10 Games That DON'T NEED A Sequel

  • 6 months ago


00:00 Four years later their legacy lingers on the memes
00:03 Welcome to mojo plays and sometimes less is more and not everything needs to be turned into an unending franchise
00:11 We'll be looking at games that should avoid new entries whether they already had sequels or not as long as their ending brought
00:18 Everything to a satisfying conclusion. What is that it?
00:22 You asked for it. Oh
00:27 You gotta be kidding me before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our
00:33 latest videos
00:35 Sunset overdrive
00:50 Insomniac rarely misses and sunset overdrive despite not being a commercial success remains one of the studio's best titles
00:58 The game's wacky presentation and narrative coupled with its inventive weapons and even more inventive traversal
01:05 created an experience that not even the developers famed ratchet and clank series could compare to
01:10 Even with the entire fan base clamoring for a sequel
01:14 There's almost no way to replicate or even improve on one insomniac created with sunset overdrive
01:20 Without leaning too heavily into gimmicks or the formula becoming stale
01:24 sunset overdrive is special because it represents the
01:28 experimentation that the industry used to be known for the game's traversal focused primarily on speed and constant movement was later
01:36 Adapted into their successful spider-man entries which might not have been possible if not for the innovations of sunset overdrive
01:43 No more
01:45 Alien isolation
01:54 Although the alien franchise has had a multitude of video games over the years
02:06 None have managed to capture the atmosphere and dread of being stalked by a xenomorph the way alien isolation did
02:13 Picking up canonically as a sequel to the original alien movie Ellen Ripley's daughter Amanda searches for her mother aboard the
02:20 Sevestopol station and encounters the same species that terrorized her mother
02:25 The constant cat-and-mouse game combined with the perfect recreation of Ridley Scott's classic lo-fi tech
02:31 Remains the benchmark for the franchise that no game before or since has managed to perfectly encapsulate
02:38 Although the game does technically leave itself open to a potential sequel much like the franchise that inspired it
02:44 It would be extremely difficult to replicate that sense of terror and would instead do better switching genres entirely
02:50 Rogue Galaxy me
03:02 Up in space
03:07 Yeah, I can see that
03:09 Not half bad at all
03:12 Sometimes a video game doesn't need a sequel because the developer managed to create something that would be nearly impossible
03:18 To improve on with a follow-up such as the case with level 5s planet hopping RPG rogue galaxy
03:25 Oftentimes rightfully described as a Star Wars JRPG and a technical Marvel on the ps2
03:32 Featuring seamless worlds with no load times back on the ps2 starfield the game weaved a galaxy spanning
03:38 Narrative full of twists turns and memorable characters and although the game ends with little more than a bit of narration
03:45 The cast of characters all achieved their collective goals and managed to bring peace to the galaxy
03:51 Although the story could continue in another galaxy considering the original games cult status and beloved cast
03:58 There's more likelihood it could end up as a Mass Effect Andromeda situation than a fresh adventure that would be embraced by the fan base
04:05 You know I've never seen the universe so beautiful
04:08 So serene Metal Gear Rising
04:13 revengeance
04:16 Following your own set of rules with your own two hands you took back your life
04:24 While few would argue that Kojima over complicated his own creation
04:28 There's no denying that the series one and only console spin-off Metal Gear Survive doesn't count
04:34 Was lightning in a bottle and the perfect game at the perfect time
04:38 infinitely memable
04:40 Revengeance managed to out Kojima the madman himself with its over-the-top encounters and boss fights and dialogue that is still being quoted
04:48 over a decade later
04:53 With its inventive blade mode and memorable characters
04:56 Platinum games played to their strengths and created some of the most satisfying
05:00 Hack-and-slash combat in gaming that has yet to be duplicated even by the talented studio
05:06 Well a sequel could undoubtedly become something even more outrageous
05:10 It's more likely that the cyborg ninja is better off having only one solo adventure and any potential follow-up would only tarnish the one-offs
05:19 Charm and Raiden's redemption arc but make no mistake
05:22 Fido
05:25 When I'm finished with him you're next Mass Effect 3 what do we do?
05:33 The only thing we can we fight or we die
05:45 Divisive as it may be the ending of Mass Effect 3 still provided a solid conclusion
05:50 For Shepard and the crew of the Normandy and while the ending came down to more of a binary choice than any other throughout the trilogy
05:57 There wasn't really any kind of ending that would have satisfied
06:01 Everyone along with time and distance from the initial outrage and the release of the legendary edition
06:07 Playing the trilogy in its entirety provides a more satisfying end than it felt like it did back in 2012
06:13 Although Bioware tried to recreate the Bioware magic with Andromeda the bugs and glitches weren't the only
06:20 issues with that entry as the many characters lack the charm of the original cast and
06:25 Andromeda's adventure ended up being entirely forgettable with Bioware once again seemingly resurrecting the Normandy and
06:32 Possibly even Shepard again or more than happy to let the commander finally rest
06:37 [Music]
06:44 Bioshock Infinite one goes into an experiment knowing one could fail
06:49 But one does not undertake an experiment knowing one has failed
06:53 Ken Levine might be one of the greatest storytellers in gaming and his most mind-bending tale to date is
06:59 Undoubtedly Bioshock Infinite the tale of a girl and a lighthouse
07:04 Infinite opened up infinite possibilities while also managing to tie directly into Levine's previous opus the original Bioshock
07:12 However, while there may be infinite realities within the Bioshock universe unlike the OG title
07:18 Infinite doesn't need a revisit the time-bending reality hopping tale of Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth
07:25 Perfectly closed the loop by games end and quite honestly closed the book on the entire series with the ending of the burial at sea
07:33 DLC in a lot of ways
07:35 Infinite represented both the beginning and the end of the Bioshock universe and while there is an expected Bioshock 4 in the works
07:43 Levine left very little room for the new entries narrative to link back to the original three games
07:48 He's Zachary Comstock
07:51 He's Booker DeWitt
07:53 Both
07:58 Celeste
08:00 Celeste is one of those rare games that happens only once a generation a
08:05 beautifully told narrative combined with difficult gameplay that rewards the player for their perseverance the same as the character of
08:11 Madeline as she ascends the titular Mount Celeste and confronts her many demons along the way as
08:17 Madeline's confidence grows so too does the players and the mountain continues to challenge the player with ever-increasing
08:25 obstacles to overcome the journey up the mountain in which Madeline overcomes every obstacle and battles the darkest parts of herself is one of
08:33 the most unexpectedly rewarding
08:35 Experiences in recent years and would be extremely difficult to replicate and any potential follow-up could risk undermining the initial games message
08:43 Uncharted for a thief's end. Hey, are you happy?
08:47 Yeah, of course you
08:54 Um
08:56 Really? It's not very often that a video game hero or heroine gets their ultimate happy ending
09:03 But Naughty Dog managed to let Nathan Drake and Elena finally find solace in their day-to-day lives without the constant threat of death
09:10 Chasing rare and dangerous artifacts all over the globe
09:14 Considering all the time Nate and even Elena were near death throughout the series while many fans
09:20 Including the devs at Naughty Dog would like to see the series continue
09:23 We'd argue that the series's most recent release lost legacy would be the only and best way for the franchise to continue
09:31 There's no shortage of memorable characters in the Uncharted games and any one of them could take up the swashbuckling
09:38 Mantle and allow Nate and Elena to live out the rest of their lives in peace
09:42 reminiscing about their past adventures
09:47 That's the legend turned out it was just a statue a cursed statue
09:50 Portal 2
09:55 You look
09:58 Good looking good actually while the original portal game might have ended with Chell's escape
10:02 This was later patched before the sequel showing her being dragged back into the Aperture facility
10:07 And once again at the end of portal 2 Chell makes her escape
10:12 But this time it felt much more permanent with GLaDOS and Chell bonding over their journey to usurp Wheatley from GLaDOS's throne
10:20 GLaDOS's newfound respect for Chell allowed her to let the test subject finally leave the facility without needing to blow it up this time
10:27 Carolyn delete
10:30 Portal 2's additional co-op campaign
10:33 Hints that GLaDOS has moved on from live test subjects and while there is always the potential for her to grow tired of her robotic
10:41 Test dummies we wouldn't want Chell to somehow be forced into playing GLaDOS's games again as she more than earned her freedom
10:47 Whatever that may look like in the distant future at least she has her companion cube though and I
10:54 Am genuinely sorry
10:56 The end blood-borne
10:59 Whatever happens you may think it all a mere bad dream
11:09 Outside of their dark souls and armored core series from soft isn't really known for doing sequels to their beloved properties
11:16 But that hasn't stopped their diehard fan base from begging or rather
11:21 Demanding a sequel to by far one of their best
11:25 Blood-borne the combination of the developers tough, but fair gameplay combined with an HP love crafting Eldritch nightmare
11:33 Inspired and spawned some of the greatest creature creations in the studios history
11:38 Blood-borne also marks one of the clearest narratives from the studio with a solid and engaging lore for those who search for it
11:45 But more importantly a solid and satisfying conclusion that has no need to be continued
11:51 We will however accept the long in demand remaster and 60 frames per second Sony from soft
11:58 Are you listening give us the damn remaster?
12:06 Good hunter what video game do you feel should never receive a sequel?
12:11 Let us know your picks in the comments below
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12:26 You
12:28 You
12:30 (upbeat music)