FTS 20:30 21-03: Venezuela passes draft law over Guayana Esequiba

  • 6 months ago
Brazilian President Lula da Silva launches "Living Black Youth" Plan. // Venezuela passes draft organic law over Guayana Esequiba. // More than 200,000 children could die from malnutrition in Sudan. teleSUR

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00:03 In Venezuela, the National Assembly
00:12 approved the draft organic law for the defense
00:15 of the Guyanese Akiva during the second discussion.
00:18 Brazilian President Vicencio Lula da Silva
00:23 presented on Thursday the Life Black Youth Plan,
00:26 which seeks to support the country's black youth
00:29 and address the social injustices faced
00:31 by this sector.
00:32 And in Sudan, around 200,000 children
00:39 could die of malnutrition due to the war that started last year,
00:43 according to estimations.
00:44 Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:50 I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telesur Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:53 We begin with the news.
00:55 In Venezuela, the National Assembly
00:57 approved the draft organic law for the defense
01:00 of the Guyanese Akiva during the second discussion.
01:03 During the session, deputies highlighted the content
01:06 of the legal document that claims the sovereign defense
01:10 of the Venezuelan territory.
01:12 During his presentation, Deputy DĂ­ez Dal
01:14 Cabello explained the journey that
01:16 involved the territorial defense and the controversy
01:19 with the arbitration award and a popular consultation.
01:23 Cabello emphasized that the approval of the defense
01:26 law by Guyana's Akiva complies with the mandate dictated
01:30 by the people last December 8th in a consultative referendum.
01:33 As of January 9, the approval of the first articles began.
01:46 It was a very broad consultation throughout the national
01:49 territory.
01:51 All states of Venezuela participated
01:55 for a total of more than 200 consultations
01:59 throughout the country.
02:01 Opinions, observations, and recommendations
02:07 were gathered from the different sectors.
02:10 A law that I believe complies perfectly
02:14 with the spirit approved by the sovereign people
02:19 in the referendum on the issue of the Guyana Akiva, which
02:26 I would like to remind you had five questions.
02:29 For his part, the president of the National Assembly
02:35 of Venezuela, Jorge RodrĂ­guez, assured
02:37 that the organic law is already submitted
02:40 to the constitutional chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.
02:43 We declare approved the organic law
02:47 for the defense of the Guyana Akiva.
02:51 It is submitted to the constitutional chamber
02:53 of the Supreme Court of Justice so
02:57 that it should rule on the constitutionality
02:59 of its organic nature in accordance
03:01 with the provision of Article 203
03:04 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic
03:06 of Venezuela.
03:08 We kept our promise with the people of Venezuela,
03:13 who came out massively to say yes five times.
03:17 On December 3, 2023, we kept our promise
03:23 with the Venezuelan people.
03:27 In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro
03:29 received Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero
03:31 Cruz at the Miraflores Palace.
03:33 The visit of the Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz,
03:36 was carried out with the objective
03:38 of strengthening ties of friendship and brotherhood.
03:41 And at the same time, reaffirming the cooperation
03:44 agenda between both countries.
03:46 During his stay in Venezuela, the Cuban prime minister
03:50 will hold meetings with several authorities of the country
03:53 with the purpose of evaluating the integral agreement
03:56 between the two nations.
03:58 Likewise, both governments will evaluate the challenges
04:01 of the coming years and will deepen the current policy.
04:10 In Paraguay, indigenous people and women
04:12 will lead the 30th Indigenous and Popular March
04:15 in the capital city of AsunciĂłn of March 20th and the 21st,
04:19 2024.
04:20 The National Farmer Federation has called this march
04:24 under the slogan for land and production
04:26 against all injustices.
04:28 Among the demands of the protesters
04:30 are the concern that the lack of concrete actions on issues
04:33 affecting the agricultural production sector.
04:36 The demonstrations will start as farmers
04:39 and indigenous people will settle
04:41 in the headquarters of the former Metropolitan Seminary
04:44 as a meeting point.
04:45 On Thursday night, the protest will
04:48 be taken from the streets to the front of the National Congress.
04:51 Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
04:59 presented a plan with racial equality policies
05:03 in the administrative district of Ceilândia
05:06 to improve the living conditions of the black population
05:09 in the country.
05:10 The head of state presented the Living Black Youth Initiative,
05:14 promoted mainly by the Ministry of Racial Equality
05:17 and the General Secretariat of the Presidency.
05:20 The document presented lists 43 goals and 217 concrete measures
05:25 agreed with the different ministries
05:28 to reduce the lethality and vulnerability that plague
05:32 the young black population.
05:34 During his speech, the Brazilian head of state
05:36 urged young blacks to work for their dreams
05:39 and to fight for their convictions
05:41 without forgetting their roots and their families.
05:43 And from Cuba, the ex-account of the Presidency of the Republic
05:52 announced the birth of a new space for communication, which
05:56 will be hosted by President Miguel DĂ­az-Canel to address
05:59 the country's news and issues.
06:01 From the Presidency is the name given to the YouTube channel,
06:05 and in its first episode, the head of state
06:07 commented on the events of last Sunday, March 17,
06:11 when citizens from some localities of the country
06:14 took to the streets to protest against the long blackouts
06:17 and delays in the delivery of the standard family basket.
06:21 Far-right-wing news media and US politicians
06:25 took advantage of these events to motivate a social outbreak
06:29 on the island.
06:30 Alongside the Minister of Energy, Vicente de la O. Levi,
06:34 DĂ­az-Canel analyzed the current energy situation in the country
06:38 and the prospects for a short and medium-term solution.
06:41 Precisely, the Cuban leader, in his first program
06:48 on the digital platform YouTube, reiterated
06:51 that his government involves the Cuban people
06:54 in every decision taken.
06:55 The decisions that are taken in Cuba
06:59 are made considering the opinion of the population,
07:02 the analysis of the population.
07:04 The most complex processes in our country
07:06 are submitted to popular debate.
07:07 Right now, we are starting with the priorities
07:09 that we have set for this year.
07:11 We are in four discussion processes
07:13 that began with the party militancy
07:15 and that are going to include the population
07:17 and the communities on the importance of strengthening
07:20 unity based on the statements and the call
07:23 by the General of the Army in his speech for the 65th
07:25 anniversary of the triumph of the revolution in Santiago
07:28 de Cuba on the economic measures announced by Prime Minister
07:32 Marrero at the National Assembly of the People's Power
07:35 and which have already begun to be applied with all
07:37 the methodology we have proposed,
07:40 with all the philosophy, when the conditions are created,
07:43 when the compensation measures are in place for those
07:45 who may be most affected.
07:48 The Cuban president also stressed
07:50 that behind the alleged demonstrations of March 17,
07:53 there is an orchestrated operation
07:55 from the United States that seeks to destabilize order
07:58 in the nation.
07:59 We are not naive.
08:00 Here, there was also an operation
08:02 of unconventional warfare, and they
08:04 applied the same script they always apply,
08:06 and the script was predetermined.
08:08 They focused on peaceful demonstrations.
08:11 After the peaceful demonstration,
08:13 they begin to talk about police repression,
08:15 about political prisoners.
08:18 After the political prisoners, they
08:19 begin to say that there is ungovernability
08:24 and that it is a failed state.
08:25 And after that, they begin to say
08:27 that it is a failed state, and after that, they
08:29 begin to talk about a change of government.
08:33 All a falsehood, a whole set-up, a whole conspiracy
08:37 that responds to the manuals of unconventional warfare.
08:41 On the other hand, TĂ­a Escanel assured
08:43 that only a socialist system, such as the one that exists
08:46 in Cuba, has the commitment to solve
08:49 the problems of the people.
08:50 The enemy wants to see us in confrontation.
08:56 He's not interested in solving Cuba's problems.
08:59 If the enemy were to intervene in Cuba and take over Cuba,
09:03 which they could never do, and we know why,
09:05 and that's Maceo's phrase, they would not
09:10 solve the problems of electricity,
09:12 nor would they solve food problems,
09:13 because the logic of capital does not
09:15 solve these types of problems.
09:16 In this context, Cuban President Miguel DĂ­az-Canel
09:22 visited Thursday several communities and places
09:24 of economic interest in the eastern provinces of Guantánamo
09:28 and Santiago de Cuba.
09:30 Hundreds of people lined in the streets of the communities
09:33 to give a warm and massive welcome to the Cuban president,
09:36 who stopped to shake hands and talk with its residents.
09:40 Last Sunday, some localities of the area
09:42 were the focus of demonstrations due to power cuts and stability
09:46 in the distribution of the basic food basket.
09:50 The president's tour began on Thursday morning
09:52 and included also productive centers,
09:55 where he encouraged its workers to do their best
09:58 and remain united in defense of the homeland.
10:00 Let's take a short break, but remember,
10:07 you can join us on TikTok @TelesurEnglish,
10:09 where you will find news in different formats, news
10:11 updates, and more.
10:13 Other stories coming up.
10:14 Stay with us.
10:19 Welcome back.
10:42 On Thursday in Palestine, dozens of Palestinians
10:45 were killed and injured by Israeli occupation troops,
10:48 mostly women and children.
10:50 Precisely for the fourth consecutive day,
10:52 the occupying forces carried out a fierce operation
10:55 in the Al-Rimal neighborhood and inside the Al-Shifa medical
10:59 complex.
10:59 In this sense, the United Nations Secretary General
11:02 expressed his concern for the severe situation
11:05 and reiterated that attacking hospitals is a war crime.
11:09 In the meantime, health authorities
11:10 confirmed more than 100,000 Palestinian victims
11:14 among the total number of dead and wounded.
11:16 In the meantime, Herzi HaLevi, chief
11:26 of the General Staff of Israel, admitted the operation carried
11:29 out in Al-Shifa hospital complex.
11:32 In this regard, he explained the aim
11:34 was to put pressure on Hamas, despite Gazans denounced
11:38 a fierce bombardment on civil population
11:41 within the health facility just in the middle
11:43 of the holy month of Ramadan.
11:45 In turn, the Zionist military avoided
11:47 mentioning civilian casualties, citing only
11:51 that 15 Hamas members died during the attack.
11:54 It should be noted that in November, Israel and the US
11:57 claimed to have evidence that the hospital was
11:59 under Hamas command, but they never proved it.
12:02 According to official sources, Dilara's death toll
12:10 stands at 32,360 Palestinians since the Zionist attacks began
12:16 on October 7.
12:17 In this regard, the occupation army
12:19 killed more than 13,000 children and 8,400 women,
12:24 while wounded more than 74,096 people.
12:29 On the other hand, the World Health Organization
12:31 noted that about 360,000 residential units
12:35 have been destroyed or damaged, in addition
12:37 to 392 educational facilities, and only 12 of 35 hospitals
12:43 are partially functioning.
12:44 It must be noted that statistics say
12:47 that on average, every hour in Gaza, 15 people are killed
12:51 and six of them are children.
12:53 35 people are wounded, 42 bombs are dropped,
12:57 and 12 buildings are destroyed.
12:59 The head of the US diplomacy, Anthony Blinken,
13:06 is in Saudi Arabia.
13:08 And from there, he announced on Thursday
13:10 that his country submitted a draft resolution
13:12 for an immediate ceasefire, leading
13:15 to the release of hostages to the United Nations Security
13:18 Council.
13:19 From Qatar, where he began his Middle East tour,
13:21 he landed in Riyadh.
13:23 There, he met the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman,
13:27 who is also prime minister, and his ministers of foreign affairs,
13:30 Faisal bin Farhan.
13:32 Along the way, the Secretary of State
13:34 expressed optimism about the approaching ceasefire.
13:37 "The proposal must be put out to vote,"
13:40 assured the head of diplomacy at a press conference.
13:43 This is the fourth one Washington
13:45 has produced because all the previous ones were rejected.
13:48 On Thursday, authorities in Israel
13:56 announced that the port of Eilat
13:58 is on the verge of closing, as they also
14:00 stated the dismissal of half of its workers,
14:03 claiming that attacks by Yemeni rebel forces
14:05 have left them near to shutting down operations.
14:09 The announcement of the possible closure
14:11 of one of the most important Israeli ports in northern Israel
14:15 comes despite cooperation with Western forces seeking
14:18 to confront the Houthi attacks.
14:21 It is worth noting that Eilat is at the northern end
14:24 of the Red Sea and has been one of the most affected
14:27 by attacks by Yemeni forces in support of the Palestinian
14:31 cause and against the Israeli genocide in Gaza.
14:34 International Day of Forest is celebrated on March 21,
14:44 a day dedicated to raising awareness
14:47 upon the importance of protecting
14:48 these invaluable natural resources.
14:51 This day was proclaimed by the United Nations General
14:54 Assembly in 2012 as part of a global commitment
14:58 to the sustainable management, conservation, and development
15:01 of all types of forests to ensure their survival.
15:04 The choice of marking March 21 as World Forest Day
15:09 coincides with the vernal equinox
15:11 in the northern hemisphere and the autumnal equinox
15:14 in the southern hemisphere, symbolizing natural charge,
15:18 rebirth, and renewal.
15:19 Likewise, every March 21 is a global awareness day
15:29 of Down syndrome, which has been officially observed
15:32 by the United Nations since 2012.
15:35 Down syndrome exists in all regions of the world,
15:39 is caused by extra genetic material on chromosome 21,
15:43 and has varying effects on learning styles,
15:45 physical characteristics, or health.
15:48 Adequate access to health care, early intervention programs,
15:51 and inclusive education, as well as appropriate research
15:55 are essential for the growth and development of the individual.
15:59 For World Down Syndrome Day 2024,
16:02 we call for people around the world to end these stereotypes.
16:06 We have a final short break coming up,
16:12 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
16:14 for our English-speaking audience,
16:16 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
16:19 or share the link to reach more people.
16:21 Constant news coverage of flooding America
16:23 and the Caribbean, as well as the rest of the world.
16:25 Stay connected and informed with TELUSU's final short break.
16:28 On going.
16:29 Welcome back to From the South.
16:39 In Sudan, the war started last year.
16:41 It is estimated to result in around 200,000 children dead
16:46 of malnutrition in the upcoming weeks,
16:48 one of the worst humanitarian disasters in recent times.
16:52 The country, which has already experienced
16:54 the largest internal displacement crisis in the world,
16:57 with 6.5 million people on pilgrimage within the territory,
17:02 is experiencing a situation of acute food insecurity.
17:06 The war that began almost a year ago
17:09 between the current government
17:10 and the head of the paramilitary forces
17:12 has left thousands dead and wounded,
17:15 and 18 million people facing severe food insecurity.
17:19 Edem Wasornu, Director of the Operations
17:23 for the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs,
17:26 told the Security Council that the situation was a nightmare.
17:30 Attorney Barry Pollack, who belongs to the legal team
17:37 representing Wheatley's founder Julian Assange,
17:40 said Wednesday that his legal team sees no signs
17:43 of resolving US charges against Assange
17:46 following the publication of a Wall Street Journal report
17:49 on exploring a guilty player.
17:51 The journal reported that the US Justice Department
17:54 is considering whether to allow Assange to plead guilty
17:58 to a reduced charge of mishandling classified information.
18:02 A Justice Department spokesman
18:04 declined to comment on the report.
18:06 The Wall Street Journal said that in recent months,
18:09 Justice Department officials and Assange's legal team
18:13 have had preliminary talks about a player deal,
18:16 but that the discussions remain uncertain
18:19 and the talks could fall apart.
18:21 Assange is fighting extradition from Britain to the US.
18:24 In Portugal, President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
18:32 confirmed Luis Montenegro as Prime Minister.
18:35 The announcement is a result of the round of hearings
18:38 with political parties and coalitions
18:40 that presented to the elections,
18:43 also strengthening the decision and the recognition
18:45 of Pedro Nuno, leader of the Socialist Party,
18:48 that he will be the head of the opposition
18:51 as confirmed by the presidential office.
18:53 The president received hours earlier
18:55 the right and center-right coalitions
18:58 that supported the candidacy of Luis Montenegro,
19:00 who have presented a sketch
19:02 of the composition of the government.
19:04 Now we move on to the world of sports.
19:12 In Guatemala, the long-distance running athlete,
19:15 Luis Gijalba, returned to this country
19:17 after 23 years in the United States
19:19 to apply to compete in Paris
19:21 with the blue and white colors
19:23 that represent the Central American nation.
19:26 In this sense, the runner arrived in the country
19:28 accompanied by his parents to complete the procedure
19:32 that will grant him a permit to participate
19:35 with the colors of his nation of origin
19:37 in the Olympic Games of Paris 2024,
19:40 where he has already qualified.
19:42 Gribalja is considered one of Guatemala's best athletes
19:46 in history and will compete in the 5,000-meter race.
19:49 Before finishing, we would like to highlight
19:58 that today is the World Poetry Day,
20:01 which commemorates one of humanity's most precious forms
20:04 of linguistic expression and identity.
20:07 Poetry practiced in all cultures and regions of the world
20:11 tell us of love, romance, heroism, our common nature,
20:15 and shared values.
20:16 UNESCO first proclaimed March 21 as World Poetry Day
20:21 at its 30th General Conference in Paris 1999
20:25 to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression
20:29 and promote the visibility of endangered languages.
20:32 We have come to the end of this news brief,
20:38 but you can find this and many other stories
20:40 on our website at teleseveenglish.net
20:42 and join us on social media, Facebook,
20:44 Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
20:47 For Teleseve English, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
20:49 Thank you for watching.
20:50 (upbeat music)
