DPR: Pemerintah Harus Jaga Stabilitas Harga Pangan

  • 5 months ago
Dalam pidato Penutupan Masa Sidang IV Tahun 2023-2024, Ketua DPR RI, Puan Maharani meminta Pemerintah memastikan harga kebutuhan pokok terjangkau dan daya beli masyarakat tetap kuat dalam menyambut momentum Lebaran tahun ini. Puan menegaskan DPR memberikan perhatian besar atas kondisi ekonomi rakyat Saat ini yang tengah menghadapi dampak langsung dari risiko perlambatan ekonomi, akibat perlambatan ekonomi global.


00:00 In the closing speech of the 4th session of the 2023-2024 EMA,
00:05 the Chairperson of the DPR, R.I. Puan Maharani, asked the government to ensure
00:09 the affordable housing prices and the people's purchasing power remain strong
00:13 in welcoming this year's holiday momentum.
00:15 Puan emphasized that the DPR pays great attention to the current economic condition of the people
00:21 who are facing a direct impact of the risk of economic overload due to the global economic overload.
00:27 Puan said that in addition to the global challenge, the Indonesian economy is also facing a domestic challenge,
00:32 namely political consolidation after the 2024 election.
00:35 Because of the price of raw materials, the value of currency exchanges that may be low against the dollar,
00:39 Puan reassured the DPR through constitutional functions.
00:44 The DPR encourages the government to maintain economic stability.
00:51 [Puan Maharani speaks in Indonesian]
00:57 [Puan Maharani speaks in Indonesian]
01:03 [Puan Maharani speaks in Indonesian]
01:10 [Puan Maharani speaks in Indonesian]
01:38 [Puan Maharani speaks in Indonesian]
01:42 [Music]
01:44 [MUSIC]
