Myplant & Garden, Randazzo: “prodotto italiano esporta il 70%”

  • 8 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il 20% degli espositori arriva dall'estero e cresce l'arrivo di visitatori stranieri, un elemento fondamentale dato che il prodotto italiano esporta al 70%”. È il commento di Valeria Randazzo, responsabile di manifestazione Myplant & Garden, in apertura dell'ottava edizione dell’omonima kermesse in svolgimento a Rho Fiera Milano dal 21 al 23 febbraio.


00:00 [music]
00:08 We expect great influx, last year we had 23,000 visitors, so certainly a growth.
00:15 For Scaramazia we do not say how much it will be, we still hope a lot, but surely the exhibitors have grown,
00:23 so we are over 760 brands in exhibition because they are really almost 100 more than last year.
00:31 It is a great comparison because MyPlant has 360 degrees all the aspects of the green line,
00:40 so from machinery, sports green, everything that the gardener needs in a pavilion,
00:50 to then move to the heart of floriculture in pavilion 16,
00:54 then reach the whole world of technology, all the products for the garden centers and the world of decoration,
01:01 so the whole world of flowers, the great spread of colors in pavilion 12 and 8,
01:08 so really nothing is missing, nothing is missing on what is green, the garden, the landscape and floral decorations.
01:18 20% of exhibitors come from abroad because they have business relations with the exhibitors themselves and with the public,
01:30 but great influx now really begins to grow, the arrival of foreign visitors,
01:37 this is a fundamental element also because we know that the Italian product exports at 70%,
01:46 so the visit and the commercial part of foreign visits is important.
