• 7 months ago
El Presidente | Stool Scenes
00:00 I might break them.
00:02 I might break them.
00:04 I'm leaving early, potentially.
00:06 Go back, leaving early.
00:08 I don't even think I may not be extreme.
00:10 I'm leaving. I don't know what time it is.
00:12 [music]
00:31 I'm Christopher Clemmer.
00:33 I'm going to be locking myself in this room for 100 hours.
00:36 It all starts Monday at 10 o'clock a.m.
00:38 Welcome to my new home.
00:40 [music]
00:43 What hours do you think it might get awkward or difficult?
00:46 I'm guessing day two is going to be the weirdest.
00:49 I'm guessing about day four I'll be used to it.
00:51 But maybe I'm wrong.
00:53 I'm totally spiffle on here. I have no idea.
00:55 How many days are you doing this?
00:57 It's 100 hours, so it's like 96 is four, and then plus four.
01:02 I get out Friday at two.
01:04 Good luck.
01:06 This could be the biggest content disaster of Barclay's Show,
01:11 the most boring, lifeless thing ever.
01:14 Are you going to be able to see the numbers of who's actually watching?
01:17 I have no idea if it's a hit or a bomb, or people hate it.
01:20 No one watched it.
01:22 Clemmer, we had 300 concurrence at one point.
01:24 Fuck!
01:26 I have no idea. I have no idea. I have no idea.
01:29 I don't think he'll see a person while he's in there.
01:32 There's a voice of God if we need to communicate with him
01:34 and tell him to do something.
01:36 But even the food, if he dropped off behind the door, I won't see it.
01:39 They'll let me know food's there. I'll pick it up by the time I pick it up, he's gone.
01:42 And I'll just leave my tray and leave my trash, and then I won't see him.
01:47 Yeah, I mean, any communication's going to be through me talking to the camera
01:50 and then, in theory, the voice of God.
01:52 But I don't even know how often that's going to happen.
01:54 I get a baseball encyclopedia that only goes to 2006,
01:57 because that's when they went out of print.
01:59 Notebooks, pens, oh, tungsten cube.
02:01 Oh, yeah, the cube.
02:03 I don't have a pillow, because convicts, I guess, don't have pillows.
02:05 A convict reached out to me and said they don't have pillows.
02:08 So I guess what they do is they take two hoodies and tie them together.
02:11 So I'm doing that. So no pillow, unfortunately.
02:14 I have a bathroom. It has a toilet, a urinal, which is useless,
02:19 and a sink, but no shower, of course.
02:21 I'd love to trade that urinal for a shower.
02:23 So I won't be showering the next four days either, which sucks.
02:26 And there's stuff growing in the urinal.
02:28 I know.
02:29 The bathroom is from Saw.
02:31 The bathroom has a nice--it's kind of like a built-in torcher.
02:34 It just has a drip, a water drip that you'll hear.
02:38 The urinal drips. The urinal constantly runs.
02:40 Is there a panic button or anything for you to--
02:43 I can walk out any time, and that's important.
02:45 People know that. I can at any point in time leave if I want to.
02:48 But if I do, the challenge is over, I lose.
02:50 Technically, the door's not even closed. It's just blankets.
02:53 It's blankets, right.
02:54 Moving blankets that I screwed into the--
02:56 I can't see. There is soundproof.
02:58 I can't see or hear anything. The blankets are black, obviously.
03:00 So I won't see another person for 100 hours.
03:03 So these are the last spaces, unfortunately, that I'll see.
03:06 I'm fascinated with what--like solitary confinement.
03:08 Could I keep myself entertained? I always thought I could.
03:10 And now I have the ability to try it. We'll see.
03:12 I think I can do it, but if I can't, I expect to be humiliated.
03:17 Publish it in two minutes.
03:18 Okay, I'm going to go up.
03:20 All right, boys. God bless.
03:22 Let me know when it's pushed out so I can--
03:24 Thank you, guys.
03:25 --see it in a week.
03:26 Five, four, three--
03:30 Plumber.
03:31 Yes.
03:32 Welcome to solitary confinement.
03:33 Thank you.
03:34 For the next 100 hours, this room will be your home.
03:38 Also, I have to let you know legally, you can leave this room anytime you want.
03:42 I can leave whenever I want.
03:43 If you do leave, though, the challenge is over and you lose.
03:46 It's 10 o'clock.
03:47 Okay.
03:48 You're on your own. Good luck.
03:49 You can leave whenever you want, too, I guess. All right.
03:50 Let's go, boys.
03:52 Bye, people.
03:53 He gets nothing if he does it.
03:56 There's no prize.
03:57 It's just, "I did it." He leaves.
04:00 Scale in a cell. Is that what we're calling it?
04:02 Scale in a cell.
04:05 Is that what-- It should go well.
04:07 I feel like these type of streams are doing well now.
04:08 People are jumping on the wagon from the success with Jersey Jerry and stuff.
04:12 So, we'll see how it goes.
04:14 There's only, like, one event planned for today.
04:17 I think every day.
04:18 He really might go crazy.
04:21 Right?
04:23 I want to watch him sleep and see if he gets boned up.
04:26 It's kind of funny.
04:27 I think I might be the only person that's done close to 100 hours solitary.
04:31 I went to jail once and their thing was you had to do solitary for the first week.
04:34 So, I did, I think, four full days.
04:36 So, I've done pretty close to what he's done in, like, real jail, and it was fucking awful.
04:40 I think he'll last 100 hours.
04:41 I don't think he'll tap.
04:42 Plumber's pretty, like-- He knows he wants to do this.
04:44 I think he'll do it.
04:45 It's not good that he's sort of already cracking.
04:49 It's been 14 minutes.
04:51 The first challenge is-- There's a puzzle called the impossible puzzle.
04:54 It's got irregular shapes and, like, a bunch of edge pieces and stuff.
04:58 He's going to have to do the impossible puzzle with oven mitts on.
05:01 So, the impossible becomes even more impossible.
05:04 Ten minutes in, I had big concerns for Plumber and his sanity.
05:15 Right now, his biggest mistake that he's made is not completing the puzzle.
05:19 He chose to fail it 20 minutes in.
05:22 You know what? Fuck it.
05:24 I'm going to enjoy my time here.
05:26 I am choosing not to-- I'm not going to do the oven mitts.
05:29 I'm going to put together the normal way, and if I face my penalty, I'll punish myself fine.
05:34 That puzzle would have eaten up, like, ten hours of his day and just kind of gave him something to do.
05:40 And now he has nothing to do, so he's writing songs and banging on pipes and throwing tampons into toilet rolls.
05:46 Toilet paper, throw the tampon in the toilet paper.
05:51 Like, he's using everything he's got in there to entertain himself.
05:54 We're two and a half hours in.
05:56 Ah! You see that shit? Oh, that's it!
06:00 [laughing]
06:03 Go to the bathroom and close the door. Do not leave until you are instructed.
06:08 In the bathroom.
06:14 [footsteps]
06:18 [toilet paper rustling]
06:21 [groaning]
06:29 You may now leave the bathroom.
06:34 Yeah, the puzzle piece, I can do it.
06:37 [groaning]
06:38 I can hear it.
06:39 [groaning]
06:40 I don't need the oven mitts, though.
06:41 Good! The oven mitts would work for anyone. I can throw the oven mitts around.
06:44 Did he steal my tampons?
06:46 Did he steal the whole box of tampons?
06:48 No.
06:49 He stole the tampons and the pads, didn't he?
06:52 He took the tampons and the pads.
06:54 Unbelievable. That's love.
06:56 He gave up on the first challenge in, like, twenty minutes.
06:59 What's he got to do? I don't get him giving up. Like, what's he got to do?
07:03 I don't know why he did it. I'll just sit there for a while. Take some time off.
07:06 Also, he's doing that.
07:07 This is like he's getting calm and happy.
07:10 How long can he do that for?
07:12 He's wasting all his bullets.
07:14 Oh my God!
07:15 [laughter]
07:16 Alright, bro, they smuggle people in this way. Like, no cap.
07:20 How would I do? I'm out of there in an hour.
07:22 [laughter]
07:23 Hour, I'm done. Without a phone, done.
07:25 Is he allowed to pleasure himself there?
07:27 [laughter]
07:28 I don't know.
07:29 It's gonna be on fucking camera.
07:30 That's a great question.
07:31 So he can't use a blanket and cover himself?
07:33 That would be insane. The fact you were even thinking about that.
07:37 Is there somebody watching at 4 in the morning?
07:39 Yes, there will be. Even if there's a chance. What are you talking about?
07:43 I'm not pleasure myself. No.
07:46 He's talking to sock puppets.
07:48 It's been four hours.
07:50 Four hours in.
07:52 He's lost his mind.
07:54 This man's doing sock puppets four hours in.
07:57 He looks sick already.
07:59 He looks physically ill. I know he kind of already looks like that all the time,
08:02 but I'm saying real like. His skin is gray.
08:05 He's been in there for four hours and 13 minutes.
08:07 His skin is gray already.
08:09 I mean, he always does look gray to be fair.
08:11 That's what I'm saying. He always kind of looks sickly, but he looks extra sickly right now.
08:15 Four hours.
08:16 It's translucent. I'm actually worried about this guy now.
08:20 He does look like a person in a casket right now.
08:23 Like at my grandma's funeral, that's exactly what she looked like.
08:27 Four hours in and Clemmer, no offense to him, he was already pale as a ghost going in.
08:32 He looks transparent right now. It looks like he can just see right through him.
08:36 Four hours in and he's doing sock puppets.
08:39 And I love Clemmer, but he's done.
08:41 He's going to tap. I said that he wouldn't tap like six hours ago.
08:44 He's not even four and a half hours in. He's already like he wants to take a nap.
08:48 I think he taps. He doesn't make a hundred hours.
08:50 You would think this is the 92nd hour.
08:53 94 hours he has left. He's so fucked.
08:58 Dakota Johnson and Madam Web, Urban Meyer with the Jacksonville Jaguars,
09:06 and France in World War II.
09:11 All right.
09:13 Opening the envelope now.
09:20 Things that put in more effort than KFC at the combine.
09:25 Yes. Yes, thank you. Thank you. Yes.
09:30 Dinner time.
09:32 We got chicken and rice and Clemmie's nighttime soda.
09:37 Put him right to sleep.
09:42 Feeding time.
09:44 Food time!
09:47 James J. Rewarded with dinner.
09:51 Clemmer's in bed. It is 9/11.
09:54 It's 9 o'clock. He's done for the day.
09:56 But whenever Clemmer fell asleep, he had to get his punishment for not completing the puzzle.
10:01 And that was Frank singing A-Kon "Locked Up" on loop.
10:06 It'll play for five minutes every hour on the hour.
10:09 And it's kind of brutal. It's very loud.
10:12 I'm locked up, don't let me out.
10:20 No, no, I cannot go.
10:25 I'm locked up, don't let me out.
10:33 No, no, I'm locked up.
10:38 Oh, what the hell?
10:42 I unplugged it. I'll plug it back in in the morning.
10:46 So the Frank speaker has been unplugged. So we're going back upstairs to plug it back in.
10:52 We have to be very quiet. We're going shoes off.
10:56 Silent stealth mode.
10:59 [Music]
11:18 Never felt more alive.
11:21 So I think I plugged it in. I just tried to jam it in there.
11:25 All right, we're hitting Clemmer with a locked up.
11:29 This might be his breaking point.
11:33 Oh, no, I cannot go. I'm locked up.
11:40 He put that up and now he's back down. All right, good. There you go.
11:50 Now we work, we earn the trust back.
11:55 He didn't get up and unplug it.
11:57 It is 9.53 a.m. We are just about to approach the 24 hour mark.
12:02 He'll have spent one day in solitary confinement.
12:05 So he's about a quarter of the way there.
12:08 I got to say, tech people, this, I think I was very fair last night.
12:14 When you guys had the three announcements, I was good and too much.
12:20 And then someone came in the room last night, said I unplugged the speaker.
12:24 Someone came in the room last night, plugged the speaker back in.
12:29 Which means that is not solitary confinement. You guys should not be doing that.
12:33 Luckily I was asleep. I did not see it, but that is bad.
12:37 I plugged the speaker back in and I said this is a truce.
12:40 Let's not have a war and you guys did not play it again, so I appreciate that.
12:43 But this is not about sleep deprivation.
12:46 This is like a Washington. This is about solitary confinement.
12:51 Kloemer is saying this isn't really solitary confinement, it's sleep deprivation.
12:55 But rewards, challenges, that's not solitary confinement.
12:58 But I'm more than fine just letting him be in there for 100 hours and just kind of follow him around.
13:03 But then you don't have those like clippable social moments that get people to tune in.
13:07 Did you see him unplug the speaker?
13:09 I did. Some might say that's cheating. In real solitary confinement you don't have that luxury.
13:14 But granted they also don't do things that impact, what is it called, the Geneva Convention.
13:19 They also don't do literal torture in jail as well.
13:23 I don't know.
13:25 Look, he has a fair point. It's solitary confinement. That's what he agreed to.
13:29 He agreed to Guantanamo Bay torture methods.
13:34 So I see his point. He's obviously frustrated.
13:39 It was also very funny. I don't know. Kind of evens out.
13:42 We told him going in, don't touch the speaker.
13:45 If we wanted to we could lock it in a dog cage and put a lock on it.
13:48 We talked about doing that.
13:50 But we said, hey, we trust you not to touch it.
13:52 Saw him less longer, but I shortened it for him.
13:54 Just because, I mean, the man does have to sleep.
13:57 But you've got to have a punishment.
13:59 You've got to have something to make the challenge worth doing.
14:04 I did suggest if he doesn't want a challenge I go down and waterboard him.
14:08 But they said that's too much.
14:10 I would rather be waterboarded than fucking Frank on repeat.
14:13 He's locked up. They won't let him out.
14:15 He didn't have to listen to me.
14:17 If he would have completed the puzzle, he wouldn't have had to go through that.
14:21 He quit.
14:23 Do you enjoy watching him with sneezing or do you feel bad?
14:25 No. That was funny.
14:28 We just passed the 24-hour mark.
14:30 We're going to give Clemmer his second challenge, which is key number four, counting rice.
14:35 Challenge two is now available.
14:39 The key is for locker number four.
14:42 Rice. A whole bunch of rice.
14:45 I like rice. I have rice for dinner.
14:48 Count every grain of rice in this container.
14:52 All right. Let's play ball.
14:54 He'll have a bin of rice and he has to count each individual grain.
14:57 He'll have until breakfast tomorrow.
15:00 Do you have any idea how many?
15:02 I've got an idea.
15:04 See, this is doable. It's annoying and it sucks and it's stupid.
15:08 But it's doable.
15:10 All right, guys. Let's count some fucking rice.
15:13 That's 600 pieces of rice.
15:18 All right. So now I start to question how possible this is to do.
15:23 If Clemmer doesn't punch me in the face the second he walks out of that room, I'd be shocked.
15:28 I'd be shocked. I think he will.
15:30 I would completely understand if he did.
15:32 That's 5,000 grains of rice.
15:34 I am going on strike. I'm not counting another grain of rice until you tell me how long I have to do this.
15:43 This is just--this is too much rice. I think you guys fucked up.
15:46 Like, this is 5,000 grains of rice, right?
15:50 I'm not even being a bitch. I just don't--
15:53 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven--
15:59 Like, I could do this for hours.
16:01 I'm not--I'm not even, like, really--I haven't really done a dance.
16:05 If you guys punish me for this, that's on you guys.
16:08 You guys made this insurmountable task.
16:11 I cannot explain how frustrated I am watching this Clemmer stream.
16:15 I need to even turn the volume down because I can't listen to his fucking complaints
16:19 about how he was given a certain amount of time to count all this rice,
16:22 and he has spent more time calculating how it's not possible to count this fucking rice
16:26 than actually counting the fucking rice.
16:28 I didn't think I was gonna watch this stream and start hating Clemmer,
16:31 but I think that I might hate Clemmer right now, and I'm dead fucking serious.
16:35 So he says he's on strike. He says it's an impossible amount of rice to count.
16:39 28 hours in, he's losing it. So, like, yeah, you can't give in.
16:42 This is--he's losing his mind, which is kind of the object.
16:45 Yeah, so I shouldn't say, "Hey, you haven't--"
16:47 Oh, God, no. Oh, God, no. No, I think we're watching exactly what we want to happen.
16:51 So why does he keep trying to control the stream that is supposed to be
16:55 five days of Clemmer without control over anything?
16:57 I think that's kind of what he's not realizing while realizing it also.
17:01 He's not in control. He's not in control.
17:04 Why is he acting like--he's trying to test you to see how much control he has.
17:08 The fact that he can unplug the speaker is a big "I hate that."
17:11 He is for sure gonna hate me, even though that's, like, gonna happen,
17:15 but right now, I kind of hate him.
17:17 Like, he's being such a little whiny bitch, and I'm tired of it.
17:20 He's definitely losing his mind, but he, like, won't admit that he's losing his mind.
17:22 Like, he's just blaming everything on this.
17:24 He's like, "You guys are stupid for this. This is a dumb challenge."
17:27 It's like, no, no, no, it's exactly what it should be. You just don't want to do it.
17:31 I don't even want to let him out or tell him when it's over.
17:35 I want to see how long he can go.
17:37 Imagine it's been five days, and it's, like, 20 days.
17:40 All I gotta do is say this--if he snaps, I can't be in the office.
17:45 If he goes postal, I can't be anywhere near him.
17:50 My partner just wants to sleep.
17:51 [music]
18:01 We just hit the 48-hour mark.
18:03 Clemmer has officially been in there for two full days.
18:08 Granted, he's gone to bed at, like, 9:30 each night.
18:11 Yeah, I mean, he's literally in solitary confinement,
18:15 and he's doing probably what I would do in solitary confinement, which is nothing.
18:18 I would sleep 12 hours a day, and I would just wait till I got out.
18:22 It was funny. They were saying over there, like, we thought he was going to go insane,
18:26 but it seems like the people running it are the ones going insane.
18:29 Would you prank your hog if you did it?
18:31 Oh, that's a good question.
18:33 No, I mean, with the cameras? No.
18:35 No, if you've got a bathroom.
18:37 Oh, then, yeah. You've got to get the poison out.
18:40 At least once a day.
18:42 Yeah. I don't know. I would try to probably hold it and be like--
18:45 because I would be freaked out that they would have, like, audio in the bathroom or something,
18:50 because you can't let freaks like Vibs get a hand on you, like, audio of you jerking off.
18:57 We get the audio of him jerking off, and then at night we just play it on loop.
19:01 This is what I mean. You can't let that happen.
19:04 Now, I also don't think I'm that audible when I'm doing it, but like--
19:08 Just the end, maybe.
19:11 Yeah, I would. I would. But I'd be scared.
19:14 I'm beating off. But you know what would be tough?
19:16 If you're mid-beating off and you're Frank the Tank's voice, "Locked up! I'm locked up!"
19:23 [laughter]
19:26 [music]
19:33 I just saw his tweet.
19:35 You said, "Stop streaming Clemmer. Keep him in there. Cut the stream. It's too boring.
19:38 Let him think he's still doing it if he wants."
19:40 All right. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We'll go down and cut it.
19:43 That's from the boss. Yep.
19:44 All right. Then he can just stay in there.
19:46 All right. Dave just tweeted that this was extremely boring.
19:50 He sent a text to Gaz saying, "Pull the plug," but leave him in the room so he thinks he's streaming.
19:57 We are now officially pulling the plug on the stream and just leaving Clemmer up in the room.
20:01 [music]
20:05 We're down. We're done. It's over.
20:07 [laughter]
20:10 He said just make sure that when he does come out on Friday or whatever that we have a camera there
20:14 and let him know that Dave cut it.
20:16 Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
20:17 We're going to keep running cameras, though, so if anything happens in there, we have a clip.
20:22 Yeah. But the streams are all down.
20:24 Next?
20:25 Yeah.
20:26 In other news, Clemmer's stream got cut.
20:28 I'm against that.
20:29 Yeah, I feel bad for the guy.
20:31 Yeah, no. Our voice is in person now like he always wanted.
20:35 He has no idea.
20:36 You're still the beat him?
20:37 I still beat him. Yeah, I can.
20:39 Can't let him starve in there. That's crazy.
20:42 So is there any thought of telling him?
20:44 Because I think that's what people are like, "Oh, this is so mean that he's not being told."
20:47 [music]
20:50 Yeah, no. It's super mean.
20:52 That's something else, man.
20:56 Should have done the fucking challenges.
20:58 The downfall to him was not doing the challenges.
21:00 Should have counted the rice.
21:02 I'm upset. I was a big fan of the stream.
21:05 Which part?
21:07 I liked the part where he put himself in a suitcase.
21:09 Did he sleep for 11 hours last night?
21:12 Maybe longer.
21:13 That's a lot of—I'm not even—stream aside, that's a lot of hours of sleep.
21:18 Is he okay?
21:20 I think that's just what his species does.
21:22 I can't have people who've never heard of Barstool tune in,
21:26 and the first thing they see is Clemmers just sleeping forever.
21:30 This is a live look at what all you—and yes, we still have it.
21:34 I can monitor it.
21:36 But it's so boring and so uneventful and so disgusting to me on a content.
21:40 This is what all you Clemmaholics are missing right now.
21:43 Look at this funny, fucking skinny little fucking alien.
21:47 Just sleep all day.
21:49 This is what you want?
21:51 Look at this fucking shit.
21:53 This is a live fucking look at what—oh, we want Clemmer, we want Clemmer.
21:58 This guy is just fucking sitting here sleeping like a loser, not doing anything.
22:04 And you Clemmaholics in the streets trying to make him God.
22:07 I won't have it.
22:09 Hey, bullshit. Hey, if you don't like it,
22:12 go over to Clemmer's stream and watch him sleep.
22:14 How about that?
22:15 Yesterday was the best day ever on Twitter.
22:17 Literally the funniest day ever.
22:19 I was watching Clemmer. He was trending for like almost three hours.
22:23 I just—I feel bad for him. I'm watching him on the back end on HP right now,
22:26 and he's just like—he has no idea that the world has just been turning
22:31 and Clemmer has been trending, and he has no idea.
22:34 No one's watching Clemmer. I'm so sorry. No one's watching you.
22:39 I think that we should absolutely still be airing it, no question.
22:42 But I feel like part of this is Clemmer's fault,
22:47 so I can't feel too bad at the same time.
22:49 They're just like, "Well, forget it then. If you don't like any of the challenges,
22:52 then you're on your own."
22:53 That's so good. That's so good.
22:54 To be fair, he wouldn't even make something fun.
22:57 That's my big problem is I keep talking about this rice, and he's counting this rice.
23:00 He could have counted that rice, and he could have been like—
23:03 no one actually knows how much rice is in there.
23:05 It's just for him to do something about it and maybe—I don't know, be creative about it.
23:11 And he just refused to do it, so that's why I've been hating on Clemmer.
23:14 I want to be in solitary confinement. This is my idea.
23:18 And not have a bad attitude about it.
23:19 No, it's crazy. That's what's so crazy about it for me, but I want to keep watching it.
23:23 What do you think Clemmer's going to do when he gets out?
23:26 I think—well, now that all of this has happened, and if he was only down for one day,
23:32 I don't think he'll care.
23:33 But if he doesn't go back on until he's out, I think he'll be mad
23:36 and then realize that he got more attention than he ever would have gotten in the first place.
23:40 I don't think he will ever be the same.
23:42 So basically, Clemmer's now doing this for nothing.
23:44 He might kill someone.
23:52 He woke up in the morning and went right back to bed.
23:55 Like, instant. Like, he slept all night, woke up, and went right back to bed.
24:00 It's like, alright, this is trash. I don't want it on the main feed.
24:05 He's not doing it. He's just sleeping there.
24:07 And then a rebellion starts that people want Clemmer.
24:10 Alright, so you pulling it makes total sense. It was horrible.
24:13 But then you said, if it trended for an hour, it's going back on.
24:17 And it fucking trended for an hour.
24:19 You did not hold your word on that. You did not hold your word.
24:21 Chris fucking Clemmer was the number one trend in the United States for like five hours yesterday.
24:27 With all due respect to Clemmer, you could have done any name and it would have trended.
24:31 Like, you guys are pumping it so hard.
24:33 So people think shutting off Clemmer's stream is extremely mean.
24:36 That's what the perception is on the internet.
24:38 And, yeah, I get that.
24:40 But at the same time, Clemmer's goal is just to be in there 100 hours.
24:43 So I think in the end, he won't be too upset because he accomplished his goal.
24:47 And he'll see that this was trending number one nationwide.
24:51 Everyone's talking about it. So I think it's a win-win for Clemmer.
24:54 Yeah, Dave going against him has kind of turned him into a sympathetic figure.
24:57 Now he's like Nelson Mandela in prison.
24:59 Everyone's like, free him. Let him have the stream.
25:02 It's a win-win for Clemmer.
25:04 This is what people want. This is what the uprising is for.
25:10 This is it all day. This is sometimes--
25:13 Look at it yawn. Look at it yawn.
25:15 I got to do what's better for the greater good.
25:18 That's live.
25:19 If you got rid of that microphone--
25:21 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
25:23 Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
25:25 No, no.
25:27 No!
25:29 This is what I'm talking about.
25:31 This is what I'm talking about.
25:33 This is what they want. This is what the people want.
25:37 He moved the book. He just moved the book.
25:40 This is-- I know better than the people.
25:43 This is-- I can't have this.
25:46 I heard on the other side of the office that they were kind of fucking with Clemmer.
25:55 He's like directly under this building.
25:57 And I guess there's like one spot in the office where if you like stomp really loud, he can hear.
26:01 People were saying it was Morse code. It wasn't Morse code.
26:03 He still doesn't know that he hasn't been live.
26:05 But anyway, they were dropping bowling balls over there.
26:08 And Gia apparently like filmed Kelly Keegs' computer.
26:12 Keegs basically on our back end of the blog put the stream.
26:17 What she didn't know is that if you have the link to the stream, you don't need a login to get in there.
26:22 You can just preview it.
26:24 So she posted the link and then the Phoenix office found the link.
26:29 Sure enough, it went.
26:32 They passed it around and everyone was watching the stream for like two, three hours.
26:35 And then that's how you saw the Dave clip of him just yelling at everybody.
26:38 Why the fuck is it on Kelly Keegs' computer?
26:41 What the fuck are you doing?
26:44 Wake the fuck up.
26:47 Who fucking put it on the TV? Why?
26:51 What the fuck are you guys doing in that office?
26:57 Just sticking around, playing with a bowling ball, watching.
27:00 You're there to fucking work and make content.
27:03 Wake the fuck up.
27:05 I was, I wanted to scream at Nate.
27:08 Nate sent me a phone number I thought was his.
27:10 So I was like ready to go.
27:12 And then Gia picked up, but I couldn't lay off the brakes and just went nuts on that.
27:16 New York had it on the TVs.
27:18 Like that's crazy.
27:19 Why?
27:20 Like, like Gia.
27:22 No, it was on Kelly Keegs' computer.
27:24 Ken Jack was making a video.
27:27 Gia recorded it and panned over to Kelly Keegs' monitor.
27:31 And it was a link that anybody could go to.
27:34 Yeah, that's what ended up happening.
27:36 These, these people do not have access to anything that a random fan doesn't have access to.
27:42 I don't know why they feel they do.
27:43 It's like entitlement.
27:45 Like just stay out of the way and let me fucking make content without you fuckers screwing it up.
27:50 But like Kelly Keegs, what are you doing in the middle of the day with that on your monitor watching it?
27:56 Shouldn't you be fucking doing something productive or trying to?
28:00 Why was the live stream on your computer at any point today?
28:04 Why?
28:06 Yeah, like you don't have things to do?
28:08 Why?
28:09 Why would you guys be messing around with any of it?
28:11 Like why?
28:12 Was it like that dropping a bowling ball to see like if Clemmer can hear you?
28:16 Like why?
28:17 Why not leave it alone when it has nothing to do with you?
28:19 Well, yeah, I mean, I've heard what happened.
28:21 It's like Gia saw a bowling ball and then scrolled to yours and gave away a live link that then gives out the whole stream.
28:28 But it's like, it's like, why the fuck are you guys sitting around?
28:31 It's like if I cut it, why are you guys watching?
28:34 It's like, just don't fuck with it.
28:36 Like I don't like it almost makes it seem like you guys have absolutely nothing to do in that New York office.
28:42 But it's like a glaring red flag that this is how it and I know you're being like five minutes or whatever.
28:48 But like, I don't know.
28:49 I just is it's why anyone would risk fucking with this thing like right now is crazy.
28:56 But yeah, which is what infuriates me because it's like something's building.
29:01 And hey, the people who don't have apparently enough to do let's fuck around with doing dumb shit and see if we can screw this up, which you did.
29:09 So all right.
29:12 Ken Jack.
29:14 Dave.
29:17 I have a question.
29:18 Why were you trying to fuck like your big part of how this how the stream got leaked?
29:24 Obviously, what the fuck were you doing?
29:27 Like to me, that's just a bunch of people sitting around with nothing to do wasting time trying to fuck with something that they should definitely not be fucking with.
29:35 We're building something that organically is great.
29:39 And I have three people sit around trying to fuck with something that they have absolutely nothing to do with.
29:46 Ended up really fucking it up by posting a live URL, which I don't even know why you guys are sitting around wasting time.
29:54 So again, I go to why?
29:56 I mean, it's just crazy.
29:58 It's like it's not your content.
30:00 You have nothing to do with it.
30:02 Why are you trying to like fuck with the organic nature?
30:05 Like even what you said, I want to fuck with them and see if he like why isn't you have nothing to do with it.
30:12 What do you mean?
30:13 Did it do anything to match with it?
30:14 You guys gave out the fucking link to the stream that's down.
30:18 If you're not doing it, if you're not the one.
30:22 Hey, let's see if you can fucking hear it doesn't lead to, hey, Kelly King's pull off on your computer.
30:28 So we can watch to see if climate reacts to Gia being like, huh, this is funny.
30:32 So let me video put like it's all packaged together.
30:36 All right.
30:38 I like I guess we're not saying that.
30:40 Right.
30:42 But all to me, it's like it's just people not enough.
30:44 That's what it is.
30:46 That's what it screams me.
30:47 I got an office full of people, not nothing to do.
30:50 So they're just going to eventually going to fuck with something.
30:54 Yeah, like I would say don't touch content that's not yours.
30:58 Like don't fuck with it.
31:00 Don't get involved in it.
31:01 Don't watch it.
31:03 Just mind your own business.
31:09 In the puzzle, there's going to be a notice that solve this puzzle.
31:13 Sit by the duct tape square facing the door to solve it.
31:19 So we've got two puzzles.
31:21 The first puzzle is Climmer top ten trending number one.
31:25 And we're going to put this note with the puzzle, solve the puzzle,
31:29 do it in the duct tape square face the camera.
31:32 After he completes that, then we slide the second puzzle in with the same note.
31:36 He completes that pretty easy.
31:38 Will he do the puzzle?
31:39 Who knows?
31:41 I'm ready for it to be over.
31:42 But I think Dave getting involved is best case scenario.
31:45 I mean, now it's trending.
31:47 It's popular.
31:48 There's a ton of people waiting in the chat already,
31:51 and it's like an hour before we go.
31:54 So it should be an eventful day.
31:56 All right, we've got two puzzles for Climmer to solve.
31:59 This one says he's the number one trending thing in the nation.
32:03 This one says Dave cut the stream.
32:05 We're going to have him solve this one.
32:06 We're going to slide this one under the door and have him solve this one.
32:10 I have a feeling when I slide the puzzle under the door,
32:12 he's going to try to negotiate, like, why should I do this puzzle?
32:16 Just do it.
32:18 Going up there.
32:20 [music playing]
32:45 All right, Dave, solve this puzzle.
32:47 All right, I like this.
32:49 Do this in the duct tape square while facing the door.
32:54 Do this puzzle in the duct tape square.
32:56 So this is the duct tape square.
32:57 While facing the door, this is the two door.
33:00 I'm going to assume the bathroom.
33:02 [music playing]
33:07 No, no.
33:09 Yes, tell me.
33:13 The entrance, not the bathroom.
33:15 OK, so I'm going to face this way.
33:17 All right, I'm going to go ahead and kill him before he solves the puzzle.
33:19 I'm sorry, I have to.
33:21 I think he's going to be furious at first and then see the humor in it.
33:26 I think.
33:27 I don't fucking know Climber well enough to really know.
33:30 The different textures, guys, got me to the back of the puzzle.
33:34 [music playing]
33:36 [laughing]
33:38 Climber started doing the puzzle upside down.
33:41 This is raw upside down, which is the first thing you do with a puzzle
33:44 is flip all the pieces over right side up, and then you do the edges.
33:48 Climber started in the middle and had them all facing down.
33:52 [laughing]
33:54 Here we go.
33:55 Hey, look at that.
33:56 Number one.
33:57 Number one.
33:58 How about that?
33:59 That's awesome.
34:00 Thank you, guys.
34:01 Thank you for putting the puzzle together too, guys.
34:03 It's very nice.
34:04 It's very kind.
34:06 Appreciate that very much.
34:07 I love you guys.
34:09 All right, great.
34:10 I'd be lying if I said my brain was really caught
34:12 if I'm trying to do that puzzle because I'm like mentally tapped out,
34:15 which is a sad statement.
34:17 All right, Climber just completed his first puzzle.
34:19 He found out he was the number one trending topic in the United States.
34:22 He had an acceptance speech.
34:23 He's sky high right now.
34:25 He's about to get the second puzzle, which tells that his stream is cut off.
34:29 [music playing]
34:32 I decided to cut the Climber stream.
34:37 Oh, that's not good.
34:39 But keep him--
34:40 [music playing]
34:43 In there.
34:50 This is too boring.
34:51 Let him sleep to himself.
34:52 Hm.
34:54 I wasn't going to quit anyway, Dave.
34:57 Climber.
34:58 Yeah.
35:00 To answer your question, you have been streaming to no one.
35:05 Why would you do that?
35:07 [music playing]
35:09 It was so boring, I couldn't take it.
35:12 Oh.
35:13 It's why you weren't trending, because no one was watching.
35:17 No one was watching?
35:19 Zero.
35:21 That is crazy.
35:23 So the people didn't have my back.
35:26 Goodbye.
35:28 Then you can go to sleep.
35:30 Oh, I'm not going to sleep now.
35:31 I'm awake.
35:33 All right.
35:34 I did it.
35:35 Well, I'm not-- it's only 2 o'clock anyway, no matter what.
35:38 I took a nap Wednesday noon.
35:40 I'm tired.
35:42 Everyone's against me.
35:43 So it can't be.
35:49 It's not 2 o'clock.
35:50 It must be like 1130 at the latest.
35:55 Fuck.
35:56 I don't know.
35:57 [music playing]
36:01 [music playing]
36:05 [music playing]
36:06 Don't want to talk about time, but I'm going to leave.
36:10 I don't know what time it is.
36:12 I don't know if anyone's going to ever come get me.
36:15 What, they think we're just going to leave him in there forever?
36:17 He said he doesn't know if someone's going to come get him.
36:21 No.
36:23 No.
36:25 Of course people are going to get him.
36:27 What, do you think he's going to live in there forever?
36:31 He has no clock.
36:32 Of course we're going to--
36:33 I'm leaving early.
36:34 Potentially feel bad for leaving early.
36:37 I don't need anyone to come get me.
36:39 It's not being strange.
36:40 I'm leaving because I don't know what time it is.
36:42 [laughing]
36:45 I'm leaving now.
36:46 [music playing]
36:50 I don't want to talk to anybody right now.
36:52 [music playing]
36:55 [music playing]
36:59 [laughing]
37:01 He left.
37:02 It's over.
37:03 He lost.
37:04 What time is it?
37:06 What time is it?
37:11 He's out.
37:12 What time is it?
37:13 He's out.
37:14 What's going on?
37:15 It's over.
37:16 He lost.
37:19 Is he trying to go back in?
37:21 Yeah.
37:23 You're out.
37:24 I'm staying in solitary confinement.
37:27 I'm staying in solitary confinement.
37:29 What?
37:30 I'm not going to leave.
37:31 This is all going to be a ruse.
37:32 [music playing]
37:40 What time is it?
37:43 [laughing]
37:46 Yep, that's exactly how we planned it.
37:48 [music playing]
37:59 I just wasn't following you before.
38:01 Now you are.
38:02 But you weren't following me before.
38:04 I noticed that.
38:06 And now you're stopping coming.
38:08 You weren't following me before.
38:09 I noticed that a couple days ago.
38:11 So maybe the stream's back on?
38:14 Yeah.
38:16 Something's up.
38:20 I stay.
38:21 That's the kid!
38:22 This is why it's time to hold his butt!
38:25 That's why it's time to--
38:27 I'm not fucking leaving!
38:30 I'm staying until 2 o'clock.
38:33 I ain't leaving.
38:37 I mean, this far, I'm not leaving early.
38:41 I'm surprised Dave hasn't chimed in and said he's got to do
38:43 the whole 100 hours again.
38:45 Yeah.
38:46 The committee has met and decided that you violated the rules
38:53 of consolidating--
38:54 No.
38:55 --stepping outside of it.
38:56 I did not.
38:57 What you want to do now is up to you, but the contest is over.
39:01 I did not violate any rules.
39:05 I disagree with that.
39:08 I didn't see a single person.
39:17 I stay.
39:19 So originally in the meetings, there's a bathroom in that
39:22 hallway, and if his first bathroom clogged or it wasn't
39:25 good, he'd have to go to the hallway bathroom.
39:29 The hallway, I think in his mind, is a gray area.
39:31 Yeah.
39:33 I think he thinks the hallway is a gray area.
39:35 You kind of like scurred.
39:36 Do you agree?
39:39 Something's up.
39:40 Not in this sense, because his bathroom is still working.
39:43 By the way, I didn't see anybody when I went into the hall.
39:45 I saw a camera and a shadow.
39:47 That's who I was yelling at.
39:48 So I still very much saw a target.
39:50 I did not see a person.
39:52 I heard movement, and I saw a camera peak.
39:55 It did not answer me when I said, "What time is it?"
39:57 There was no answer.
39:58 They kind of like scurred.
39:59 Like, hmm.
40:01 That was-- something's up.
40:03 And the deal was I would go downstairs.
40:05 If I go downstairs, it's off.
40:06 So I didn't even touch a stair.
40:08 So I'm good there.
40:10 Honestly, if there was no camera guy there, I think I
40:13 would have went downstairs.
40:14 I don't know.
40:15 In his head, he definitely thinks the hallway is a gray area.
40:19 So Climber went to the edge of the stairs and saw someone
40:22 with a free can.
40:24 So Dave said, "Everybody out of the control room.
40:26 Everybody upstairs."
40:28 So I went upstairs.
40:29 Three, two, one.
40:34 Is he going to attack the person that comes to get him?
40:36 Needed some type of sound.
40:41 Something.
40:42 What?
40:43 So I think everybody over there has gone home.
40:47 Somebody go get him.
40:49 Someone has to go get him.
40:50 Somebody go get him.
40:51 This is now torture.
40:53 Where's Vibs?
40:55 What is--
40:56 What's he doing?
40:57 Oh, no.
40:58 It's past 2 PM.
40:59 You've reached the--
41:00 Oh!
41:03 It's past 2?
41:04 Thank God.
41:07 Is this a joke?
41:08 I have to trust him.
41:09 I have to believe it's past 2.
41:11 I have to have faith.
41:14 I'm going to believe him.
41:17 He'll either lie or believe it's past 2.
41:19 If not--
41:20 So Dave-- everyone was expecting Dave to tell him to get out.
41:28 Yeah.
41:29 But Dave said he was done with him.
41:30 That being said, at 2, it should have gone home.
41:32 So that was too conflicting.
41:34 He's out.
41:36 Oh, Dave.
41:37 What?
41:38 So--
41:39 Is everyone done crying on the yak to get this guy out?
41:41 [LAUGHTER]
41:42 You guys are soft pussies.
41:44 You guys should call this yak pussy.
41:46 Well, he should have gotten-- he should have let out.
41:48 Get the man out.
41:49 That's pretty good.
41:50 Get the man out.
41:51 You look like a fucking purse.
41:52 Yak pussies is pretty good.
41:54 The guy's in there on his own free will.
41:56 Dave, I've been with you lockstep the entire time, Swenzie.
41:59 But once it hit 100, you got to let him out.
42:01 You guys are the softest little fucking pussies I've ever met.
42:05 He can walk out whenever the fuck he wants.
42:07 He didn't fucking know that, you idiot.
42:10 What do you mean he didn't know that?
42:11 He didn't think we had guns outside the door.
42:13 He thought you were going to get mad at him.
42:15 He didn't know what he was walking into.
42:17 Shut the fuck up, you pussy.
42:19 You'd still be in your fucking idiotic basement.
42:22 You don't know the first.
42:23 I fucking wish I was, you ugly fuck.
42:25 You fucking idiot.
42:27 You fucking pussies.
42:29 Me and Whitney are laughing like this is the biggest bunch of pussies
42:32 at a company I've ever met.
42:34 It's his idea.
42:35 He knows he can leave whenever he wants.
42:38 I don't give a fuck.
42:39 He didn't know that.
42:40 I wish he was still going.
42:42 I wouldn't have stopped him.
42:43 Who stopped him?
42:45 Who decided to stop him?
42:48 Whoa, whoa, we're losing it.
42:50 Wait, so Dave--
42:51 He left.
42:52 Oh, he left.
42:53 Did 100 hours, I am out.
42:55 If you say 97, you're a full of shit.
42:57 I absolutely stayed 100 hours.
42:59 I never went down the stairs.
43:00 That's the proof.
43:01 I did it.
43:04 Here's a story of a denier clamber
43:08 who decided to lock himself up
43:11 for 100 hours straight.
43:15 He tried to do streaming all day,
43:18 but people were bored to tears.
43:22 He should have done those challenges,
43:26 except he quit after two minutes
43:30 because he was frustrated.
43:33 I was counting and he was losing his mind.
43:38 He did it for absolute nothing.
43:40 (music)
