纳吉是否可居家服刑? 再益:政府需解释不能掩盖!

  • 5 months ago
新闻报报看 | 针对有消息指,前首相纳吉获得前元首“附加谕令”允许居家服刑这件事,前首相署前部长再益要求政府解释清楚此事,而不是选择掩盖。(主播:庄文杰、黄界錤)


00:00 In 2022, the former prime minister Najib, who was sentenced to prison for corruption and money laundering,
00:05 not only was his fine and prison sentence discounted,
00:08 but also revealed that in this special document,
00:11 the former head of state, His Majesty Sultan Abdullah,
00:13 had a "added order" to let Najib be executed at home.
00:18 When the interior minister, Saifuddin, was asked by reporters yesterday,
00:21 he emphasized that he knew nothing.
00:23 But Singapore-based media, Asia News Agency, CNA,
00:26 found out and quoted a government official who was unknown, saying,
00:31 "At that time, it was indeed allowed for Najib to be executed at home."
00:38 The Asia News Agency quoted a government official's report,
00:42 "At that time, the head of the Special Investigation Bureau, His Majesty Sultan Abdullah,
00:45 did issue an additional order,
00:47 allowing Najib to be executed at home for the remaining six years."
00:51 However, on January 29 this year,
00:54 at the special bureau meeting hosted by the former head of state,
00:58 the six members of the special bureau did not discuss the application to allow Najib to be executed at home.
01:03 The report pointed out that it was because the General Procuratorate opposed the additional order,
01:08 so it was not discussed at that meeting.
01:10 Of course, everything we just said is just the information that Singapore media has dug up.
01:15 Whether it is true or not, we will have to wait for the official response.
01:18 At the same time, the election alliance, Bursa, has already jumped out first,
01:21 and opposed the additional order from the former prime minister Najib to request the federal government to carry out the execution at home.
01:27 The election alliance reminded that only those who have committed minor crimes and have served less than four years
01:33 can obtain the PBSL execution at home plan.
01:38 Bursa said, "Don't forget,
01:40 how serious Najib's case is still being tried in court."
01:45 Bursa's election alliance also questioned Najib's lawyer, Sha Fei-yi,
01:49 why did he reveal this now?
01:52 The election alliance said, "If, as they said,
01:54 the Special Investigation Bureau has the so-called six-year additional terms for the execution on the 29th of January, 2024,
02:03 why didn't Sha Fei-yi say it at that time?"
02:07 The election alliance emphasized that if Najib, this kind of serious criminal, can obtain the privilege of execution at home,
02:12 then he should expand this privilege to other prisoners in need.
02:17 For example, it is more fair for female prisoners with young children.
02:22 [Music]
