Driving instructor helps thousands of learners to pass - without actually getting in car with them

  • 7 months ago
Meet the driving instructor helping thousands of learners to pass - without actually getting in a car with them.

Jason Horsfield, 54, runs a TikTok account where he dishes out tips and tricks for new drivers.

He says he regularly receives messages from people he has never met thanking him for helping them lose their L plates - some passing without any minors.

Jason, from Chadderton, Lancs., reckons his videos can save learners up to £1,500 on lessons.


00:00 Right turnings at traffic lights. Now it doesn't say anything, you'll turn in front of each other, near side to near side.
00:07 Mirrors. Right signal. Braking. Clutch down into gear 1 and we're going to crawl up nice and slowly.
00:14 So now to the tyres and tyre map position. Make sure the handbrake's on the A, off the brake, onto the gas.
00:19 We're going to bring the clutch up to the bike and we're going to crawl forward slowly.
00:23 Now, we're going to go into gear 2, we're going to crawl up. Now we need to give way to oncoming vehicles.
00:28 Now, are we clear after the van? Yeah, that's a great turn.
00:31 So we turn early, we look into the road we're going into to make sure we've got somewhere to go.
00:36 We can see the traffic backing up, so mirror, braking and into gear 1 on the approach.
00:41 So what we did there, we did the near side to near side. We turned in front of each other rather than behind each other.
00:47 So that's what's called the near side to near side. And we went straight round because we had no oncoming vehicles.
00:54 So gear 2 and go, gear 1 if not.
00:57 Parallel parking. Right, we're going to pull alongside this vehicle here and we're already moving, so we're going to pull into position.
01:04 And we're going to get a half a car length in front. We also want to make sure we're not too close.
01:08 Look at the wing mirrors, that is perfect. So we've got about a foot between wing mirrors.
01:12 And we want a half a car length in front, check the mirror before braking, my shoulder just past the rear bumper.
01:18 Then we're going to go into reverse gear and then we're going to do an all round check.
01:22 Checking left shoulder all the way round to the right shoulder and then back to the straight position.
01:27 Then we're going to reverse backwards until our back bumper is lower than his front bumper.
01:31 And we've got a straight wheel at this point.
01:33 So we're looking backwards, we're also glancing forward and checking mirrors.
01:36 And we're looking at our back window where the wiper is.
01:40 Now that's where our furthest point is on the car. So when it's lower than his bumper, about there.
01:44 We're basically 7 o'clock on a clock face there.
01:48 So again checking mirrors now because obviously we're front end swinging out.
01:51 And we're checking around for positioning as well.
01:53 We stay in that position for now and keep going for now.
01:57 We go until our side mirror is level near his front bumper.
02:01 Again checking over the shoulder, making sure no one's coming.
02:04 And once it's level with his bumper, roughly about there guys.
02:08 Then we take the steering off to the straight position again.
02:11 Then checking over the shoulder one more time, making sure no one's coming.
02:14 Now we can check in the small blind spot mirror there.
02:17 And at the small blind spot mirror, when we get about half a grid from the kerb.
02:22 And again it's getting used to your car, how your steering works.
02:24 When we get about half a grid from the kerb, then all we do at that point, about there.
02:28 Look at the distance it is now.
02:30 And then we full lock it to the right as quick as we can.
02:33 Again we're checking around, making sure no one's coming.
02:36 And we want to make sure we're in a good tight position when we finish.
02:39 Without touching the kerb.
02:41 Again you can do that reference point a bit early if you want guys.
02:44 But this gets you in a nice tight spot.
02:46 And it doesn't have to go too far back.
02:48 We're checking around. Now we're also going down the camber.
02:51 Now the camber is the slope of the road.
02:53 So you need to slow it down with a brake at this point.
02:55 Staying at biting point and using your foot brake.
02:58 Now if you look at the side now, we're tight but we're not touching.
03:01 So we've got about four inches.
03:03 And then we're going to look forward now, wait till we're straight.
03:05 Soon as we're straight there, we take the steering off quickly and we stop.
03:09 Then we pop it into neutral.
03:11 And then we're going to turn the engine off.
