网上留言调侃“真主袜”事件 华男求情无果受严惩

  • 6 months ago
新闻报报看 | 本地一名华裔男子因在面子书发文调侃“真主袜”事件,今天被提控上庭。他解释,自己只是想当键盘侠,并不知道这个课题那么敏感可构成侮辱,恳求法官不要判他坐牢。但法官最终裁定,男子坐牢半年及罚款1.2万。若无法缴清罚款,则需再面临3个月的服刑。(主播:蔡心惠、黄界錤)


00:00 The KK supermarket's "buy one get one free" trend has been going on for over a week.
00:05 The flyers haven't been posted yet, and the trend is still escalating.
00:10 After all, it's a sensitive religious topic,
00:13 so I want to remind everyone to be careful when you post online.
00:18 Don't think that you don't have to be responsible for the comments hidden behind your computer.
00:22 Because there are Internet users who are playing with fire, the trouble has risen.
00:26 Yesterday, a Saba man commented on Facebook that those who are dissatisfied with socks have a "Mu Xing" tattoo on their eyes.
00:32 It's a "trash" thought.
00:34 As a result, he was sentenced to half a year in prison and fined 15,000 RMB.
00:39 Today, another Chinese man was also charged with "homicide"
00:45 The 35-year-old Chinese man was previously in Facebook
00:48 and posted a post mocking the "Mu Xing" tattoo on his socks.
00:52 He was even searched by people and asked to come to his house.
00:55 After the incident, although the man deleted the post and apologized publicly,
01:00 he was arrested by the police yesterday.
01:03 He admitted to committing a crime when he was in front of the police station in Kuala Lumpur today,
01:06 but he explained that he didn't do it on purpose.
01:09 He said that the comments were his preference, and he just wanted to be a keyboard warrior.
01:13 He didn't know that this topic was so sensitive,
01:15 and thought it was just a small matter, and didn't know that it could cause insult.
01:19 A man did not hire a lawyer,
01:22 so he pleaded with the judge on the court that he had gone bankrupt during the MCO.
01:27 Now he needs to work to maintain his livelihood,
01:30 and also needs to raise a 63-year-old mother.
01:33 So he begged the judge not to sentence him to prison,
01:37 otherwise he would lose his job.
01:39 But it's like the title of the Chinese newspaper cover, "Ruyi is miserable."
01:43 The judge finally ruled that the man was sentenced to six months in prison for insulting Islam,
01:49 and fined 12,000 RMB.
01:52 If he cannot pay the fine, he will be sentenced to three months in prison.
01:56 Freedom of speech also has a bottom line.
01:58 Netizens have to pay for their inappropriate speech,
02:01 but those who search for it, or even use it for their own personal gain,
02:05 are also breaking the law.
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