Utang GIAA SUSUT 50% Jadi Rp76,83 Triliun

  • 5 months ago
PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk (GIAA) mencatat penurunan utang sebesar 50 persen menjadi USD4,79 miliar atau setara Rp 76,38 triliun setelah restrukturisasi keuangan sejak 2021 lalu. “Atas penurunan nilai utang hingga 50 persen yakni dari nilai utang yang sebelumnya USS10,9 miliar menjadi USD4,79 miliar,” ujar Direktur Utama Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, saat ditemui di kawasan Jakarta Selatan, Senin (1/4/2024).


00:00 PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk or GIAA reported a 50% decrease in debt to US$4.79 billion or Rp 76.38 trillion after financial restructuring since 2021.
00:15 The company's management stated that the party continues to fulfill the obligation to pay debts, including through operational cash flows.
00:28 PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk or GIAA reported a 50% decrease in debt to US$4.79 billion or Rp 76.38 trillion after financial restructuring since 2021.
00:41 The company's management stated that the party continues to fulfill the obligation to pay debts, including through operational cash flows.
00:54 The party also called for a new local debt and new interest rate, long-term debt conversion for bank loans, BUMN and company children, and a payment of some new debt and new interest rates through tender offers.
01:06 The party hopes that the payment of debts will be gradually in line with the agreed peace agreement.
01:11 The company's acceleration of operations is optimized to create a healthy business focus for Garuda Indonesia.
01:27 Tim Liputan, IDX Janauh.
01:30 Tim Liputan, IDX Jauh.
01:33 Tim Liputan, IDX Jauh.
01:34 (swoosh)
