32:32 facing towards the holy house,
32:34 the reality is that
32:36 they were praying behind the Prophet,
32:38 why would their faith be wasted?
32:40 the standard is that
32:42 (Arabic)
32:44 at that time,
32:46 whichever side of the Qibla was,
32:48 was behind the Prophet,
32:49 and now whichever side they are on,
32:51 they are behind the Prophet,
32:53 so how would their faith be wasted?
32:55 how would their prayers be wasted?
32:57 how would their actions be wasted?
32:59 what is behind the Prophet,
33:01 nothing is wasted,
33:03 (Arabic)
33:05 this is one aspect,
33:07 and the second aspect is,
33:09 there is a consolation in this,
33:11 a consolation has been given,
33:13 because in that atmosphere,
33:15 when from all sides,
33:17 from all sides,
33:18 the Muslims were troubled,
33:20 so in that atmosphere,
33:22 Allah is giving consolation to the believers,
33:25 that whichever objection will come on you,
33:28 you don't have to worry,
33:30 Allah will not waste your faith,
33:34 you are standing for Allah,
33:36 you are standing for Allah's Prophet,
33:39 you have been tolerating the troubles from the first day,
33:42 Allah has not made you look down,
33:46 Allah has not made you look down,
33:47 Allah has kept you in His hands,
33:50 your faith is also in the hands of Allah,
33:54 your faith is in the hands of the Prophet,
33:58 where you have presented everything,
34:01 Allah will not let your faith be wasted,
34:04 why?
34:06 (Arabic)
34:09 understand this,
34:11 that Allah is very kind to people,
34:15 Allah is very merciful,
34:16 Allah treats people with mercy,
34:21 Allah decides the reasons for people's mercy,
34:25 Allah wants your well-being,
34:27 Allah gives you easy things,
34:33 Allah has given you such an easy thing,
34:37 that you follow the Prophet as your center,
34:40 what is easier than this?
34:44 Your responsibilities are over,
34:46 you just have to follow the Prophet,
34:50 Allah is so merciful,
34:52 Allah is so kind,
34:54 that He has given you the book,
34:56 He has given you the Prophet,
34:58 and how to follow him,
35:00 Allah has told you everything,
35:02 so you just keep following this path,
35:06 even if someone still has an objection,
35:10 even if someone still doesn't want to follow,
35:13 he doesn't want to take part in Allah's mercy,
35:15 otherwise Allah is very kind to everyone,
35:18 He is calling everyone to understand,
35:21 learn, Jews, you too learn, understand,
35:24 you will repent once,
35:28 you will recite one Kalima,
35:30 all your sins will be forgiven,
35:32 how merciful Allah is,
35:34 and Allah is explaining so much for everyone,
35:36 you see,
35:38 Allah is explaining to people,
35:40 how merciful Allah is,
35:42 and Allah is kind,
35:43 and whoever doesn't want to understand,
35:46 will answer this on the day of judgement,
35:49 Allah will help us to make the Prophet our center,
35:55 the Prophet is our real center,
35:58 today, the Muslim Ummah will have to look towards Khumbat-e-Khazra,
36:02 towards the Prophet,
36:06 all these Qibla's made up of Aghiyar,
36:10 some have their own Qibla,
36:12 some have their own Qibla,
36:14 some have their own Qibla,
36:16 some have their own Qibla,
36:18 all the Qibla's,
36:20 I swear to Allah,
36:22 follow the path of the Prophet,
36:24 whoever follows the path of the Prophet,
36:26 follows the footsteps of the Prophet,
36:28 he will reach straight to the Lord,
36:30 and this is the meaning of this verse,
36:32 and this is the summary of this verse,
36:35 I pray that he will enable us to follow this,
36:37 the program has reached its conclusion,
36:39 take care of yourselves,
36:41 Allah Hafiz,
36:43 Assalamu Alaikum,
36:45 Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.
