Les Sénégalais élisent leur nouveau président après des années de crise

  • 6 months ago
Les Sénégalais se sont déplacés apparemment en nombre dimanche pour élire leur cinquième président lors d'un scrutin à l'issue totalement imprévisible après trois années d'agitation et de crise politique.

"On y est finalement arrivé.
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00:00 The Senegalese apparently moved in the shade on Sunday to elect their fifth president
00:04 during a completely unpredictable scrutiny after three years of agitation and political crisis.
00:08 We finally got there.
00:11 To Landoulila, God be praised.
00:13 These last few days have not been easy for Senegal.
00:17 But all this is behind us, congratulates Mitha Diop, a 51-year-old saleswoman, in front
00:23 of a polling station in Dakar.
00:24 Dozens of voters lined up in the calm in front of various offices, saw
00:29 the AFP journalists.
00:31 A number of voters who had woken up for the morning prayer of the month of fasting
00:35 before the sunrise then went directly to the offices.
00:38 But an exact appreciation of the participation of 66% in 2019 was difficult.
00:45 The head of the anti-system opposition Ousmane Sonko, who voted in his favorite of Ziegen
00:50 Chor, South, spoke of record mobilization, in particular of the young people on whom
00:54 his hopes are based.
00:55 "The young people came massively to the polling stations at 6 o'clock," he said.
01:01 "We are convinced that at the end of this day the victory will be exciting for his
01:05 second, Bassirou Diomefay, candidate in his place due to his disqualification.
01:09 The offices are open until 6 p.m., local and GMT.
01:14 First official provisional results could be published at night.
01:17 "
01:18 Warning.
01:19 The president-elect Makisal, who voted with his wife in Fatik, Central-West, put
01:25 himself on guard against the claims of premature victory.
01:28 "It is not up to a candidate, nor a camp, to proclaim a victory or results," he said.
01:34 Some 7.3 million voters are called to choose between the candidate of power Amadou Ba and
01:40 16 competitors, including Bassirou Diomefay and a woman.
01:43 Amadou Ba, 62 years old, Dauphin and Prime Minister a few weeks ago from the presidential election,
01:49 and Bassirou Diomefay, 43 years old, the candidate for the change of system and a left-wing
01:55 candidate, are given favorites of a competition that will decide between continuity and change
01:59 may be radical.
02:00 They both claim to be able to win on Sundays without going through a second round, which
02:05 seems likely, but whose date is not fixed.
02:07 The former mayor of Dakar, Khalifa Assal, 68 years old, is cited as an outsider.
02:13 The scrutiny is followed carefully, Senegal being considered as one of the most stable
02:18 countries in West Africa shaken by the putsch.
02:21 Dakar maintains strong relations with the West, while Russia strengthens its positions
02:26 around it.
02:27 The civil society, the African Union, the Economic Community of States of West Africa
02:33 (CDAO) and the European Union deploy hundreds of observers.
02:37 Senegalese people were initially supposed to vote on February 25.
02:41 The Sunday ballot boxes still have this date.
02:45 The postponement of the vote triggered violence that killed four people.
02:49 Several weeks of confusion put the democratic practice of Senegal to the test, until
02:54 the date of March 24 was stopped.
02:56 The campaign was reduced to two weeks, in the middle of the Muslim month of June.
03:01 This is the first time that a outgoing president has not presented himself at his re-election.
03:05 Winner-winner.
03:06 Amadou Ba presents himself as a continuator of his action and as a barrier against "adventurers"
03:12 and "amateurs".
03:13 However, he must assume the legacy of presidentialism, a persistent poverty, a high unemployment,
03:19 a heavy debt, the departure in a pirogue of thousands of people each year for Europe,
03:23 and the hundreds of arrests of the recent period.
03:25 The country has experienced since 2021 episodes of trouble caused by the iron arm of Ousmane
03:31 Sonko, the guide of candidate Diomefay, combined with social tensions and the long-held
03:35 flu by the president are on his candidacy for a third mandate.
03:38 The crisis has extended with the resumption of the presidential election.
03:42 Dozens of people have been killed and hundreds arrested, putting the country's image
03:47 on the line, unfairly according to the government.
03:50 Possible tensions.
03:51 Messieurs Sonko and Fay, detained for months, were released on March 14 after the opening
03:57 of the campaign.
03:58 They attack Mr. Ba as the perpetrator of the government of the president went like a billionaire
04:03 civil servant.
04:04 Born as Mr. Ba of the High Tax Administration, Mr. Fay questions the origin of the fortune
04:10 of his former colleague.
