仅占团结政府15%议席 扎希: 巫统不该过度索取

  • last month
八点最热报 | 配合2024年巫统代表大会,巫统主席阿末扎希透过Astro Awani访问,隔空向巫统党员和支持者喊话,要党员和基层调整心态,不能再像以前那样一昧地过度索取,因为现在巫统在团结政府当中只占15%的议席,不再是主导的政党了。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
01:00He explained that the reason why there is such a statement is purely because the Uyghur Autonomous Region has not been able to communicate effectively with the Malaysian voters on the cooperation relationship with the Action Party.
01:12He said, for example, that many Uyghur members may not know that when the cabinet meeting was discussing the 3R, that is, the issues of race, religion and royal family, the minister of the Action Party did not oppose the Malaysian privilege, the status of Islam, and the Malaysian rulers.
01:29In cooperation with the 2024 Uyghur Congress, Uyghur President Amor Jassi, through a visit to the Astro Awani sister station,
01:35asked the Uyghur party members and supporters to speak up and ask the party members and grassroots to adjust their mindsets so that they can no longer be excessively selected as before.
01:43Because now, the Uyghur Autonomous Region only accounts for 15% of the seats in the United Government and is no longer the leading political party.
01:51In the past, we were the dominant party, meaning UMNO and Barisan Nasional were the backbone of the government.
01:58Now, we only have about 15% of the entire composition of the government.
02:08So, for such a large number, I think we have to put the blame on ourselves. This is what I want to say.
02:16Amor Jassi asked the Uyghur Autonomous Region to look at the current situation of the Uyghur Autonomous Region,
02:19to see how many races and political elites there are.
02:22He said that we must change the way we used to be.
02:26As for the Uyghur Autonomous Region that needs to be changed, Jassi also mentioned that the Uyghur Autonomous Region must change the mode of transmission of information.
02:32It can no longer use the traditional mode.
02:34The Uyghur Autonomous Region must adopt new media and adopt the influence of Internet celebrities.
02:38The key is no longer face-to-face communication.
02:41We must use new media and we must know that the influence is important.
02:51So far, we have not used them, but others have used them.
02:58I think we should get out of the old bubble.
03:08For more UN videos visit www.un.org
