袜子风波不断煽动情绪 巫统绑架团结政府?

  • 5 months ago
八点最热报 | KK便利店袜子风波虽然已经进入司法程序,但巫青团长阿克玛依然没有罢休的意思巫统完全不理会其他成员党的感受,甚至现在的巫统比国阵执政时期更肆无忌惮。安华领导的团结政府为了展现得到更多马来人的支持而被巫统绑架了吗?(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 Although the KK's "pickpocket" has entered the judicial process,
00:09 But the leader of the Wuqing Group, Akma, still has no intention of giving up.
00:13 Professor Shaza, the vice professor of the International Islamic University, pointed out during the interview
00:16 The practice of the Wu Tong is no different from the previous administration.
00:19 They use ethnic and religious issues to fight for votes in Malaysia
00:23 They totally ignore the feelings of other members of the party.
00:26 Even now, the Wu Tong is more fearless than during the time of the national government.
00:31 Because it is not a united government, the Wu Tong can be completely irresponsible.
00:35 On the one hand, they enjoy the government resources, but on the other hand, they can do whatever they want.
00:39 In order to show that they have more support from Malays, the Wu Tong was kidnapped.
00:46 Professor Dazu Ding, the professor of UCSI, pointed out in a comment on the recent issue of Freedom in Malaysia
00:50 The Wu Tong is now under the control of both parties, and both sides are working.
00:54 On the one hand, the Wu Tong is still a member of the united government, and defends every policy of the government.
00:59 But on the other hand, the leader of the Wuqing Group, Akma, continues to stir up the Wahzi wave,
01:04 which incites the emotions of the Malays Muslims.
01:07 And because the Wu Tong saw that Akma was stirring up the emotions of some Malays on the Wahzi wave,
01:12 so they hope to attract the votes of the past national alliances.
01:17 Dazu Ding said, if the Wu Tong really thinks that Akma should stop the Wahzi wave,
01:23 the Wu Tong leaders can deal with Akma like expelling Kelly or freezing the Xi Shan Muding party.
01:29 But they didn't do that.
01:31 But Dazu Ding reminded the Wu Tong that this action is actually equivalent to playing with fire.
01:36 Because non-Malay voters may be against the Wu Tong in the upcoming Sabah election.
01:42 He said the only way to teach the Wu Tong is to let non-Malays to beg them in the election,
01:47 just like Akma called for begging KK to be convenient.
01:51 The former Prime Minister Zai Yi pointed out in his social media comments that
01:55 the Wu Tong now allows Akma to continue to push and stop the Wahzi wave,
01:59 showing that the Wu Tong may have split on this issue.
02:03 After the leader has ordered to stop the hype, Akma is not willing to stop.
02:09 This will also put the Wu Tong in a dilemma, and may even face a huge rebound in the future.
02:15 But Dazu thinks that the Wu Tong may think that the unity of the government and the West is just a combination of interests,
02:21 so it does not need to be responsible for the unity of the government,
02:24 and can be like a cannon that is ready to fire.
02:29 UMNO and Pakatan Harapan, as we know it, is a marriage of convenience, right?
02:35 So what I'm trying to say is that I see two different entities here.
02:39 On one hand, yes, we have the government, but UMNO is still on its own.
02:43 So if you're asking if everything that UMNO is doing, how it's going to affect the government,
02:48 it's not good, it's not good for the government.
02:50 But if we think about from UMNO's side, they're not losing anything.
02:54 They're not part of Pakatan Harapan.
02:56 If this government falls for whatever reason, they can just say it's the fall of the Pakatan Harapan government
03:01 and just wipe themselves clean. Nothing to do with them.
03:04 And they can just start again over with whatever support that they may get from all of these issues.
03:09 Professor Shazza of the International Islamic University pointed out during an interview that
03:13 UMNO and the West have never really been integrated as one entity.
03:17 They are just a combination of interests.
03:19 So when the Wu Tong is doing anything, it does not need to be particularly considered the West or the United States.
03:25 And a senior researcher at the Institute of Chinese Studies, Zheng Minglie,
03:28 thinks that Ahmad's high-profile stance on the Wazifan issue actually highlights the internal split of the Wu Tong.
03:33 I think the situation of the Wu Tong is that it's split internally.
03:38 Although Ahmad Zazai is not the party chairman, he has no way to control the party atmosphere and the party's speech.
03:46 The party chairman's status as the Wu Tong has no longer existed.
03:50 Ahmad Zazai has always been a radical person.
03:53 He has finally got a chance.
03:56 For the other members of the party who completely ignored the Wazifan issue,
04:01 the Wu Tong has incited the Malay Muslim community to ignore the non-Muslim sentiments and the harmony between races.
04:07 Shazza pointed out that this kind of behavior is more fearless than when they were in power.
04:12 Because the current Wu Tong and the New Alliance have no consensus at all.
04:15 The Wu Tong is like a cannon that is dragging the river.
04:18 No matter what other people say, it will be swept away.
04:21 They are becoming bigger than when they were before.
04:24 Because when it was part of Barisan Nasional, there was kind of an understanding.
04:28 Yes, UMNO is the big brother.
04:30 Yes, Barisan Nasional is more or less an UMNO vehicle.
04:33 But they still need to respect the others.
04:36 Talking about MCA, MIC and the other parties, Ponggorno.
04:39 They have this respect because at the end of the day, they are one.
04:42 They are Barisan Nasional.
04:44 So there is that understanding.
04:45 But in this situation, they are not really part of Bagatan Harapan.
04:49 So that's why I feel like they can go loose and really go all out.
04:54 Being more vocal.
04:56 But loose cannon right now because they have nothing to lose.
04:59 Shazza believes that whatever the Wu Tong do now, there is no loss.
05:03 Without worrying about being hit by the United Government,
05:06 they only hope to use the "sock wave" to re-enact the image of the Wu Tong in the Malaysian society.
05:12 But Zheng Minglie believes that the Wu Tong has already gone after the 1119 election and the six-week election.
05:18 To some extent, the Wu Tong needs to use the power of the West to survive.
05:22 But the current move may make him lose his mind.
05:26 So maybe when people find out that your influence is gone,
05:30 or if it disappears, they may slowly give up.
05:32 The Wu Tong may have to find another way out.
05:34 He may have to be more and more radical to fight the Islamic Party or the group to advance the votes of the Malaysian society.
05:41 I think it is also limited.
05:42 Because once you lose the support of the West,
05:45 you will inevitably lose the support of the Wu Tong.
05:49 Huaian senior researcher Zheng Minglie pointed out that
05:54 Akhmar's current move is undoubtedly to find the issue of existence,
05:58 and then to highlight the image of the Wu Tong in the Malaysian society to protect Muslims.
06:02 But he believes that doing so will be counterproductive at any time.
06:05 Because the Muslim society is not a piece of iron,
06:08 it may further weaken the support of the Wu Tong in the Malaysian society.
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