Arizona Daily Mix | March 13, 2024 Episode

  • 7 months ago
Hosts Brad Perry and Lexy Romano present an entertaining and informative look at local trending topics and community events occurring in Arizona.
00:00 From 44th Street in Camelback, this is the Arizona Daily Mix.
00:05 And it all starts right now.
00:08 Welcome to the Arizona Daily Mix. I'm Brad Kerrey.
00:13 And I'm Lexi Romano.
00:15 Today on the show, some may say the art of driving has been lost, especially here in Arizona.
00:21 But, Mossville Auto Car Care Center is here to remind us of the rules of the road.
00:26 And you know, I would definitely be one of those people who thinks that unfortunately, the driving here in Arizona is not the greatest.
00:36 No, no.
00:37 Let me just say, as someone who's driven in LA and New York, the drivers in Arizona scare me more than drivers anywhere else.
00:46 Because people just drive crazy. Yeah, it's wild.
00:50 But, so aside from driving, it is spring break season.
00:55 And if you are looking for a pass to take you into a lot of the great museums here in Arizona, well you are in luck.
01:01 Find out what that pass is later on in the show.
01:04 Plus, St. Patrick's Day is this weekend and Thirsty Lion Gastro Pub has some awesome drink specials and food we're going to check out later on.
01:15 So you want to stick around for that.
01:16 And I did dress themed today.
01:19 Because I knew we were doing some stuff with them and highlighting the great St. Patrick's Day stuff going on this weekend.
01:26 So yes, I wore my green for the occasion.
01:28 I was going to throw on green and I was like, wait, didn't I wear green yesterday?
01:31 Did you?
01:32 I think I wore green yesterday.
01:33 I don't remember.
01:34 Wednesday, right? Yeah.
01:36 Pink was Monday, Tuesday was green.
01:38 Oh, that's alright.
01:39 That's it right there.
01:40 We'll swap back and forth with the green.
01:42 It's alright. We don't have to match.
01:43 Let's do some trending brought to you by Gerber Injury Law.
01:47 And we want to thank Gerber Injury Law for sponsoring this part of Arizona Daily Mix.
01:51 Okay, so here is something that I found recently online that is trending.
01:57 And we're going to do a little poll in the studio.
01:59 So if we can get ready for that.
02:01 But Brad, what do you call iced tea and lemonade put together?
02:07 I call it the Palmer.
02:08 Just a Palmer?
02:09 Well, yeah.
02:10 You don't say the first name?
02:11 No, I say I call it the Palmer. No, I just say the Palmer.
02:13 So you would consider the name an Arnold Palmer?
02:17 Yes, Arnold Palmer. Yes, yes, yes.
02:19 People online are talking about this drink because apparently across the nation,
02:24 different areas have different names for this.
02:27 So it kind of like came up on X, also known as, or used to be known as Twitter,
02:33 that some people refer to this as different names.
02:36 So in the Midwest, apparently, it's called a Half and Half,
02:39 which is why I wanted to ask you because I know you're from the Midwest,
02:42 so I thought maybe you would call it that.
02:45 In Miami, they call it a Flop.
02:48 And then in New Jersey, they call it an Uptown.
02:53 So I have never heard any of these other names.
02:55 I've always only ever called it an Arnold Palmer.
02:58 So let's do a poll.
03:02 Well, but also, too, you know, it's so funny.
03:03 I did read this morning where, you know, liquid, deaf water.
03:07 That's what I was reading about, too, that they had to change the name.
03:10 Right, to Dead Billionaire.
03:13 And so, but they were calling it like--
03:16 The Armless Palmer.
03:17 The Armless Palmer, yeah.
03:18 And I think it got some backlash because I think they were trying to be funny
03:21 and kind of cheeky.
03:22 Right, with all their names and stuff.
03:23 Yeah, and I think it--
03:24 It backfired.
03:25 It backfired on them, so they changed it to Dead Billionaire, which is their version.
03:30 So now we have Dead Billionaire.
03:31 So that's right, so that's another one, yeah.
03:33 Half and half, a flop, an uptown, or an Arnold Palmer.
03:37 Okay, so in studio, who calls this an uptown?
03:41 Anybody?
03:42 Nobody.
03:43 Nobody?
03:44 Nobody.
03:45 What about a flop?
03:46 Anybody?
03:47 Nope.
03:48 Okay, half and half?
03:49 No.
03:50 Not a person.
03:51 An Arnold Palmer.
03:52 What about in the control room?
03:54 Arnold Palmer?
03:55 Arnold Palmer.
03:56 We got Arnold Palmer's here is what we--
03:57 All Arnold Palmer's.
03:58 So who are these people calling as other names?
04:01 I think because probably you can't put Arnold Palmer, you know, since it is a name of something.
04:06 Sure, maybe you can't do it for like copyright reasons.
04:10 Yeah, because what does the Arizona T, they call it Arnold Palmer, right?
04:18 Yeah.
04:19 I literally thought it was like, that was the actual legitimate name of this drink,
04:25 but apparently it's just kind of, this is like the nickname.
04:28 I think he made it famous because that's what he ordered.
04:30 He was playing golf.
04:31 There's even an ESPN commercial where he's coming over and he pours it and they're like,
04:37 "Man, that was amazing."
04:38 Yeah, right.
04:39 And he's like a little golf clap and everything like that.
04:41 Anyways, well, now I want to go to a restaurant and be like, "I'll take an uptown and just
04:46 see what they give me."
04:47 Right, that's what they say.
04:48 See what they bring.
04:49 Let me ask you, is there any kind of drink that you put something like that in it, like
04:53 you're doing lemonade and tea together?
04:54 Is there anything you've made up, like you put orange juice and grapefruit or anything
04:58 like that?
04:59 No.
05:00 Do you do any half and half drinks?
05:01 No, I really don't.
05:03 No, just one drink is enough.
05:06 But there are a ton of different, like Black and Tan.
05:10 Have you ever had a Black and Tan?
05:11 Yes.
05:12 So that's like the two different beers together.
05:14 Right.
05:15 Yeah, I don't know.
05:16 What other classic duos are there?
05:18 I'm trying to think of what other things they do.
05:19 Well, I remember as kids we would go in and do, what was it called?
05:22 Michael Petri, the Polish director.
05:25 What was it called?
05:27 When we were kids, you can't hear him, he's in the control room, but for people who know
05:30 out there, when we were kids we would go to the soda stand.
05:34 So you did what?
05:36 We did Coke, Sprite, everything that was on there.
05:40 What did we call it?
05:41 I forgot what we called it.
05:42 Coke and soda.
05:43 No, but we put everything in it and we made a name for it.
05:46 Remember, we put every soda into one drink.
05:49 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:51 It was called a Bacardian diet.
05:53 Oh my God.
05:54 A Bacardian diet.
05:55 A Bacardian diet.
05:56 No, that's not what it was.
05:57 It was, I'm going to find out.
05:59 Not for the kids, folks.
06:00 If anybody remembers us older people, I forgot what, you know.
06:03 It's called like a kamikaze or something.
06:05 It's called something like that.
06:07 Maybe, maybe it's kamikaze.
06:08 Maybe that's what it was.
06:09 It's something like that, I don't know.
06:10 I was going to say an adios, but that's also not right.
06:13 After the break, a local ballet mom is helping to change the lives of others with baseball
06:18 themed products.
06:20 Find out when we come back with more of the Arizona Daily Mix after this.
06:24 Yes.
06:25 [Music]
06:47 Perfect time to start talking about baseball stuff.
06:50 Mom and author, Stephanie Montgomery is here to talk about her baseball themed book and
06:55 her recently released line of toys and apparel.
06:57 Welcome, Stephanie.
06:58 Thank you for being here.
06:59 Thank you for having me.
07:00 I'm thrilled to be here.
07:01 This is such a great theme.
07:03 I love what you do.
07:04 So first of all, get into a little bit about your history, the book, and how you kind of
07:09 came out with this line of gifts and apparel.
07:11 Yeah, so I grew up loving the game of baseball and I happened to marry a professional baseball
07:17 player and our adventures as a family have taken us literally all over the world from
07:22 Kansas City to Chicago to even South Korea.
07:25 And, you know, along the way when we started our family, I realized that I was in a unique
07:30 position to be the one to teach my son at the time about the game of baseball.
07:34 And so I looked for books or shows or anything targeted to young children, didn't really
07:39 find anything.
07:40 And I decided to create Max and Ollie's Guide to Baseball, which was my book that came out
07:44 in 2020.
07:45 Okay, so what is the theme behind the book?
07:48 So the theme is it's vibrant illustrations.
07:50 I had the pleasure of working with John Stephen Gurney to illustrate the book and he's fantastic.
07:55 So we wanted to teach the game of baseball in a fun, vibrant way.
07:59 It's geared towards kids maybe zero to six.
08:02 Okay.
08:03 And yeah, really just the basic rules of the game.
08:05 And I think this is such a great idea because baseball, obviously the American pastime,
08:09 but it's really great to start teaching kids at an early age about winning, about losing,
08:15 just what it means to play fair and to play a good game and be proud of that.
08:19 So I really love what you're doing.
08:21 And then it inspired a line of gifts and apparel.
08:24 So tell me a little bit about that.
08:25 Yeah.
08:26 So like I said, we have been all over the world and we've had many adventures along
08:29 the way.
08:30 And being able to watch my son and now my daughter grow and they're watching, hi, to
08:34 my family, really inspired me to think, okay, well, how can I continue to create things
08:39 to hopefully bring joy to kids and baseball fans of all ages, like what I and my family
08:44 have felt over the course of our adventures.
08:46 So yeah, the puzzles are some of my favorite.
08:48 We have notebooks for kids of all ages.
08:50 Oh, great.
08:51 And just the goal is to, like I said, inspire some joy via the game of baseball.
08:55 Definitely.
08:56 Well, this is such a cool, I mean, I love this blanket here too, such a cool gift idea.
09:00 It's so soft.
09:01 Oh, it is really soft.
09:02 And especially for those of us who grew up with the game, this is something that usually
09:06 sits very special in your heart.
09:07 Baseball is a unique game, I think.
09:09 It is.
09:10 And it's different than maybe some other games that you grow up playing because there's
09:12 something about it that really instills like a family vibe, that family value.
09:17 And so I think it's really special what you're doing.
09:19 But tell me a little bit about some of the other work that you do, some of the charity
09:23 work that you do.
09:24 Yeah.
09:25 So a portion of the proceeds from every product sold go to organizations supporting women
09:29 and children.
09:30 And in Arizona, there is a Central and a Southern Diaper Bank that we have been working with.
09:36 And they do amazing work.
09:37 So the statistics are actually staggering.
09:39 In the country as a whole, one in two families experience some level of diaper need.
09:44 And in Arizona, it's closer to one in three families.
09:47 And the implications go, they're just so much bigger than I ever knew.
09:50 So it's a little more than just, oh, well, once in a while we have to stretch a diaper.
09:54 It goes from health risks to an increase in maternal depression.
09:57 And when it comes to early education, a lot of child care centers require that you send
10:02 a child with the recommended amount of diapers, which is usually around six diapers a day.
10:07 If parents can't provide that, they can't go to work.
10:10 And like I said, the implications are just so much deeper than you might think.
10:13 So we are thrilled via our family fund, Monnie's Marvels, to be focusing on these organizations,
10:18 especially in our home of Arizona.
10:21 Definitely.
10:22 And everything you were just saying was giving me chills because as a new mom, I understand
10:26 that those diapers, you go through them so fast.
10:29 They add up quick.
10:30 You have no idea before you have to actually use them yourself.
10:34 You have no idea how important it is.
10:37 And so thank you for the work that you're doing.
10:38 That's really great.
10:39 And I love, love, love these gifts.
10:41 I love that they are for boys and girls.
10:43 So tell everybody where they can find more information about the book and maybe buy some
10:49 of these amazing gifts and apparel.
10:51 Yeah.
10:52 So is our website.
10:54 You can find everything here linked.
10:56 And if you want to find out more about what we're doing with diaper banks and all of the
11:00 different organizations we've worked with, you can go to
11:04 Okay.
11:05 I love it.
11:06 Well, I already have picked out a couple of things that I'm like, "Oh, I think Arlo needs
11:08 that and I need the matching shirt."
11:10 And so everything here is just so beautifully done and looks really, really great.
11:13 Stephanie, thank you so much for being here.
11:15 It was such a pleasure.
11:16 Thank you.
11:17 Absolutely.
11:18 All right, guys.
11:19 Coming up, it's always good to have reminders about proper driving habits.
11:22 Maslow Auto Car Care Center is helping us out.
11:25 Next.
11:26 The following portion of the Arizona Daily Mix is sponsored by Maslow Auto Car Care Center.
11:42 With the valley growing in population, we need to refresh our driving skills and make
11:50 sure our cars are up to being on the road.
11:52 And who's better to help us than the car guy himself who sits crooked but talks straight
11:57 about car care.
11:58 That's Shahay of Maslow Auto Car Care Center.
12:01 Good morning, sir.
12:02 How are you?
12:03 Good morning, Brad.
12:07 I'm doing great.
12:08 How about yourself?
12:09 Good, sir?
12:10 You know what?
12:11 I am doing okay because I got to work safely.
12:14 As we know that it's getting crowded out there.
12:18 It's that time of year.
12:19 We have the snowbirds coming and going.
12:21 Kind of interesting.
12:22 There's some staying.
12:23 So let's talk, of course, about speed harmony out there.
12:29 Yeah, speed harmony is real crucial because a lot of us are so focused on other things.
12:35 Distractions, texting, radio, whatever the case may be, looking around.
12:38 When you're going onto a speed ramp or merging in the traffic, speed harmony is basically
12:42 like dancing.
12:43 You got to make sure that you're stepping with your partner.
12:46 So when you're speeding up, make sure you immediately go to the same speed as the other
12:50 vehicle and then merge in.
12:52 Stopping short or trying to accelerate faster to beat the other car is not the right thing
12:56 to do.
12:57 You definitely want to just gently merge in.
13:00 That's the speed harmony.
13:01 Otherwise, if you try and step on toes, you're going to get into an accident.
13:04 So don't do that.
13:05 Harmony is key.
13:06 I like that.
13:07 And with that said, let's talk about yield but don't freeze.
13:10 I hate it.
13:11 I hate it.
13:12 I hate it.
13:13 I'm going to yell at people who stop on the ramp going onto the highway.
13:18 It's no, it's called merging.
13:19 You go.
13:20 Don't freeze, right?
13:22 Absolutely.
13:23 100% because what happens is, and again, on defense of most of those drivers, you got
13:28 to take into consideration, are they older?
13:30 Are they younger?
13:31 Are they inexperienced?
13:32 But they get intimidated, especially if they're getting on that and they see another car coming.
13:36 They think, "Oh my God, I'm going to get hit."
13:38 Not true.
13:39 Just go.
13:40 It will be able to blend right in.
13:41 So do not, if you stop short, you are causing a major accident.
13:44 That is a complete no-no.
13:45 Do not stop short.
13:46 Just go accelerate.
13:47 They will slow down and you will eventually have your opening to get in.
13:50 Remember that.
13:51 You have the control as well.
13:52 It's not them just only in control.
13:54 You, together, it's pure harmony.
13:56 Yeah, I like that.
13:57 There it is.
13:58 Okay, let's talk about the three to five second rule.
14:00 What's this one?
14:03 Three to five second rule is basically, think of the car length.
14:07 So when you're going to stop or going to merge or try and swerve between lanes, three to
14:12 five second rule is just one one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand.
14:16 As that car switches over, go.
14:18 If you don't do that in your head, you're going to get in and you're probably going
14:21 to clip somebody because don't forget, as you're merging, they may stop short because
14:25 of another traffic.
14:26 But you allow them that freedom, that pause, that space of three to five, one one thousand,
14:30 two one thousand, three one thousand, and merge right in.
14:33 I know it sounds like, "Why?
14:34 Am I going to really talk that in my head?"
14:36 But if you do that, eventually you'll just get used to it where you don't even have to
14:39 chime in your own sound in your brain.
14:41 You'll just do it naturally.
14:42 So three to five second rule to pause, to allow that actual blend into traffic.
14:46 I like this.
14:47 Okay, we know our mirrors are only used to put on makeup and to pretty much just make
14:52 sure there's kids still in the back seat.
14:54 But that's not the case when we're on the road.
14:57 Our mirrors are to check, but we're not supposed to just rely upon them, right?
15:03 No, absolutely not.
15:04 And obviously you got to make sure that you have this center mirror adjusted exactly where
15:10 you need to be.
15:11 And of course, this one, I've said it before in many of our episodes together, is that
15:14 make sure that this side view mirror is pointing to the very far corner of this bumper and
15:20 the same on the other side.
15:21 That way your blind spot is covered.
15:23 So don't just go, "Oh yeah, there's no car there."
15:25 Actually turn around and do the look over and make sure that yes, there is nobody there.
15:30 And then as a backup, you can double check, yes, my blind spot is correct.
15:34 It's good.
15:35 Look up.
15:36 And this is all seconds.
15:37 A lot of people think it takes a long time.
15:38 It doesn't.
15:39 Just boom, boom, turn around, you're done.
15:41 Yeah, very important right there.
15:43 Okay, this is something that people have to realize.
15:45 This is a law, but we don't like enforce or anything.
15:49 And that is your turn signal no matter what.
15:51 You're supposed to use that.
15:52 I didn't realize that.
15:54 Yes, absolutely.
15:57 Turn signals are crucial, especially if, as we all know, downtown, especially here
16:02 on 7th Street, 7th Avenue, we have those reverse lanes.
16:05 And if you don't use your turn signal, nobody's psychic.
16:08 I'm not going to know which direction you're going.
16:10 And especially if you're hitting the brake nonstop and you're stop, go, stop, go.
16:13 I'm looking at your brake lights like Christmas lights.
16:15 That's not good.
16:16 And I don't know which direction you're going.
16:17 That turn signal and ahead of time, make sure you do it ahead of time.
16:20 Two, three car lengths ahead of time, it's okay.
16:23 That way you tell the other person who's impatient to say, "Look, I'm about to turn.
16:27 Do what you got to do, but let me do what I got to do."
16:30 Yeah, and also, two, please, people, if you are a little lost and you're not for sure
16:35 where your street is, go ahead and turn the blinker on because I hate when people all
16:38 of a sudden, "Oh, that's my turn," and then they turn.
16:40 It drives me crazy.
16:41 I just want to just--so, okay.
16:43 This is very important, and it's called patience, patience, patience, and that is respect the
16:48 solid line.
16:51 Yes, oh my goodness, that solid line is there for a reason.
16:54 A lot of people don't understand, "Oh, it's just a solid line.
16:57 I'm allowed to turn."
16:58 No, you can't.
16:59 That solid line says you're not allowed to turn.
17:01 So, when you're going into like, oh my God, the coffee places where it's short, whether
17:06 it's Dutch Brothers or Starbucks or whichever one, you want to turn in instead of going
17:10 to the end and turning around, you cheat by crossing that solid line.
17:14 That is not good.
17:16 If a police officer sees you, you are going to get a ticket because that's an illegal
17:19 turn.
17:20 So, respect that solid line and actually turn where you're supposed to, where it's perforated,
17:24 or turn around and make your U-turn.
17:26 I know we're all busy, but patience is going to save your life.
17:29 I know.
17:30 All right, we got to wrap it up, but I do got to say this is not on your list, but don't
17:34 you recommend, no matter what age you are, no matter who you are, you should actually
17:40 look up to where you're going and not rely upon the apps.
17:44 Am I right?
17:45 Because those are more distracting, and you get lost easier.
17:49 100%.
17:50 Absolutely.
17:51 Old school.
17:52 Just actually focus and pay attention.
17:54 Distraction is the number one key, and apps are a distraction, especially if they chime
17:58 or they're connected to music or emojis that pop up and say, "There's a police officer
18:02 down the road."
18:03 Not good.
18:04 Focus and stay focused to where you're not distracted.
18:07 There it is.
18:08 Ladies and gentlemen, it's the man, the myth, the legend himself who sits crooked but talks
18:12 straight to us about car care, Mr. Shahe of Mosville.
18:16 Don't forget, you can go over to his website and pick up his new book, Car Confidential.
18:21 I highly recommend it.
18:22 It's a great gift for anybody.
18:23 Shahe, thanks for being on with us.
18:26 All right, stick around.
18:28 We got more of the mix coming up after this.
18:30 The preceding portion of the Arizona Daily Mix was sponsored by Mosville Auto Car Care
18:40 Center.
18:42 This is the Arizona Daily Mix.
18:48 All right, all right.
18:50 Welcome to the second half of the Arizona Daily Mix.
18:54 Still to come, if you are looking for a pass that takes you into all of the great museums
19:00 across Arizona, well, you're in luck.
19:02 Find out what it is later in our show.
19:05 I like that.
19:06 Plus, St. Patrick's Day is coming up.
19:08 Quickly, and if you haven't made plans yet, you're going to want to hear what's happening
19:12 over at the Thirsty Lion Agastro Pub.
19:14 Look at that green beer.
19:15 Yes.
19:16 I know they have one up in Desert Ridge.
19:19 They have one at Timbee Marketplace.
19:21 Okay, nice.
19:22 They have one coming to Glendale.
19:24 Oh.
19:25 And Chandler, they have one.
19:27 Okay, wow.
19:28 Yeah, they are all over the valley.
19:29 I love it.
19:30 Great.
19:31 Cool.
19:32 There you go.
19:33 But also, what's happening here on the CW7, and that's right, the CW7.
19:37 And that is a great lineup.
19:39 That's right.
19:40 We're here with you, so grab your seat on the couch and enjoy some laughs and more of
19:45 us today, starting this afternoon with two hours of your favorite funny man, Steve Harvey,
19:49 and Family Feud at four, followed by the Big Bang Theory, bringing on the laughs at six
19:54 and 630, followed by our new CW primetime lineup, the brand new Wild Cards at seven,
20:00 followed by Family Law at eight.
20:02 You have to check out them all right here.
20:04 So don't forget, after that, you got our funny man again at nine, and then you've got the
20:08 craziest sitcom on TV, Mom, at ten.
20:11 It's all about the smiles here at the CW7, where we like to say, "It's all good."
20:17 It's all good.
20:18 It's all good.
20:19 Oh, yeah.
20:20 No, we got some great shows coming up.
20:21 Yeah.
20:22 I mean, yeah.
20:23 Good news stuff.
20:24 So, I know they changed the lineup a little bit, because I thought tonight was like Son
20:27 of a Critch, is that what it is?
20:30 Mm-hmm.
20:31 And then the Conners.
20:32 That's Thursday.
20:33 Is that Thursday?
20:34 Yeah.
20:35 See, everything's, but still, good lineup.
20:36 I mean, I never know what day it is.
20:38 I just show up to the station and go, "What day, tell me what day it is."
20:42 I don't know.
20:43 And then on Sundays, Josh goes, "Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh."
20:45 Don't go.
20:46 Don't go.
20:47 I don't like it.
20:48 Well, there's been a good amount of news talking about the extreme weather that has been happening
20:52 all over the world, and if your questions are, "Why is it happening?"
20:56 you are not alone.
20:58 Yep, Pat talked with climatologist Randy Cerveni about his new book, Judging Extreme Weather,
21:05 and what he thinks about the extreme weather that has been happening.
21:08 So, take a look.
21:09 Okay, so what's going on?
21:18 You may have asked when looking at the sky and the area around us, not just in Arizona,
21:24 but in the middle of a California desert, all of a sudden a lake comes up.
21:28 What are we going to have, trout fishing in the Dead Sea?
21:32 Oregano instead of salt in the Salt Lake?
21:36 I'll tell you what we do when we want to find out.
21:38 We ask Dr. Randy Cerveni, the climatologist.
21:42 You have so many titles for crying out loud.
21:45 Not only on the faculty at Arizona State, but the president's professor at ASU.
21:50 It's enough to make a guy lose humility.
21:54 Oh, no, no, no. I'm very, very humble, Pat.
21:57 Well, your new book deals with things that cause us to have a pain in any of our predictions,
22:04 humble though they may be, because it just seems like nobody has any idea what's going on tomorrow.
22:11 The book, by the way, is entitled Judging Extreme Weather.
22:15 Will it continue to be extreme, or will it get worse?
22:19 It will get worse. It will get worse.
22:21 I mean, extreme by the very name says that it's the ultimate that we can see.
22:26 Well, when I started this project for the World Meteorological Organization all the way back in 2007,
22:32 I was thinking we might have a new record every couple years or so.
22:36 I've got three ongoing evaluations going on right now for different kinds of extremes.
22:42 So weather is changing. Weather is changing.
22:45 This is the book we're talking about, and, Randy, if you will,
22:49 briefly expound on the kind of extremes that you cover in the book.
22:54 Well, back all the way in 2005, I was watching Katrina, and it was a horrible, horrible hurricane that hit.
23:06 But I heard a commentator say it was the worst hurricane of all time.
23:11 And I said, no, no, I mean, Katrina was bad, but 2,000 people lost their lives.
23:16 But the worst hurricane of all time was hit Galveston back in 1900, and 7,000 people died.
23:24 The worst tropical cyclone of all time hit Bangladesh, and a third of a million people died.
23:30 So it wasn't the worst. Katrina wasn't the worst.
23:33 I said, I wonder if there's a group that would be able to evaluate that.
23:38 And I found out there wasn't. So I created one.
23:41 Well, and you've been doing it and doing it right for a long time here in the Valley.
23:44 You're from the Middle West, a Nebraska kid. I went to school in Iowa.
23:49 And every summer, spring into summer, we waited for that pause that seemed as if it preceded a tunnel coming your way with Dorothy and the cabin.
24:04 Are tornadoes going to get worse?
24:07 Well, tornadoes, severe storms in general, are something that hits, but we don't necessarily see any big changes in their frequency or in their intensity.
24:19 But they're always going to be prevalent, and they're always going to hit.
24:22 Unfortunately, as more and more people are living out in places like the Great Plains, they're going to hit more and more people.
24:28 Well, what people, what areas of the planet may be free of those kinds of concerns and those that are concerned because it may get worse?
24:40 Well, interestingly, 80 percent of all tornadoes that occur in the world happen in the United States.
24:46 I mean, we have all the right, it's not some kind of a secret weather weapon.
24:50 It's that we just have all the right things to create tornadoes.
24:54 But the rest of the weather problems, climatologically, when we're talking about the extraordinary levels of cold, snow, heat.
25:04 And as you mentioned, rain.
25:06 Right now, we have California getting slammed by what we call atmospheric rivers, these giant flows of moisture that come in from the tropics.
25:15 And we are finding that maybe those are becoming more frequent so that more and more of these kind of big rain events like we're going to have this week can actually occur.
25:26 Sometimes the only Spanish that we ever hear on most local television stations, the words El Nino and La Nina.
25:35 Is that still a consideration?
25:37 That is. Right now, we are in what is called El Nino.
25:40 It's a warming of the Pacific Ocean.
25:43 Do you think, well, the Pacific Ocean doesn't have any big control over us?
25:46 But it does because it controls the storm track.
25:49 It determines where storms are going to come in.
25:52 But how hot is it going to get in Arizona?
25:55 I mean, we're talking about now a state that has real extremes just within the state.
26:01 When you look at the forecasts on television and the difference in the temperatures north, central and south.
26:08 Well, what about central where we are right now?
26:11 Unfortunately, hotter.
26:13 The biggest thing is going to be in the morning temperatures.
26:17 I know a lot of people aren't going to be happy to hear this.
26:19 But the biggest thing associated with climate change is the idea that our mornings are going to get hotter and hotter.
26:25 That instead of having a low temperature down in the 80s, we are seeing more and more frequently low temperatures that are in the 90s.
26:32 And the high? How high can that get?
26:35 The high can get up to, we have even hit once in the Valley of the Sun here, 122 degrees.
26:41 Yes, yes. And my wife played golf that day.
26:45 Judging extreme weather, climate science in action.
26:48 His name is Dr. Randy Cervini and I'm Pat McMaye.
26:58 After the break, see what the Thirsty Lion Gastro Club has in store for St. Patrick's Day.
27:05 The following portion of the Arizona Daily Mix is sponsored by Thirsty Lion Gastro Club.
27:21 St. Patrick's Day is when the green beer flows and the Reuben sandwiches are being eaten.
27:28 And here to throw their hat in the ring as the best Reuben sandwich in the Valley is the Thirsty Lion Gastro Club.
27:34 And Chef Andy, I will say I don't want to start any fights. I don't want anything like that.
27:37 But I see you dinging in flinch at when I said the best Reuben sandwich in the Valley.
27:41 I stand by our Reuben. I guarantee it's one of the best.
27:44 I like it. Okay, before we start, tell everybody what Gastro Club means.
27:48 Gastro Club, we are a pub that serves handcrafted food, handcrafted drinks and handcrafted beer.
27:54 We serve the best products out there to make great food.
27:56 I like that. There you go. And we got some of the dishes here that are going to be on the menu for St. Patrick's Day.
28:01 But this is always served here at the restaurant level, right?
28:03 Yeah, we serve, we do have a seasonal menu, but most of these items can be served all year round.
28:08 And we are offering a seasonal menu for St. Patrick's Day.
28:13 Which is very important. And one tradition is, of course, the shepherd's pie.
28:17 The classic shepherd's pie. What's in the shepherd's pie?
28:19 So we have ground beef, carrots, red onions, beef gravy, of course, white cheddar, mashed potato,
28:24 cheddar cheese and some scallions for a garnish on there.
28:26 There you go. And then the tradition of the...
28:29 Corned beef and cabbage. Can't beat that. Very traditional.
28:32 White cheddar, mashed potatoes, braised cabbage, braised corned beef,
28:36 a whole mustard vinaigrette and of course, a horseradish sour cream sauce.
28:40 I like it. And then this is a tradition that people don't realize, but that is the devil eggs.
28:44 But they're made not like your typical devil eggs.
28:47 These are what we call our scotch eggs.
28:49 And what we do is we take some spicy ground pork, regular ground pork,
28:56 wrap it around in a parboiled egg, bread it, fry it, and we serve it with a whole grain mustard sauce.
29:01 Oh my gosh, so delicious. Okay, what do we got here?
29:03 And of course, we've got to have potato cakes.
29:06 So this is potato cakes with bacon, cheddar, scallions, onions, deep fried,
29:12 panko breaded, served with the sour cream and the chili aioli.
29:17 Alright, and then the big dish right here?
29:19 Over here is our pesto mac and cheese.
29:22 Oh man.
29:23 Corned beef, pesto sauce, cavatappi pasta, pickled onions, green onions.
29:28 Can't lose on that one.
29:29 Oh my gosh. And then over here for dessert, is that the traditional shepherd pie?
29:33 Nope, this is our traditional whiskey bread pudding.
29:35 Oh, okay.
29:36 If you like bread pudding, it's a great way to top off a dinner.
29:39 There you go. Alright, you are going to make a Reuben sandwich for us,
29:42 and that is what you have down here, it's traditional Reuben.
29:45 And this is kind of a very important part of making Reuben, is the bread. Am I right?
29:50 Yes. We use a rustic white bread, very crusty on the outside, very soft in the middle,
29:57 but we also, what helps us is that we griddle it, gives us that nice firm texture.
30:01 We also have some Swiss cheese on it, season it with some black pepper.
30:05 Nice.
30:06 Of course, can't be a Reuben without some Thousand Islands.
30:09 There you go. Look at that. This is...
30:12 And of course, sauerkraut.
30:16 This is torture to me right now. I can't eat any of this, it's like torture right now.
30:20 And of course, most important is our corned beef.
30:22 Oh my gosh, look at that. And making your corned beef, do you make it a little secret there,
30:27 or can you tell us how you make it?
30:29 Well, it is kind of a secret what we do, but basically we braise our corned beef over three and a half hours.
30:34 Oh my gosh.
30:35 Cool it off, slice it up, but it's what our ingredients that we braise it with, everything's all fresh, made in-house.
30:41 I love it. Okay, now, the important part is this, people, you've got to pay attention,
30:44 and that's the way you cut your Reuben sandwich, because you don't want too little,
30:49 you don't want too much on each side, it's just perfect for getting the right amount of meat.
30:54 Now watch this. Go ahead, Chef Andy.
30:55 So every bite, what you want to do is every bite, you want to taste everything in it.
30:59 So evenly disperse all your ingredients out, and of course you've got to showcase everything.
31:04 Look at that. That is right there, showcasing it.
31:07 I even try to showcase things at home, just for myself, just to make it look good.
31:11 There you go. And of course, our French fries.
31:15 House cut, fried in-house, every single day.
31:19 Oh my gosh, look at that. As I show this off, let's talk about, of course, cocktails for St. Patty's Day.
31:25 St. Patrick's Day, you can't have St. Patrick's Day without some cocktails.
31:28 We have a Bailey's chocolate martini, an old-fashioned mule, old-fashioned Irish whiskey, and of course, our green beer.
31:36 There you go. I was so busy looking at the food. So here goes the martini, right?
31:42 Bailey's chocolate martini.
31:43 Okay, down here.
31:44 It's our old-fashioned mule, Irish mule, and our Irish whiskey.
31:48 I love it. And the green beer.
31:50 And of course, our green beer, all made with Delimerdieux whiskey.
31:53 I love it. Also, it's a very important day of giving for you guys.
31:57 One of the things that we do is we partner up with the St. Baldrick Foundation, which helps kids with cancer.
32:03 So a part of our proceeds that we make off of our drinks goes to that foundation up until St. Patrick's Day.
32:11 There you go. All right, so you can head over now, and actually you don't have to wait for St. Patty's Day to get some great drinks, some great food, and of course, music and fun.
32:20 It's the Thirsty Lion Gastro Pub. The Thirsty Lion Gastro Pub. How many locations, Ford?
32:26 We have four locations in the Valley. Desert Ridge, Santan Mall, Chandler Mall, and also Tempe Marketplace.
32:31 And we are opening our fifth location towards the end of the year at Glendale Entertainment District.
32:37 There it is. And you want information, of course, getting your reservations, what they're going to be doing all day during St. Patrick's Day.
32:42 Head over to or to their website.
32:46 All right, stick around. We've got more of The Mix after this.
32:49 The preceding portion of the Arizona Daily Mix was sponsored by Thirsty Lion Gastro Pub.
32:54 The following portion of the Arizona Daily Mix is sponsored by Scottsdale Bullion & Coin.
33:15 Anytime we have questions about your options when it comes to investing in finance, we talk to Eric from SBC. Thanks for doing this.
33:23 Well, thanks for having me once again.
33:25 There is a term that more and more people are becoming familiar with, and it's the petrodollar, because of what China's doing in other countries.
33:32 Can you explain what this is and what's going on?
33:34 Okay, so to kind of summarize it, the petrodollar was what we used to replace the gold standard when we went off of the gold standard in '71.
33:45 By '73, we shook hands with Saudi Arabia and the petronations to make sure that they would use only U.S. dollars in trade internationally for that of petro.
33:55 So this gave us a stronghold all over the world when it came to our currency dominance, because they would have to go through us to get to them.
34:03 And that was honestly, that was a handshake deal. You're not being facetious. It really was just a handshake.
34:10 Absolutely. Not only was it a handshake, but it was something that has given us dominance since the '70s.
34:17 And here we are in 2023, and for the first time ever, that's being jeopardized because China right now sees an opportunity.
34:27 The current administration is very anti-petro, if you would. And then we saw China go to Saudi Arabia and then do a diplomatic approach
34:37 when they brought Iran and Saudi Arabia to the table together in peace negotiations.
34:43 And then also immediately following that, we saw for the first time the yuan being exchanged for petro out of Saudi Arabia.
34:52 So, I mean, this is a huge game changer, and it's something that everybody is going to feel eventually.
34:59 Isn't India a little involved in this in a way, too, with the petrodollar? Aren't they trying to advance in that area?
35:05 Not only India, but I mean, there are many nations around the Middle East.
35:10 The more you look into this, the more you're going to find that it is a rabbit hole that you're going to tumble down.
35:16 And the likely outcome here is that we are no longer going to reserve our currency as the petro standard,
35:22 and that is going to possibly jeopardize – not possibly, but it will jeopardize – our currency as the reserve currency of the world.
35:31 And the big problem with that is we've got so much debt, what keeps us afloat is the fact that we're number one.
35:37 But what if we weren't number one? I mean, Mike, I'm sure you probably would have concerns about that.
35:42 Right. Yeah, and so if that's happening, if the dollar is weakening around the world, which it appears like it is,
35:48 how is gold, or what do you recommend, what is a way to protect yourself?
35:53 Well, the reason why gold – in uncertain times, the only certain thing is gold.
35:58 And the reason why is because you go back as far as you want, gold has always been a standard of money worldwide,
36:05 not just in our country, but there's no way that we're going to find in our lifetimes or the next gold not being a standard of money.
36:14 And therefore, if you retreat and put money into something like gold, you know it's going to be there no matter what happens to the currency that your country provides to your citizens.
36:26 Well, I know that you talk about just – when you say gold, but I know that there are a lot of different options and a lot of different things that you can buy,
36:34 whether it's physical gold or whatever it is.
36:36 If people want to learn more on what the right thing to buy is, not just gold, but how to buy it, how do you do that?
36:42 Well, the best thing to do is just give us a call. You can text us. You can call us. You can go to
36:48 But more interesting than that right now is more that they can learn about the petrodollar as well.
36:53 If they go to our website right now, they can go ahead and they can request a copy of the petrodollar.
37:00 And then on there, once they get the link to that, they can even go ahead and sign up to have all the upcoming events that we've been sourcing and showing people
37:10 that will pop up in their email feed and that they can watch this in real time.
37:14 Well, the advantage also I think for people is even though you are nationally known, this is a local company.
37:19 You're Scottsdale Bullion and Coins, so they can actually go into an office, talk to somebody face to face.
37:24 You're proud to serve the local market.
37:26 Well, absolutely. I was born in Arcadia and I love servicing the community here.
37:31 I mean, yes, we do business all over the country, but we love it when people come in.
37:35 You know, the idea of getting information is one thing, but getting reliable information is another thing.
37:39 Expert advice. Here's local expert advice at SBC. Get down and see Eric and his team. Make the phone call. Go to the website.
37:45 Thanks for coming down.
37:47 Thank you so much, Mike.
37:52 The preceding portion of the Arizona Daily Mix is sponsored by Scottsdale Bullion and Coin.
37:57 Having access to museums, galleries and activities is vital for children from all backgrounds.
38:14 That's why we are so excited to have Anne Osborne here to talk about the Act One Culture Pass for families.
38:21 Welcome, Anne.
38:22 Thank you so much for having me.
38:24 Thank you for being here. So, we were just chatting a little bit about what you guys do, which is so many amazing things.
38:31 But let's start with the Culture Pass, because this is really great for families who are kind of looking for things to do right now, spring break time.
38:39 Kind of walk us through how people get this.
38:41 Sure. So, the Culture Pass program is housed in over 175 libraries throughout Arizona, 80 libraries here in the Phoenix area.
38:50 We're in pretty much every city and every county in the state.
38:53 And right now you can go to any of those libraries, get a library card for free and check out passes.
39:00 Now, the passes look a little bit like this.
39:02 They're going to be brochures and you will take these from the venue that you'd like to go.
39:08 These are just a few of the places that we can go.
39:10 And you will take this to the checkout desk and they will give you a little receipt.
39:14 That receipt will allow you to get into these places for free to admissions per pass.
39:21 So, it's totally free. You just go to the library, grab one of these brochures.
39:27 And from what I'm seeing on here, we have Desert Botanical Garden. What are some of the other ones here?
39:32 We have SMOCA or the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art.
39:35 And then the other one I brought today is the Desert Caballeros Western Museum up in Wickenburg.
39:40 So, there is a huge variety of what you guys do.
39:43 There are so many things that families can go enjoy and explore.
39:48 Just kind of like we were saying in our intro, from galleries to museums.
39:52 And even, you guys, I know there are some other things you do throughout the year that are live music environments.
39:58 Things like that as well. Can you talk a little bit more about the rest of the offerings that you have?
40:03 Sure. So, we also do performance passes.
40:05 We partner with local performing arts organizations to offer free tickets to events.
40:10 Places like TheaterWorks down in Tucson or the Phoenix Symphony here in Phoenix, of course.
40:18 And we also do Mesa Arts Center and Chandler Center for the Arts.
40:23 So, this is such a great opportunity for any family out there.
40:26 This is a free opportunity to take their family out, to take their kids out and really enjoy everything that Arizona has to offer.
40:33 How did this program develop? I mean, tell me a little bit about your guys' history.
40:38 Sure. So, we took over the program about a decade ago.
40:41 And essentially, it was housed only in the Phoenix Public Libraries.
40:46 At some point, our founders were approached and offered the management of the program.
40:52 And we jumped on it. And we've been running it since then.
40:55 And just so I know for sure, is there anything that families have to do when they come into the libraries?
41:00 Do they have to show anything? They just come in and say, "We want to grab some passes." And it's available for them.
41:06 Yeah. So, if they qualify for a library card in that city or county, they get the library card. That's all it takes.
41:12 And what about, I know you said that there's stuff all over the state.
41:16 So, if I'm out here in Phoenix, but I want to go check something out in Tucson, does it kind of transfer like that or do we stay here in our area?
41:24 Actually, a lot of the sites and venues in the program are available statewide.
41:28 So, people from Tucson can come up here and vice versa.
41:31 Oh, that's so great. I love it. And I know you do a little bit with the schools as well.
41:36 Yes. So, actually, Act One's main programming is working with Title I schools to provide access to the arts.
41:42 We have two programs, the in-person field trip program, which takes kids to the theater, musical performances, museums, like that.
41:51 And then we also have our virtual reality field trip program that is statewide, where we take virtual reality headsets into classrooms.
41:59 So, teachers don't have to do the permission slips and the transportation and all that.
42:04 And we are able to bring the arts to the students right where they are.
42:08 Okay. This is so wild. What a great idea that it's a field trip where you don't ever have to even leave the classroom.
42:15 Because I know, you know, my mom is a teacher and I know there's some times that you don't get all the signed permission slips
42:21 or it's just kind of a pain to get everybody all on the bus and going somewhere.
42:25 They don't have to worry about that anymore. You're bringing the field trip to them.
42:28 Exactly. And we are actually about to launch our second season of content that features indigenous artists from here in Arizona.
42:34 So, we're pretty excited about that, too.
42:36 That's incredible. Well, Ann, tell everybody where they can find more information about this.
42:40 Sure. So, our website is probably the best resource. That's
42:48 This is such a great resource for families, especially right now during spring break, to take advantage of. Completely free. I love it.
42:55 All right, Ann. Thank you so much. Hey, guys, stick around because we have more of The Mix coming up after this.
43:00 Thanks for tuning in today. Tomorrow on the show, see how I handle the Venture Challenge based on the movie Arthur the King.
43:19 Yeah, that'll be great. Plus, Leslie Lair has some great tips to help you organize the small spaces in your house. I love when she comes in.
43:27 For more information on what we talked about during the show, head over to
43:33 Absolutely. And it's going to be a good week of lots of green because, you know, St. Patty's Day is coming up this weekend.
43:39 And it's not on a Friday, so now you can eat the Reuben sandwich on Sunday.
43:43 Oh, there you go. Right. Because it's still Lent. Yep, yep, yep, yep. Sunday.
43:46 So have a great day and we'll see you back here tomorrow. Bye.
43:52 Content segments on the Arizona Daily Mix were paid for by
43:55 Goodver Injury Law, Masval Auto Car Care Center, Thirsty Lion Gastropub, and Scottsdale Bullion & Coin.
44:02 Content segments on the Arizona Daily Mix were paid for by
44:05 Goodver Injury Law, Masval Auto Car Care Center, Thirsty Lion Gastropub, and Scottsdale Bullion & Coin.
44:12 [Music]
