Musa tv n. 11 del 13 marzo 2024

  • 6 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Al teatro Palladium di Roma la rassegna "OVERGROUND 2024"

Sul palcoscenico esperienze di teatro e danza

Flavia Ferroni parla all’Adnkronos del suo libro: "Chi ha paura dell’amore?"


00:00 [Music]
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00:40 Hi, I'm Edoardo D'Antonio, the co-director and co-actor of Recreazioni.
00:45 I worked for a year and a half to bring Recreazioni to the theater in Rome.
00:51 It's a hybrid show, it's a show that puts together various theatrical mechanisms.
01:00 [Music]
01:19 It was born thanks to the artistic residences, thanks to the victory of the bands, which are the necessary instruments to produce for us young people.
01:33 Overground is an opportunity for young people, for young theater-goers, to be able to show what they have done and what they have worked for.
01:45 So it's a very important thing for us.
01:49 Theater is the pleasure of the live, the pleasure of the live and the scandal.
01:58 Surprise and this electricity of surprise, of scandal, is not repeatable through other things that are not live.
02:10 We do things that condition our generation, which have been brought from the past and condition us.
02:18 But it's not that we see them negatively, no.
02:23 In my opinion, we must study what conditions us and take it with irony and fun.
02:32 [Music]
02:45 "What is the fear of love? A story of teenagers with doubts and prejudices about homosexuality"
02:53 Edited by Simone Perla Scuola.
02:56 I wrote this book for a personal reason. In fact, the night my 16-year-old son told me he was gay, for me it was a start.
03:08 The start of an unexpected, difficult, but also very beautiful journey, in which I discovered that I was ignorant about the subject of homosexuality and also that I had prejudices.
03:21 And realizing how much my son has suffered as a child precisely because of prejudices and ignorance,
03:29 pushed me to do something in my little one and so I decided to write this book, which is aimed at teenagers and their main interlocutors,
03:40 therefore parents, teachers and educators.
03:44 The story is set in Brussels, where the protagonist Alice, 13, moved in with the family and here she meets Flora, another Italian girl who helps her to settle.
03:59 But when Alice discovers that Flora's brother, Alessandro, is gay, she abruptly closes herself and walks away from her friend.
04:11 At first she can't explain the reasons for this reaction, but then the events and encounters that follow help her to focus her thoughts and emotions.
04:25 Little by little, Alice's anxieties dissolve and she is left to see a very normal reality, from the horizons much wider than those she imagined before, in which love makes no difference and is always welcome.
04:44 The text is curated by an interesting teaching tool for middle schools and supports learning and development,
04:57 aware of their own ideas, constructive dialogue and mutual acceptance.
05:04 Enjoy the reading!
05:07 [Music]
05:19 [Music]
