Polemik Utang Minyak Goreng Pemerintah

  • 6 months ago
Pemerintah memastikan polemik permasalahan utang ke pengusaha minyak goreng sebesar Rp474,8 miliar akan segera dituntaskan. Pembayaran utang ke pengusaha minyak goreng ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi hak-hak pengusaha, sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku.


00:00 The government has confirmed that the debt to the oil industry will be paid back to the government in 474.8 billion rupiah.
00:10 The payment of debt to the oil industry aims to fulfill the rights of the business, according to the current situation.
00:17 The debt to the oil industry is 474.8 billion rupiah.
00:28 The joint effort of the Coordination of the Reflection Payment of the Oil Industry, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Bin Sarpanjitan,
00:34 ensures the government's commitment to pay back the debt to the business.
00:38 According to the Luhut, the payment of debt to the oil industry aims to fulfill the rights of the business, according to the current situation,
00:46 and asks the Ministry of Trade to communicate directly with the business to pay back the obligation.
00:51 Luhut hopes that such an incident will not happen again.
00:55 In addition to embarrassing the government, such an incident will be a source of public outrage.
00:59 There was a government outstanding of 475 billion rupiah when the oil industry was first established.
01:08 We are not looking for anyone to blame, but earlier I was the head of the relevant institutions to decide this, so that it can be paid.
01:16 And today it has been decided, they can immediately receive their rights.
01:20 I told other offices earlier, this kind of thing must not happen again.
01:25 So the BPD-PKS will immediately pay a sum of 475 billion rupiah to the traders who helped in the oil industry.
01:36 The controversy over the government's debt to the oil industry as large as 474.8 billion rupiah
01:44 began when the oil industry was established in 2022.
01:50 The government employed entrepreneurs to sell oil for 14,000 rupiah per liter.
01:54 While the price of oil in the market reached 17,000 rupiah per liter.
01:58 The difference in price is promised to be fully paid by the government.
02:03 From Jakarta, team Liputan, AITX News.
02:08 For more information, visit www.bpk.com/bpk
02:13 Thank you for watching!
