Financial Forum 2024, Gubian (Axiante): “Aiuto al cambiamento assumendoci i rischi”

  • 6 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Il cambiamento è il punto in cui Axiante aiuta le aziende: aiutiamo il cambiamento dei processi digitali, facendolo nell'ottica del business partner e assumendoci i rischi, lavorando sui processi e sull'impatto lo delle persone prima ancora che sugli aspetti tecnologici. Ma anche condividendo gli stessi obiettivi del cliente". Sono queste le parole di Mirko Gubian, global demand senior manager & partner di Axiante, a margine del Financial Forum 2024, l'appuntamento italiano dell'innovazione nella finanza d'impresa, dedicato alla discussione sul ruolo chiave del Chief Financial Officer (Cfo) nell’implementazione delle nuove strategie di business, per favorire la trasformazione digitale e organizzativa delle imprese.


00:00The main challenge we see is the challenge related to change, we have seen it in some
00:10interventions in today's session and under all the profiles, change is common to every
00:17aspect that the CFO is bound to have to manage, so the change that always translates
00:25into processes, into regulations, into technologies, the CFO has to respond
00:33strongly to change and it is increasingly a change that goes through the whole company
00:42and in this the CFO is maturing, it is changing, it has already evolved in reality and is therefore
00:47a business partner of all his colleagues, of all the C-Levels, to manage change as best
00:53he can. This change is exactly the point at which Axiante helps its customers, helps
01:01companies, it is a change that must be managed, we mainly deal with technology
01:07and therefore we do not deal with some aspects of change, but we deal with it precisely by helping
01:13the CFO in the process of change, in the change of digital processes. How do we do it?
01:20We do it with the perspective of the business partner, business partner means for Axiante not only
01:26being a supplier for his client, but being a real partner, being a partner
01:32means taking risks, it means starting from what are the business goals of our
01:39client and starting from these goals, working first on the technological aspects, on the aspects
01:47of the process and on the aspects of impact on people. Only then are the technological aspects
01:53introduced, which are absolutely not to be overlooked. Another fundamental aspect
02:00of the way in which we help our customers, as I said before, is the assumption of risk,
02:06because Axiante helps its customers through a strong assumption of risk, very often
02:13taking pieces of a project or projects with a key mode in hand, where we link the success
02:21of the project to what is the real revenue of Axiante. In this way, Axiante
02:27acts as a real partner for the finance office, for the CFO's office, assuming that it has
02:34the same business goals as its client and assuming the risk of the realization
02:40of the digital transformation.
