À Prague, Emmanuel Macron "assume" ses positions sur l'Ukraine

  • 6 months ago
Les alliés de l'Ukraine doivent "se montrer à la hauteur", l'Europe abordant un moment "où il conviendra de ne pas être lâche", a déclaré mardi le président français, Emmanuel Macron, lors d'un déplacement en République tchèque.
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Infos, news & actualités - L'information internationale en direct.
00:00 The allies of Ukraine must stand up to Europe at a time when it will be appropriate not to
00:04 be cowardly, said French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday during a trip to the Czech
00:11 Republic.
00:12 He assured and assumed his controversial remarks on the possibility of sending Western troops
00:16 to Ukraine.
00:17 Emmanuel Macron called on the allies of Ukraine on Tuesday, March 5, in Prague, not to be
00:22 cowardly in the face of an unstoppable Russia, assuring and assuming his controversial remarks
00:27 on the possibility of sending Western troops to this country at war.
00:30 "If every day we explain what our limits are in the face of Russian President Vladimir
00:35 Putin, who, he, has none and has launched this war, I can already tell you that the spirit
00:40 of defeat and kirude ", the French president warned during his visit to the Czech Republic.
00:44 "I fully assume the strategic leap I called for ", he said during a press conference,
00:50 assuming that the clarity of his words was what Europe needed.
00:54 On his side, the Czech president, Petr Pavel, gave him his support.
00:59 "I am in favor of the search for new options, including a debate on a potential presence
01:05 in Ukraine, "he said.
