Captain Boycott (1947)

  • 6 months ago
00:00:24thank you
00:01:37the reign of Victoria of England a
00:01:40number of events occurred which led to a
00:01:42man giving his name to the languages of
00:01:44the world
00:01:45that man was Captain boycott
00:01:49the wild County of mayo in the west of
00:01:53a land capable of giving happiness but
00:01:56producing only poverty and deep
00:01:59festering hatreds
00:02:03thank you
00:02:09what's happened there
00:02:10it's George Aussie major Scots bailiff
00:02:14well he wouldn't he be three weeks
00:02:16upside down in a bug hole with 100
00:02:18Stones around his neck
00:02:25don't look really it's not for you to
00:02:28see I've seen menden before well they
00:02:31stopped I don't know further
00:02:38it's a terrible death to meet out to any
00:02:40living man what can you expect with
00:02:42major Scott a victim in all directions
00:02:43that's no reason for shoving the bailiff
00:02:45down a bug hole that'll settle enough
00:02:47settle the bailiff how are things around
00:02:49Loch masks Sergeant quiet at present
00:02:52we're sitting peacefully on top of a
00:02:54beard Lagoon Pearl awaiting on events
00:02:57it's a very delicate situation
00:02:58altogether it'll be more than delicate
00:03:00for you if you don't deliver this post
00:03:01go along with you now all right all
00:03:03right but when the rivers are Mayo are
00:03:05flowing with blood give a quiet thought
00:03:06of what I said when I tell you
00:03:14it's a queer neglected spot this land of
00:03:17mayo that's been left tagging behind in
00:03:20the footsteps of progress
00:03:22but it's your inheritance
00:03:24it's been yours since time began
00:03:27it's been handed down to you by your
00:03:31and although somebody's got in between
00:03:33them and you for the last couple of
00:03:34centuries it's still yours
00:03:38get that into your heads
00:03:40Nature has given you a Priceless birth
00:03:43rate she has endowed you with Wealth
00:03:46Beyond the dreams of avarice well maybe
00:03:49she's been going a bit easy lately the
00:03:51clubs of 78 and 79 weren't too good and
00:03:55this year doesn't seem to be a whole lot
00:03:57butcher that's just a contrary way with
00:04:00nature and look at your compensations
00:04:03look at your landlords if you can find
00:04:06I've touched it account
00:04:08then count I count the twenty thousand
00:04:12of our people that have been thrown off
00:04:14their farms in the last three years
00:04:15because they couldn't pay their rents
00:04:18but can you account pain hunger
00:04:20suffering wretchedness no you can't you
00:04:29well leaving you to digest the
00:04:31historical importance of what I've been
00:04:33telling you that concludes the lessons
00:04:35for the day we're going on a walk
00:04:37tomorrow picking a few flowers maybe we
00:04:40can find out what's wrong with nature
00:04:42we're starting from the schoolhouse at
00:04:44nine o'clock any of you living near Kong
00:04:47can gather outside Jack Donovan's pub
00:04:50there at 10. foreign
00:05:13the last time I was here it was the
00:05:16Sahara Desert you were giving them it
00:05:18was a wee bit dry for them Father I came
00:05:20home and in history you'd only got up to
00:05:22hinder well we skipped Him Father
00:05:25that's not the class of a man you'd want
00:05:27to tell young children so much about we
00:05:29had no books for some of the fellas came
00:05:31after them so I thought I'd pass over a
00:05:33few years and bring the whole lot up to
00:05:35date but modern history has its pitfalls
00:05:38there's no man father knows better where
00:05:40they are than myself you can see that
00:05:42besides did you ever hear me tell them
00:05:44anything that wasn't the truth new
00:05:46Daniel but you might happen to have a
00:05:48way of presenting the truth which would
00:05:50leave it a bit lopsided with enough
00:05:52trouble in this generation without
00:05:53stirring it up for the next
00:05:55did you hear that Captain boycott was
00:05:57handing out eviction notices I knew it
00:06:00would have happened father what e
00:06:01Colonel is out serving them no
00:06:03father it's a long step from serving
00:06:05their notices to throwing people off
00:06:07their fans it may come to that I hope
00:06:11the thought of the violence it has led
00:06:13to in other parts is enough to put the
00:06:15heart across a peace loving man like
00:06:18I'm sure
00:06:58it's the same everywhere what you're
00:07:00going to do
00:07:02put it back
00:07:34give a sack of seed for me Sean you'll
00:07:37collect it in a proper place the post
00:07:39office I wanted to do a little winter
00:07:41song before the weather breaks Sergeant
00:07:42you wouldn't be holding up the crops
00:07:44would you come on Sean I'll buy a point
00:07:45to the pattern later
00:07:53look at that boy
00:08:05who are you lad
00:08:08seeing Martin Egan's tent by the bowling
00:08:11they found George hussy where in a bug
00:08:14holder to mckady
00:08:16I've known worse than has he
00:08:19he's inside
00:08:20family by the name of Colleen taken into
00:08:23mother Creeks look you here Sean you're
00:08:25deliberately wasting the government's
00:08:26time and money that's fair enough the
00:08:29government's got plenty of time and most
00:08:30of our money how's Carter Vlad Grand see
00:08:33around half seven been a while later
00:08:34with him
00:08:36glad you think the country's gone for
00:08:37their benefit
00:09:03what are you doing here Connor maybe I'm
00:09:05just taking the air
00:09:07well couldn't you pollute it somewhere
00:09:08else when that horse makes your cocky
00:09:11Daven suppose you get down
00:09:23I do and I mind the day Captain boycott
00:09:27sad horse Connemara black was at glass
00:09:29in the lake field an assertion male got
00:09:31loose fence down here a gap opened there
00:09:34it was a neat piece of candy I would
00:09:36have done a thing like that without
00:09:37paying stud fees you've read that horse
00:09:39from Connemara black dabbing I'd know
00:09:41the breeding anywhere well if I did I'd
00:09:43be the only man alive I got something
00:09:44from nothing out of old Jimmy boycott
00:09:50bailiff I wouldn't be slow looking for
00:09:52police protection speaking for myself
00:09:55I'd feel safer with the military
00:09:58no with a horse like that you'll not
00:10:00have to be worrying about owing rent
00:10:03so that's it in a few months you'll get
00:10:06your rent
00:10:07thinking of running the land at Quran
00:10:09races I might and you fancy Captain
00:10:12boycott will wait till then for his
00:10:13money he's waited a 12 months he's
00:10:15mindful of that supposing the horse
00:10:19there's a thought that never entered me
00:10:21ahead I've known it happened
00:10:23take my advice Davin and sell it to
00:10:25someone better fit to train it and stick
00:10:26to your farming the way I run my farm is
00:10:29my Affair and the captains too when the
00:10:31rent is owing there's your process
00:10:33served on in a proper and legal form let
00:10:36your pain the time aimed in the order
00:10:37will evict you and sell you up
00:10:39do you think we're likely to wait until
00:10:41Quran races and the off chance of a
00:10:43half-trained horse carrying off the
00:10:56what did he want
00:10:59the old story a present from the captain
00:11:01I've been thrown off better Farms than
00:11:04this stretch your shaved dog
00:11:06paid less written for them
00:11:07the farm I'm concerned about is the lad
00:11:09it's no more than you deserve the DLC
00:11:12might be doing instead of galavant
00:11:13around with a horse
00:11:15just reminded me of the time when
00:11:17karamara black was grazen in the lake
00:11:19field and a few bits of fence fell over
00:11:21in some queer fashion
00:11:23if I didn't make a way for the mayor
00:11:24here and there she was The Unlucky day I
00:11:26did it I never reckoned on you spending
00:11:28three quarters of your Awakening hours
00:11:30of the animal if your father was alive
00:11:32he'd have had something to say about it
00:11:34with you around he wouldn't have taken
00:11:36an eviction notice of any bailiffer plus
00:11:38a server without denting the hide off of
00:11:40him if he left it at that
00:11:42you wouldn't have caught him meekly
00:11:43accepting a state of affairs like this
00:11:45he spoke to the landlords and the
00:11:47language they understood and it's not so
00:11:49different today I'm told there's
00:11:51opportunities here about for a man
00:11:53that's so minded I've heard 10 of them
00:11:56gathered them together again organizing
00:11:58and driven ready for the moment to
00:12:01there are times when I don't recognize
00:12:03your father and you son
00:12:22I'm late Daniel couldn't be held
00:12:26I had business with Connor boycott
00:12:28several eviction notices I was four here
00:12:30today I've had them did the guns come
00:12:35that is the entire Consignment I got a
00:12:38note we can expect a rest later later
00:12:41it's our grandchildren that'll fight
00:12:43this Rebellion ah they'll come
00:12:45uh John Pat
00:12:48a small muster here tonight all right
00:12:50Sheamus Moore in the whole clutter of
00:12:51them are up at the pattern singing and
00:12:53dancing and drinking themselves rotten
00:12:55or can you blame them half a dozen guns
00:12:57among 40 men what's the use of that
00:13:00uh we'll get the arms Michael if you ask
00:13:03me we'd be a site better off talking
00:13:04over our troubles with the land League
00:13:06they haven't got guns but they've got Mr
00:13:08Parnell when we get the guns they listen
00:13:10to something to say more powerful we
00:13:12don't want to waste our guns on
00:13:13landlords and bailiffs
00:13:15George Hussey was found strangled today
00:13:18oh yeah tournament Katie has he has been
00:13:21asking for supper for a long time now
00:13:23well he got it and as far as I'm
00:13:25concerned the more that follow him the
00:13:27better but not beware of our guns when
00:13:30we use them we lose them on soldiers
00:13:33but before we do that we'll need to have
00:13:35a bit more discipline ourselves
00:13:37there's some of you here seem to mistake
00:13:39this Army for a debate in society yeah
00:13:41right you can Interline you fellas party
00:13:45left turn great March left right left
00:13:50right left pick some up you
00:14:14I was wondering where you've got you
00:14:16good evening father and we were up in
00:14:18Jack donohoo's Place father we were
00:14:19having a devil of an argument about
00:14:21Greek philosophy but it went on a bit
00:14:23too long done he's here Daddy we were
00:14:25talking to his daughter father his
00:14:27daughter's here with him ah we mean the
00:14:29youngest daughter father who the
00:14:31youngest dear me no let me see she must
00:14:33be nearly 8. and you were discussing
00:14:36Greek philosophy will will which is a
00:14:38very remarkable joy for our age she must
00:14:40be if ever you would move at a performer
00:14:42too then it was the look of her from the
00:14:45back that attracted me first
00:14:47and when she turned around I saw that
00:14:49the face fitted the figure
00:14:51I've been waiting for that point since
00:14:53half eight
00:14:54you've been fitting in the time I see
00:14:56now they're here Martin
00:14:59I was watching her dancing out there
00:15:02just now she was like an angel sailing
00:15:05over the ground
00:15:18she's not from anywhere 20 miles around
00:15:20that I'll swear
00:15:23hey you think I'll try me lock at the
00:15:26bowling alley if you're looking to meet
00:15:28her she's here with Mary Queen
00:15:30so I'm already going into mother's tent
00:15:33to see how many babies the carriage had
00:15:35in store
00:16:19much better thank you did you have to
00:16:21come here spoiling everything you I'm
00:16:23afraid Mary Craig the spell is broken
00:16:25that'll be throttles please
00:16:29you've got a nerve you just as I was
00:16:31getting her going nicely if I'd come a
00:16:33moment later she'd give me 10 children
00:16:35think of the Fate I've saved you from
00:16:40who's the beautiful red-headed girl
00:16:42you're here with today and why'd you
00:16:43guess there was something at the back of
00:16:44all this her name's killing that I know
00:16:46what would a Christian name be and and
00:16:49married Milo where is she from Wexford
00:16:53Hume darling and she's 21 five foot six
00:16:55inches tall takes a four in shoe and
00:16:57anything else you can ask yourself now
00:16:59oh and this is you Devin he's the reason
00:17:01why so many girls from here have
00:17:03immigrated to America he's been asking
00:17:05about you so I've given him full
00:17:06particulars come on Khan let's try a
00:17:08look at the Shives
00:17:10he's a jewel of a girl
00:17:12and that was a powerful class of an
00:17:13introduction I must say
00:17:16I saw you on the coach today I remember
00:17:18the long journey from Wexford two days
00:17:22the only thing that travels fast in
00:17:24Ireland is Gossip well it spreads the
00:17:27good news
00:17:29this belongs to you does it not
00:17:32yes sax split open there was nothing to
00:17:35tie it with if I'd have lost that seed
00:17:37I'd have been in a bit of a fix
00:17:40would you know
00:17:42I would
00:17:43hey there
00:17:46I want a word with you Malad
00:17:48where's watikala Colonel yes you should
00:17:51have met Captain boycott a full three
00:17:53hours ago why should I know where he is
00:17:55inside the pubs you know as well as I do
00:17:57that what he cuddles a total abstainer
00:17:58you were the last man to be seen with
00:18:00him and passed the two-year together
00:18:01with an eviction notice
00:18:05the failures go off on their own they
00:18:08have a habit of not coming back
00:18:10what do you mean by that Sergeant the
00:18:12post coach arrived over three hours ago
00:18:14where have you been since
00:18:16I've asked you a question Devin
00:18:20suppose and I don't care to answer
00:18:21Sergeant why should I account to you for
00:18:23my movements maybe you'd rather
00:18:25encounter the magistrates
00:18:29foreign there won't be any need to do
00:18:31that Sergeant he's been with me the
00:18:33whole evening he was here when I came I
00:18:35didn't ask you to interfere in this
00:18:37young woman there seems to be no reason
00:18:38for disbelieving her Sergeant this is my
00:18:40responsibility father and I wouldn't be
00:18:42taking it too lately they would remained
00:18:44you the commandoah rest in law without
00:18:45reasonable suspicion
00:18:49I Wonder Why You Know Your Law so well
00:18:50father McConnell's found dead
00:18:53you'll talk then devil and there was
00:18:55something to say to you young woman
00:19:06thank you I'm going home now I'll come
00:19:09with you it's not this no you can't go
00:19:11home alone
00:19:23so you knew I had a gun
00:19:26I don't want to talk about it and what
00:19:28made you stop the sergeant
00:19:31I had a brother once who was caught with
00:19:33a gun I wouldn't want that to happen
00:19:35anyone else they ran him in
00:19:37they shot him
00:19:43good night
00:19:46do you think I killed what he cuddle
00:19:49what difference does it make
00:19:51if you didn't shoot him you'd shoot
00:19:53someone else
00:19:54and they'll shoot you
00:19:57and so it goes on there's a deal to be
00:20:00said for killing rats like Carl but
00:20:02murder and Cold Blood says no one but
00:20:04the Eggman
00:20:06then why carry a gun
00:20:12the thanks on my side
00:20:13good night Anne
00:20:18I was walking down
00:20:21you know where's the West River there
00:20:23well there's a five acre feeling oh they
00:20:27are Anne we've been waiting for you this
00:20:29is my daughter Anne Mr Connell
00:20:32I've been looking forward to meeting you
00:20:34Miss Kelly your father's been telling me
00:20:36about you
00:20:48thank you
00:20:50thank you
00:21:20write this
00:21:22come along there Monica Dukes you know
00:21:23you're right from your left
00:21:25that's better
00:21:28I'm dead
00:21:30there's been a great deal of slackness
00:21:32the last few days I don't know if it's
00:21:34the warm weather but I won't have it
00:21:35tomorrow you are five minutes late this
00:21:38morning I shall find you
00:21:40happens if I pay you by the hour I
00:21:42expect an Irish works not 55 minutes
00:21:46you broke a plow share yesterday I did
00:21:48so I don't want any excuses
00:21:51I can recover it from your wages the
00:21:53share was an old one captain and it's
00:21:55all rock up on the North Hill well I
00:21:57want your opinion Doug and I shall ask
00:21:58for it and not before is that understood
00:22:00Kennedy McCann Boyle I expect you to
00:22:03finish work on the 12 acre tonight the
00:22:05captain we only began noon yesterday
00:22:08I know when you began every time I give
00:22:10an order here I get an argument do some
00:22:13of you for the power of good to spend a
00:22:14few years in the army
00:22:17I want the prince settled here at 11
00:22:20that doesn't mean half past four
00:22:22that's all attention
00:22:42the deputation from the land League I
00:22:44hear Captain Landry this country's
00:22:46organization mayor Connell used to be
00:22:48the ribbon boys then the felons now it's
00:22:51this land League it's said that after
00:22:53getting their way by peaceful means this
00:22:55time peaceful means in Ireland Connell
00:22:57that is a contradiction in terms
00:22:59thugs my death hello you agree to see
00:23:02them Catherine they're getting about
00:23:03themselves I intend to make that
00:23:04perfectly clear I will not have any of
00:23:06this Jacks as good as his master
00:23:07nonsense here
00:23:08could spread you know I suppose it could
00:23:11and it must be stamped out now this
00:23:13politician fellow Parnell creating up
00:23:15and down the country is the cause of
00:23:16half the trouble
00:23:17landowner himself too
00:23:20simply can't understand a man like it
00:23:22oh sir
00:23:25the man from the land league is waiting
00:23:27to see him
00:23:29see and told you to show them in there
00:23:30well so they was looking so important
00:23:32you see what I mean Connor spreading to
00:23:34the servants already bring them here to
00:23:35the proper place the rent office
00:23:39did you hear that
00:23:44and I pride myself on being an
00:23:46open-minded man I listened very
00:23:48patiently to your arguments very
00:23:50patiently indeed but one thing I will
00:23:52not tolerate is dictation fear not
00:23:53dictating to your captain you are
00:23:55demanding a reduction of rents we're
00:23:56asking for a reduction I'm not going to
00:23:59bend your words with you again you come
00:24:00in here with a lot of you without the
00:24:01slightest show of respect you trample
00:24:04into my drawing room we didn't ask to be
00:24:05brought into your drawing room sir oh
00:24:07boots are clean and we put on our Sunday
00:24:09suits Captain I didn't
00:24:12ayc we have no respect I have no suit
00:24:15am I responsible for that
00:24:17there's a bad Spirit about these days
00:24:19which I don't intend to encourage I
00:24:21absolutely refuse to reduce rents by a
00:24:23single penny we're not asking for a
00:24:25penny reduction captain we're asking for
00:24:2730 percent there's not an acre of land
00:24:30for 20 miles round worth more the land
00:24:32is as good as the farmer who Farms it no
00:24:34better no worse the trouble is you
00:24:36expect to be spoon-fed if some of you
00:24:38men would work harder during the good
00:24:39years you'd have something to put by for
00:24:41the lien in the good years you put the
00:24:42rents up the rents were too low now
00:24:45they're too high oh look here Eagan I've
00:24:47had enough of your incidents you stick
00:24:49to your Public House in your hook string
00:24:50of bad whiskey
00:24:52what right of you to come here and talk
00:24:53for these men we elected Martin to speak
00:24:55for us yeah there's no use carrying this
00:24:57any further the captain knows that no
00:24:59man today can afford the rents he's
00:25:01asking and I think we've made it clear
00:25:03that we don't intend to pay them we let
00:25:05her rest there over the show you Megan
00:25:08I won't we know Captain it's open to you
00:25:11to throw men off their Farms
00:25:13it always is
00:25:14but before you do that you might be
00:25:16advised to study the layer things around
00:25:20for that matter
00:25:22come on man let's go
00:25:30you know there are times when I can
00:25:33suggestively my own years
00:25:36the old royalties the old discipline
00:25:38seem to count for nothing these days no
00:25:40one can say that I'm an unreasonable man
00:25:41get out boy but this is sure blackmail
00:25:43you know Connor if they refuse to pay
00:25:45their rents Captain you can always evict
00:25:48them because I know but immediately they
00:25:49get wind that I'm going to evict them
00:25:50they'll either barricade themselves in
00:25:52or or drive their stock up into the
00:25:54hills all I should get out of it is some
00:25:56old woman's hymns
00:25:57happened to me to Scott you know Scott
00:26:00went the wrong way about it I don't see
00:26:02what else he could have done the Farms
00:26:04he evicted the people from are still
00:26:06lying idle well that's just it because
00:26:08he didn't take the trouble to find new
00:26:10tenants before he evicted the old they
00:26:13are not to be found you know that Carl
00:26:15not in mayo
00:26:16they're too frightened to take over a
00:26:18farm that somebody else has been thrown
00:26:19off there's the whole of Ireland Captain
00:26:21even one man might start the rot you're
00:26:24looking for more calories than you'll
00:26:25find nowadays there's not much count
00:26:27given to human life around these parts
00:26:29of course if I were to give him police
00:26:31protection no doubt that would make a
00:26:34life protects you too Carl
00:26:36can't afford to have you found in a bug
00:26:38hole thank you Captain but the
00:26:40difficulty is to find someone willing to
00:26:41take the risk he'd have to face
00:26:43unpopularity be ready to stick it out
00:26:46if I could find such a man Connell I'd a
00:26:49bit tomorrow
00:27:16chairs on his way here to a bigger spot
00:27:18him on the corner dirty scones get the
00:27:20mountain raise the back of Egan's on the
00:27:21way up there they might strike in an
00:27:22erections come on Jim in case they
00:27:24strike North you better be getting home
00:27:25yourself you in case they strike West
00:27:26time enough for that we're on Daniel and
00:27:27Steven to take the rise to the
00:27:28crossroads Facing East
00:27:31Martin they're a victim knock your homes
00:27:47thank you
00:27:56and in the morning when the Irish and
00:27:58the English had put 12 planks across the
00:28:00broken Bridget Limerick and
00:28:03I'm closing the school for the day run
00:28:06home to your mothers at the Hammers of
00:28:07hell and tell them that the sheriff is a
00:28:09victim Joe tell your granny to hold the
00:28:11truck in the usual place behind the
00:28:12couch Julie lock the schoolhouse door
00:28:15behind me and bring me the key in the
00:28:16back of vegans
00:28:30probably a half an hour before him if
00:28:32they strike West
00:28:36follow me
00:29:00spread the fires they're heading south
00:30:15they're coming up to the headford
00:30:16crossroads well we've given them enough
00:30:23they've stopped they must take the Kong
00:30:26road if they're striking South cut down
00:30:28here by the north west but the collar
00:30:30road is that a plane Captain that's
00:30:31right then cut across the field by the
00:30:33Bellmore dip the car can come around
00:30:34with the road
00:30:39they've turned Northwest stop the killer
00:30:41road so that's okay The South was a
00:30:43blind then they're making a new
00:30:44Direction Cube spread the fires North
00:30:46leave that to us get your home too I'll
00:30:48be there before him
00:30:52Jimmy come on
00:30:55try the fires they've turned the boat
00:30:57look it's northwards ballon Road they're
00:30:59gone now
00:31:30thank you foreign
00:32:50you get the card away I'll hold him off
00:32:51at the gate
00:33:07they've passed us by
00:33:10that's queer we got the notice and we
00:33:12all three games are int
00:33:14what are they after I wonder the best
00:33:16farm in the district
00:33:17and the finest horse between bread and
00:33:19Mayo in a lifetime
00:33:21do they want to put us to shame before
00:33:22the whole population
00:33:27really he's entered it for the cup of
00:33:30Quran racing the devil he has
00:33:32is that the animal he bred from the
00:33:34black it is he's a bad head Connor
00:33:37always said to him but ideas Beyond his
00:33:41I should have evicted him great mistake
00:33:43I offered his farm to the Killeen but
00:33:45the girl didn't seem to fancy it for
00:33:47some reason must be mad to ten times
00:33:50better Farm than Michael figgins
00:34:38thank you
00:34:54Mr boycott sir please heaven will you
00:34:57listen to me with little enough in the
00:34:59world must you take that from us
00:35:02ah Mr boycott so will you not hear me
00:35:05give us time when we pay you
00:35:07I don't know pity in your heart we know
00:35:09where to go Mr boycott
00:35:20I'm adding up that door and not leaving
00:35:22the roof on that's for a reason they're
00:35:24going to put another man under it
00:35:26but the great Heavens the man who
00:35:28crosses over my threshold will have me
00:35:30to reckon with
00:35:51the police will stay as long as they're
00:35:53needed you promise that the caption has
00:35:55given you his word you'll be perfectly
00:36:11and when the land League went to see the
00:36:13caption what happened
00:36:15ten days later Michael here and James
00:36:18Moore and Andy Clark were thrown off
00:36:20their Farms the flame State of Affairs
00:36:21to sit down on the hi Will I tell you
00:36:23why we sit down under it because the
00:36:25entire country is hypnotized by the
00:36:28grand talk of Mr Charles Stuart Parnell
00:36:32The Leader they call him a renegade
00:36:35landlord swollen with his own importance
00:36:37Intoxicated by his own wild promises and
00:36:39if the stories we hear about him are
00:36:41true more interested in the woman he is
00:36:43than in the people of Ireland isn't that
00:36:44what I've been saying all along the man
00:36:47is sapping the Vitality of the quality
00:36:49towardsoft it automators don't below
00:36:52looking for you
00:36:53a great state about something how can we
00:36:55get rid of Mr Parnell he's got the whole
00:36:57land League behind him we are not
00:36:58bothered about the lads behind it's the
00:37:00fella in front Mr Parnell is addressing
00:37:03a meeting at NS on Sunday next and the
00:37:05entire population of the West will be
00:37:10if we was to break up that meeting it
00:37:13might be the start of something you me
00:37:15boy that's A Great Notion it'll bring
00:37:17folks to a proper sense of the
00:37:18responsibilities and it will be a great
00:37:21bit of sport get a hold of Jim Williams
00:37:22break all 20 of us marqueline has just
00:37:26taken over Michael's Farm who told you
00:37:29that we told them areas Justine and
00:37:31Colleen moving their Furniture into the
00:37:33did you know anything about this nothing
00:37:36you were seen about with that girl I
00:37:38knew nothing of this white hat must have
00:37:40brought her and my father up here to
00:37:41take over my farm you didn't know that
00:37:45oh look you're here Michael it wasn't by
00:37:47any chance an arrangement between you
00:37:48and she that the captain passed over
00:37:49your farm that was hardly I told her
00:37:52there's enough accusing going on here
00:37:53without starting on each other and
00:37:54there's the man that dares to talk about
00:37:56paranal dessertness principles for a
00:37:57woman said enough Michael oh you want to
00:37:59have it out to you
00:38:02watch with you
00:38:04somebody else
00:38:16is your father about what are you doing
00:38:18here I came to find out what you're
00:38:20doing here
00:38:22a man was evicted from this Farm a few
00:38:24days ago you knew that I did but you
00:38:26still took his place we took it because
00:38:28we needed a roof that matter was evicted
00:38:31needed a roof too he didn't give a
00:38:32thought of that we had a farm and we
00:38:34were evicted three years and my father
00:38:36hasn't worked since do you know what
00:38:38that means to a man do you think I'm
00:38:40going to let him rush his life away
00:38:42forever no you'd rather let others rub
00:38:44theirs away you'd rather go crawling a
00:38:46boycott and stand together with your own
00:38:48people stand together I've heard phrases
00:38:50like that till my mind aches with a
00:38:52sound of them they don't feel empty
00:38:54stomach people have died for him
00:38:58my brother died for them
00:39:00I saw him shot
00:39:03I saw my mother and father thrown off
00:39:05their Farm through it
00:39:08I saw my mother die in a windy bath
00:39:12and all because of this insane fight
00:39:15against the landlords we're gone fight
00:39:17man we'll win win in a hundred years
00:39:19time when we're all dead sooner than
00:39:21that if people like you can be prevented
00:39:22from betraying their own car we are not
00:39:24interested in causes all my father and I
00:39:26ask us to be allowed to live our own
00:39:28lives that's little enough surely not
00:39:31even means destroying others we don't
00:39:33want to have anything to do with others
00:39:34no will you tell me how you can avoid it
00:39:36we're all part of a community either
00:39:38foreign against us then we're against it
00:39:39and we'll stay against it not here you
00:39:43get out of this place a roof will be fun
00:39:45for you no
00:39:47my father has sunk everything he has
00:39:49here it's his whole life
00:39:50we're not moving now
00:39:52I don't care if everybody is against us
00:39:55and we haven't a friend in the world my
00:39:56mind's made up
00:39:58where you go now
00:40:24I will know the misery and distress
00:40:27which these evictions have caused and
00:40:30they haven't lived in your midst for 20
00:40:32years without understanding the
00:40:34resentment and bitter passions which
00:40:37have been aroused and I know that even
00:40:39though you are Irish
00:40:41it could be that one or two of you might
00:40:43think to resort to valence they must beg
00:40:47you to refrain
00:40:48and do not think it is easy for me to
00:40:50ask you to love your neighbors without
00:40:52leaving out a couple here and there
00:40:55and they may be accused of acting in a
00:40:57biased and unchristian manner if I ever
00:40:59to indicate to you that I consider the
00:41:01actions of certain individuals of this
00:41:03Parish to be very inhuman and utterly
00:41:10but if I were to hint today I think that
00:41:11certain other people have behaved in a
00:41:13way which to say the least is unnabely
00:41:16short-sighted and foolhardy
00:41:20oh yes I'd be going a long way outside
00:41:22the duties of a parish priest if I were
00:41:24to pass judgment to these people
00:41:26just as it would be improper for me to
00:41:29suggest a remedy
00:41:30is for instance recommending you to go
00:41:32and listen to Mr Parnell who are here is
00:41:36speaking in English this afternoon and
00:41:38since the subjects come up I don't mind
00:41:40saying that it is the purest piece of
00:41:43that mess has finished a bit earlier
00:41:45this morning than usual
00:41:46however convenient it may be for the one
00:41:49or two of you who might be thinking
00:41:51lately or wrongly of going to hear the
00:41:53great man
00:42:10the great did you hear that now well
00:42:13we'll give the great man I write fit and
00:42:15reception have you got the artillery
00:42:19is that all it is not Jim's got a couple
00:42:22of pounds and Jill's got a dozen rotten
00:42:24eggs that's more I like it bless you
00:42:28hey you
00:43:10wait till I get the signal now I didn't
00:43:12get well into his stride first you know
00:43:14when I throw you all through got that do
00:43:17you think they'll start to make trouble
00:43:18we are starting the trouble Daniel
00:43:20people were not in a very good position
00:43:24will there be many in disagreement with
00:43:25it do you imagine I should say 100
00:43:28against us for every one for us as many
00:43:31as that every movement has to have its
00:43:33beginning Daniel next time it'll only be
00:43:35ten to one against
00:43:51O'Connell dedicated himself to the cause
00:43:55so I have pledged myself to the same
00:43:59the cause of Irish Liberty
00:44:03as he waged War
00:44:06so we will wage war but it will be war
00:44:09of a different sort
00:44:12the success or failure of the land Bill
00:44:15next session will be the measure of your
00:44:18activity this coming winter
00:44:21your determination not to pay unjust
00:44:25rents your determination to keep a firm
00:44:28grip on your homesteads your
00:44:30determination never
00:44:34to bid for Farms from which others have
00:44:37been evicted
00:44:41now what are you to do
00:44:43to a tenant who does bid for a farm from
00:44:46which his neighbor has been evicted
00:44:49shoot him
00:44:59I think I heard somebody say shoot him
00:45:03there is a very much better way
00:45:06a more Christian and charitable way
00:45:10which will give the lost soul an
00:45:12opportunity of repenting
00:45:14when a man takes a farm from which
00:45:16another has been evicted you must shun
00:45:20shun him on the roadside when you meet
00:45:23him in the streets of the town in the
00:45:25shop on the fair green and in the
00:45:27marketplace and even in the house of
00:45:29worship by isolating him from his kind
00:45:32as if he were a leper of old you must
00:45:34show him your detestation of the crime
00:45:37he has committed
00:45:39shun him cut him brand him excommunicate
00:45:42him if you do this
00:45:44you may depend upon it there will be no
00:45:47man so full of Everest so lost to shame
00:45:51as to dare to face the cold accusing
00:45:55finger of public school
00:45:59thank you
00:46:37about Josie he's gone down to the Chapel
00:46:40to see his reverence
00:46:41do you say when he was back he said he'd
00:46:42be gone some time
00:47:05but the whole successfully scheme
00:47:08depends on the country being behind him
00:47:10there's still a lot after giving him
00:47:12trouble father hasn't ever been tried
00:47:14sending people to Coventry in other
00:47:15countries father it has been tied
00:47:17naturally in the course of history and
00:47:19with varying degrees of success there'll
00:47:21be powerful opposition from the
00:47:22landlords if it does start it'll be
00:47:23interesting to watch and see what
00:47:24happens while let us make it happen let
00:47:27others watch Why not start the whole
00:47:29thing off here in mayo by sending out
00:47:31Jimmy boycott the Coventry who asked you
00:47:33here nobody
00:47:35I came to see you Martin and all of you
00:47:38I didn't know you were with the land
00:47:39League father I take an interest in
00:47:41everything that goes on in the parachute
00:47:43what do you want with us you
00:47:45I want to be with you
00:47:47I believe Parnell has found the surest
00:47:48way to freedom for people without
00:47:50weapons if an army of millions that
00:47:52doesn't need guns pay in a uniform all
00:47:54that's left for us now is to act will
00:47:58you're doing it too pleased to have you
00:47:59with us you but don't rush as my boy I
00:48:03heard you say just now that Parnell was
00:48:04the man and this was the moment maybe
00:48:05the moment Hubert is this the place if
00:48:07you search the whole of Ireland you
00:48:08couldn't find a riper old rascular set
00:48:10about them the caption there's truth in
00:48:11that and maybe if we set an example why
00:48:13Karen Connell have gone up the head for
00:48:14this evening I had it from his
00:48:24s where are they anyway
00:48:28what you're talking mean by leaving that
00:48:30Turf lying about it I'll put him on
00:48:32karting manure tomorrow find out where
00:48:34this come on report to me Connor
00:48:38hi there
00:48:40still good where are you
00:48:46Mrs McHugh come here across
00:48:51Mrs McHugh Bridget Marie Miller
00:48:58Mrs McHugh where are you
00:49:12this is my cue
00:49:14oh confirm them
00:49:16I'll suck a lot of them
00:49:25this is me
00:49:56where are you going home sir what
00:49:58happened here I don't know sir we don't
00:50:00know where is everybody where's Mrs
00:50:02McHugh she's gone sir gone where did you
00:50:04play Mars she spend the night with Mrs
00:50:06coin Mrs coin too what's been going on
00:50:08in this house while I've been out answer
00:50:10me girl
00:50:13there's something queer happening I've
00:50:14been to their quarters there's not a
00:50:16soul left stable man or laborer there's
00:50:18nobody in the house either except this
00:50:20creature and I caught her on the way out
00:50:21come on you what do you know
00:50:25somebody's been here talking to him who
00:50:27was it I don't know Mr Collins then why
00:50:29are you leaving he said we were to leave
00:50:30who said it he was a stranger Mr Connell
00:50:32I never said either before indeed I
00:50:36talk now will you how to let you little
00:50:38slacker I'll turn the hide off you who
00:50:40was it
00:50:42you death you Devin what the devil can
00:50:46he want with a dozen men and seven
00:50:47seconds we'll soon find out
00:50:50there's more to this than me are you
00:50:51nothing meets my eye Carl
00:50:54nothing whatsoever absolutely
00:51:09do I want Devin what the devil do you
00:51:12mean by crossing your way into my house
00:51:13and persuading my men and my servants to
00:51:15leave their work
00:51:16answer me
00:51:19you got Monday's paper there Martin I
00:51:22have I didn't come here to read
00:51:23newspapers confounder it will save a
00:51:25whole if I could talk
00:51:29you can get power Now speech there on
00:51:32the front page
00:51:33I'm not going to read a lot of seditious
00:51:36I asked you why you came to my house and
00:51:38told my servants to leave so long as you
00:51:40go on demand in higher Rants and sawing
00:51:42people off their Farms when they can't
00:51:44pay them no man or woman will work for
00:51:47you your food will go on Cooks your
00:51:49horse is unshared your bread on baked
00:51:51and your crops ungathered apart from
00:51:54that you can live in perfect peace
00:51:57from no man will have anything to do
00:51:58with you till you come to your senses
00:52:00you have the temerity to stand there and
00:52:02threaten me with some some criminal
00:52:04charade not criminal Captain there's no
00:52:06law against withdrawing labor
00:52:09how dare you address me in times like
00:52:10that in decent conditions I'd have you
00:52:12all swept we've moved on a bit since
00:52:14those days Captain I am not maybe
00:52:16forgetting that you have a farm I'd walk
00:52:18wearily cocky if I was you
00:52:22I know you're gonna evict me Connor I
00:52:24expect that you all got a great deal
00:52:26more than you expect you peasant upstart
00:52:28and whoever's with you in this
00:52:30I've close on 300 pounds worth of crops
00:52:32standing today and I'll save every sheep
00:52:34of them in spite of you and a thousand
00:52:36Palm Nails I'll have every landlord in
00:52:38Ireland behind me in this
00:52:40and I'll break every man in Jacob you
00:52:45poor old Jerry boycott you're in a queer
00:52:48fixed salary
00:53:05get away there
00:53:18go to sleep there's a good lad
00:53:27this will happen again and worse if you
00:53:29stay on here you know that
00:53:30I want him not to leave the fire next
00:53:32time it'll be a father with police
00:53:34protection please Protection One Night
00:53:36from an ambush it'll happen they'll bite
00:53:37their time why do you come here saying
00:53:39things like that we've done nothing to
00:53:41deserve this persecution
00:53:43no way leave me alone you time enough to
00:53:45be left alone I didn't ask for your pity
00:53:48you believe it's pity
00:54:00what are you doing here Billy was set on
00:54:03by some boys you brought him back is he
00:54:05all right he's all right now
00:54:09suppose you expect our thanks father
00:54:12well with no use for your kind here
00:54:14which are threats and your fancy ideas
00:54:16do you think you and a crowded Young
00:54:18Jack napes can bring down a revolution
00:54:19on them that's been running things for
00:54:21hundreds of years yeah you poor Egypt
00:54:24with the back of their hand they'll
00:54:25knock your flat will they so we shall
00:54:29goodbye Anne
00:54:54extraordinary letter here Humphrey
00:54:56fella called boycott out in the west of
00:54:58Ireland can't get his harvesting never
00:55:01again there
00:55:03it's always raining
00:55:05it seems his laborers have left him in a
00:55:07body why I can't quite make it out
00:55:10but he must be right otherwise the times
00:55:12wouldn't printed the difference between
00:55:14Robinson Crusoe and Captain boycott I
00:55:17don't know Sam well Robinson Crusoe had
00:55:19a man Friday Captain boycott can't get a
00:55:22man any day of the week
00:55:38violence in its most terrifying form is
00:55:42being dealt out to that Gallant
00:55:43unfortunate gentleman Captain boycott
00:55:46his cattle have been maimed his stocks
00:55:49stolen and his Rick's born he and his
00:55:53bailiff dare not Venture abroad without
00:55:55the strongest police protection
00:56:02I wonder if you would help
00:56:04it I represent the London Times
00:56:06to direct me to some responsible person
00:56:08connected with the local branch of the
00:56:09land League the response over a person
00:56:13I see
00:56:14well perhaps I should have said one of
00:56:16the organizers
00:56:17a fancy wouldn't go far wrong if we went
00:56:19to the chapel oh there's Martin Egan the
00:56:22fella that keeps the pub over there how
00:56:23very convenient thank you
00:56:31just pull around the corner and wait for
00:56:33me there and don't tell any other
00:56:34newspaper man where I am
00:56:4740 000 troops are expected to descend
00:56:50and lock mask house today to protect the
00:56:5250 volunteers who are coming to collect
00:56:54Captain boycott's crops stop the
00:56:56attention is terrific stop can the
00:56:59captain stay the course question your
00:57:01correspondent managed to break through
00:57:03the cord and guarding the house and
00:57:05interviewed Captain boycott with Farm
00:57:07bale of Connell his only remaining
00:57:09companion both had been drinking heavily
00:57:11what was that one
00:57:13yeah he's right cut out the drinking we
00:57:15don't want any sympathy for him in the
00:57:18the captain stated that the volunteers
00:57:21and their escort are expected hourly and
00:57:23that they will set up camp
00:57:51thank you
00:59:13he's a great host too shall we be here
00:59:15to see you win hang it I hope not the
00:59:17meeting's not till the end of the month
00:59:18okay oh
00:59:20after being cut off from the world for
00:59:22all these weeks it must be dashed
00:59:24exciting meeting someone to have a chin
00:59:26wag wheel huh
00:59:33professionality couldn't keep alive
00:59:38I very much appreciate the help you
00:59:49as I was saying Carl I appreciate the
00:59:51help you've given me and arranging this
00:59:52reception I couldn't manage it otherwise
00:59:54it's been quite absurd here lately so I
00:59:56had to go 20 miles to get a haircut it
00:59:58will soon put that right I'm sure you
01:00:00will can fill up the glasses Connell I
01:00:02want to offer a toast
01:00:05attention everybody
01:00:08ladies and gentlemen I should like to
01:00:10take this opportunity of welcoming to
01:00:12lochmask that Gallant band of officers
01:00:14and men who believe the terror which
01:00:16grips our Countryside and threatens Our
01:00:19lives our Liberty
01:00:21and our property I am confident now that
01:00:24in a very short while we shall teach
01:00:25these Russians a lesson they richly
01:00:37didn't I tell you the landlord would
01:00:39fight to the last drop of the other
01:00:42will take something outside stronger
01:00:44than talk to settle this
01:00:53hi just in time Danny this one is on the
01:00:56house all right a drink is welcome after
01:00:58what I've just seen what's that maybe
01:01:00I'd offend you play as land league as if
01:01:03I told you
01:01:04I saw the lie between panel's teeth I
01:01:07saw a boycott men going home after a
01:01:09good day's work in the fields let no man
01:01:11deny what that means
01:01:13it means defeat it means that boycott's
01:01:16crops will be gathered that the
01:01:18evictions will go on but we are all men
01:01:21doomed to the bakery of the roads and
01:01:23the bogs
01:01:25that's what I care for paranel in his
01:01:27peaceful land leaders this job needs
01:01:29guts it needs guns it needs the
01:01:32marshalling of men in arms it needs
01:01:34blood their blood and our blood
01:01:37intermingled in a stream for Liberty
01:01:47come on Danny give us another speech
01:01:50that's right
01:01:52I am received in silence Bimi fella
01:01:54Countryman well me English enemies
01:01:57excuse me being in uniform but I can
01:02:00just tell human beings Heaven help yous
01:02:02we're at all right we're only coming out
01:02:04our orders that doesn't start us from
01:02:05thinking a thing old too
01:02:07I was hoping that yes give them a little
01:02:10time and encouragement
01:02:13just a few points here Martin
01:02:15well you had the next with me
01:02:18to drink the queen or Mr Parnell that's
01:02:21just drink to us
01:02:29well there are not 50 men down there
01:02:31nothing like it
01:02:33do you think the others have started on
01:02:34the 12 week I doubt it
01:02:37I'd like to have some of these Fellas on
01:02:38the Barrack Square they've been on that
01:02:40field since Monday
01:02:44I thought a week at first 10 days
01:02:45perhaps it's over three weeks now and
01:02:47they haven't had the crops in yet it's
01:02:48hitting me badly carnal very badly do
01:02:51you remember the colonel asking if
01:02:52they'd be here for Quran Races they will
01:02:54be no they'll be here for Christmas at
01:02:55this rate my only chance now is to
01:02:57gamble on the prince of Quran you think
01:02:58that was well I must have cover my
01:03:00losses man David's horse is still in the
01:03:02race Captain nonsense however good the
01:03:04horse may be trained by an amateur it
01:03:07can't possibly stand a chance
01:03:09you know he wouldn't surprise me Carl if
01:03:11I'm half the trouble we're having Muslim
01:03:12brought about deliberately by that
01:03:13roughneck Devon and his mob I have been
01:03:15watching him lately
01:03:17hey what's going on up there come down
01:03:20here to Crunch and get back to the field
01:03:21I don't pay you for this sort of thing
01:03:23sure we'll do it for nothing captain
01:03:31that's Joe branigan's trap
01:03:33were you expecting him captain no
01:03:36I had a letter from him this morning
01:03:37saying he was giving the prince a trial
01:03:39on Thursday
01:03:44what is it Joe
01:03:46the prince has broken a fetlock
01:03:53oh this is the devil of a blow colonel
01:03:56I'd relied on the prince
01:03:58I was going to back myself to win 5 000
01:04:00at Quran
01:04:01we're just about to pull me out of this
01:04:04you realize what this means don't you
01:04:07I just have to get out of here
01:04:09still up
01:04:11no alternative
01:04:14I banked everything on winning this race
01:04:17you might steal captain
01:04:47take the lad after the long letter
01:04:54oh there you are here you're back
01:04:59what was Michael Fagan doing here he was
01:05:01after alone the short side but I told
01:05:03him you were needing why would he wanted
01:05:05he's no Farm yeah sure just an excuse
01:05:07for a bit of a talk I suppose
01:05:10you're a lion mother me son
01:05:20where is it I don't know some
01:05:24you gave it to him the poor dad's wife
01:05:27and child are hungry you he wanted the
01:05:29gun to do a bit of poaching you can't
01:05:30blame him for that you know that's not
01:05:32why he took it you don't believe me all
01:05:34right so it's time somebody showed
01:05:36Thrice around here the people are
01:05:37starving and dying for the want to work
01:05:39and you stand here like a gawken
01:05:50and where's your father the field is
01:05:52anything wrong the man with a gun
01:05:54looking for him won't have to shoot
01:05:55twice which field but over there the two
01:05:57policemen guarded him but can't be any
01:06:02ah where's Colleen where is he I am
01:06:04asking you he was here in this field not
01:06:07five minutes ago
01:06:10hey hello
01:06:30who is the man with the gun
01:06:34bomber of me
01:06:36I promise you this much if I can find
01:06:38him I'll get the gun off him thank you
01:06:42not everyone would have come to warn us
01:06:47if I dug an open grave in front of our
01:06:49door the other night
01:06:50that's the third threat they've made
01:06:51well one day they'll carry it out you
01:06:54can't stay here where can we go what
01:06:56there are farms that are not forbidden
01:06:58none that we can afford
01:07:01you could share a farm with whom who'd
01:07:05want Strangers Like Us
01:07:12I was thinking
01:07:15you are a stranger
01:07:17we both are
01:07:18we scarcely met when we quarreled and
01:07:22and I love you
01:07:27are not in love with me you can't be
01:07:31you can't be you just can't you said
01:07:33that three times
01:07:36you knew I was in love with you the
01:07:38night I brought Billy home I did not oh
01:07:40you're a desperate woman I'm trying to
01:07:42be a sensible woman but you are not him
01:07:44I'm trying to I'm asking you to marry me
01:07:47and share me Farm
01:07:48or here we can't
01:07:51I've caused you enough trouble already
01:07:53think what would happen
01:08:02oh you unafraid
01:08:11what's that
01:08:13I don't know
01:09:04thank you
01:09:14here's what you've all been waiting for
01:09:16the five-year-old gray Golden Corral
01:09:19blood schooled over fences and hurdles
01:09:22and passed as sewn I'm not going to say
01:09:25a lot about his pedigree there's a bit
01:09:28of confusion here in the stud book but
01:09:31his mother was a gray called Sally Jane
01:09:34and according to rumor she got around
01:09:37quite a bit one day making a casual call
01:09:40on his father who was at grass at the
01:09:42time but didn't let her grow under his
01:09:44feet well no ladies and gentlemen
01:09:47the noble animal
01:09:49what have I made
01:09:50what am I bad
01:09:55five pounds gentlemen over there having
01:09:58a nice quite private joke come on now
01:09:59let's get out of business
01:10:01for someone who
01:10:04gentlemen I'm not here for the good of
01:10:07me health and I am not here selling
01:10:10I'm starting this horse at 50 pounds
01:10:13or I'm hanging up your hammer
01:10:15here Sean give me a bit for 50 pounds no
01:10:18what about you Sheamus I've sold your
01:10:20worst person than this for more money
01:10:25well I've never given a horse away like
01:10:27this before it'll be life very well
01:10:29gentlemen it'll be written against me in
01:10:31the book of judgment but he goes for a
01:10:32favor the captain boycott for five
01:10:38you're getting off away from here
01:10:45and then on top of that you'll pay five
01:10:47pounds for this animal which sounds
01:10:48rather like dishonesty to me dishonesty
01:10:50now look here Colonel that's going a bit
01:10:51too far and they wouldn't bid for the
01:10:53horse at the auction
01:10:55held it could I think well that's beside
01:10:57the point
01:10:58I'm taking advantage of the situation to
01:10:59say the least now you add insult to
01:11:01injury by deciding to ride this animal
01:11:03in Quran well the horse was entered by
01:11:05Darren there's not much different surely
01:11:07in the mere changing of a rider Akon
01:11:09Nobody except ourselves in Branigan need
01:11:11know who's riding the horse until the
01:11:13day of the race how can you both make
01:11:14such childish pretensions even my own
01:11:17men will see the Injustice of it you
01:11:19can't make British soldiers fight for
01:11:21any fool can see is a rotten cause
01:11:22Colonel is not a matter of choice for
01:11:25the captain he must win this race or go
01:11:27bankrupt I'm thousands in debt between
01:11:29the laziness of the laborers and the
01:11:30wholesale pilfering of your soldiers I
01:11:32merely ruined I'm not interested in your
01:11:34domestic affairs captain
01:11:36my duty is a soldier is to keep the
01:11:38peace here
01:11:40if you ride this horse at Quran I will
01:11:42not be responsible
01:12:03well they may have thought that if it
01:12:05was new and the captain was going to
01:12:06ride the lead somebody would organize a
01:12:08little opposition
01:12:16I'm not taking any chances
01:12:25well that's a rare little bit of
01:12:27deliberate insult he throws Daven off
01:12:30his farm he boys his horse then dares to
01:12:33run it in front of us if ever a man spat
01:12:36on the face of trouble he's doing it ah
01:12:38and he's protecting himself against it
01:12:43two to one fancy food
01:12:45six to one Bantry Bay no there's
01:12:47something wrong here Jim
01:12:48what racism we haven't taken five quid
01:12:50yet we can make more money honestly
01:12:52they're saving up for the chase maybe
01:12:53less likely and what the game is on the
01:12:55mail chase six to one Bantry
01:12:58four to one corner blood well often four
01:13:01to one the captain's horse do you think
01:13:03I ought to let a domestic Affair
01:13:04interfere with me instincts as a racing
01:13:05man it'd be very foolish wouldn't it it
01:13:07wouldn't be
01:13:09what you mean
01:13:25it's easy to assess the mood of a moment
01:13:28but the behavior is unpredictable
01:13:29anything may happen no nothing
01:13:33there's little we can do about it and
01:13:35not a lot and want to
01:13:43I got three thousand sixes and two or
01:13:45eight Bantry Bay and fancy three are the
01:13:47chief danger yeah bad stairs but then
01:13:49I'd have given a lot to see the faces of
01:13:51our friends when they see the car well
01:13:53I'd give more to say when I passed the
01:13:55post if you're first passed
01:13:57I shall be good luck Captain
01:14:04the inspector's very anxious sir the
01:14:07crowd seem to be taking things badly he
01:14:09hardly expected them to leave for Joy
01:14:10Lee I shan't move unless I'm absolutely
01:14:13forced to
01:14:54the police take care of the rest
01:15:11I thought that would happen
01:15:23so we stand here and allow Mr Captain by
01:15:26cut to walk all over us
01:15:28just getting up on our elbows to Duff
01:15:30our hats to him while he sticks his foot
01:15:32in our faces
01:15:34and just call yourselves male man
01:15:45we could feel or came in last neither is
01:15:48likely get into Lion now
01:15:52up you come now get ready
01:16:05what's happening Danny
01:16:07he's not there
01:16:11he's still well behind this may work out
01:16:14all right he's playing a waiting game
01:16:16maybe it doesn't look like it to me
01:16:29he's moving up now
01:16:32he's just behind the leaders be a
01:16:35distance you think so I also know he's
01:16:37my horse getting a bunch now
01:16:54she's open he's in the lead now he's
01:16:58running away with it
01:16:59Fancy free is still well there
01:17:04yeah fancy fees falling back you're
01:17:06right you I'm afraid it's all over about
01:17:08this actually that could go on quite a
01:17:29six minutes ahead with two four lungs to
01:17:31go when we stand here like a bunch of
01:17:34hopeless agents watching them and we're
01:17:35going to allow this thing to happen to
01:17:36us are we mice our men
01:17:50thank you
01:18:24how do we kept in real life
01:19:04it's vegan and Mark Elaine
01:19:07thank you
01:19:09not fighting us out
01:19:11look now
01:19:22I think Chelsea For the Love of Heaven
01:19:27what's up Danny I'll tell you what's up
01:19:31Michael Fagan is dead and dead do you
01:19:34mean dead or killed I mean killed
01:19:37he'll be that dirty land grabba Killeen
01:19:39how did it happen Danny how does a
01:19:41murder always happen when a Cutthroat is
01:19:43allowed to live amongst us
01:19:45he threw Michael into the quarry on the
01:19:47Kong Road I saw it with my own two eyes
01:19:50cold-blooded murder
01:19:52a man whose only offense was to be
01:19:55thrown off his farm
01:19:58these times don't breathe man go easy
01:20:01Danny don't you think you stirred up
01:20:04enough trouble for one day what are you
01:20:05after now I'm after Justice who's gonna
01:20:07pronounce it you why not without hearing
01:20:09the evidence
01:20:11oh listen Danny
01:20:13you and I have known each other a long
01:20:14while time was used to take me advice
01:20:16that time passed when you deserted us
01:20:19and took to your fancy lonely well
01:20:21there's nothing fancy about this Danny
01:20:24listen I want to tell you a thing or two
01:20:25I had a gun Michael took it from me home
01:20:28to shoot killane until we know what
01:20:30happened that day leave things be just a
01:20:33minute boys just a minute
01:20:35let's not be over hasty if that's the
01:20:37truth that dirty land robber killed all
01:20:39Michael that's the truth
01:20:41there's no getting around that
01:20:44and there's no bringing them back
01:21:14thank you
01:21:21I let us look well at him but she has
01:21:24not lift a finger
01:21:26let's just have wisdom and discretion
01:21:28when a good friend is murdered by a man
01:21:31who stole his farm no no Danny don't be
01:21:34rising tempers like a good man if it's
01:21:36the truth you're saying let the police
01:21:37take care of the police did you see the
01:21:39way they acted on the course today
01:21:40they'll be on Killeen side they'll make
01:21:43a hero out of them and we'll just stand
01:21:45around and watch we didn't stand around
01:21:47this afternoon and he's right has murder
01:21:50been done one of us has been killed are
01:21:52we gonna let that happen and no answer
01:21:54give me the answer what are we gonna do
01:22:07here tonight Daniel till you've learned
01:22:09the truth of this are we going to listen
01:22:11to Mr traitor Javan we've been beat
01:22:14savior wants too often me Buckle
01:22:16couldn't you better stop here Daniel
01:22:18till you calm down and who's going to
01:22:20stop us here I am
01:22:22you'll not leave this place till you
01:22:23come to your senses
01:22:32let him lie come on
01:22:38there's police in the states everywhere
01:22:41we don't want to start any trouble
01:22:43them that think as I think drift out
01:22:46peacefully in twos and threes
01:22:48and we now meet up with a head for
01:22:50Crossroads in 10 minutes
01:22:56you've got it that time you lad Josie
01:22:57gets a glass of water quick
01:23:16you know which road they took I hear the
01:23:18headford crossroads dropped they'll be
01:23:20meeting there
01:23:21give me a hand
01:23:25okay get to Killeen
01:23:28ah she won't be safe either I must get
01:23:31there first
01:23:32I'll take the cuticular by lock my house
01:23:34and go easy Hill after what happened
01:23:36today the police will be all around Hulk
01:23:37mask they'll be waiting an attempt on
01:23:39boycott's life I'll take care as the
01:23:40shortest way
01:23:42good luck here thanks
01:23:51and we are ready yes off with the soul
01:24:08thank you
01:24:47what kind of story is this what were you
01:24:50doing in these grounds
01:24:52who's lynching Kelly you asked that
01:24:54after what happened at the Racecourse
01:24:55today if Devon here is speaking the
01:24:57truth can
01:24:58we send some in to protect killer I
01:25:00don't know I did I'll give such an order
01:25:02my men are in a state of reveal due to
01:25:03your criminal stupidity if Colleen is
01:25:06killed you'll be answerable because he
01:25:09murdered Fagan we are not responsible
01:25:11for Local Foods Daven there's only one
01:25:13feud in these parts and you started it
01:25:14for years I've watched your twist in
01:25:16this poor Egypt Around Your Finger well
01:25:18now you're making a murder of him
01:25:20I hope you're well satisfied if there's
01:25:22a chance of you are getting the killings
01:25:24away Devon
01:25:25your horses in this table
01:25:27dismiss you man
01:25:56ah come in
01:26:00West Grant unto him oh Lord
01:26:03let the pet your light shine upon him
01:26:17and Billy must leave this place at once
01:26:18I'm up on the road seeking Vengeance by
01:26:20Michael's death it's too late for that
01:26:21Hue but for them you saw him on the
01:26:23racecourse they're 10 times worse now
01:26:24father it's not enough that Mark Elaine
01:26:26is dead they're after blood and they'll
01:26:27care little whose blood it is
01:26:39you come back
01:26:48and listen
01:26:50is dead
01:26:52be a bullet from Michael Pagan's guns
01:27:05still and listen to me out of the way we
01:27:08want Justice Daniel McGinty you're never
01:27:11more heart than head
01:27:13what a blundering fool you are this
01:27:16moment of your Madness is Our Moment of
01:27:21look my people look Yonder towards melty
01:27:26the Army is leaving your enemies are in
01:27:29Retreat and with them goes the recarent
01:27:32into exhale
01:27:34you have broken and defeated him not as
01:27:37I warned you by violence but by a
01:27:39greater more Christian and more powerful
01:27:44here in the shores of lochmask you have
01:27:47forged the weapon which will strike
01:27:50Terror in
01:27:51in of any man that is an unjust rent
01:27:55in this little Parish you have set an
01:27:57example which will go down in human
01:27:59history and will be steadied and
01:28:02followed wherever people are oppressed
01:28:05so go to your homes now and leave
01:28:08violence be
01:28:10and in the future of any man offends
01:28:12against the community you can us to say
01:28:16you can isolate him
01:28:20you can boycott him