Film reviews and views from Graham and Dave NEAFC

  • 6 months ago
Film reviews and views from Grahman and Dave NEAFC Thursday 28 March
Dune 2
Late Night With The Devil
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Coming soon:
Monkey Man
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
The Fall Guy
The Crow
Joker: Folie a Deux
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hello and welcome back to "Not Everyone's a Film Critic,"
00:10 a vodcast or a podcast brought to you by The Scotsman
00:13 and presented by myself, Graeme Falk.
00:16 I know that off by heart and that really weirds me out.
00:19 Dave, how are you doing?
00:20 Are you all right?
00:21 - Yeah, well, Graeme, yeah, you're very good.
00:22 You're very polished at that.
00:23 It all gets worse after that, of course.
00:25 That is the professional bit.
00:26 And then we descend into chaos fairly quickly after.
00:30 - Yes.
00:31 A little bit like a film I saw this week.
00:33 Ta-da!
00:34 - That's very slick.
00:37 - Great.
00:37 If you haven't seen the show before, it's about films.
00:39 We talk about films, we review films that Dave has seen
00:42 and Graeme normally hasn't,
00:43 but really randomly I have been to the cinema this week,
00:46 which I'm very impressed with.
00:47 I'm gonna go again.
00:48 I liked it so much.
00:49 I'm going back.
00:50 And then we're gonna discuss things
00:52 that we're looking forward to in this week's episode.
00:56 Anyway, such as films that are coming out later on this year.
01:00 But let's start with film reviews.
01:02 I always get the feeling that when I ask you,
01:04 have you seen a film?
01:05 The answer is gonna be yes.
01:07 You should be in a dark room with that mustache,
01:09 but never to be seen for anyone.
01:12 So, you know, fair enough.
01:13 I'm pleased you've gone into the dark room
01:15 so no one can see the monstrosity that is your mustache.
01:17 But what have you seen whilst in the dark room?
01:21 - I've seen a huge amount of stuff, as ever.
01:23 It's a good time for cinema right now.
01:25 There's lots of good stuff.
01:27 First of all, "June 2."
01:28 We were talking about "June" last week
01:31 and I followed up on my threat to watch both "June" films
01:33 in the space of 24 hours.
01:34 So I watched the first film the night before
01:36 and then went into cinema early in the morning
01:38 to go and see "June 2."
01:40 "June 1" on rewatch.
01:41 "June 1" is a genuinely fantastic film.
01:43 I'd actually forgotten quite how good it is.
01:45 It's really long, but it never sags at all.
01:47 It's really exciting all the way through.
01:48 It's fantastic.
01:49 "June 2," not quite, not quite so much.
01:54 I think if I'd seen "June 2" without watching "June 1" again,
01:56 I would like to maybe a wee bit more,
01:57 but it's a little bit saggy.
01:58 It's like two hours, 40 minutes.
02:00 Loads of good people in it, all the original cast,
02:02 lots of newcomers, Florence Pugh, Christopher Walken,
02:06 Lea Seydoux, a couple of our favorites there.
02:09 And an amazing turn from Austin Butler.
02:11 I don't know about you, but I've always,
02:12 every time I see Austin Butler,
02:14 I always think, well, it's Elvis, you know?
02:15 And it's like, oh, look, there's Elvis.
02:16 What's Elvis doing?
02:18 And I didn't even realize it was Austin Butler
02:20 for the first like 30 minutes.
02:21 I was like watching the character who's completely bald.
02:24 He's a bald baddie.
02:25 I was kind of like, he looks awfully familiar
02:27 and I can't think who he is.
02:28 And I finally worked out that it was Elvis
02:31 slash Austin Butler.
02:33 And he's brilliant in it.
02:34 And it's a really good role for him
02:34 'cause I think that people just always think of him
02:37 as being Elvis and he couldn't get rid of the accent
02:39 and it was all a bit odd.
02:40 So it's really nice to see him get his teeth
02:42 into a really good role.
02:43 And he's actually the highlight of the film for my money.
02:45 It's fine, you know, it's quite interesting.
02:47 It's about politics and religion and fundamentalism.
02:50 So it feels kind of pertinent to our times
02:53 but it could have been an hour shorter
02:54 and it should have been an hour shorter.
02:56 There's a big long middle section where Shalami,
02:59 lovely, lovely Timothee Shalami,
03:00 has got to kind of do lots of tasks
03:02 to kind of prove he's worthy to the task.
03:04 And it takes a long time.
03:05 He goes out in the desert, he battles things,
03:07 he rides sand worms and it's all quite fun
03:09 but it doesn't really drive the plot on that much.
03:11 And my bum was getting sore
03:12 and I did have to go out for a drink halfway through.
03:15 Like I genuinely needed a drink halfway through
03:17 which is indicative of film
03:19 that maybe doesn't really hold the running time.
03:21 I came back after five minutes
03:22 and I leaned over to my partner and said,
03:24 "Have I missed anything?"
03:25 And she just said, "No."
03:26 And I wasn't likely to miss anything.
03:27 Be very unlucky to go out for five minutes
03:29 and really miss anything of great import.
03:31 So it's fine, "Dune II."
03:32 And I think that the film together, parts one and two,
03:36 I think they are kind of bordering on a masterpiece
03:39 just because the realization of the world
03:41 is just so phenomenal.
03:42 But that's enough.
03:43 We do not need to "Dune III."
03:45 There's been some talk about "Dune III."
03:46 There is another book.
03:47 I think maybe Denis Villeneuve
03:50 should just leave it at two films.
03:51 It's fine the way it is.
03:52 I don't think it really needs much more.
03:55 But I highly recommend going to see it.
03:57 Obviously the thing is that if you've not seen "Dune I,"
03:59 it makes no sense whatsoever.
04:00 So it's not one of these films you can jump into.
04:02 You will understand nothing that's going on.
04:04 So you absolutely have to have seen "Dune I."
04:06 I would argue you have to have seen it relatively recently
04:08 otherwise you won't really remember what the plot is
04:10 because it doesn't like sum up what's happened before
04:12 at the start of it.
04:13 It just goes straight in.
04:14 It is not concerned with the casual viewer,
04:17 which I kind of respect.
04:18 It's quite nice that.
04:20 So "Dune II," I know you will never go and see it, Graham.
04:23 So it's not worth even asking you or advising you to go.
04:27 But it's good enough.
04:29 It's good enough.
04:30 Oh, conversely, conversely when it comes to franchises,
04:37 movie franchises, I'm not gonna waste much time on this.
04:40 No one should waste much time on it,
04:42 including going to see the film.
04:43 It's "Ghostbusters," "Frozen Empire."
04:46 It's just awful.
04:47 - I like the last one.
04:51 I like the last one.
04:52 - Now, two things.
04:53 So if you like the last one,
04:54 I think there's a chance you might like this one.
04:56 Although I kind of think you should just watch
04:58 the first one again,
04:59 'cause it's kind of a redoing of that one,
05:01 which was already a redoing of the first one.
05:04 It's the same thing as the last one.
05:05 So it's the old "Ghostbusters"
05:07 led by Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd.
05:08 Bill Murray just phoning it in,
05:10 just mugging it up to camera for five minutes,
05:13 you know, wearing sunglasses and just,
05:15 I mean, how you mess up any Bill Murray film,
05:18 God only knows, but they managed to do it.
05:20 Also Dan Aykroyd's back, he's fine.
05:22 And then you've got the new "Ghostbusters"
05:25 led by Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon, and Finn Wolfhard.
05:30 There's one really good bit of this
05:32 where the younger girl, played by McKenna Grace,
05:37 who I don't really know much about,
05:38 but she's very good in this,
05:39 and she kind of meets a ghost
05:42 and kind of makes friends with the ghost.
05:44 And there's this lovely little plot line going alongside.
05:47 - That's not what the "Ghostbusters" are meant to do.
05:49 That's not a plot,
05:50 that's just crapping on the name of "Ghostbusters."
05:51 - But look, it's like-
05:54 - Friend of ghosts.
05:55 - But you see, this is the problem with the whole film.
05:57 So the whole film, because everyone loves Slimer.
05:59 Yeah, Slimer's great.
06:00 I don't think Slimer should be out and about
06:01 because he was busted.
06:02 Slimer has been busted several times.
06:04 Slimer's back.
06:05 The Stay Tough Marshmallow Man, he was busted,
06:08 but he's back in these irritating, tiny little
06:12 Stay Tough Men, which are a bit like really poor minions.
06:15 You can see that they've looked at minions,
06:16 going, "Yes, we want some of that."
06:17 So we'll do the Stay Tough Man.
06:19 So they're back as well.
06:20 And it's just a mishmash,
06:21 but there is this one lovely plot
06:23 about kind of almost falling in love.
06:25 It's not quite explored fully,
06:26 but almost falling in love with a ghost.
06:28 And it's lovely.
06:29 It's absolutely beautiful.
06:30 And you just think, "That's the film you should be making.
06:32 "That's a lovely, lovely film."
06:33 And they completely and utterly ignore that plot.
06:36 It's like, "Why did you even bother having that plot
06:38 "if you're not gonna follow it up,
06:39 "and you're not gonna do something interesting with it?"
06:41 So it's sad, 'cause there's something fun to be done there.
06:43 I mean, Paul Rudd, I don't know what he's doing.
06:45 He is a great, fun actor.
06:47 And he just makes these rubbish films now.
06:50 He just seems to be saying,
06:51 "Give me as much money as possible.
06:53 "That's all I care about.
06:54 "I do not care about winning awards."
06:56 You don't have to care about winning awards.
06:57 Do something decent.
06:58 Read the script.
06:59 I mean, reading the script, it's just rubbish.
07:01 I'm not even gonna tell you the plot.
07:02 It's just nonsense.
07:03 None of it makes any sense whatsoever.
07:05 I got genuinely angry in this film.
07:07 Genuinely, genuinely angry.
07:08 I did manage to have a wee nap for five minutes.
07:10 That was the best bit.
07:12 I didn't walk out.
07:14 I even stayed for the post-credits scene,
07:15 which is rubbish as well.
07:16 Even the post-credits scene is rubbish.
07:19 So I would advise you not to go anywhere close to it.
07:22 And they really shouldn't make any more Ghostbusters films.
07:25 And they shouldn't make any more Dune films,
07:26 'cause they've kind of done it, and it's really good.
07:28 Ghostbusters, they're just dancing on the grave of it.
07:31 Ghostbusters 2 was really good.
07:32 There isn't just one good Ghostbusters film.
07:34 I think the reason, actually,
07:36 the women Ghostbusters, it was so unbelievably divisive,
07:40 because men are hateful.
07:41 That was much better than these two.
07:43 And that was completely and utterly pilloried,
07:45 and they kind of tried to forget it even existed.
07:47 That was a better film than these films.
07:49 But anyway, I'm not gonna waste any more of my time
07:51 on busting ghosts,
07:52 and I hope that they never make any more films.
07:55 And I don't want to see Slime on screen ever again.
07:57 And Paul Rudd's-
07:58 - Oh, you can't say that.
07:59 - Agent, just sort it out,
08:01 because it's just dreadful.
08:03 So worst film of the year.
08:04 When we do our worst films,
08:05 that's gonna probably be my worst film of the year.
08:08 But my best film of the year so far is Monster.
08:12 And you should go and see Monster.
08:13 - Oh, really?
08:14 - Monster.
08:15 And no one's going to go and see Monster,
08:16 because no one ever goes to see Hirokazu Korieda's films.
08:20 And they should do, because he is-
08:21 - Is it Japanese?
08:23 - He is Japanese.
08:24 For my money, he's the greatest living director.
08:26 I absolutely adore him.
08:27 I love everything he's ever done.
08:29 And this is- - Well done.
08:30 - Wonderful film.
08:31 So the entry level for Korieda
08:34 should probably be Toplifters.
08:36 That's the first film people should see.
08:37 That's a crowd pleaser.
08:38 If you don't like shoplifters,
08:39 you should probably go and see him.
08:40 He does.
08:41 After Shoplifters, probably go in something like I Wish,
08:43 or Our Little Sister, or Father Like Son.
08:46 He does lovely family dramas,
08:48 which are just beautifully written,
08:51 beautifully directed, beautifully performed.
08:53 He gets amazing performance out of child actors,
08:55 which I always think is the mark of a great director.
08:58 You know, like if you can get a child actor
09:00 and make that child completely feel believable,
09:02 I think that's as much about the direction
09:04 as it is about the actor.
09:05 And he's just wonderful at it.
09:07 So Monster has got a great setup.
09:09 A kid, a young kid comes home from school.
09:13 He starts behaving weirdly.
09:15 His mother tries to eke out what's happened.
09:18 And he basically says,
09:19 "My teacher has been bullying and assaulting me."
09:22 He's got like a sore ear.
09:23 He's got a sore neck.
09:25 The mother goes to the school
09:28 and confronts the head teacher who has her own problems.
09:33 And essentially she's met with apologies,
09:37 but kind of non-apologies.
09:39 The teacher involved essentially breaks and says,
09:42 "Listen, your kid has been bullying another kid."
09:45 So you've got these two different things going on.
09:47 You don't know which one to believe.
09:49 Now, this is all told from the mother's point of view.
09:51 And then it does a clever kind of Rashomon type thing
09:53 in that you see the story two more times,
09:56 firstly, from the point of view of the teacher
09:58 who's been accused,
09:59 and then from the point of view of the pupil
10:02 who accused the teacher.
10:04 Now, it kind of sounds like it's gonna be one of these films
10:06 that's just gonna come together very neatly
10:08 and you'll get the twist and you go,
10:09 "Ah, so that's what's happening."
10:11 That doesn't happen.
10:12 It's massively complicated.
10:14 It can be confusing at times.
10:15 It's kind of like life, you know?
10:17 It's not a crowd-pleasing movie by any means.
10:20 I got confused a lot in it.
10:23 You don't really know what's happening all the time.
10:26 And it's just wonderful.
10:28 I absolutely loved it.
10:29 It's a proper grown-up movie about growing up.
10:31 And it's got the most remarkable ending
10:35 in that when we left the cinema,
10:38 my girlfriend went to the bathroom
10:41 and she heard a girl talking about the end of the film
10:45 and got something completely different
10:47 out of the end of the film to us.
10:48 Like completely and utterly different.
10:49 They actually polar opposite
10:51 of what we thought happened at the end of the film.
10:52 She thought happened.
10:54 And we were going, "I think she's a bit stupid."
10:56 But then looked it up and sure enough,
10:58 it isn't meant to be one or the other.
11:01 And in fact, Corrie Ada favoured her kind of interpretation
11:05 of the ends of the film.
11:07 And I just think that's tremendously clever.
11:08 It's very sad.
11:09 It's very beautiful.
11:11 There's a relationship between two young boys,
11:14 which kind of, you're not sure if it's love
11:16 between the two boys or if it's friendship.
11:19 It's never explained, 'cause again,
11:20 he doesn't need to explain these complicated
11:22 human emotions and relationships.
11:24 He lets you decide what's happening to yourself.
11:26 And I just love films like that.
11:28 It's buying a masterpiece.
11:30 I think after "Shoplifters", it's his best film.
11:32 I'm gonna go and see it again.
11:34 I just absolutely love it.
11:34 And I recommend anybody to go and see it,
11:37 including you, Graeme.
11:37 I think you would genuinely enjoy it.
11:40 - Yeah, I did actually see it.
11:41 Then you mentioned it,
11:43 'cause I wrote about it last week,
11:44 'cause it was probably in the top five films
11:47 based on the ratings and what people had said
11:50 to go and see alongside the film that I did go and see,
11:52 which we discussed a little bit last week,
11:54 but didn't go too in-depth on,
11:55 because you'd seen it and I hadn't.
11:58 The day you told me about it,
11:59 I went to the cinema to see it by myself.
12:01 Very comforting, but it was packed.
12:04 The film, of course, being,
12:05 if you didn't watch last week's show,
12:06 which you might not have done,
12:07 you might never watch the show before,
12:09 good on you, well done.
12:10 "Late Night with the Devil".
12:14 So we can discuss it a bit more now that I've seen it.
12:17 - Yeah, we can have spoilers, maybe.
12:20 - Yeah, so there'll be spoilers coming forth,
12:22 but I do feel like anyone who's gonna see it
12:24 has probably seen it now.
12:26 - Yeah.
12:26 - But I mean, if you're still listening at this point,
12:28 you haven't seen it, you don't want spoilers,
12:29 like we've given you quite a bit of notice here,
12:31 so like, shoo for 10 minutes.
12:34 - Because it has actually been a bit of a word of mouth hit
12:36 and there are more screenings.
12:38 When I went and see it,
12:39 there was only one screening per day on its cinema world,
12:41 and I think it's up to four or five.
12:43 So it's really doing the business.
12:44 This is great.
12:45 - And it's gone on longer than I think they have anticipated
12:48 for it to be there as well,
12:50 'cause I don't think they've anticipated it
12:51 being any longer than like your week,
12:53 like Thursday, Thursday.
12:54 And now I think it's in,
12:56 it'll be going in its third week.
12:58 And one thing I wanted to ask you about,
13:02 I don't know if you've seen it.
13:03 So before we go into the film,
13:04 I love the film for what it's worth,
13:06 but it has had controversy with it.
13:08 Now the actor has spoken about it,
13:12 the directors have spoken about it.
13:14 Have you seen the controversy around it?
13:16 - Yes, and I don't understand it.
13:17 It seems to be complete nonsense as far as I'm concerned.
13:20 It seems to be people being very over sensitive
13:22 because AI is such a thing right now
13:24 and everyone's kind of worried about it,
13:25 anxious about it.
13:26 I don't really see the issue of what they did with it.
13:29 - So essentially what's happened
13:32 and the frustration around it is in the film.
13:37 So the setup of the film,
13:38 if you haven't seen it,
13:39 is that David Dashmalakian,
13:42 I'm pretty certain I'm pronouncing that wrong,
13:44 but I believe that's the right way to pronounce it.
13:46 He is a talk show host,
13:49 forget his name now is what it is,
13:50 but he's not quite the best one,
13:53 but he's very well liked,
13:54 but he's not quite the best.
13:55 He's not in the kind of like-
13:57 - He's not Johnny Carson.
13:59 - Yeah, basically.
14:00 It's Johnny Carson, that's right.
14:02 Yeah, that's right.
14:04 And he kind of loses his partner to cancer.
14:08 There's this weird backstory about him being in a cult,
14:12 yada, yada, yada.
14:14 And then essentially he ends up getting a movie,
14:17 sorry, a show where he introduces a girl
14:20 who's got a demon inside of her to boost ratings.
14:23 Basically he's selling his soul a little bit
14:25 to try and get higher ratings
14:27 because he's desperate to be like top of the pile.
14:30 Without being like an annoying person throughout the film,
14:36 you don't look at them and just go,
14:37 how do I describe it?
14:41 He doesn't come across like,
14:45 oh my God, this guy just wants ratings and clicks,
14:46 like I hate this guy.
14:48 Like he actually comes across really, really well.
14:52 Now, as he's chasing these ratings,
14:55 he essentially gets these people on and yada, yada, yada.
14:58 Now, where the AI problem came in was,
15:01 there's obviously things that happen during the movie
15:04 where you are cut away from it 'cause it's found footage.
15:09 And it's meant to be like the videos that they had
15:12 from the show that happened that night
15:13 when the nation was shocked by what happened on TV.
15:16 And the hold cards are like,
15:17 are we back shortly?
15:18 Or tonight is the Halloween show and stuff like that.
15:21 And they'd used three still images that were made by AI.
15:25 People weren't happy about that for the following reason,
15:28 because they felt like it's meaning people who could draw
15:33 and could do some really good versions of this
15:35 were essentially being kept out of a job by AI.
15:39 Their comeback to that was that
15:43 it was done before the writer's strikes,
15:44 which a lot of the, had a lot to do with the strikes.
15:47 People weren't happy about it
15:47 'cause people have been out of jobs and stuff like that
15:49 'cause people were using AI.
15:51 And they said at the time,
15:52 there wasn't much flurry around it.
15:55 We had a big team of effects people
15:58 who made it look like the '70s,
16:00 'cause it's based in the '70s.
16:00 It's a very '70s talk show.
16:02 There was so much creativity and originality
16:04 that went into it.
16:05 And this was just a tiny little thing where we were like,
16:08 oh, apparently this happens now.
16:10 Should we see what it's like?
16:11 And then we handed it on to our visual and work designers
16:14 who did a couple of things with it.
16:16 And then it comes on the line and we've realized,
16:17 obviously, the views of AI has come out a few years later,
16:20 or people have kicked off about it
16:21 and people have asked people to boycott it.
16:24 But "Dashmalak Inn" came out last week
16:28 and kind of said, I agree with what the directors have said.
16:33 It's really upsetting that we had
16:35 such an amazing creative visual team.
16:38 And this is what's taking the headlines.
16:39 It's just three little bits.
16:40 At the time, we didn't really understand what it was.
16:42 We were like, oh, cool.
16:43 What this cool bit of technology does.
16:46 The film is still 100% thoroughly original.
16:49 I understand the frustration
16:51 behind people potentially being out of a job
16:54 because of being used with AI.
16:55 And I do agree with it.
16:56 Obviously, the likes of us have to work
16:58 with things like that.
17:00 But I think in essence, I understand how it happened.
17:04 And I do think it's thoroughly original.
17:06 I think it's a really good piece of cinema.
17:08 And arguably, outside of probably "Poor Things,"
17:11 the best film I've seen this year, I think.
17:13 Now I've explained the controversy.
17:17 You can't really say it's anything
17:19 but thoroughly original, though, David, really.
17:21 I know that sounds daft because of used AI,
17:23 but it shouldn't deflect away
17:25 from how amazing a lot of the other creative things
17:27 are on it.
17:27 - No, but I mean, I think it's a bit
17:30 of a weird flex, people saying this to them.
17:33 Because I mean, we know horror films.
17:35 Horror directors and filmmakers will use every trick
17:39 in the book to get things made slightly cheaper
17:42 so they can make their films.
17:43 And that's the whole point.
17:44 The whole thing about horror films is that they're made cheap.
17:47 It's not big budget either, David, to be fair.
17:48 - Not big budget, not big budget film.
17:50 This is not like Spielberg, you know,
17:52 sort of making a film and getting rid of 40 people
17:56 he would usually use because he's got robots involved.
17:59 It's not that.
18:00 This is a make-do-in-men thing.
18:01 And for small films, for genre films,
18:03 of course they're gonna do something
18:04 if it makes it a little bit cheaper.
18:06 I mean, it's just an absolute no-brainer, that.
18:08 It's just like using visual effects
18:10 instead of using old-fashioned, you know,
18:14 what we love, things like "The Thing."
18:15 You know, we love those effects, the kind of real effects,
18:20 but those cost a lot of money.
18:21 So people use visual effects
18:22 so they can make horror films cheaply
18:24 so they can get them out there.
18:25 I've got no issue with any of that.
18:27 I just think it's people being slightly paranoid about AI.
18:30 AI is gonna find its way into films.
18:32 I don't think there's anything to do about that, really.
18:35 - I think I do have an issue with it
18:37 in a different circumstance, not in this circumstance.
18:41 I think when it's being used,
18:42 it's not really being understood.
18:44 It's a low-budget movie.
18:45 They've probably gone, "Oh, this is cool."
18:47 I don't think they've gone,
18:48 "How can we screw over artists and not pay them?"
18:51 Not in this sense.
18:52 - I would be perfectly,
18:54 I think that that new "Ghostbusters" film,
18:56 I think that might be written by AI
18:58 because I can't believe that any person
18:59 was involved in writing that.
19:00 You know, that's the sort of thing
19:01 that's gonna go horribly wrong.
19:02 'Cause something as rubbish as "Ghostbusters,"
19:04 you could probably get "Chats GPT" or whatever it's called,
19:07 you could probably do that
19:08 and you'd get eight new "Ghostbusters" scripts
19:10 in 30 seconds, and there'd be no quirks in that one.
19:13 Now that's the kind of scary thing when you get films,
19:16 and particularly franchise films,
19:17 like a Marvel film or something.
19:19 I mean, you see some of these films
19:20 and you see how simplistic the plot is.
19:22 You can absolutely see it if you keep writing that.
19:24 I think that's where you get into dark territory.
19:27 But if it's just to make something
19:28 look a bit like something,
19:29 or to cut a wee corner here or there,
19:32 then I think it's fair enough.
19:34 - I mean, in essence,
19:35 now that we know that it can populate jobs
19:37 and you've got perfectly good designers there
19:38 that can do the same job and be paid fairly,
19:41 I'm gonna say that I think
19:43 that I understand the frustration with it.
19:45 But from a perspective of this particular one,
19:49 I don't think they've gone out of their way
19:50 to make people be out of a job.
19:53 And to use AI, I think what people don't realise
19:56 is that this film was made in 2021, pandemic time.
20:00 AI was very new at that point.
20:04 I probably couldn't have explained it
20:05 that much to you at that point.
20:06 - Oh, no, no, I totally got a clue what it was then.
20:09 - It's very low budget.
20:11 They probably didn't expect to get as big as it did.
20:12 And I imagine if they were to do it again now,
20:16 they would probably do it without using the AI,
20:18 not because of the backlash,
20:19 just because now they understand more about it.
20:21 And I also feel like with Dash Malakian,
20:23 I feel like if, I mean, I don't know the guy,
20:26 but I feel like if he's saying it's all right,
20:29 or he's agreeing with the directors,
20:31 then it must be all right.
20:32 - Yeah.
20:33 - It's kind of laughable.
20:34 - I think boycotting something like that
20:35 just seems to be slightly counterproductive.
20:38 'Cause I mean, my biggest issue with the film
20:39 is the ad breaks.
20:40 And basically during the ad breaks,
20:42 you see what's happening
20:43 in a kind of Larry Sanders show thing,
20:44 it goes into the back and that shows you,
20:47 but they don't really,
20:47 that kind of falls foul of the found footage thing,
20:50 'cause they don't say they've got a documentary team
20:51 working backstage or anything.
20:52 So those bits of film don't really work.
20:55 And I would have rather that they had funny adverts,
20:57 you know, like they had in "Grindhouse,"
20:59 funny '70s adverts would have been really good fun.
21:02 But I presume they didn't do that
21:03 'cause it would have cost far too much money.
21:05 And they would have had to get more people on board
21:06 to direct the adverts and write the adverts
21:08 and everything else.
21:09 So, I know you make choices in the film
21:11 about where you're gonna spend your budget.
21:13 And if you don't spend it on certain things,
21:15 there aren't any people, you know, working on that.
21:17 You can't have more budget.
21:19 You have to spend the budget where you can.
21:20 So, yeah.
21:21 - I get it.
21:22 And again, I just think if it was done now,
21:25 like- - I think politically,
21:28 they wouldn't use it anymore.
21:29 'Cause I think it looks so bad,
21:30 particularly after the writer's strike
21:31 and particularly about the AI impacts on that.
21:33 I just think that nobody's gonna use AI
21:35 or if they do, they're gonna lie about it.
21:38 - I also don't think they'd use it for political reasons.
21:41 I just genuinely think that at the time
21:42 they didn't understand that.
21:43 I think- - No, no, I think that's good.
21:45 100%. - I think they should redo it.
21:48 But a brilliant film.
21:49 Like, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
21:51 I thought it was amazing.
21:52 I have very little complaints
21:55 outside of maybe the one that you had,
21:57 which was not too sure the ending
21:59 was where it should have been,
22:00 but it knocked it from a nine to an eight out of 10,
22:02 which is pretty solid.
22:04 - It was great up until that point.
22:05 I just thought the ending completely lost it.
22:07 But then again, how were they gonna do the ending?
22:09 It's very hard to see how you end it, isn't it?
22:11 - What did you take from the ending?
22:13 - I didn't understand the ending.
22:15 - Yeah. (laughing)
22:17 A little bit.
22:19 I felt like it was a case of, like,
22:21 be careful what you wish for
22:22 because you might accidentally find that your wife dies
22:25 because you wanna be number one in the charts.
22:27 But I don't know if I've gone too far with that.
22:29 - No, that's probably about right.
22:30 That's probably about right.
22:31 But it is a good film and highly recommend it.
22:33 And I think it's gonna be a bit of a cult classic, I think.
22:35 It's gonna be one of these ones
22:36 that's gonna be shown at midnight screenings,
22:38 on Halloween particularly.
22:39 Great fun to go and see this at Halloween.
22:41 Kind of funny it didn't come out at Halloween
22:42 considering it's all set at Halloween.
22:44 But I'm pretty sure it will be back in cinemas
22:48 at Halloween this year and probably for many years to come.
22:51 And I'm certainly gonna miss it.
22:51 - Well, they might pop it on Netflix,
22:53 give it a bit of a boost in terms of,
22:55 better than a couple of quid.
22:56 But there's loads of really good films coming out.
23:00 We've had a good chat about films for once.
23:02 This is what happens when I go to the cinema, madness.
23:07 We wanna talk about films that we're excited for coming out.
23:09 Now you went for a more specific timeframe, didn't you?
23:12 Or correct me if I'm wrong, have you kind of gone with just-
23:14 - I've gone for the next two months.
23:16 That's what I've gone for.
23:18 That's not prescriptive, you don't have to do that.
23:19 But I'm gonna hold myself to eight weeks from now,
23:23 basically, I think.
23:24 Yes, about that, give or take.
23:26 - So we'll pick our three films
23:27 we're most looking forward to.
23:29 I think mine might be a bit obvious.
23:31 What are you most looking forward to, first and foremost?
23:34 - Well, it's funny, I am more excited.
23:36 Like I was saying, I think there's been a lot of films
23:37 out at the moment, which are quite good.
23:39 And when I went to see "Monster,"
23:41 there were four trailers on before the film,
23:43 and they all looked really good.
23:45 You usually go and see a film,
23:46 and there's usually a couple of absolute duffers there,
23:48 and you go, "My goodness,
23:49 I'm definitely not going to see those."
23:50 But they were all really good trailers, really good films,
23:53 all of them out in the next eight weeks.
23:54 So I'm really excited about a lot of stuff.
23:56 My first film, though, which wasn't one of the trailers,
23:59 which is coming out on April the 5th, is "Monkeyman,"
24:02 which is the directorial debut
24:06 of the ridiculously talented Dev Patel,
24:09 who's just, he's become one of the great British actors,
24:12 kind of without people noticing.
24:15 I mean, you look at his filmography,
24:16 and it's absolutely superb.
24:18 He's made a lot of incredible, incredible films.
24:20 He also started off in "Skins."
24:22 I think that "The Green Knight"
24:24 is one of the most underrated films of recent years.
24:27 He's done "The Lion," he's done "Lion,"
24:29 rather not "The Lion."
24:30 "Personal History of David Copperfield"
24:32 and "Stumped-up Millionaire,"
24:34 "The Married Goat Hotel" series.
24:35 He's done a lot of different genres.
24:36 So not only is he fantastically talented as an actor,
24:39 he won a BAFTA, he was nominated for an Oscar,
24:41 and he's now directing.
24:42 It premiered at Sundance earlier this month,
24:45 and everyone adores it.
24:45 It's like sitting at 98% on Rotten Tomatoes.
24:48 And it's right up both of our streets, actually, Graham.
24:50 It's a revenge thriller.
24:52 Don't we love a revenge thriller?
24:54 So happy days for that.
24:55 It's about a guy just called Kid, again, I like that.
24:58 I like someone who doesn't have a name, just called Kid.
25:01 And basically, his mom's killed,
25:03 and the responsibility for the death of his mother
25:06 lies with a series of shadowy political figures,
25:10 and Kid goes out to kill them all.
25:11 Brilliant, I mean, you can't argue with that setup.
25:14 Apparently, it's all quite political.
25:15 It's got a lot to say about the horrific,
25:17 horrific state of politics right now,
25:19 which, again, I quite like.
25:20 And apparently, it's just really good.
25:21 I don't know anything more about it than that,
25:24 but a good revenge thriller is a thing to be cherished.
25:27 And I just think he's an amazing guy,
25:29 and I think he's gonna win Oscars for directing and acting.
25:33 He's ridiculously talented, and I hate him, but I love him.
25:36 So that's my top one, "Monkeyman,"
25:38 which is out on April the 5th.
25:40 - I don't, I wouldn't say I don't like him.
25:42 - You're not feeling him, you're not feeling him.
25:43 - I've just never been enamored by him, I'm not bothered.
25:45 Like, I actually never, I don't think I've seen
25:48 one of his films, so, like, I can't really comment,
25:50 but, like, I've never seen "Slumdog Millionaire."
25:53 - That's probably his worst film,
25:54 even though it won lots of Oscars.
25:55 I'm not a big fan of "Slumdog,"
25:56 but honestly, you would really enjoy "The Green Knight."
25:58 I mean, I'm not saying it's Mandy,
26:00 but it's Mandy-esque in the way that it's kind of
26:02 an all-over-the-place film,
26:05 which goes down lots of strange avenues
26:07 and is quite psychedelic in places.
26:09 It's really good, "The Green Knight," really good.
26:11 - Somebody who will remain nameless
26:13 watched "Mandy" the other night
26:15 and told me that they didn't like it.
26:17 - Well, you can't talk to them again, but that's fine.
26:18 Sometimes you need to get rid of friends, Grant.
26:20 It's not a problem.
26:22 - Yeah, I mean, like, I was really let down by it.
26:24 I'm not gonna lie, I was like,
26:25 what do you mean you didn't like it?
26:27 "Mandy" is just the best movie
26:29 that has ever been known to man, pretty much.
26:32 Do I go with the one I'm most excited for,
26:36 the one I'm kind of the third of the most excited for?
26:39 I don't know.
26:40 Let's go with the really obvious one.
26:44 I think when it comes to films I'm excited for,
26:47 I'd be lying, despite the fact it took ages,
26:50 and I'm not 100% sure it's gonna do that well,
26:53 is "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice."
26:57 Like, I don't know if that's somebody in the background
27:01 there coming to arrest me for liking "Beetlejuice,"
27:04 'cause I heard an alarm there, a police car alarm,
27:07 but I'm not, I really, really like Jenna Ortega.
27:12 - Yes.
27:13 - Like, I really like her.
27:14 She's amazing.
27:15 I don't wanna see her in every single horror
27:17 I go to see anymore, and she's in a lot.
27:21 - She is in a lot of time.
27:22 - And I'm kind of like, okay.
27:23 So I'm not sure on that, 'cause she could be amazing.
27:25 She's been amazing in everything else.
27:27 She was great in "X," she was great in "Screen,"
27:29 and she was great as Wednesday.
27:31 Like, she should be good in these things.
27:33 This is really weird.
27:34 A car alarm went off in your house,
27:36 and now there's one going, well, a--
27:39 - It can be the same one.
27:40 We live relatively far apart.
27:42 - Yeah, we're not close enough.
27:43 That is bizarre.
27:45 But I think that, I have a feeling
27:49 "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice" will be good.
27:51 - I think so. - Because it's Keaton.
27:54 It's like "Monona Ryder," it's Catherine O'Hara.
27:58 It's kind of where it should be at.
28:00 Bit of a shame that we're gonna,
28:01 what looks like be missing Alec Baldwin,
28:05 and oh my God, I can't remember the name of his wife
28:07 in the original "Beetlejuice,"
28:08 and that's gonna pain me for the rest of the episode.
28:13 And I don't think it's gonna be as good as "Beetlejuice,"
28:15 but Michael Keaton in "Beetlejuice"
28:16 is impossible to not be entertaining.
28:19 Like, I don't know how they could mess this up.
28:21 - No, I agree.
28:23 I think it'll be great.
28:24 I think all the talent is back.
28:25 I'd be worried if they were doing a "Ghostbusters"-y thing
28:28 and just having the old people there for cameos.
28:31 They are, they're properly back.
28:34 They're gonna play proper roles.
28:35 So I'm pretty confident it'll be good.
28:37 - Yeah, me too.
28:38 I think it'll be great.
28:39 What's your second choice?
28:41 - Well, I'm gonna go to these trailers I was talking about.
28:43 So I'm gonna go for two of the three really good trailers,
28:45 or four really good trailers that I saw.
28:46 So I'm going for "The Fall Guy."
28:48 It looks great.
28:49 The trailer's really good.
28:50 Have you seen the trailer for "The Fall Guy?"
28:52 It's like the art of good trailer.
28:53 You know how I always get angry
28:54 when you see trailers which basically tell you
28:56 the entire film, and particularly when it's a comedy,
28:58 they have all the jokes in it.
28:59 Don't get that feeling about "The Fall Guy,"
29:01 partly 'cause it's got Ryan Gosling in it.
29:02 And I think Ryan Gosling is as bankable a star
29:05 as there is right now.
29:06 I don't think Ryan Gosling's capable of making a bad film.
29:09 He's got a great agent, unlike Paul Rudd.
29:11 He should go over to Gosling's agent.
29:15 But it's him and Emily Blunt.
29:17 It's an old TV program,
29:19 which you're probably too young to have seen, Graham,
29:20 but "The Fall Guy" was a really good, fun TV program
29:23 about basically a stuntman who solves crime.
29:26 It's really stupid.
29:27 It's as simple as that.
29:28 Ryan Gosling's playing that stuntman.
29:30 It looks like a very knowing kind of update.
29:32 It looks really funny.
29:33 Ryan Gosling is clearly going to take the mickey out
29:36 of himself a lot, which he loves doing,
29:38 and I love seeing him do.
29:40 Emily Blunt looks like a good foil.
29:42 When they were doing the thing together at the Oscars,
29:44 that was really funny.
29:45 I think that's partly 'cause I think
29:46 they've got very good chemistry,
29:47 and I think that chemistry's gonna show through
29:49 in "The Fall Guy."
29:50 So that's out on May the 2nd,
29:53 and it just looks like a really good, fun film,
29:55 and it's been a while since I've just seen
29:56 a really good, fun kind of action-y, old-fashioned film,
29:59 so looking forward to that.
30:01 - This one, I'm not certain if it's gonna be good.
30:05 If I'm honest, I thought the trailer looked really good.
30:08 I also feel like the soundtrack was really good,
30:10 which is really important in this particular film.
30:13 I quite like the casting in it,
30:17 but I just think it's hard to replicate
30:20 what they are remaking.
30:21 But to say I'm not excited by it
30:23 would be a complete and utter fabrication
30:25 in trying to make myself sound cooler than I actually am.
30:28 But I'm quite excited to see what they do with the crow.
30:31 - Yes, big star, yeah.
30:33 - 'Cause I like Bill Skarsgård.
30:36 Don't like Alexander Skarsgård.
30:37 Not personally.
30:38 I'd go for a drink with him.
30:39 It would be fine, and I'm sure people love him.
30:41 I personally, subjectively,
30:43 just don't feel he's that believable.
30:45 He's just really sexy.
30:46 - He is pretty sexy.
30:49 I mean, literally could not care less
30:51 what I think empowered him for that.
30:54 'Cause he's far too good-looking
30:56 to basically care about anyone's opinion.
31:01 He's at that point where he's so attractive,
31:03 I'm not entirely sure if when he dies
31:06 and goes to, obviously, heaven,
31:08 and God tries to judge him,
31:09 he would care, 'cause he'd be like, "Mate."
31:12 - I have been in the same room as him.
31:15 I've been within four feet of him,
31:16 and he is off-puttingly attractive.
31:20 It's almost like you can't look straight at him.
31:21 Like the sun, he's a very, very handsome man.
31:24 And he smells good as well.
31:25 It's always a good sign.
31:26 - Yeah, it would make me sad, actually,
31:29 to think that he would not...
31:32 I mean, he's a 10, isn't he?
31:34 In terms of his brother, I think he's a better actor.
31:38 I like his brother better.
31:40 I think he is.
31:41 I thought he was really good as Pennywise,
31:44 and that's really hard to be good as Pennywise.
31:46 - I'm pretty sure it's Tim Curry.
31:48 - Yeah, I mean, Tim Curry's Tim Curry.
31:50 I don't really like the IT films.
31:55 I didn't mind the first one.
31:56 I thought the start of the second one
31:57 was absolutely superb before just delving into straight A.
32:00 But do I think that Bill Skarsgård's really good?
32:05 Do I think he can do the Crow?
32:06 I'm not sure, to be honest,
32:09 but it makes it interesting nonetheless.
32:11 But the soundtrack, the first song,
32:12 which I think is, I could be wrong with this,
32:15 but it's basically Post Malone, I think.
32:18 No, it's not.
32:19 It's Travis Scott, I think.
32:21 But it's sang by a much bigger legend
32:24 in the shape of Ozzy Osbourne.
32:25 And it sounds really cool.
32:27 And in a really odd way,
32:28 the thing that bothered me most
32:30 about the remake of "The Crow"
32:31 is making sure they got the soundtrack right.
32:33 But do I think he can ever outdo Brandon Lee's performance?
32:38 Really sad what happened to him.
32:40 But I think, honestly,
32:42 I think some people might think that
32:44 because he was obviously killed on set,
32:45 like tragically, that maybe that boosted
32:48 the legendary status of the film more
32:50 in a really kind of odd way.
32:52 I think if he hadn't have been tragically killed on accident
32:57 that he would be one of the world's biggest stars
33:00 at the moment.
33:00 So I actually think the opposite way.
33:02 I think it stopped us and robbed us of a fantastic actor
33:06 who was born to play the Crow.
33:08 I think Brandon Lee was more born to play the Crow
33:11 than Tim Curry was to play Pennywise.
33:13 So I think Bill Scott had big shoes to fill
33:18 and filled them-ish to a really good extent with Pennywise.
33:22 I think he's got massive Crow shoes
33:25 to step into this time.
33:26 - Yes, I was gonna say, clown shoes are actually big.
33:28 I'm not sure how big Crow shoes are.
33:29 Crow shoes are small.
33:30 Crows have got tiny feet.
33:32 Clowns have big feet.
33:33 - Shelter boots probably.
33:35 - He's got very small bird-sized boots to fill.
33:37 - But I'm excited for it.
33:41 I can't deny it.
33:43 To say that I'm not excited for the Crow
33:45 would be like a total fabrication of what I actually believe.
33:49 - Nope, me too.
33:50 I completely agree.
33:51 Well, for my third, I'm going for,
33:53 I mean, I'm being very unusual here.
33:54 I'm not going for any pretentious films or anything.
33:57 I'm going for basically blockbusters, left, right and center.
33:59 So again, from the adverts last night,
34:02 "Fury, Osa" looks absolutely phenomenal.
34:05 - Look at that.
34:06 - Follow up to "Mazmac's Fury Road,"
34:09 which is by many people's reckoning
34:12 the greatest action film of all time.
34:14 And it is absolutely spectacular.
34:15 "Mazmac's Fury Road" for anyone who's not seen it,
34:18 just go and watch it now,
34:19 because it's everything that an action film should be.
34:22 So exciting, so many great set pieces,
34:24 so many great actors.
34:25 So basically in that film, that was a "Mazmac's" film,
34:28 but Charlize Theron completely stole
34:31 the entire movie as "Fury, Osa."
34:34 So director George Miller saw that,
34:36 saw what the audience was saying.
34:38 Well, I'm going to give the audiences what they want,
34:40 and I'm going to make a film all about "Fury, Osa."
34:42 It is not Charlize Theron, 'cause it's an origin story.
34:46 So Anya Taylor-Joy is going to play her.
34:48 Oh my goodness, what a great bit of casting.
34:51 For a young Charlize Theron, that kind of works anyway,
34:53 but she's a beautiful alien.
34:55 She's great in every film she does as well.
34:57 It just looks fantastic action sequences.
34:59 It's got Chris Hemsworth in it as well,
35:01 which is a safe pair of hands for action-y type of films.
35:03 But I think it's going to be Anya Taylor-Joy's film.
35:06 And I think this is what's going to cement her status
35:08 as a superstar.
35:09 She's always been a superstar, and we're big fans,
35:11 and she's been great in everything.
35:12 But this is going to be her film.
35:13 This is going to be the film that shows
35:15 she can do absolutely anything.
35:16 She can do action, she can do artsy films,
35:19 she can do independent movies, and I cannot wait for it.
35:22 And again, the trailer itself,
35:25 like I watched it again on my mobile phone,
35:27 'cause I just thought it was such a good trailer.
35:28 So that is out on May the 24th, "Fury, Osa,"
35:33 a Mad Max saga.
35:34 They've kept Mad Max in there
35:35 because of some kind of copyrighty things,
35:37 but it's just "Fury, Osa."
35:39 - I love Anya Taylor-Joy.
35:43 Like, I think she's so wonderful, beautiful,
35:47 amazing, talented.
35:49 Like, by the way, I didn't twitch there
35:50 when I was speaking about it.
35:51 I've got a pin in my neck.
35:52 So when I just, if you see, I just did that.
35:54 It wasn't because I was like, "Oh, she's amazing!"
35:57 It was partly that because it made me do that,
35:59 but it's actually just 'cause I've got a twitch in my neck.
36:03 The film I'm most looking forward to,
36:05 now I'm not French,
36:05 so I'm not going to give you the full title.
36:08 And again, I'm really not sure how it's going to go.
36:11 I absolutely loved the first one.
36:13 I know all the criticism that came with it
36:15 and all the praise that came with it.
36:16 I thought it was bloody brilliant, and I really liked it.
36:19 I do not like musicals, per se.
36:24 Some, I like.
36:25 "La La Land," I liked.
36:26 "Rocky Horror Picture Show," well, you know,
36:28 something for everyone.
36:29 I'm not sure I really want this to go into a musical,
36:34 but I do really like Lady Gaga
36:36 in pretty much everything she does,
36:37 music, dresses, singing, acting, breathing.
36:42 I like doing a lot of different things.
36:44 I think it'll be a really interesting Harley Quinn
36:47 in "The Joker 2."
36:48 Am I certain it's going to be good?
36:53 I don't know.
36:54 'Cause there's Todd Phillips doing a musical,
36:57 and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
36:58 But I quite like Todd Phillips
37:01 just doing what he did with the first one,
37:02 and I quite like just to see the next step
37:04 without him singing and dancing.
37:07 But the singing bits and the musically bits
37:10 in the original "Joker" with Joaquin Phoenix
37:13 were actually some of the best bits.
37:14 Like his dance in front of the mirror,
37:16 I think is an iconic piece of cinema,
37:18 and I think it will be in years to come.
37:20 So to say I'm not intrigued and excited by "Joker 2"
37:23 would be a big, fat, massive lie,
37:25 much like I said with the other ones.
37:27 But for me, every one of them's either a remake
37:30 or a second sequel film.
37:33 What three films that I,
37:35 the originals are the first in the series
37:38 I would probably put in my top 10.
37:40 "Beetlejuice" would be in my top five, 'cause love it.
37:43 Don't see it three times.
37:45 "Joker," I thought was fantastic.
37:49 I controversially thought it was better
37:51 than Heath Ledger's "Joker" at the time.
37:54 I'm now not sure, I'm sitting on the fence
37:56 against Spugs on my backside.
37:58 And "The Crow" is just easily in my top 10
38:01 because it's "The Crow."
38:03 And it's brilliant.
38:04 But yeah, that's my top three.
38:07 - Exciting films ahead.
38:09 - Yeah, good.
38:10 Good for me.
38:11 Bye, everyone.
38:11 See you.
38:12 - Bye, Graham.
38:13 You didn't even mention Maxine.
38:14 You didn't mention Maxine.
38:15 - No, I did not.
38:18 - See you next week.
38:20 - Bye.
38:21 (upbeat music)
38:25 (upbeat music)
38:27 (upbeat music)
38:30 (upbeat music)
