不应酬玩弄政治的要求 国家元首:想换政府等下届!

  • 7 months ago
新闻报报看 | 国家元首苏丹依布拉欣表示,如果有人想要玩弄政治,等下届大选吧,陛下绝不应酬那些,企图破坏国家政治稳定的要求。(主播:颜江瀚、洪欣仪)


00:00 Today is a special day for our Congress.
00:04 After the new head of state, His Majesty Sudan Ibrahim,
00:06 announced his inauguration on January 31,
00:09 he will be the first to host the opening of the Congress today,
00:11 and will deliver his speech to the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives.
00:15 His Majesty's speech today has many highlights.
00:17 Let's take a look at it one by one.
00:19 First of all, His Majesty said,
00:20 "Compared to the speech at the Rofo State Council,
00:23 today's speech will be more gentle,
00:25 and I hope it won't offend the members present."
00:27 However, His Majesty reminded the members,
00:30 "Please be careful in the future."
00:33 After the members of the Congress heard it,
00:35 they all clapped their hands to support.
00:38 The second highlight is at the end of the speech.
00:41 When His Majesty was giving his speech,
00:42 at the 28th minute,
00:45 he said,
00:47 "I'm worried that the speech is too long,
00:49 and someone will fall asleep,
00:51 so I will shorten it."
00:52 Then, the half-hour speech was over.
00:57 After the members on the side,
00:58 Lara Chalisofia also smiled.
01:01 Before that, when he was reading the 13th minute of the speech,
01:05 His Majesty also said,
01:06 "It's quite long.
01:08 It seems that the speech is too long."
01:10 His Majesty is serious and not a joke.
01:13 During the process, His Majesty also mentioned that
01:15 he has just been appointed as the head of state for less than a month,
01:17 and he is still a newbie.
01:19 Many things need to be learned,
01:21 and he is quite humble and very friendly.
01:24 Then, let's talk about the political issues.
01:27 His Majesty's preface mentioned that
01:28 if someone wants to play politics,
01:30 he should wait for the next general election.
01:32 Because His Majesty will never accept
01:34 any requests from any party
01:37 that tries to destroy national politics.
01:39 His Majesty also urged all parties to accept the facts
01:42 and respect the united government that has been formed.
01:45 In the past, the parties were all guessing that
01:46 the National Alliance wanted to change the government's plan.
01:49 After the new head of state took office,
01:51 there must be no more drama.
01:52 Because the new government must pass the state-led internal affairs.
01:56 His Majesty will never agree to this.
01:58 Now, His Majesty's speech is well-rounded
02:01 and conveys the clear message again.
02:04 The political parties should not think about political changes
02:06 or the government that tries to destroy national stability.
02:09 His Majesty also urged all parties
02:11 not to play with sensitive issues
02:12 involving royal families, races, and religions,
02:15 which is the 3R topic we often talk about.
02:18 His Majesty said that Islam is the official religion of our country,
02:21 and it is stipulated by the constitution.
02:23 At the same time, other religions can continue to exist,
02:26 but they cannot be preached to Muslims.
02:29 No party should try to challenge the constitution
02:31 or politicize the topic.
02:34 According to His Majesty's observation,
02:35 although our country has been independent for 60 years,
02:38 there are still shortcomings in the relationship
02:40 between the different ethnic groups in China.
02:42 Many people do not understand the life and culture of other races
02:45 or cannot master the language.
02:47 So His Majesty urged the government to develop a policy
02:50 to strengthen the unity and harmony between the people.
02:53 The next generation who wants to cultivate unity and mutual understanding
02:56 must start from an early age.
02:58 Next is the Parliamentary House of Representatives.
03:01 Some members are speechless
03:03 and even curse in the Parliament.
03:05 For this phenomenon,
03:06 Sultan Ibrahim said that all members of the Parliament
03:09 must pay attention to the manner of speech,
03:12 the manner of speech, and the manner of speech to maintain discipline.
03:15 They cannot curse others in the Parliament.
03:19 Because the Parliament is the hall of law and the hall of law.
03:22 Members of the Parliament are legislators.
03:24 If legislators themselves do not follow the law,
03:27 it is extremely absurd.
03:29 And recalling some of the actions of some members before,
03:33 His Majesty said that he even felt ashamed
03:35 to enter the Parliament.
03:37 His Majesty said that the President of the House of Representatives,
03:39 Muddanda, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Zohar,
03:42 must strictly fulfill their duties
03:44 to ensure that members follow the rules of the Parliament
03:47 during the meeting.
03:48 For those members of the Parliament who do not follow the rules,
03:51 they must take action.
03:52 If the member takes action
03:54 and is still stubborn,
03:55 he should be grounded for 14 days.
03:59 His Majesty also mentioned the national debt.
04:02 His Majesty said that since 1998,
04:04 the country has long faced financial deficit.
04:08 The debt that needs to be paid is also increasing.
04:11 This huge debt disappointed His Majesty.
04:14 He asked,
04:15 "Should I leave all this debt to the future generations of my descendants?"
04:20 If the national financial foundation is weak,
04:21 it is difficult for the government to implement new development plans.
04:25 Even to invest to strengthen economic development
04:28 becomes difficult.
04:29 So His Majesty supports the government to save spending
04:32 and to increase the intensity of the implementation of the "saving" measure
04:35 to provide subsidies in a targeted way.
04:38 His Majesty also reviewed the government's spending
04:40 to ensure that every spending proposal
04:42 meets the actual needs.
04:44 His Majesty hopes that the government can manage the economy well
04:47 and achieve financial prosperity every year.
04:50 The End
