袜子风波杯葛声不断 KK老板觐见元首请求宽恕

  • 5 months ago
新闻报报看 | KK集团创办人兼执行主席蔡志权今天觐见国家元首苏丹依布拉欣陛下,请求宽恕。陛下表示未来须谨慎避免重蹈覆辙。(主播:颜江瀚、洪欣仪)


00:00 The chaos in KK convenience store is endless.
00:03 The cup is still raised and the porcelain is still dropped.
00:05 The founder and CEO of KK Group, Cai Zhiquan,
00:08 met the head of state, His Majesty, Sudan Ibrahim,
00:12 and asked for forgiveness.
00:14 His Majesty later ordered all parties in the letter of face,
00:18 including KK convenience store,
00:19 to be more cautious about all products,
00:22 especially imported products,
00:26 to avoid such a thing happening again.
00:28 His Majesty also quoted the Malay language,
00:30 "Don't let it happen again."
00:33 "Don't let it happen again."
00:36 His Majesty also didn't want to see the living room continue to burn.
00:40 He didn't want anyone to use this incident
00:42 to stir up the public.
00:45 The head of state didn't want to see the chaos and the chaos continue.
00:49 And the inside of the KK convenience store also seemed to want to calm the incident.
00:52 According to the online media, The White's,
00:54 the chairman of KK convenience store, Bangwoda, said,
00:56 "The Supreme Council of the United Nations has ordered their young leader, Akma,
01:00 to stop the pursuit and the boycott."
01:02 "The fact has been proven that the KK convenience store owner
01:05 can't control the supply of socks."
01:07 "Besides, he has also publicly apologized."
01:09 "In addition, the police have intervened in this matter."
01:11 "Therefore, the leaders of the United Nations should agree to stop the storm."
01:16 Bangwoda also emphasized that Sabah's United Nations is not an extremist.
01:19 He said that because
01:21 the former member of the Bidakar, Zan Shilin,
01:26 accused Sabah of being an extremist.
01:29 He tried to blame the incident of the KK convenience store being thrown gas bombs
01:32 on the United Nations.
01:34 He called on the Sabah people to resist the United Nations.
01:37 Bangwoda emphasized that the Beg action had nothing to do with the Sabah United Nations.
01:41 Sabah has always been a multi-ethnic, harmonious and co-existence.
01:44 Muslims often stay with non-Muslims.
01:46 So some former political leaders
01:48 should not involve the incident of the West Bank in the Sabah Uyghur Autonomous Region.
01:52 Then, former Prime Minister Ismail Shabili
01:54 also commented on this matter.
01:56 He told the online media "Freedom Today" in Damascus,
01:59 "Sometimes Muslims can't just ask for other people's respect,
02:02 but also need to respect other nations.
02:04 We must think in a different way,
02:06 and think for others in a different way.
02:08 Because Damascus is a multicultural society,
02:10 different ethnic groups need to understand each other's culture
02:13 in order to avoid similar storms."
02:16 Shabili believes that the incident of the Sabah Uyghur Autonomous Region
02:19 shows that the Malaysians have a lower sensitivity to culture and multiculturalism.
02:23 Therefore, all parties must be careful, cautious, and respectful
02:26 when it comes to religious topics.
02:29 It is important to understand different cultures.
02:32 Although all parties seem to hope to appease the people,
02:36 the former Secretary-General of the United Nations,
02:39 Kyrie, also advised Akram to stop.
02:42 But Akram still refused to give up.
02:44 He emphasized in the "Facebook" this afternoon,
02:47 "As a leader, I should speak up for the people without fear."
02:51 He called on all parties to continue to carry out the KK convention in a peaceful way.
02:57 He wrote,
02:59 "Keep calm, but continue to carry out the KK convention in a peaceful way.
03:05 Stick to the principles."
03:07 So it seems that what Bermuda said,
03:09 what is the highest council's order?
03:11 It seems that Akram has not received it yet.
03:14 Or he received it, but he did not take it seriously.
03:16 [Music]
