Top 10 Chandler & Rachel Moments on Friends That Prove They're Underrated

  • 8 months ago
The one with the underrated pair... Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down times when we got to see Chandler and Rachel’s unique friendship, even though they weren’t the most popular pairing on the show.


00:00 "I can't believe I'm getting my nails done. And you said it was gonna be fun."
00:03 Welcome to Ms. Mojo.
00:04 And today we're counting down times when we got to see Chandler and Rachel's unique friendship,
00:09 even though they weren't the most popular pairing on the show.
00:11 "You graduated magna cum laude, right?"
00:13 "No."
00:16 "Ah, it doesn't matter."
00:17 Number 10. The one with their fantasy hookup.
00:22 "I can't believe you came back."
00:24 "Don't say anything."
00:27 Don't worry, this isn't exactly canon.
00:29 When Janice asks the group if any of them have slept together,
00:31 the audience is treated to a flashback episode revealing some interesting but unexpected
00:36 pairings. Monica and Joey have a moment and Phoebe and Ross almost get together.
00:40 But Rachel and Chandler don't seem to have a spark.
00:46 "Excuse me, I seem to have dropped my ball."
00:48 "Yeah, so?"
00:52 "And now I've picked it up again."
00:57 Even though Rachel is newly engaged and initially snubs Chandler,
01:00 she finds herself entertaining the idea of being with him.
01:03 "I just want you to take me and kiss me and make love to me right here, right now."
01:09 While there's definitely some chemistry between these two, the development of their friendship
01:15 throughout the series is far more meaningful than an imagined one-night stand. Apparently,
01:19 neither of them remember the night they shared a kiss at a college party.
01:22 "Hey!"
01:23 "I'm in college and I'm in a band."
01:26 "Yeah, okay."
01:27 The strongest friendships always involve honesty, even when the truth might be hard to hear.
01:37 "As long as you got this job, you got nothing pushing you to get another one."
01:41 This was certainly the case when Rachel was in desperate need for a career change.
01:45 After working at Central Perk for longer than she originally planned, Rachel is discouraged.
01:50 "My life officially sucks."
01:52 Joey and Chandler tell her that she needs the right amount of motivation to start working in fashion.
01:56 In this case, Chandler cares enough to encourage Rachel to take a risk,
02:00 because he knows that she needs that extra push to go after the job she truly wants.
02:04 "You quit this job, you then have motivation to go after a job you really want."
02:09 Even though she somehow ends up making coffee again, her decision to commit to a career path
02:13 eventually takes her to Ralph Lauren and an opportunity with Louis Vuitton.
02:20 We've seen Rachel and Chandler support each other through failed relationships,
02:24 but what about when there's friction between friends?
02:26 In the second season of the sitcom, Rachel shows her empathy for Chandler
02:29 when Joey moves out to live on his own.
02:31 "Casa de Joey."
02:33 While Phoebe and Monica encourage Joey to talk to Chandler about being roommates again,
02:37 Ross and Rachel take the opposite approach by telling Chandler to move on.
02:40 "He has moved on, okay? You have to too."
02:43 "But no, you're just gonna have to accept the fact that you're just friends now, okay?
02:47 You're not roommates anymore."
02:51 When a friend is hurting, it can help to get them to push through the pain and focus on themselves.
02:55 "I promise you, he would definitely want you back."
02:58 "I'm telling you, there's no way he's moving back."
03:00 As well-intentioned as Ross and Rachel were,
03:03 Chandler's decision to get a new roommate ends with a bit of chaos.
03:07 "Get out now!"
03:07 Let's just say it's the thought that counts.
03:09 When it's time for Monica and Chandler's big day,
03:14 Rachel's gig at Ralph Lauren comes in handy.
03:17 On the one hand, there's a bit of drama when Chandler and Ross argue over their tuxedos.
03:21 "It's Batman's tux!"
03:22 "Let me try it on."
03:26 But at the center of it all,
03:27 Rachel is a fantastic friend for setting the guys up with free garments that were worn by celebrities.
03:32 "Ooh, this one was Pierce Brosnan."
03:34 "Pierce Brosnan?"
03:35 "Uh-huh."
03:35 "Are you serious?"
03:36 "Dolls."
03:37 "007? This is James Bond's tux? Oh, I have to get married in James Bond's tux."
03:42 She's also considerate when she tries to avoid telling Chandler that the tux that
03:45 fits him perfectly wasn't worn by the likes of James Bond or Batman, it was Diane Keaton's.
03:50 "Whose is it?"
03:51 "Oh, does it matter? All that matters is you look so handsome."
03:56 Superfans with a keen eye for fashion might notice that the suit Chandler wears on his
03:59 wedding day is not the one he tried on, so it seems he decided against Keaton's tux.
04:04 "I pronounce you husband and wife."
04:07 "Now kiss her again."
04:10 [laughter]
04:14 Number 6. The one where Rachel helps Chandler quit smoking.
04:18 Rachel did try to get Chandler to quit smoking in season one of Friends,
04:21 but the bad habit stuck around throughout the years.
04:26 When nicotine gum isn't doing the trick for him in the third season,
04:29 Rachel offers a hypnosis tape that she swears by.
04:32 "You don't need to smoke. Cigarettes don't control you.
04:37 You are a strong, confident woman who doesn't need to smoke."
04:43 Even though this tape ends up having an odd effect on his behavior,
04:46 it's clear that Rachel truly cares about Chandler and his well-being,
04:49 even if her methods may seem silly to others.
04:51 "Hey, how are those tapes working out for you?"
04:53 "You know, they're pretty good. Good. I haven't smoked yet today. I feel great and confident.
04:59 That is a stunning blouse."
05:00 Funnily enough, when Rachel gets peer pressured into smoking with her co-workers,
05:04 Chandler and Monica are the ones who call her out on it.
05:06 "You don't have to smoke. Just say you want to get some fresh air."
05:09 "Yeah, I could do that."
05:13 Number 5. The one where they're pathetic losers together.
05:16 "You're a pathetic loser, right?"
05:18 "Oh, yeah."
05:19 "Set."
05:21 Despite their lack of screen time together, Rachel and Chandler have a lot in common.
05:25 They're often unlucky in love, work long corporate hours,
05:28 and have dealt with their parents' relationship troubles.
05:30 Because they can relate to each other's experiences,
05:33 it's pretty easy for them to just share a moment of silence when times are tough.
05:36 In a season four episode, Ross falls head over heels for Emily,
05:40 but Rachel's pursuit of Joshua goes off the rails.
05:43 "I thought that if I could get you here, I could seduce you."
05:49 Chandler totally understands what Rachel's going through,
05:52 and he can sit with her in the awkward aftermath.
05:54 The best friendships are the ones where you can be completely vulnerable
05:58 and handle a little laughter in your lowest moments.
06:01 "Every time."
06:02 Number 4. The one where Chandler sets Rachel up.
06:09 In the seasons following her official break from Ross,
06:11 Rachel has some interesting short-term love interests.
06:14 "Quick, quick, quick, quick! What are you quacking about? Dumb Donald Dodo!"
06:18 "Step away from the duck."
06:25 But when Chandler offers to set her up with a co-worker,
06:28 his good intentions lead him astray.
06:30 "I'm not looking for anything serious."
06:31 "Oh, well, you know, that might be okay even if it was just kind of a fling.
06:34 That might be all right with Rachel."
06:36 At first, Rachel's just looking for a fling,
06:38 but after she expresses a potential real interest in the guy,
06:41 Chandler accidentally shares this information.
06:43 "Did you or did you not tell him that I was looking for a serious relationship?"
06:48 "I did! I absolutely did!"
06:50 "You idiot!"
06:53 "I'm sure you're right, but why?"
06:54 Thinking that it will lead to the foundation of a good relationship.
06:57 Instead, Rachel gets rejected at Christmas time.
07:00 "Being alone sucks!"
07:01 "Hey, you know what? You're gonna meet somebody. You're a great catch.
07:06 You know, when I was telling all those guys about you, I didn't have to lie once."
07:11 She's understandably upset, but to be honest,
07:14 the whole co-worker saga is overshadowed by her heartfelt moment with Chandler.
07:18 With his own fair share of failed romances, he knows exactly what to say.
07:22 "Thank you."
07:23 "Okay."
07:23 But he obviously can't keep his Chandlerism suppressed for long.
07:27 "Have you ever been with a woman?"
07:28 "What? Chandler, what is the matter with you?"
07:34 "So there is no good time to ask that question."
07:38 Number 3. The one where they say goodbye.
07:40 "Let me just say something, because once we get into this,
07:43 I'm gonna get all uncomfortable and probably make some stupid joke."
07:46 With Rachel set to move to Paris and Monica and Chandler welcoming their firstborn,
07:51 the gang gets ready to start a new chapter.
07:53 At her going-away party, Rachel takes a moment to say goodbye to each of the friends in private.
07:57 "I didn't mean to be annoying, you already know."
08:03 "What?"
08:03 With the girls, the tears inevitably start flowing,
08:06 leading the guys to wonder what's coming for them.
08:11 When it's Chandler's turn, we get to see a truly beautiful moment between the two.
08:15 It shows that Rachel and Chandler have a wonderful sense of care and love for each other,
08:19 and that their friendship would be incomplete without a touch of humor.
08:23 "No!"
08:25 "Just go, just go, I can't, I can't."
08:28 Number 2. The one where they strike a deal.
08:30 Pairing work with pleasure is usually a recipe for disaster.
08:34 "You're not the boss of me."
08:35 "Yeah, you are."
08:38 This fourth season fiasco begins when Chandler hooks up with Joanna,
08:43 Rachel's boss at Bloomingdale's.
08:45 When their affair leads to Rachel finding Chandler handcuffed in Joanna's office,
08:49 the two friends argue and bargain their way to a resolution.
08:53 "You'll never see Joanna again."
08:55 "Never."
08:56 "You never come into this office again."
08:58 "Fine."
08:59 "You give me back my Walkman."
09:01 "I...
09:02 I never borrowed your Walkman."
09:05 While Chandler just wants freedom, Rachel needs him to stay put so that
09:09 Joanna doesn't find out that Rachel snuck into her office.
09:12 Although they ultimately work out a proportionate deal and there are no hard feelings,
09:16 this wild scenario is a perfect example of just how hilarious these two can be when they squabble.
09:21 "Would you please just..."
09:23 "No!"
09:23 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about
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09:40 Number 1. The one where they both love cheesecake.
09:45 "You have got to try this cheesecake."
09:48 "Oh, you know, I'm not that much of a sweet tooth."
09:52 "Wow, my God, so creamy."
09:54 The haul between the friends' apartments has seen plenty of drama,
09:57 but little can compare to Rachel and Chandler's cheesecake situation.
10:01 It begins innocently enough. An impossibly delicious cheesecake
10:04 meant for a neighbor is accidentally delivered to their floor.
10:07 "It was at the front door when I got home. Somebody sent it to us."
10:10 When they get a taste of just how good the dessert is,
10:12 Rachel and Chandler are unable to give up the first or second cake.
10:16 With other plots focusing on Monica and Ross bickering about a cousin's wedding
10:19 and Joey and Phoebe's canceled date conflict, this episode offers a perfect snapshot of
10:23 Chandler and Rachel's friendship and sense of humor. On their roller coaster of guilt
10:27 and bargaining, they are not afraid to be sarcastic and absolutely shameless together.
10:32 "You can't return a box after you've opened the box."
10:35 "Why not?"
10:35 "Because it's too delicious."
10:37 What friends pairing do you think is underrated? Let us know in the comments.
10:41 "Well, maybe you could go to school here next year and we could totally hang out."
10:44 "Oh, yeah, there is a plan. Why don't I just start taking my smart pills now?"
10:49 "Ha!"
10:50 Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
10:54 And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
10:59 [music]
