Pakistan qudrati aabi zakhair se malamal, phir bhi Aabi buhran kyu??

  • 6 months ago
Pakistan qudrati aabi zakhair se malamal, phir bhi Aabi buhran kyu??
00:00 Doctor, first of all, tell us, there is a lack of practical wisdom,
00:04 there is no planning in Pakistan.
00:06 For this reason, how much water are we wasting annually,
00:10 which we can save for our irrigation and other uses?
00:13 Look, I think the opportunity that nature has given us,
00:20 very few countries have this kind of opportunity.
00:26 We have flowing rivers,
00:29 and we have so much water storage under those rivers,
00:34 that no country has as much as we do.
00:38 Countries like America, which is much bigger than us,
00:46 or China, or Australia,
00:51 these countries do not have such natural storage of groundwater as we do.
00:56 According to a very careful estimate,
00:59 the sand under our rivers,
01:02 contains about 500 million acre foot of water,
01:07 and the quality of that water is so good,
01:12 that you can drink it without any treatment.
01:15 We have done some experiments on this recently,
01:21 and as far as you were talking,
01:24 Dr. Mahir, why do experts say that in the next few years,
01:27 water will be polluted in Pakistan,
01:29 and will be of a severe quality,
01:31 is this a serious threat to us?
01:34 No, I don't think we experts can say this,
01:40 because this is not in the sphere of expertise.
01:45 How can water be polluted in Pakistan?
01:49 Do we have reservoirs or dams?
01:54 Yes, I told you,
01:56 we have reservoirs,
01:57 which we have made under the river,
01:59 and 500 million acre foot of water is still there.
02:02 So, for 3 years,
02:05 we have more water than the amount of water in the river,
02:08 in storage.
02:09 So, people keep saying,
02:15 that in 2025, water will be finished in Pakistan.
02:17 2024 is here,
02:19 how can water be finished?
02:20 Water is the same.
02:21 I think people of your age,
02:23 and my age,
02:24 remember very well,
02:25 that in 2017,
02:26 there was the same amount of water as it is now.
02:28 Yesterday, it rained so much.
02:29 In the evening.
02:30 So, you see,
02:31 these things are not done by experts,
02:34 these are people who want to spread chaos in the country,
02:38 who want to spread chaos in the country.
02:40 Dr. Shah, I have been able to deduce from your words,
02:43 that we don't have a problem of water scarcity,
02:46 we have a problem of mismanagement.
02:48 We don't have a problem of utilization.
02:50 Yes, we have a problem of will.
02:51 And that is why we see that so much water is wasted every year.
02:55 Look, I will tell you,
02:58 it is not like that.
02:59 It is okay, we have a problem of mismanagement,
03:01 there is a problem of mismanagement,
03:03 but this mismanagement is not going to be fixed overnight.
03:08 We have to correct our direction first,
03:12 and then move forward.
03:12 And it is not like that.
03:14 The Green Pakistan Initiative,
03:19 the new ways of water management are being introduced,
03:26 which are being worked on,
03:28 in that, you will start seeing those things after a while,
03:33 such methods of taking water in the middle of the deserts are being made,
03:38 which are the most modern at the moment,
03:40 in which this aquifer, which I am talking about,
03:42 is being used in the most modern way to take water.
03:49 The best labs of developed countries around the world,
03:56 their labs, their experts are working for us right now.
04:00 And God willing, you will see in a short time,
04:02 that a very modern water management system
04:05 will be initiated through Green Pakistan in the whole of Pakistan.
04:09 And when that system is demonstrated,
04:11 if you may allow, a small question.
04:13 Doctor, one thing.
04:15 We are seeing, and you are also hopeful about this,
04:19 and we are all hopeful that these things should be good,
04:21 but you are well aware that our delta area,
04:25 which has Kharo Chhan, and apart from that, Manchar Lake.
04:28 The fish, the Mahi Gir tribe in Manchar Lake,
04:33 is now forced to dig coal,
04:35 because there, due to our mismanagement,
04:37 the river is drying up, getting polluted.
04:40 And in Kharo Chhan, D-Day has arrived,
04:42 the population has moved there.
04:44 There is mismanagement, Doctor,
04:46 if we don't believe this, then I think,
04:48 we should also wait for D-Day like Johannesburg,
04:50 the whole of Pakistan, God willing.
04:52 No, no, look, it's not like that.
04:54 I am not saying that there is no mismanagement.
04:56 All these things have gone bad because of mismanagement.
05:00 Our investments have gone wrong.
05:02 We have made wrong investments of billions of dollars.
05:05 But I am telling you that right now,
05:07 we are correcting our own limits.
05:10 We are moving in that direction.
05:12 I told you in the beginning that it didn't
05:14 start getting better overnight.
05:16 But when you corrected your direction,
05:18 you decided that now we have to
05:20 do water management in a new way,
05:22 not the old way.
05:24 The way the most modern world is going on,
05:28 in which there is sustainability,
05:30 in which the water becomes clean,
05:32 in which the ecosystem is restored,
05:34 in which the water is available for
05:36 frogs, fish, mosquitoes, butterflies,
05:38 in which the water is available,
05:40 these things are coming to us right now.
05:44 And I think we should not be disappointed.
05:48 It's not about disappointment.
05:50 The thing is that we see work being done on it.
05:52 And you told us that a lot of work is being done.
05:54 We will see.
05:56 We are hopeful.
05:58 Thank you so much.
06:00 God willing, you will see.
06:02 Thank you so much, Dr. Sunil Bhai.
06:04 Everything is okay and fine.
