OJK Perkuat Keuangan Syariah

  • 5 months ago
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) terus mendorong penguatan keuangan Syariah melalui Sinergi berbagai pihak untuk meningkatkan literasi dan inklusi keuangan Syariah. Data survei terbaru menunjukkan tingkat literasi keuangan Syariah melonjak drastis menjadi 39% di tahun lalu.
00:00 The Financial Services Authority continues to promote the strengthening of Sharia finance
00:04 through the synergy of various parties to increase literacy and inclusion of Sharia finance.
00:09 The latest survey data shows that the literacy level of Sharia finance
00:13 jumped drastically to 39% last year.
00:17 The Financial Services Authority continues to increase the literacy of finance
00:23 to promote the development of the Sharia economy in society.
00:26 The reason is that the development of Sharia finance in Indonesia will not advance if it is only partially carried out.
00:31 For that reason, the Financial Services Authority emphasizes the synergy and collaboration between the Financial Services Authority,
00:35 Bank Indonesia and MUI, PUJK and other stakeholders
00:39 so that it can be a basic movement to promote the economy and Sharia finance in Indonesia.
00:43 According to the Executive Head of Financial Services, Education and Consumer Protection Authority,
00:50 Friderica Widja Sari Dewi,
00:52 the literacy index of Sharia finance increased from 9% in 2022 to 39% in 2023.
00:59 The literacy index of Sharia finance is expected to continue to increase
01:02 because the Sharia economic growth is admittedly still stagnant.
01:06 From 9% to 39%.
01:09 Clap for all of you, ladies and gentlemen.
01:13 But the inclusion is still at 12%.
01:17 So I think this is our job.
01:20 How to make this Sharia finance product more inclusive for our society.
01:28 A number of Sharia movement achievements carried out by the OJK,
01:31 such as supporting the national campaign for Sharia finance held during the month of Ramadan,
01:36 as well as sharing the benefits of Sharia finance through the use of social funds to the community,
01:40 has been admittedly generating positive responses from the community.
01:43 Jakarta Raharjo Padmo for ADSJ.
01:46 Sharia finance is a national, independent and non-profit organization.
01:50 Sharia finance is a national, independent and non-profit organization.
01:52 Sharia finance is a national, independent and non-profit organization.
