Pnrr, Gentiloni: “2026 scadenza molto rigida”

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - La scadenza del 2026 per la Recovery and Resilience Facility, cuore di Next Generation Eu, è "molto rigida". Non per volere della Commissione europea, ma degli "Stati membri" dell’Ue, che così l’hanno voluta nel 2020, quando hanno approvato il Recovery Plan, poi declinato nei vari Pnrr nazionali. A ricordare ancora una volta che le speranze in una proroga dei termini del piano rischiano di essere mal riposte è stato il commissario europeo all’Economia Paolo Gentiloni, a Lussemburgo a margine dell’Eurogruppo.
00:00I would say that the decline is very rigid, not because of the Commission's intention,
00:10but because the governments, when they decided Next Generation EU,
00:15they gave a very rigid decline.
00:17And we must remember that the part that concerns the emission of Eurobonds
00:27and that it has a decline in 2026
00:30is a part that is born from the approval of the 27 parliaments.
00:37So it's not just unanimity,
00:40but it's unanimity coupled with the expression of a parliamentary vote.
00:45Nothing is impossible,
00:47but I think we all have to seriously consider that the decline is in 2026.
00:54It's different from the speech that says
00:57that this method of financing common goals in common,
01:05even when Next Generation EU will be concluded,
01:09can be used for other goals.
01:11And this is a discussion, not in four years,
01:15it's a discussion of this week,
01:17for example, regarding the European Common Defence.
01:21And I think it's an important discussion.
