Beban Utang Pemerintah Mencapai Rp8.300 Triliun

  • 2 months ago
Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) mencatat posisi utang pemerintah mencapai Rp8.353,02 triliun hingga akhir Mei 2024. Angka ini naik sebesar Rp14,59 triliun dibandingkan April 2024 yang tercatat Rp8.338,43 triliun.


00:00The government's debt of 8,300 trillion rupiah is expected to be a heavy burden for the next government.
00:09International financial institutions such as the IMF limit the healthy debt ratio.
00:13For developing countries, only 150% of the debt ratio is from the country's income.
00:19The government's debt of 8,353 trillion rupiah last month was a reminder for the coming government to maintain fiscal stability.
00:33Because of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance or INDEF,
00:37the government's debt rate fell to 3,749 trillion rupiah in the period 2025 to 2029.
00:48Meanwhile, the debt rate that must be paid is at the level of 800 trillion rupiah in 2025.
00:54Even though the IMF has used the limit of the developing country's debt ratio,
00:59which is a maximum of 150% of the country's income,
01:02not 60% of GDP as the government often says.
01:08The Director of Development of Big Data INDEF, Eko Listianto,
01:11said that fiscal stability and credibility could be threatened if the policies of the coming government are still the same as the previous government.
01:20Because with the same country's income capacity, the future government has promised various programs that require huge funds.
01:29Eko said that the fight for fiscal savings will make investors react negatively.
01:34For that reason, INDEF asked the new government to still prioritize the priority programs that can be done without adding new debt.
01:45If 8,000 divided by 2,700, the figure is about 300%.
01:52That's actually, according to the IMF's rule of thumb, it's not safe.
01:57Because the maximum that can be in one country, the maximum figure is about 150%.
02:04So we have doubled the maximum suggested by the international institutions that said it was very liberal, etc.
02:12They said that the maximum for a developing country like us is 150%.
02:18The figure is now 300%.
02:21So who's to blame if the deficit is expanded and the investors run away?
02:25It's our fault, it's not rational.
02:28Eko added that if you look at the position of a developing country that has just reached 1,123 trillion rupiah or down 7.1% annually until May 2024,
02:38then the new government should not have to pay taxes with the policies of the past.
02:43So the government needs to focus on the new program that has been promised,
02:47without the ambition to spend a lot of money on government development projects like the IKN.
02:53Jakarta Raharjupatmo, IDX Channel.
