• last year
New research reveals that adults have lost touch with moving simply for how it feels, and have become obsessed with exercising to change how they look.

63% of adults admit the key reason they exercise is for physical gain in comparison to 77% of children who say the key reason they exercise is for fun. And while 92% of kids say they enjoy exercise, 77% of adults say they don't look forward to exercise at all and view it as a chore.

In response, ASICS has formed the world’s youngest exercise influencer team, the ASICS ‘Little Reminders’, to remind adults to exercise for how it makes them feel, not how it makes them look. The team has created the first exercise guide made by children for adults to remind adults to move for enjoyment and not just performance.


00:00 (soft music)
00:02 - Why do I exercise?
00:08 - That's a very, very good question.
00:11 Everything is essentially about
00:12 how much can you push your body?
00:14 How much can you take it to the next level?
00:17 - I'd be lying if I said I just wanted to feel good
00:21 on my wedding day,
00:22 but I do really wanna look good as well.
00:25 In order for me to sustain this weight that I've lost,
00:28 I have to exercise a huge amount.
00:31 - When I look on social media,
00:33 I see a lot of people and I'm like,
00:35 why can't I look like that?
00:36 - I don't truly believe anyone gets up,
00:39 goes to the gym, trains,
00:40 because they really enjoy training.
00:42 - I feel like I have to,
00:43 and I should do, rather than want to.
00:45 - Gives me energy and then it just powers me up.
00:53 - The best thing about it,
00:54 it feels like my brain is like just blank.
00:58 - It feels good and it feels,
01:00 and you feel really energetic.
01:01 - Adults take it too seriously.
01:04 - They just do, oh, one, two, three.
01:07 Kids like to get a bit more silly with it.
01:11 - When you're having fun,
01:12 you may not think it's exercise,
01:14 but it actually is,
01:15 and that's what I really love.
01:17 - It makes me feel really happy.
01:27 And that's what I really love.
01:29 - Wow.
01:31 - Yeah, sorry, I thought I didn't,
01:35 I wasn't actually expecting to feel like that.
01:37 - Yeah, you forget actually about how much
01:40 you used to move just for fun.
01:43 And they're not thinking about everybody else.
01:46 They're just thinking about what game they're playing.
01:48 - It's not about how they look.
01:50 It's not about any of those things.
01:52 (upbeat music)
01:55 (soft music)
01:57 (soft music)
01:59 (soft music)
02:02 (soft music)
02:04 (soft music)
02:07 (soft music)
02:09 (ominous music)
02:12 (farting)
