Le Baiser du vampire (The Kiss of the Vampire) est un film fantastique britannique réalisé par Don Sharp et sorti en 1963. Il est le troisième film de vampires produit par les studios Hammer Film Productions, après Le Cauchemar de Dracula (1958) et Les Maîtresses de Dracula (1960). Il met en scène le vampire Ravna.
En voyage de noces en Europe centrale, un couple de jeunes mariés, Gerald (Edward de Souza) et Marianne Harcourt (Jennifer Daniel), tombent en panne de voiture. Ils vont trouver refuge à l'hôtel le plus proche, où ils s'aperçoivent qu'ils en sont les seuls clients. Le soir, venu, ils reçoivent une invitation à dîner du docteur Ravna (Noel Willman), qui habite le château voisin. L'hôtelier (Peter Madden) leur conseille d'accepter et ils s'y rendent donc. Ravna leur présente son fils Carl (Barry Warren) et sa fille Sabena (Jacquie Wallis) mais ne leur parle pas d'une jeune fille en robe rouge, Tania (Isobel Black), qui sort peu après du château et se rend au cimetière où elle incite une fille vampire à sortir de son cercueil. Celle-ci était la fille du professeur Zimmer (Clifford Evans (en)), qui l'a mise hors d'état de nuire en lui plantant un pieu dans le cœur lors de l'enterrement.
À la suite de leur repas chez les Ravna, les Harcourt retournent à l'hôtel. Le matin suivant, Carl et Sabena arrivent à l'hôtel et invitent le jeune couple à un bal masqué qu'ils donnent au château le soir suivant. Puis, voyant le temps s'éclaircir, ils repartent en voiture à toute allure. Malgré les avertissements du professeur Zimmer, Gerald et Marianne y retournent. Ce sont Carl et Sabena qui les accueillent. À un moment, les jeunes mariés sont séparés. Carl emmène Marianne dans une chambre où elle découvre le docteur Ravna, transformé en vampire qui la mord. Complètement groggy (on a mis de la drogue dans son verre), Gerald est emmené dans une autre chambre où il tombe évanoui.
Le lendemain, Gerald redescend au rez-de-chaussée où il est mis à la porte par Carl qui lui affirme qu'il est venu seul. À l'hôtel, le propriétaire lui déclare qu'il ne connaît personne du nom de Marianne et qu'il s'est installé seul à l'hôtel. Décontenancé, Gerald fait appel au professeur Zimmer qui lui annonce que sa femme est entre les mains d'une secte de vampires, dont sa fille a été la dernière victime. Il décide alors de retourner au château afin de sauver sa femme mais il est fait prisonnier par les Ravna. Au moment où Tania va le mordre, il parvient à se délier. Survient alors Zimmer qui aide le couple à se sauver du château. Mais Marianne n'est visiblement pas dans son état normal. Elle s'enfuit subrepticement de l'hôtel et retourne vers le château.
Dans son laboratoire, Zimmer lance alors une série d'incantations. C'est alors que des milliers de chauves-souris attaquent le château et tuent les vampires en les vidant de leur sang. Marianne est sauvée.
En voyage de noces en Europe centrale, un couple de jeunes mariés, Gerald (Edward de Souza) et Marianne Harcourt (Jennifer Daniel), tombent en panne de voiture. Ils vont trouver refuge à l'hôtel le plus proche, où ils s'aperçoivent qu'ils en sont les seuls clients. Le soir, venu, ils reçoivent une invitation à dîner du docteur Ravna (Noel Willman), qui habite le château voisin. L'hôtelier (Peter Madden) leur conseille d'accepter et ils s'y rendent donc. Ravna leur présente son fils Carl (Barry Warren) et sa fille Sabena (Jacquie Wallis) mais ne leur parle pas d'une jeune fille en robe rouge, Tania (Isobel Black), qui sort peu après du château et se rend au cimetière où elle incite une fille vampire à sortir de son cercueil. Celle-ci était la fille du professeur Zimmer (Clifford Evans (en)), qui l'a mise hors d'état de nuire en lui plantant un pieu dans le cœur lors de l'enterrement.
À la suite de leur repas chez les Ravna, les Harcourt retournent à l'hôtel. Le matin suivant, Carl et Sabena arrivent à l'hôtel et invitent le jeune couple à un bal masqué qu'ils donnent au château le soir suivant. Puis, voyant le temps s'éclaircir, ils repartent en voiture à toute allure. Malgré les avertissements du professeur Zimmer, Gerald et Marianne y retournent. Ce sont Carl et Sabena qui les accueillent. À un moment, les jeunes mariés sont séparés. Carl emmène Marianne dans une chambre où elle découvre le docteur Ravna, transformé en vampire qui la mord. Complètement groggy (on a mis de la drogue dans son verre), Gerald est emmené dans une autre chambre où il tombe évanoui.
Le lendemain, Gerald redescend au rez-de-chaussée où il est mis à la porte par Carl qui lui affirme qu'il est venu seul. À l'hôtel, le propriétaire lui déclare qu'il ne connaît personne du nom de Marianne et qu'il s'est installé seul à l'hôtel. Décontenancé, Gerald fait appel au professeur Zimmer qui lui annonce que sa femme est entre les mains d'une secte de vampires, dont sa fille a été la dernière victime. Il décide alors de retourner au château afin de sauver sa femme mais il est fait prisonnier par les Ravna. Au moment où Tania va le mordre, il parvient à se délier. Survient alors Zimmer qui aide le couple à se sauver du château. Mais Marianne n'est visiblement pas dans son état normal. Elle s'enfuit subrepticement de l'hôtel et retourne vers le château.
Dans son laboratoire, Zimmer lance alors une série d'incantations. C'est alors que des milliers de chauves-souris attaquent le château et tuent les vampires en les vidant de leur sang. Marianne est sauvée.
Court métrageTranscription
00:00:00 [Bells ringing]
00:00:02 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:04 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:06 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:09 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:11 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:14 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:17 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:19 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:21 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:23 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:25 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:27 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:29 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:31 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:33 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:35 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:37 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:39 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:41 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:43 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:46 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:48 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:51 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:53 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:56 [Praying in Latin]
00:00:59 [Praying in Latin]
00:01:02 [Praying in Latin]
00:01:05 [Praying in Latin]
00:01:07 [Praying in Latin]
00:01:36 I suppose he's been drinking again.
00:01:38 He's coming here.
00:01:47 [Praying in Latin]
00:01:59 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:01 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:14 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:17 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:20 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:23 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:26 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:29 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:31 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:33 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:36 [Praying in Latin]
00:02:38 [Screaming]
00:03:03 [Screaming]
00:03:05 [Screaming]
00:03:15 [Screaming]
00:03:18 [Screaming]
00:03:21 [Screaming]
00:03:23 [Screaming]
00:03:26 [Screaming]
00:03:29 [Screaming]
00:03:32 [Screaming]
00:03:35 [Screaming]
00:03:38 [Screaming]
00:03:40 [Screaming]
00:03:43 [Screaming]
00:03:46 [Screaming]
00:03:48 [Screaming]
00:03:54 [Screaming]
00:04:05 [Screaming]
00:04:14 [Screaming]
00:04:16 [Screaming]
00:04:18 [Screaming]
00:04:20 [Screaming]
00:04:22 [Screaming]
00:04:24 [Screaming]
00:04:26 [Screaming]
00:04:29 [Music]
00:04:31 [Music]
00:04:33 [Music]
00:04:35 [Music]
00:04:47 [Music]
00:04:50 [Music]
00:04:52 [Music]
00:04:54 [Music]
00:04:56 [Music]
00:05:25 What did you say?
00:05:27 I said I think we need some petrol.
00:05:31 As I was saying, I think we need some petrol.
00:05:43 I'm sorry, it was my fault darling.
00:05:45 These roads twist so it's impossible to follow them.
00:05:47 It's not your fault.
00:05:49 I should have dipped the tank a way back.
00:05:51 [Birds chirping]
00:05:53 Burn dry.
00:06:02 I said we'd run on to see if I could get some help I'm afraid.
00:06:04 Someone had tow us.
00:06:06 Shall I come with you?
00:06:08 It'll be quicker if I go alone.
00:06:10 Alright.
00:06:12 Now you stay here in the car.
00:06:16 You'll be quite safe.
00:06:20 Gerald.
00:06:22 Try not to be long.
00:06:25 I'll try.
00:06:27 [Music]
00:06:48 [Music]
00:06:50 [Music]
00:06:53 [Music]
00:06:56 [Music]
00:06:58 [Rumbling]
00:07:25 [Rumbling]
00:07:27 [Rumbling]
00:07:41 [Rumbling]
00:07:46 [Rumbling]
00:07:48 [Rumbling]
00:07:50 [Rumbling]
00:07:52 [Rumbling]
00:07:54 [Rumbling]
00:07:56 [Rumbling]
00:07:58 [Rumbling]
00:08:00 [Rumbling]
00:08:02 [Rumbling]
00:08:04 [Rumbling]
00:08:06 Stop running.
00:08:08 Go back to your car.
00:08:10 You hear me?
00:08:12 Yes.
00:08:13 Go back to your car.
00:08:15 Go.
00:08:17 [Music]
00:08:20 [Music]
00:08:22 Gerald, I was so frightened.
00:08:29 [Rumbling]
00:08:32 [Rumbling]
00:08:34 [Rumbling]
00:08:36 [Rumbling]
00:08:38 [Rumbling]
00:08:40 [Rumbling]
00:08:42 [Rumbling]
00:09:08 Oh, don't leave it there.
00:09:10 Someone may want to come in.
00:09:12 They won't, sir.
00:09:13 Won't they?
00:09:14 No one ever comes in there, sir.
00:09:16 Why not?
00:09:17 Why not?
00:09:23 Good night, sir.
00:09:26 [Rumbling]
00:09:28 Well, what do you think, Gerald?
00:09:49 Well, I...
00:09:51 We'd better get out of the shelter.
00:09:55 [Ringing]
00:09:57 [Ringing]
00:10:05 Why can't you leave us alone?
00:10:07 We wondered if you might have a room.
00:10:10 A room?
00:10:12 You want a room?
00:10:13 Yes, for the night.
00:10:15 Oh, you're strangers then, huh?
00:10:18 Well, yes.
00:10:20 Please, please come in.
00:10:22 Come in, please.
00:10:25 Come in.
00:10:26 Oh, you're wet.
00:10:27 Oh, come in and dry yourself.
00:10:29 Anna!
00:10:32 Anna, we have people and guests.
00:10:34 Come quickly.
00:10:35 Excuse me.
00:10:38 What a night.
00:10:40 What a night.
00:10:41 You've left your horses outside?
00:10:44 We came by motor car.
00:10:45 Motor car?
00:10:46 Oh, you must be a very rich young man.
00:10:50 It's my father's car.
00:10:51 We borrowed it for our...
00:10:53 Journey.
00:10:54 Oh, so...
00:10:55 Oh, Anna.
00:10:57 Anna, look.
00:10:58 We have guests.
00:10:59 Would you show these good people a room while I get their luggage, hmm?
00:11:02 I'll get your luggage.
00:11:07 Oh, please, you'll get soaked.
00:11:08 Wait until the rain stops.
00:11:09 Oh, I have an umbrella.
00:11:11 Oh.
00:11:17 Will you sign here, please?
00:11:22 Hmm.
00:11:23 What room do you want?
00:11:31 I beg your pardon?
00:11:34 Which room?
00:11:35 They are all vacant.
00:11:38 All except one.
00:11:43 Well, nothing too expensive.
00:11:45 We still have a long way to travel.
00:11:47 Five marks?
00:11:49 Yes, that'll be fine.
00:11:51 It is the best we have.
00:11:53 This way.
00:11:56 Thank you.
00:11:57 I will bring you fresh linen and hot water.
00:12:22 Is there anything else you require?
00:12:24 Some tea, perhaps?
00:12:26 Certainly.
00:12:27 My husband will lay a fire for you.
00:12:31 Just as soon as he returns with your luggage.
00:12:34 Well.
00:12:43 Well.
00:12:44 Anna, Anna, look.
00:12:57 Look, see.
00:12:59 Look.
00:13:00 Well?
00:13:02 Anna, don't you see this is rice?
00:13:04 I found it among their luggage.
00:13:06 Anna, don't you see what this means?
00:13:08 They are just married.
00:13:10 This is their honeymoon.
00:13:12 Oh, Anna, look, we must do everything we can to make them comfortable, eh?
00:13:15 I am fetching them hot water now.
00:13:17 What more can I do?
00:13:18 Oh, Anna.
00:13:20 Anna, try to forget.
00:13:23 Please.
00:13:25 Just for tonight.
00:13:26 For their sakes.
00:13:27 Please.
00:13:30 Tea, darling.
00:13:31 Just a moment.
00:13:32 That looks good.
00:13:35 Now wait.
00:13:40 Hello.
00:13:42 What company.
00:13:44 I am not a servant.
00:13:47 I am a guest.
00:13:49 I am not a guest.
00:13:51 I am a guest.
00:13:53 I am a guest.
00:13:55 I am a guest.
00:13:58 I am a guest.
00:13:59 What is it?
00:14:23 Someone has just delivered a letter.
00:14:25 Somebody pretty important too, by the look of the carriage.
00:14:27 Oh, come here.
00:14:31 What's wrong?
00:14:32 It's your ear.
00:14:33 Stop it, darling.
00:14:35 The tea will get cold, darling.
00:14:42 I know.
00:14:44 Come in.
00:14:54 A letter for you, sir?
00:14:55 For me?
00:14:56 Well, that's impossible.
00:14:57 Oh, no.
00:14:58 It's addressed to you, the English gentleman, the Grand Hotel.
00:15:00 That's us.
00:15:01 Who can it be from?
00:15:02 Ravner.
00:15:04 Yes, that's the hair of Dr. Ravner.
00:15:06 Oh, very fine gentleman.
00:15:07 He's lived at the Chateau now for some years.
00:15:09 Is that the one we saw on the mountain back there?
00:15:12 Yes, madam.
00:15:13 He wants us to have dinner with him.
00:15:17 What?
00:15:18 That's what it says.
00:15:19 I should like to offer you my sympathy
00:15:22 and extend an invitation to dine with me tonight.
00:15:24 You will find the food at the hotel at...
00:15:26 I'll skip that bit.
00:15:28 My wife is a good woman, but a cook.
00:15:30 My carriage will call at eight,
00:15:32 which I trust will be convenient.
00:15:34 Well, what do you say?
00:15:36 I...
00:15:38 I haven't anything to wear.
00:15:39 Oh, he's forstalled you there.
00:15:41 Come just as you are.
00:15:42 We shall not be formal.
00:15:44 I think we should go.
00:15:46 Oh, you should go, madam.
00:15:48 I hear a doctor's a very charming gentleman
00:15:50 and his table is one of the best in the country.
00:15:52 It'll be an experience for you, madam.
00:15:54 Very well.
00:16:51 Good evening. Dr. Ravner is expecting us.
00:17:02 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:17:04 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:17:09 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:17:11 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:17:13 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:17:25 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:17:26 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:17:28 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:17:30 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:17:32 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:17:34 -More surprises. -Pleasant ones, I hope.
00:17:37 You expected the inside of my house to be as unattractive as the outside, is that it?
00:17:42 -Well... -If it were, I could not live here.
00:17:45 I like only to be surrounded by beautiful...
00:17:48 things.
00:17:51 And as I am fortunate enough to have the means to satisfy my wish...
00:17:54 But there I go. Please excuse my appalling manners.
00:17:59 We have so little company here that I sometimes forget how to behave.
00:18:03 My name is Ravner.
00:18:05 Gerald Harcourt. And my wife, Marianne.
00:18:08 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:18:10 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:18:12 (BIRD CHIRPS)
00:18:16 Welcome to my house.
00:18:20 It was very kind of you to invite us.
00:18:21 It was indeed.
00:18:23 I still can't quite understand how you found out about us so quickly.
00:18:26 To tell the truth, I was spying on your motorcar.
00:18:28 Such things are a rarity in these parts,
00:18:31 and when I heard the sound, I used my telescope to watch you drive by.
00:18:34 -Oh, we didn't. We broke down. -No, that is true.
00:18:37 And before I could do anything to assist you, you had taken the initiative yourself, Mr. Harcourt.
00:18:42 Now, please, come and meet the rest of my family.
00:18:45 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:18:46 (DOOR OPENS)
00:18:52 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:19:14 Oh, that was beautiful.
00:19:35 Thank you, madame.
00:19:39 And now, may I introduce my children to you?
00:19:43 -My daughter, Sabina. -How do you do?
00:19:44 -And Carl, my son. -How do you do?
00:19:46 Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt. How do you do?
00:19:48 Will you play some more for us?
00:19:50 Later, I think, Carl. After dinner.
00:20:03 Why have you not been to see us, my sweet?
00:20:19 Why have you waited so long?
00:20:22 You must know how much we have missed you.
00:20:25 You should not be lying here all alone.
00:21:22 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:21:41 A few years ago, I conducted a series of scientific experiments
00:21:50 one of which went wrong.
00:21:51 I was to blame. Of course, I made a mistake.
00:21:53 Scientists sometimes do.
00:21:55 Anyway, that is why I can never return to the city of my birth.
00:21:58 Why I live here, locked in this ornate coffin.
00:22:02 Oh, but it's beautiful here.
00:22:07 It often happens in life that the most beautiful things
00:22:09 are made from the most unpromising of materials,
00:22:11 don't you find?
00:22:13 That wine we enjoyed at dinner, you did enjoy it, I hope.
00:22:15 It was delicious.
00:22:19 Made from grapes trampled by the feet of a peasant.
00:22:20 Dirty feet is like us not.
00:22:23 -Father. -Well, it's true, isn't it?
00:22:25 That pheasant we ate, it had been hanging for five...
00:22:27 Oh, Father, please.
00:22:29 Perhaps Mrs. Hartford would like to hear you play, Karl.
00:22:48 Oh, please.
00:22:49 Something of your own, perhaps, Karl?
00:23:03 Certainly, Father.
00:23:07 Something you've composed yourself.
00:23:09 How exciting.
00:23:11 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:13 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:15 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:17 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:18 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:20 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:21 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:23 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:25 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:27 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:29 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:31 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:33 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:35 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:37 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:39 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:41 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:43 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:45 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:48 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:49 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:51 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:53 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:55 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:57 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:23:59 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:24:01 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:24:03 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:24:05 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:24:07 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:24:09 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:24:11 Thank you.
00:24:17 You have a singularly lovely wife, Mr. Harcourt.
00:24:19 Thank you.
00:26:46 -Marianne, are you feeling all right? -Please, please don't stop.
00:26:48 Father.
00:26:49 No more now.
00:26:51 I'm sorry.
00:26:55 I thought...
00:27:01 Marianne.
00:27:03 -I thought you were going to faint. -Perhaps it's too warm in here.
00:27:08 Oh, no, it's not that. It's just that she's had a rather long day.
00:27:11 -I think, if you'll excuse us. -Of course.
00:27:16 -Sabina, will you ring for the carriage? -Yes, Father.
00:27:18 You will play for me again, won't you?
00:27:27 It will be my pleasure, madame.
00:27:29 Good night, Carl.
00:27:31 What are you going to do about your motor car, Mr. Harcourt?
00:27:33 Well, we need petrol. We plan to get to Koneberg tonight. I know they keep a supply there.
00:27:37 But that's 30 miles away, and across the mountains too. You wear off your track.
00:27:42 My wife is not a very good map reader, I'm afraid.
00:27:46 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:27:47 If you don't mind staying at the hotel for another day or so, I'll gladly send over your petrol for you.
00:28:00 -Thank you very much, sir. -Not at all.
00:28:02 I'd invite you to stay here, only I'm expecting a number of guests.
00:28:05 Oh, no. The hotel will be fine, thank you, sir.
00:28:07 If the food isn't that bad.
00:28:09 It was a wonderful evening. I shall never forget it.
00:28:12 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:28:39 Why did you let her go?
00:28:55 They can't escape. Their motor has broken down. No petrol.
00:28:59 That's right.
00:29:02 They can't leave until I say so.
00:29:25 -Who's that? -Must be your other guests.
00:29:31 Oh, yes.
00:29:33 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:29:34 Come in.
00:29:39 Well, wasn't I right? You're glad you went, yes?
00:29:47 -Very glad, yes. -And the food was good, yes?
00:29:50 You're quite right. It was absolutely excellent.
00:29:52 Ah, yes. And the hair of Dr. Radner. Charming, no?
00:29:55 The landlord, Brandy.
00:29:57 Oh, well, good night, sir.
00:30:00 -Good night. -Good night, Mr. Radner.
00:30:02 -Good night. -Good night, Mrs. Hartwell.
00:30:03 -Good night. -Brandy!
00:30:05 The landlord!
00:30:07 Brandy!
00:30:09 (SOBBING)
00:30:17 (SOBBING)
00:30:19 (SOBBING)
00:30:20 (SOBBING)
00:30:45 (SOBBING)
00:30:46 (SOBBING)
00:31:11 (SOBBING)
00:31:12 Two, three...
00:31:37 Another terrible day.
00:31:40 Four, is it?
00:31:41 -Five... -Will you ever forgive me for losing the weight?
00:31:44 Six. I might. I'll see.
00:31:46 Ah.
00:31:48 Thank you.
00:31:50 Please.
00:31:59 Well...
00:32:01 Hmm?
00:32:04 Hmm.
00:32:07 (SIGHS)
00:32:08 (CLEARS THROAT)
00:32:11 Oh, I'm sorry, but the door was open.
00:32:13 Anna and I wondered whether you'd care to have breakfast with us.
00:32:16 We'd open the dining room, of course, but it's a bit damp.
00:32:19 Oh, we'd rather eat with you, wouldn't we?
00:32:21 Much rather.
00:32:23 Oh, in five or ten minutes, then, huh?
00:32:25 In ten minutes, we'll be there.
00:32:27 Or 15.
00:32:35 Anna.
00:32:36 You've laid an extra place again.
00:32:38 Oh, my dear. I've told you so many times.
00:32:41 Oh, good morning again.
00:32:44 -Good morning. -Come in, please. Come in.
00:32:46 Oh, is our fellow guest joining us for breakfast?
00:32:48 Oh, no, no, no. He never eats.
00:32:50 How does he live, then?
00:32:53 He's a bit of a glutton.
00:32:55 He's a glutton.
00:32:57 He's a glutton.
00:32:59 He's a glutton.
00:33:01 He's a glutton.
00:33:03 -How does he live, then? -On brandy and sour cream.
00:33:04 Oh.
00:33:06 Yes, yes. I agree, but...
00:33:08 This well went to your business, much good?
00:33:10 Business is never any good.
00:33:12 But surely with the magnificent views you must get from here in good weather.
00:33:16 Well, yes.
00:33:18 The road is not much used by travellers.
00:33:20 I expect your bar is well patronised in the evenings, though,
00:33:23 by the local people, the farmers.
00:33:25 It used to be.
00:33:27 Nobody comes here now.
00:33:29 Oh? Why is that?
00:33:32 Er...
00:33:33 Some bread, madame.
00:33:35 Thank you.
00:33:37 Thank you.
00:33:38 [clinking]
00:33:39 [music]
00:33:45 [music]
00:33:46 [music]
00:33:48 [music]
00:33:49 [music]
00:33:51 [music]
00:33:53 [music]
00:33:55 [music]
00:33:57 [music]
00:33:59 [music]
00:34:01 [music]
00:34:03 [music]
00:34:05 [music]
00:34:07 [music]
00:34:09 [music]
00:34:11 [music]
00:34:13 [music]
00:34:16 [music]
00:34:17 [music]
00:34:19 [music]
00:34:21 [music]
00:34:23 [music]
00:34:25 [music]
00:34:27 [music]
00:34:29 [music]
00:34:31 [music]
00:34:33 [music]
00:34:35 [music]
00:34:37 [music]
00:34:39 [music]
00:34:41 You frightened the life out of me.
00:34:43 Here, look at this.
00:34:45 [music]
00:34:46 [music]
00:34:48 [music]
00:34:50 [music]
00:34:52 [music]
00:34:54 [music]
00:34:56 Tanya, age 14.
00:34:58 [music]
00:35:00 She's awfully like Anna, isn't she?
00:35:02 Why does she hide it away?
00:35:05 Why does she lay a place for someone who never meets?
00:35:08 Shh!
00:35:10 That'll be our fellow lodger.
00:35:11 I think I'll have a word with him.
00:35:14 [footsteps]
00:35:15 Good morning.
00:35:31 Here's Zimmer, isn't it?
00:35:33 Professor Zimmer.
00:35:34 My name's Harcourt. We're fellow guests.
00:35:35 When are you leaving?
00:35:37 In a day or two.
00:35:38 Good.
00:35:39 Why do you want us out of the way?
00:35:40 Look.
00:35:43 What's all the mystery?
00:35:44 What mystery?
00:35:46 This hotel.
00:35:48 Why does no one ever come here?
00:35:49 Excuse me, I have work to do.
00:35:51 Please. I'm only asking for information.
00:35:53 I advise you to ask no questions of anyone in this region.
00:35:56 [footsteps]
00:36:00 Well, that puts me in my place.
00:36:03 [music]
00:36:12 [car engine]
00:36:13 Karl!
00:36:27 How nice to see you.
00:36:28 Is your sister with you?
00:36:30 Yes. She's in the coach, but we can't stay.
00:36:31 Oh, but you must.
00:36:33 I know Marianne will be delighted to see you.
00:36:34 I'll call her.
00:36:35 We can't stay long.
00:36:38 Look, the weather's changing.
00:36:41 Marianne, come and look who's here.
00:36:42 Come in, come in.
00:36:44 Now, let me offer you some refreshment.
00:36:46 Mr. Bainer, this is a lovely surprise.
00:36:48 I'll call the landlord.
00:36:50 I don't suppose he has any champagne?
00:36:51 No, please. We have the time.
00:36:52 I bring news of the petrol for your motor car.
00:36:54 My father has confirmed that there is a supply in Kornerberg.
00:36:57 Oh, excellent.
00:36:59 It will take a little time.
00:37:00 We had to send an ox cart for it.
00:37:01 They are not so fast as motor cars.
00:37:03 But more reliable.
00:37:05 It will not be here till Sunday, I'm afraid.
00:37:06 Oh.
00:37:08 In the meantime, I'll be in the hotel.
00:37:09 In the meantime,
00:37:10 my father asks if you'll do him the honor of attending a party
00:37:13 he is giving on Saturday night.
00:37:15 Oh, please say you'll come.
00:37:17 The other guests will be so darn...
00:37:19 There'll be music.
00:37:20 And dancing.
00:37:21 It'll be a good party.
00:37:22 Please say yes.
00:37:23 Won't it be very formal?
00:37:25 I know exactly what she's going to say.
00:37:26 I haven't got a thing to wear.
00:37:27 And in this case, it applies to me, too.
00:37:29 If you will not consider it impertinent of me to offer,
00:37:31 I have a dress suit I could lend you, Geron.
00:37:34 And I have the most heavenly dress.
00:37:36 It's red chiffon and lace.
00:37:38 And I'll send you my red velvet cloak to match.
00:37:39 Oh, it'll look wonderful on you, Marianne.
00:37:41 Oh, please, say yes.
00:37:43 Then, yes.
00:37:45 Oh, I'm so glad.
00:37:47 But I'm coming, too.
00:37:49 Oh.
00:37:51 Tell us some more about the party.
00:37:52 Well, a chef is coming from Paris just to prepare the buffet.
00:37:54 Oh, how wonderful.
00:37:56 And an orchestra is coming from Vienna.
00:37:59 Good morning.
00:38:00 The weather seems to be improving.
00:38:02 It's getting a little brighter, I think.
00:38:06 Please excuse us.
00:38:09 Drive on.
00:38:10 Drive like the devil.
00:38:13 [music playing]
00:38:15 [music playing]
00:38:17 [music playing]
00:38:18 [music playing]
00:38:20 [music playing]
00:38:22 [music playing]
00:38:24 [music playing]
00:38:26 [music playing]
00:38:28 [music playing]
00:38:30 [music playing]
00:38:32 [music playing]
00:38:34 [music playing]
00:38:36 [music playing]
00:38:38 [music playing]
00:38:40 [music playing]
00:38:42 [music playing]
00:38:45 [music playing]
00:38:46 [music playing]
00:38:48 [music playing]
00:38:50 [music playing]
00:38:52 How is it, Bruno?
00:39:00 Oh, perfect, sir, perfect, but one little touch.
00:39:02 Thank you, Bruno.
00:39:04 Now, who's that handsome man?
00:39:06 Darling.
00:39:10 Is that all?
00:39:12 Oh, I'm speechless.
00:39:15 You look terrific.
00:39:16 Thank you.
00:39:18 Oh, madame, may I add my congratulations.
00:39:20 You look enchanting.
00:39:22 And thank you, Bruno.
00:39:24 Fits perfectly.
00:39:26 Well, that's thanks to Anna.
00:39:28 She's worked wonders.
00:39:30 Thank you, Anna, dear.
00:39:32 Anna, you're crying.
00:39:35 Oh, my darling.
00:39:39 Would you care for a drink?
00:39:43 Would you care for a drink, sir, in the bar?
00:39:44 Hmm?
00:39:46 Oh, good idea, Bruno.
00:39:48 Anna, did you once have a daughter of your own?
00:39:56 Why do you say that?
00:40:00 It's not true.
00:40:03 Why do you say it?
00:40:05 I'm sorry, I only--
00:40:09 (carriage rattling)
00:40:10 That was a carriage, madame.
00:40:37 (footsteps tapping)
00:40:38 You look marvelous, darling.
00:40:50 (coins clinking)
00:40:58 (chickens clucking)
00:41:03 (horse whinnies)
00:41:04 Madame.
00:41:07 Madame.
00:41:10 I beg of you, be careful.
00:41:12 What are you talking about?
00:41:15 In God's name, be careful.
00:41:17 (horse whinnies)
00:41:20 (horse snorts)
00:41:22 (horse whinnies)
00:41:25 (horse snorts)
00:41:28 (horse whinnies)
00:41:30 (coins clinking)
00:41:31 What do you think he meant, Gerald?
00:41:39 Don't worry, darling, he's been drinking.
00:41:41 (carriage rattling)
00:41:46 (water splashing)
00:41:47 (water splashing)
00:42:12 (water splashing)
00:42:13 (water splashing)
00:42:27 (people chattering)
00:42:31 (people chattering)
00:42:32 (dramatic music)
00:42:52 (people chattering)
00:42:53 (people chattering)
00:42:54 (people chattering)
00:42:56 (people chattering)
00:42:57 (people chattering)
00:42:59 (people chattering)
00:43:01 (people chattering)
00:43:03 (people chattering)
00:43:05 (people chattering)
00:43:07 (people chattering)
00:43:09 (people chattering)
00:43:11 (people chattering)
00:43:13 (people chattering)
00:43:15 (people chattering)
00:43:17 (people chattering)
00:43:19 (people chattering)
00:43:21 (people chattering)
00:43:24 (people chattering)
00:43:25 (people chattering)
00:43:27 Marianne, let me look at you.
00:43:29 Oh, it fits perfectly and looks enchanting.
00:43:31 Welcome to you both.
00:43:35 Karl.
00:43:37 (laughing)
00:43:38 I've sent for your masks.
00:43:39 Though in your case, Marianne, it will be a desecration.
00:43:41 But in mine, an improvement.
00:43:43 Is that what you mean?
00:43:44 You know I did not mean that.
00:43:45 Ah.
00:43:47 Will you permit me?
00:43:49 Oh, well, I think it is an improvement.
00:43:53 (laughing)
00:43:54 Now, would you care for some champagne
00:43:57 or would you like to dance?
00:43:59 Oh, I'd love to dance.
00:44:00 Oh, champagne for me.
00:44:01 In that case, may I?
00:44:03 (dramatic music)
00:44:06 (dramatic music)
00:44:07 (dramatic music)
00:44:09 (dramatic music)
00:44:10 (dramatic music)
00:44:12 (dramatic music)
00:44:14 (dramatic music)
00:44:16 (dramatic music)
00:44:18 (dramatic music)
00:44:20 (dramatic music)
00:44:22 (dramatic music)
00:44:24 (dramatic music)
00:44:26 (dramatic music)
00:44:28 (dramatic music)
00:44:30 (dramatic music)
00:44:32 (dramatic music)
00:44:34 (dramatic music)
00:44:37 [THEME MUSIC]
00:44:40 [THEME MUSIC]
00:44:43 [THEME MUSIC]
00:44:48 [THEME MUSIC]
00:44:51 [THEME MUSIC]
00:44:55 [THEME MUSIC]
00:44:58 [THEME MUSIC]
00:45:27 [APPLAUSE]
00:45:30 God, I really must have a rest.
00:45:32 More champagne.
00:45:33 I couldn't.
00:45:34 I feel quite dizzy as it is.
00:45:37 I wonder where Gerald is.
00:45:39 You're hungry, I expect.
00:45:40 Let me get you some supper.
00:45:41 No, I really must find Gerald.
00:45:43 I'll find him for you.
00:45:43 Would you see that Mrs. Harcourt gets some supper?
00:45:50 I won't be a moment.
00:45:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:45:54 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:45:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:46:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:46:30 Gerald.
00:46:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:46:35 Gerald, where are we going?
00:46:51 Gerald, is this a joke?
00:46:56 What is it?
00:46:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:47:01 I don't believe you are joking.
00:47:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:47:13 Car!
00:47:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:47:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:47:23 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:47:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:47:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:47:46 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:47:50 [GUN COCKS]
00:48:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:48:11 [SCREAMING]
00:48:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:48:17 [SCREAMING]
00:48:21 Stop.
00:48:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:48:24 One for Marianne.
00:48:25 Where is she, by the way?
00:48:27 I don't know.
00:48:28 Maybe she's in the bar with that brother of yours.
00:48:31 Come on.
00:48:32 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:48:35 [CRYING]
00:48:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:48:44 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:48:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:48:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:48:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:49:02 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:49:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:49:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:49:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:49:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:49:45 [SCREAMING]
00:50:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:50:14 Where else do you think she could be, Savannah?
00:50:15 I heard she's got a powder hello.
00:50:17 Ah, you bet it.
00:50:18 Ha, gobbler powder on notes.
00:50:21 Why not have another glass of champagne, my friend?
00:50:24 Oh, an extraordinarily good idea.
00:50:27 Please fetch a special glass of champagne for my friend.
00:50:31 A special glass?
00:50:32 That sounds good.
00:50:33 What about a special glass for you?
00:50:35 Later.
00:50:36 Oh.
00:50:40 So is all.
00:50:41 Mm, delicious.
00:50:47 Ah, perhaps Marianne went outside.
00:50:49 Oh.
00:50:57 Oh.
00:50:58 Well, I don't feel very well.
00:51:03 Perhaps you've had a little too much to drink.
00:51:05 A little?
00:51:07 I don't like a lot.
00:51:08 Come upstairs and have a rest.
00:51:10 You'll feel better after.
00:51:12 Oh, dear.
00:51:14 You're not trying to leave me a stare, are you?
00:51:16 Because I'm a respectable Marianne.
00:51:18 [CHUCKLING]
00:51:37 [CHUCKLING]
00:51:39 Is that your room?
00:51:43 Very pretty.
00:51:45 After you.
00:51:47 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:51:51 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:51:54 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:51:58 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:52:01 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:52:04 [DOOR OPENS]
00:52:30 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:52:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:52:47 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:52:50 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:52:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:52:56 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:53:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:17 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:53:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:24 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:53:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:33 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:53:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:39 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:53:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:45 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:53:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:54 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:53:57 Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce a new disciple.
00:54:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:54:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:54:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:54:10 [BIRD CHIRPING]
00:54:16 [BIRD CHIRPING]
00:54:19 [BIRD CHIRPING]
00:54:32 [BIRD CHIRPING]
00:54:36 [BIRD CHIRPING]
00:54:45 What's happened to the party?
00:54:46 Marianne?
00:54:51 Carl, thank goodness.
00:54:57 What do you want?
00:54:59 What do I want?
00:55:00 What do you mean, what I want?
00:55:01 I want Marianne.
00:55:03 I don't know what you're talking about.
00:55:06 Look, if this is a joke, I'm terribly sorry.
00:55:09 This is no joke.
00:55:10 You come here, get drunk, have to sleep it off.
00:55:14 And now you say you want someone called Marianne.
00:55:17 Well, I do want her.
00:55:18 She's my-- what do you mean, someone called Marianne?
00:55:22 You know who she is.
00:55:24 I do not know.
00:55:25 What?
00:55:31 You came here alone.
00:55:34 And you can leave that way.
00:55:36 [BELL RINGING]
00:55:38 I-- I came here alone.
00:55:42 Precisely.
00:55:43 And I'm going to regret that we ever invited you.
00:55:46 Hans, show this gentleman out, will you?
00:55:48 Yes, sir.
00:55:49 You saw me come here with my wife, didn't you?
00:56:00 The lady with the red dress and the red cloak.
00:56:03 Will you open the door for us?
00:56:05 You came alone, sir.
00:56:08 But--
00:56:09 [BIRD CHIRPING]
00:56:13 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:56:16 Karl?
00:56:19 What's all this about?
00:56:24 Hans.
00:56:25 If you keep away from here, we'll set the dogs on you.
00:56:39 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:56:45 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:56:48 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:57:04 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:57:08 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:57:34 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:57:37 [MUMBLING]
00:58:02 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:58:05 Marianne?
00:58:10 Bruno?
00:58:19 Stop.
00:58:28 Stop.
00:58:30 [PANTING]
00:58:33 Bruno!
00:58:36 Bruno!
00:58:40 My wife.
00:58:44 Has she come back?
00:58:45 What wife, sir?
00:58:49 My wife, you old fool!
00:58:56 You know what I'm talking about!
00:58:58 Don't, sir.
00:58:59 Who do you think all these clothes belong to, then?
00:59:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:59:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:59:15 What have you done with her?
00:59:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:59:40 What have you done with her things?
00:59:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:59:48 Dear God!
01:00:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:00:07 I understand you wish me to issue a warrant, sir.
01:00:10 Is that correct?
01:00:11 Yes.
01:00:12 Against Herr Dr. Ravner and his family of the Chateau Ravner?
01:00:17 Yes.
01:00:18 The most important residence in the district.
01:00:20 No doubt.
01:00:21 You realize, sir, that Herr Dr. Ravner is
01:00:23 the most respected of gentlemen?
01:00:25 What has that got to do with it?
01:00:27 It has a great deal to do with it, young sir.
01:00:31 You arrive here, a stranger, a foreigner, in fact.
01:00:35 You are here for less than a week.
01:00:37 When you start accusing one of our leading citizens
01:00:39 of abducting the lady you say is your wife.
01:00:42 She is my wife.
01:00:44 The landlord says you came here alone, sir.
01:00:46 I have it here.
01:00:47 Now what does his wife say?
01:00:49 She is a strange woman, sir.
01:00:51 She refuses to say anything.
01:00:53 I think she's a little--
01:00:56 Look, I didn't come here alone.
01:00:59 I came here with Mrs. Harcourt, my wife.
01:01:02 Can you prove that, sir?
01:01:03 I mean, for instance, where are her personal belongings?
01:01:06 Her clothes?
01:01:07 They've disappeared.
01:01:08 Disappeared, sir?
01:01:09 Yes, disappeared.
01:01:10 Or stolen, if you like.
01:01:11 So you wish me to make out a warrant against the thief, sir?
01:01:14 No, I don't.
01:01:15 I only want--
01:01:16 The register.
01:01:17 There's nothing there, sir.
01:01:24 Professor Zimmer, please help me.
01:01:26 My wife, she's disappeared.
01:01:28 I know.
01:01:29 She's been kept in the chateau.
01:01:32 Thank God.
01:01:36 Thank God you know where she is.
01:01:39 Are you a religious man?
01:01:41 Not very.
01:01:42 Do you believe in God?
01:01:43 Yes.
01:01:44 And the devil?
01:01:45 Oh, not the horn-headed, long-tailed devil of the picture books.
01:01:48 I mean, the real devil, the force of fundamental evil.
01:01:52 He exists?
01:01:53 Yes.
01:01:54 He's a man of the devil.
01:01:55 He's a man of the devil.
01:01:56 He's a man of the devil.
01:01:57 He's a man of the devil.
01:01:58 He's a man of the devil.
01:01:59 He's a man of the devil.
01:02:00 He's a man of the devil.
01:02:01 He's a man of the devil.
01:02:02 He's a man of the devil.
01:02:03 He's a man of the devil.
01:02:04 He's a man of the devil.
01:02:05 He's a man of the devil.
01:02:06 He's a man of the devil.
01:02:07 He exists, you know.
01:02:09 I suppose he does.
01:02:11 I never really thought about it.
01:02:13 The corruption of human beings by the devil can take many forms,
01:02:16 some of them so foul as to be beyond human belief.
01:02:18 But because they are beyond belief doesn't mean they don't exist.
01:02:23 Do you know what a vampire is?
01:02:25 Yes.
01:02:26 I've heard of vampire bats.
01:02:28 No, not bats.
01:02:29 Vampires.
01:02:30 Human vampires.
01:02:31 Beings who exist on the blood of other humans.
01:02:36 When the devil attacks a man or woman with this foul disease of the vampire,
01:02:40 the unfortunate human being can do one of two things.
01:02:43 Either he can seek God through the church and pray for absolution,
01:02:47 or he can persuade himself that his filthy perversion is some kind of new and wonderful experience
01:02:53 to be shared by the favored few.
01:02:56 Then he tries to persuade others to join his new cult.
01:03:01 I had a daughter.
01:03:07 She was all I had in the world.
01:03:11 I idolized her.
01:03:15 But she was very young.
01:03:18 She ran away from home.
01:03:20 Ran away to the city.
01:03:24 She drifted in with the so-called smart set,
01:03:28 and finally she was living with a certain man.
01:03:32 She came home eventually.
01:03:35 What was left of her came home.
01:03:39 She was riddled with disease.
01:03:44 And she was a vampire.
01:03:48 They even tried to follow her beyond the grave.
01:03:51 Thank God I was in time.
01:03:53 Her soul now rests in peace.
01:03:56 The name of the man who corrupted my daughter was Ravner.
01:04:02 My God! And Marianne is with him!
01:04:05 I must go there!
01:04:07 No, no! No, not now!
01:04:08 Yes, now! Now!
01:04:09 No, no! Come here!
01:04:11 Look! Look! The sun!
01:04:14 The one thing a vampire can't tolerate.
01:04:17 Now your wife is safe until nightfall.
01:04:19 And then I shall do what I have to do.
01:04:23 You, my friend, will remain here.
01:04:27 - What did you put in my... - I've given you a drug.
01:04:30 It'll make you sleep.
01:04:34 It'll help to bring back your strength.
01:04:38 You'll need it before the night is out.
01:04:43 Zimmer!
01:04:47 Zimmer!
01:04:51 Zimmer!
01:04:54 Zimmer!
01:04:57 Zimmer!
01:05:01 (Door opens)
01:05:04 (Glass shatters)
01:05:21 (Glass shatters)
01:05:48 Tania.
01:05:51 Please, listen to me. I need help, and I think you can help me.
01:05:55 Your name is Tania, isn't it?
01:05:57 And your father is her Bruno, isn't he?
01:06:01 Tania, my wife is here somewhere.
01:06:07 They've taken her, too.
01:06:09 Do you know where she is?
01:06:13 Yes.
01:06:16 Will you take me to her, Tania?
01:06:19 I realize this may be very dangerous for you,
01:06:21 but I promise I will give up my own life
01:06:24 rather than let any further harm come to you.
01:06:26 Please, Tania.
01:06:29 Please.
01:06:31 Take me to her.
01:06:35 (Footsteps)
01:06:40 (Footsteps)
01:06:44 (Footsteps)
01:07:12 (Footsteps)
01:07:15 I understood my son told you not to come here again, Mr. Harcourt.
01:07:32 Where is she?
01:07:35 What are you going to do about it, Mr. Harcourt?
01:07:40 You must not expect your Queensbury rules here, Mr. Harcourt.
01:07:45 Now, about your wife.
01:07:59 Please, let me say it for you.
01:08:02 If you have so much as harmed one hair of her head, is that how it goes?
01:08:06 Now, about your lovely young wife, Mr. Harcourt,
01:08:11 I expect that you would like to see her.
01:08:15 Sabina, will you be so kind as to go and waken her and bring her here?
01:08:19 I will not say that she has not changed in any way, Mr. Harcourt.
01:08:27 She has, as you might put it, grown up,
01:08:31 tasted the more sophisticated, more exotic fruits of life.
01:08:36 Oh, my God!
01:08:39 God is hardly involved, Mr. Harcourt.
01:08:41 Furthermore, having glimpsed these new horizons,
01:08:44 I very much doubt if she will express any desire to return with you to England.
01:08:48 (Door opens)
01:08:52 (Footsteps)
01:08:55 Marianne!
01:09:05 Marianne, your husband is here.
01:09:14 Don't you want to see him?
01:09:16 No, I only want to see you.
01:09:19 You've hypnotized her.
01:09:21 She's in a trance.
01:09:23 Marianne, take your eyes away from him!
01:09:26 Look at me, Marianne!
01:09:28 For God's sake, look at me!
01:09:31 Do you love him, Marianne?
01:09:34 No, I love you.
01:09:36 Don't you want him any more?
01:09:38 No, I want only you.
01:09:40 Prove to me that you do not love him.
01:09:45 (Footsteps)
01:09:48 Well done, my dear.
01:10:01 Sit down.
01:10:10 Tanya?
01:10:14 I want you to...
01:10:16 initiate Mr. Harcourt into our society.
01:10:20 Do you understand what I mean?
01:10:25 (Music)
01:10:32 (Music)
01:10:35 (Screams)
01:11:00 (Music)
01:11:03 Go on, Tanya.
01:11:07 (Screams)
01:11:18 Wipe it off!
01:11:21 (Groans)
01:11:27 (Music)
01:11:30 We've got to get rid of the big servant.
01:11:47 The others can't do anything without him.
01:11:50 (Music)
01:11:53 (Music)
01:11:56 (Music)
01:12:07 (Music)
01:12:10 (Music)
01:12:24 (Coughs)
01:12:34 (Music)
01:12:37 (Music)
01:12:49 (Screams)
01:12:55 (Music)
01:12:59 (Music)
01:13:02 (Door closes)
01:13:20 (Footsteps)
01:13:23 Bruno?
01:13:32 Bruno, come in here.
01:13:35 Did you hear what I said?
01:13:37 Come on. What are you frightened of?
01:13:40 You know the priest, Father Xavier?
01:13:46 Well? Yes.
01:13:49 I'm taking this.
01:13:51 Now?
01:13:53 Now.
01:13:56 Well? What are you waiting for?
01:14:00 I can't.
01:14:02 What are you frightened of? Hmm?
01:14:04 I can't tell you, Father.
01:14:06 Then I'll tell you. It's Raven, isn't it?
01:14:08 No. No.
01:14:10 You're afraid of what he may do to your daughter.
01:14:13 You know. He's up there in the shadows.
01:14:17 He's up there in the shadows with him, aren't you?
01:14:20 He... He told me last night.
01:14:23 Do you want the same thing to happen to her?
01:14:37 No.
01:14:40 No.
01:14:42 Then take that message.
01:14:44 Why don't I go? No. It'll be quicker.
01:14:46 The moon will soon be rising.
01:14:48 Tonight is going to be a full moon. Come on. You've got work to do.
01:14:52 I've been planning this night ever since I traced Raven to the chateau.
01:15:01 On these medieval old books I've pieced together the details of a ceremony.
01:15:05 A ceremony to be performed when the moon is full...
01:15:08 and Capricorn in conjunction with Saturn, as it is tonight.
01:15:12 - What ceremony? - A ceremony known as Corpus Diabolo Levitum.
01:15:16 The evocation of the forces of evil. It is a way of forcing evil to destroy itself.
01:15:20 Raven and all his acolytes are trapped in the chateau.
01:15:23 Tonight I shall destroy them all.
01:15:25 - When they've gone away, by now? - No, not now.
01:15:27 I've sealed all the entrances of the chateau with a distillation of garlic.
01:15:31 No vampire will pass that.
01:15:33 Well? What does he say?
01:15:39 What does the master say we should do?
01:15:42 - You are to remain calm. - Remain calm?
01:15:45 - How can we remain calm? - We're trapped in here!
01:15:47 - We demand to see him! - We demand to see him!
01:15:51 No, you don't. You're not leaving until you promise to bring him here to us.
01:15:55 - Where is he? - Where is he?
01:15:57 Well?
01:16:09 - We want to know the truth. - Why are we trapped here?
01:16:12 - What's this force that's preventing us? - Why are we here?
01:16:14 - It's dangerous. - There's many things.
01:16:16 Yes, you are. They are trying to destroy us.
01:16:22 - Then what are you going to do? - You must save us!
01:16:24 - You must save us! - You must save us!
01:16:26 - Trust me! - You must save us!
01:16:28 - You must save us! - Tell us what you're going to do!
01:16:31 They came here tonight to take the girl away because they did not want to risk her life
01:16:35 while they were trying to destroy us.
01:16:38 She was our protection then.
01:16:42 She must come back and protect us again.
01:16:47 I start by drawing a simple circle,
01:16:58 inside which I shall inscribe the great pentacle of Solomon.
01:17:01 Like this.
01:17:04 I leave a space there so that I can enter later.
01:17:08 And now...
01:17:11 I leave a space there so that I can enter later.
01:17:13 This will protect us during the ceremony.
01:17:38 The sword, the ring, the liquid and the horn.
01:17:42 The ring, the sword, the liquid and the horn.
01:17:50 The sword, the liquid and the horn.
01:17:54 The sword, the liquid and the horn.
01:17:57 Hello?
01:18:23 The first incantation.
01:18:52 I, Zaki Abati-Kaila,
01:18:55 I pray you, without harm done to my person or my companion,
01:19:00 in the name of your master and mine,
01:19:03 by the four words of the great god Agla, said with his own mouth,
01:19:08 by the nine heavens in which you dwell,
01:19:11 by the strength of the sun and the moon,
01:19:14 and by the power of fire and water.
01:19:17 I, Zaki Abati-Kaila,
01:19:20 I pray you, without harm done to my person or my companion,
01:19:24 by the four words of the great god Agla,
01:19:27 said with his own mouth,
01:19:30 by the nine heavens in which you dwell,
01:19:33 by the strength of the sun and the moon,
01:19:36 and by the power of fire and water.
01:19:39 (Music)
01:19:49 Girl is coming.
01:19:51 (Music)
01:20:06 (Speaking in foreign language)
01:20:18 I conjure thee, in the name of the great god Alpha,
01:20:23 in the name of the mighty Beelzebub,
01:20:26 appear!
01:20:30 (Sound of a jet engine)
01:20:55 (Sound of a jet engine)
01:21:15 (Sound of a jet engine)
01:21:44 It worked.
01:21:46 (Sound of a jet engine)
01:21:48 Look! Look!
01:21:50 (Sound of a jet engine)
01:21:55 (Sound of a jet engine)
01:22:20 (Screaming)
01:22:26 (Speaking in foreign language)
01:22:32 (Sound of a jet engine)
01:22:49 (Sound of a jet engine)
01:22:59 (Screaming)
01:23:11 (Sound of a jet engine)
01:23:30 Gerald.
01:23:32 (Music)
01:23:43 (Sound of a jet engine)