Presiden Jokowi Senang Inflasi Terkendali

  • 4 months ago
Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengaku senang dengan capaian stabilitas harga-harga barang dan jasa. Hingga Mei 2024, Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) tercatat inflasi 2,84 persen secara tahunan (year-on-year/yoy)

Presiden mengapresiasi Tim Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah (TPID), baik yang ada di pusat maupun daerah yang telah bekerja keras menjaga inflasi tak melambung.


00:00And let's start with the first information.
00:02President Joko Widodo appreciates the work of the Central Inflation Control Team to the regions,
00:08where Indonesia's inflation in May was at 2.84 percent,
00:13recorded as one of the best in the world.
00:21In the National Coordination Meeting on Inflation Control 2024,
00:25President Joko Widodo appreciates the work of the Central Inflation Control Team to the regions,
00:31where Indonesia's inflation in May was at 2.84 percent,
00:37recorded as one of the best in the world.
00:40Joko Widodo said that Indonesia's inflation in 9 to 10 years was still at 9.6 percent,
00:48but now it has dropped drastically to 2.8 percent.
00:53The head of the state also admitted that the current inflation rate is the best in the world.
00:59In addition, Indonesia's economic growth is also at 5.11 percent.
01:06First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude
01:13to the Central Inflation Control Team and the Regional Inflation Control Team
01:20who have worked hard to control the inflation,
01:30so that our inflation in May was at 2.84 percent.
01:42This is one of the best in the world.
01:47The achievement of inflation and economic growth is breaking news
01:51in the midst of an uncertain global economy.
01:54Therefore, the government stresses that the Indonesian economic sector remains vigilant,
01:59careful, and should not be under the influence of global uncertainty.
02:04From Jakarta, I am Aidek Syedah.
