NCAA's Newest Liability: Court Storming and Player Injuries

  • 7 months ago
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:03 >> Rick, liability is the word of the day.
00:05 And the reason we're bringing this up is court storming in college ranks,
00:09 whether it be football and or basketball.
00:11 We don't see in the professional ranks anymore.
00:13 Talk to me about what we could be looking forward to because we got a player that
00:17 was injured.
00:18 How long he's out for, we don't know about that.
00:20 But are we looking at more serious things that could come up down the line where,
00:23 let's just say you court storm and you do have injury,
00:25 you do have malaise on the court.
00:27 Where does this leave the NCAA institutions that quote unquote still allow
00:31 this here?
00:33 >> Well, John Shire stepped up, you see his statement right there.
00:36 But the other piece of this is that there is fairly little of this in
00:41 professional sports.
00:43 I talked to a lot of the security guys who run stadiums and arenas.
00:47 And they say, well, part of it is the walls are higher in the professional world,
00:51 so we can regulate it.
00:52 That's only a very small part.
00:54 The real part is it's baked in and built in that you have security,
00:59 even compelling security.
01:01 Remember how the horses come out when you're close to a win in a World Series?
01:05 You don't wanna screw with them.
01:07 And certainly there needs to be some stepping up.
01:10 And by the way, this is the time everybody says the conferences ought to do it
01:14 themselves.
01:15 Well, the ACC's done nothing yet.
01:17 The SEC has.
01:19 How about a little bit of NCAA leadership, if only as guidance, saying, well,
01:23 we didn't do anything with NIL, although we said athletes ought to be paid.
01:27 We didn't do anything with Transfer Portal.
01:29 So how about let's do something with court storming?
01:31 Because if you have a problem and you ignore it, and it's gross negligence,
01:36 you can be liable, and you need to pay the best lawyers in the world to help you.
01:41 So I'm gonna, can I put the billboard up?
01:44 Is that okay?
01:45 So.
01:45 [MUSIC]
