Episode 12:The Black Knight Unmasked!
Episode Summary:
The Llinger Kingdom decides to interrogate the captured Black Knight in preparation for the next battle. Before agreeing to the interrogation, the Black Knight demands to meet with Usato. The request is granted, and Usato arrives at the prison where the Black Knight is being held. Usato notices that the Black Knight is injured and heals the enemy's wounds. Healed by Usato's healing magic, the Black Knight then...
Ken Usato is an ordinary high school student. On his way home from school, he is swallowed up by a magic circle along with student council president Suzune Inukami and his classmate Kazuki Ryusen. The next thing they know, they find themselves in another world. The three of them were summoned as "heroes" to fight against the Demon Lord's army that's invading the kingdom. However, it turns out that only Suzune and Kazuki have what it takes to become heroes. Usato was just summoned by accident! The situation changes drastically when it is discovered that Usato has an aptitude for "healing magic." Rose, the leader of the Rescue Squad, appears and takes Usato away by force. What awaits Usato is a hellish training regimen beyond anything he could have ever imagined!
Episode Summary:
The Llinger Kingdom decides to interrogate the captured Black Knight in preparation for the next battle. Before agreeing to the interrogation, the Black Knight demands to meet with Usato. The request is granted, and Usato arrives at the prison where the Black Knight is being held. Usato notices that the Black Knight is injured and heals the enemy's wounds. Healed by Usato's healing magic, the Black Knight then...
Ken Usato is an ordinary high school student. On his way home from school, he is swallowed up by a magic circle along with student council president Suzune Inukami and his classmate Kazuki Ryusen. The next thing they know, they find themselves in another world. The three of them were summoned as "heroes" to fight against the Demon Lord's army that's invading the kingdom. However, it turns out that only Suzune and Kazuki have what it takes to become heroes. Usato was just summoned by accident! The situation changes drastically when it is discovered that Usato has an aptitude for "healing magic." Rose, the leader of the Rescue Squad, appears and takes Usato away by force. What awaits Usato is a hellish training regimen beyond anything he could have ever imagined!