Nicastro (Penny Italia): "90% fornitori italiani che sviluppano l’80% del nostro fatturato"

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Vogliamo ampliare una gamma di prodotti ed eccellenze regionali a marchio”. Lo ha detto Pasquale Nicastro, direttore acquisti Penny Italia, a margine dell’evento Penny & Partners Forum che ha visto la partecipazione, a Milano, di oltre mille imprese italiane. Un appuntamento pensato per delineare opportunità di business attraverso partnership capaci di generare sinergie e crescita condivisa, che si inserisce tra gli eventi “giornata nazionale del Made in Italy".
00:00Today we have 90% of Italian suppliers who develop 80% of our invoicing.
00:11Obviously, the difference is due to the fact that many of the suppliers are regional and local suppliers,
00:16and this is increasingly part of our assortment development policy.
00:21Italians, even in times of crisis, even in times of restrictions, choose the Italian product.
00:27What we want to do is to expand the range of Italian and regional products under our brand,
00:37and at the same time we want to develop regional excellences,
00:42that is, products that are excellent at the level of the single region,
00:46and therefore with single producers, very localized,
00:50to give them the opportunity to test their product throughout Italy.
