Why do you trouble your parents? || Acharya Prashant

  • 6 months ago
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00:02 Being a girl child, especially in India,
00:05 comes with very different sets of consequences.
00:09 Despite being given equal opportunities,
00:12 like education and skills, at the end,
00:16 where we are supposed to get a proper match,
00:20 we are being judged merely on two--
00:23 and I guess only two things, which is first, how you look,
00:28 and second, does your kundali match
00:31 with the groom or the guy.
00:33 So right now, I am witnessing a very disturbing thing.
00:39 There is a girl who is a surgeon by education.
00:43 She is completely independent, yet her matches,
00:46 which are being filtered by her parents, who are well-educated,
00:51 are completely based on, is the guy manglik?
00:56 Irrespective of whether the guy is fulfilling the education
01:00 eligibility or personality or other things which
01:03 are supposed to be considered.
01:05 So how to handle this situation?
01:11 Relieve yourself of the obligation
01:13 to handle this situation.
01:16 You handle a situation only when, first of all,
01:21 you are in the situation.
01:24 Just drop the situation.
01:27 Just move past the situation.
01:30 I mean, the girl in question is a qualified doctor.
01:37 You said she's a surgeon.
01:40 The first thing I find amusing is
01:42 how is she outsourcing all these matters to other people?
01:51 See, let's say I'm an elephant.
01:55 I'm a qualified elephant with all the mass, the size,
02:01 the energy, the bulk, everything.
02:04 I'm a qualified elephant.
02:05 And then I'm going to rabbits and to deer and to mice.
02:21 And I'm asking them, can you fetch me some grains,
02:24 some grass?
02:24 Does it behoove me?
02:29 I should do it for myself.
02:34 Come on, DIY.
02:38 That's my advice to all girls.
02:40 Simple.
02:41 And to all boys.
02:47 Why are you unnecessarily troubling your old parents
02:51 What's the point?
02:51 It's their time to get into deeper pursuits of life.
02:59 Some pilgrimage, some spirituality.
03:03 There are a lot of other things.
03:05 Let them live their life to the fullest.
03:09 First of all, the poor soul suffered in their own affairs.
03:16 Now you are putting the load of your affairs on their head.
03:22 No, no, no.
03:24 I'm telling you, they'll be very happy.
03:26 Just tell them, my papa, you do not
03:30 need to bother about this particular thing.
03:33 I'm atmanirbhar.
03:34 So that's what is self-sufficiency.
03:44 And once you have outsourced this function,
03:49 you have lost the rights to complain.
03:51 Now how can you say that they are choosing the groom based
04:00 on this criteria or that the groom is looking at me only
04:05 with eyes of lust and physicality
04:09 and the horoscope has become all important
04:12 and the girl's figure and the body and the sexuality
04:15 has become all important?
04:17 Come on, you did it to yourself.
04:19 How are you now complaining?
04:22 If you didn't want this to happen,
04:24 you should have, first of all, kept matters in your own hands.
04:28 The elephant has been begging the rabbits,
04:35 go fetch me some grains and grass.
04:40 And the rabbits will choose the grass based on their own tastes.
04:48 And when the rabbits bring the grass to the elephant,
04:50 the elephant says, oh, I do not like this grass.
04:54 I'll complain about it in an online interaction.
04:56 But if you wanted the grass of your own size and color
05:04 and flavor, then you should have done it.
05:06 On your own.
05:11 On your own and for yourself.
05:13 It's such an intimate thing.
05:16 It's the most intimate thing possible, is it not?
05:20 What are others doing in this matter?
05:22 And even if others do poke their nose in,
05:29 they very well know that they cannot avoid
05:33 the fact of the intimacy for too long.
05:36 All kinds of interactions are going
05:41 to happen between the girl and the groom.
05:45 Will the parents be there to intervene and mediate?
05:52 Will they enter the bedroom as well?
05:55 Will there be a party to all kinds of interactions
05:59 that happen between the man and the woman?
06:02 Not necessarily sexual, but of all kinds.
06:05 So I find those parents very irresponsible,
06:11 who make their presence mandatory in matters
06:21 where they actually have no say, no reason to be present.
06:30 The man is there, the woman is there, and both are adults,
06:33 and they will decide on their own matters.
06:36 What is anybody else doing in this scheme of things?
06:42 Now, obviously, if you want advice,
06:47 you can respectfully seek advice.
06:51 That is one thing.
06:52 But it is another thing to be obliged to have a mediator
07:02 or a governor or a decider.
07:04 Are you getting it?
07:12 And once you accept that kind of mediation or outsourcing,
07:27 I do not think you have the right to complain.
07:30 There are so many men in the world of so many types.
07:41 A lot of them would naturally be lustful,
07:44 given the kind of people we are.
07:47 How are you obliged to bear the gaze of the lustful ones?
07:59 If you come across a lustful one, what do you do?
08:07 You walk away.
08:10 No, you stand in front of that person,
08:13 and he's ogling and staring and measuring your body
08:16 with his eyesight, and you still keep standing there
08:20 right in front of him.
08:22 And then you complain, why are men like this?
08:24 Why are men like this?
08:25 Men will be men, and women will be women.
08:27 Why don't you simply walk away?
08:28 We can start a program of social reformation, obviously.
08:39 We can start a program to civilize the menfolk, obviously.
08:42 But when you are encountering a man who is measuring you
08:52 mostly by the shape and size and attractiveness of your body,
08:59 then that's not the point to keep engaging with that man.
09:07 Disengage.
09:10 Look elsewhere.
09:12 Start walking.
09:13 There's no point in complaining.
09:21 There are so many of them.
09:24 We can choose commodities, potatoes.
09:31 What do you do when you come upon a rotten one?
09:36 You just toss it away.
09:37 You pick another one, right?
09:39 You do not go to the Ministry of Agriculture
09:43 and start proposing a way to have better potatoes.
09:50 All that can happen in due course.
09:54 But first of all, you pick up a rotten potato or a fruit
09:58 or whatever it is.
10:02 Then you embrace it for life.
10:06 And you keep cooking.
10:07 There is no point.
10:14 One thing that all wisdom is founded on
10:23 is your right to choose.
10:26 You have the right to choose.
10:32 Why then must you act as if you are under compulsion?
10:45 Nobody can force your hand.
10:51 Remember your right to choose.
11:01 Always take the onus of your life on yourself.
11:08 The responsibility is all yours.
11:11 The responsibility is all yours.
