OJK Dorong Pangsa Pasar Keuangan Syariah

  • 7 months ago
Aset ekonomi syariah tercatat, terus bertambah hingga mencapai lebih dari Rp2.000 triliun. Dengan nilai ekonomi syariah yang terus berkembang tersebut, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) memastikan, akan terus mendorong laju perekonomian syariah, dengan sejumlah kebijakan industri keuangan syariah.


00:00 The share of sharia economy assets continues to increase to more than 2 trillion rupiah.
00:06 With the continuing value of the sharia economy,
00:09 the Financial Services Authority ensures that it will continue to boost the sharia economy
00:13 with a number of sharia finance industry policies.
00:17 The Financial Services Authority recorded the sharia finance assets of Indonesia
00:24 until September 2023 reached 2,452 trillion rupiah.
00:29 The assets are boosted by annual growth of 6.75%.
00:35 With the great potential of the Financial Services Authority,
00:39 the Executive Head of the Financial Services Authority and consumer protection, OJK,
00:43 Frederica Widyasari Dewi, ensured that the OJK continues to boost the sharia economy structure
00:49 with a number of policies.
00:51 One of them is by boosting the sharia finance market,
00:54 which is 10.81% of the entire national financial industry.
00:59 The OJK also continues to strengthen the sharia finance market with a number of policies.
01:04 One of them is by strengthening the structure and competitiveness of the sharia bank
01:08 through the consolidation and implementation of sharia business spin-off units,
01:12 as well as strengthening the characteristics of the sharia finance
01:14 through the formation of the Sharia Finance Development Committee.
01:19 We hope that the OJK will continue to be active in the development of the sharia finance sector
01:24 through strengthening the role of the sharia finance institution in the economy,
01:29 which will continue to be improved.
01:31 The first is the strengthening of the structure and competitiveness of the sharia bank
01:36 through the consolidation and implementation of sharia business spin-off units,
01:41 as well as strengthening the characteristics of the sharia finance
01:45 through the formation of the Sharia Finance Development Committee.
01:48 We hope that this effort will create several sharia banks
01:53 with a competitive asset scale and a stronger sharia insurance industry.
01:58 Nevertheless, the OJK admits that there are still a number of challenges
02:04 that need to be addressed in developing the sharia economy in the future,
02:08 such as the lack of optimal support for the sharia finance sector to the halal industry
02:12 to the lack of optimal sharia SDM that meets the needs.
02:16 From Jakarta, I am Arjuna Patel, IDX Channel.
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