• last year
Tathra Pig Day Out is an annual event enjoyed by huge long weekend crowds and raises money for the Tathra Lions Club community projects
00:00 I've got a $200 bid here on the Red Pig. Don't think he can't win twice. I've got $200 here.
00:07 $200. Winner's walking away with a grand or more. $200 here for the payment. $250. $250.
00:18 $300. $350. $350 in front. $400. $400. $420. $420 here. $420. $440. $440. $440 I've got.
00:25 $440 here the Red. $440. $440 here. Bidding. $440 a bidding. $460. $460 the Red. $480.
00:35 $480 I've got. $480 here. $500. $500 here the Red. Bloody good pig. $500 here. $500.
00:46 Now they're having a discussion. I've got $520. $520 here. $520 a bit of disappointment.
00:53 Bidding again. $540. $540 there. $540 what do you reckon? $5 I'll take your $10 if it
01:03 helps. I've got. You've come this far to get nothing. I've got $540. $550. $550. $555.
01:12 Bloody hell. $555. I'm not going to ones. $555. $555 here. Somebody give them $5 for
01:19 Christ's sake. I've got $555. $555. I think I might have a $5 of me self. I've got $555
01:28 here. I tell you what. Hang on. Hang on. Let me have a look here. I have got $5. Somebody
01:37 give me $5. I'll get it back. $560. $600. $600. $600 here. $600 here. What do you reckon
02:02 mate? You going again? $600 here. All done. $600 here. Sold mate. Well done to you. Big
02:09 round of applause. Give us a fanfare Gary. Here we go. From five backwards me. Stand
02:17 up nice and straight boys and girls. The pigs will run faster. Here we go. What's the name
02:27 of the game? The Bendy Go Bank Bacon Vince Blitz is upon us. You ready? Five, four, three,
02:34 two, one. Racing and away they go. It's a beautiful start by the Goldie. Red team going
02:41 through the tent. Around they go. Now they're going to wait. Here they go. It's red. Red
02:46 team. Red looking good here. Red and purple. They're going to rain it. Around they go.
02:51 Red in front. Orange as well. And the pig lines here. Move out. It's red and purple.
02:56 Orange on the inside. Move out of the way. Red in front. It's purple. Purple win. Purple
03:01 win. They can't steal it. They need it. Orange team. What a pig. He's got a Bradbury. He's
03:08 got a Bradbury.
03:11 [crowd noise]
