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Ezra Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: EZRA follows Max Bernal (Bobby Cannavale), a stand-up comedian living with his father (Robert De Niro), while struggling to co-parent his autistic son Ezra (introducing William Fitzgerald) with his ex-wife, Jenna (Rose Byrne). When forced to confront difficult decisions about their son's future, Max and Ezra embark on a cross-country road trip that has a transcendent impact on both their lives.

directed by Tony Goldwyn

starring Bobby Cannavale, William Fitzgerald, Robert De Niro, Rose Byrne, Vera Farmiga, Whoopi Goldberg, Rainn Wilson, Tony Goldwyn, Geoffrey Owens, Alex Plank, Jimmy Kimmel

release date May 31, 2024 (in theaters)
00:00 [AUDIO OUT]
00:07 - My man Ezra, flying with that Annette
00:09 so that he could order himself, eh?
00:11 - Ice cream, please.
00:13 [LAUGHTER]
00:16 - The doctor who first told me my son was autistic.
00:19 Could have saved us both a lot of time
00:20 if he just said the truth.
00:21 Autistic kids don't give a--
00:25 - Stay down!
00:28 You want me to put him in a special needs school?
00:29 Jenna knows I'm broke.
00:30 - She knows you're still not over her.
00:32 - A man your age shouldn't be living with his father.
00:34 - He led 20 kids onto Washington Street.
00:37 - Your son has been a danger to himself.
00:38 - He's not dangerous.
00:39 He's a challenge.
00:41 Nobody wants to do work.
00:42 - Now I see where the dangerous behavior comes from.
00:44 - Son of a--
00:46 - You want to do something for your son?
00:48 You get yourself to LA.
00:50 Jimmy Kimmel wants to book you.
00:52 - What?
00:52 - They're not going to fly you.
00:53 Is that going to be a problem?
00:56 - No.
00:58 - Hey.
00:59 - What are you doing?
01:00 - As we're getting the car.
01:00 - I need to get him away from here.
01:02 - It's not taking the car.
01:03 - They're backing him aside, Pop Pop.
01:07 - All I ever wanted was just to protect our boy.
01:10 - Well, I'm protecting him now.
01:13 - Give your Uncle Nicky a hug, huh?
01:14 - Come on. Come here.
01:16 - Hey, hey, where are you going, kid?
01:17 - You know the word autism comes from the Greek,
01:19 in your own world.
01:20 I don't want him in his own world.
01:22 I want him in this world.
01:23 [HOWLING]
01:26 - That kid is the one thing that I can't get wrong.
01:31 - Just look him in the eye.
01:32 Looking a horse in the eye, it's like sharing your soul.
01:35 - Where the hell are you?
01:36 - Taking a little time off with Ed.
01:37 - It's not a good time to take off, Max.
01:39 - You're fighting for something.
01:44 - You might have to suffer consequences,
01:45 but it's worth it because you did it.
01:48 Because you love your kid.
01:53 - A dad's job is to take his son down the field.
02:03 If he gets tackled, all that dad wants
02:06 is for that kid to pick up the ball
02:10 and to take it the rest of the way.
02:18 (upbeat music)